Monday, March 29, 2010

I Think They Call This Nesting

It’s 3:47 in the morning right now and I’m writing this why? I’m not sure. All I know is my brain is running a million miles a minute and I can’t slow down. It’s like I’m on crack… But I’m not. And I swear I don’t know what that’s like from experience—Really, it’s just an example.

I’ve made myself a “to-do list” for my days off. Actually, list isn’t the right word. I should call it a schedule. Yes… A “to-do schedule.” I’ve found I can write 20 things on a list and only do five because I loose track of time and don’t get to everything. Then, next thing I know my workweek has started again and I’m kicking myself for STILL not setting the dang crib up!

I think they call this nesting.

I’m organizing my craft area, hanging up baby clothes, and sewing tutus, dresses, baby legs… And anything else I can find a simple tutorial for that belongs on a child between the age of 0-12 months.

I want to rearrange all of my kitchen cabinets... Not the doors but the stuff in them. I don't like where anything is and we need space for bottles and bottle cleaners. I found random things like flashlights and other electronics in one cabniet. WHY?! My husband put them there... That's not a good place, I must rearrange it NOW!

I’m planning my work schedule. How many days off do I have left before my daughter is born? How many stories can I produce and save to air while I’m gone? How much overtime is this going to cost me now? Can I handle it?—OF COURSE I CAN! Next!

Blogging. Three blogs and a guest blog… Not counting the family blog I neglected months ago. How many posts can I write in a day to make my editors happy? How many posts can I write in a day so I don’t have to write any for another two weeks? Then there’s more time for tutu making. Ooh.. Maybe a post ABOUT tutu making. I think I remember reading something on the NY Times about getting 28,549 hits on posts about tutu making.

I responded to several emails I’ve been neglecting for days... Ok maybe weeks. A sweet girl from church—my visiting teacher—wants to visit with me. I wrote her back too.

My baby girl is kicking me because she’s a night owl too… But I’m supposed to be asleep. She’s wondering why the lights are on… She can tell they’re on now you know.“Hang out with my husband.” That’s on my list. Not because I’d forget or anything, but just a reminder. I penciled him in on my schedule from 1:15-3:30pm. After that he’s going to help me clean the upstairs… Again. Usually I’m the one helping him, but I WANT to clean. I do. I wrote it on my list!

I wrote “eat” on my schedule too. It’s sad but sometimes I forget.

It’s 4:01am now. Writing this post wasn’t on my schedule because I was suppose to be in bed three hours ago. I forgot to put “sleep” on my list. That’s important too. People keep telling me I should enjoy it now. But it’s hard because I’m also enjoying this thing called “nesting.”


  1. Eating, sleeping and hanging out with hubby should be high on your list - you'll have less time for all three once the baby comes.

    I hope you can find time in your schedule to relax!

  2. I didn't nest with my first, but I did with my last two. With my 4 month old though, it was CRAZY. I actually typed a three page nesting list. Yes, I did say typed. There are a series of blogs on my blog dedicated to the list. I took down all the blinds in my house and scrubbed them. I got on my hands and knees and scrubbed around the edges of the kitchen floor and both bathroom floors. I cleaned out, vacuumed and rearranged ALL of my kitchen cabinets and the pantry. My daughter cleaned right along with me with her handy spray bottle of water and clean sponge. You could never tell now that my house sparkled since I have a 23 month old tornado on the loose and a 4 month old who demands holding from sun up to sun down, but at least my blinds are still nice and clean!

  3. Oh yes! Nesting, definitely. I had it big time towards the end when I was pregnant with my little man. I am hoping I have the energy this time around to have it kick in again, because I could for sure use it! I am doing spring cleaning lists on my blog, maybe that can help your nesting!
    Try to get some sleep though!

  4. I didn't do the nesting thing with my first pregnancy. And I'm not sure how close to labor you have to be to "nest", but I've been cleaning a lot more than usual this pregnancy! I hope that I go through a nesting phase closer to when my baby is actually due! (But, honestly, I hope I don't get it as bad as you have it! lol I would be terrified of having a major crash down and not having any energy when it really matters!)

  5. You're endlessly cute!

    When my first was born, I just stared at her all night long. She was sooo cute and wiggly.

    hurray for naps.

  6. Do it with me.. BREATHE... You are so funny, your list is longer than mine with 7 chldren.. nest away girl!

  7. You are too cute! I love that you assigned times to everything! Hugs!

  8. Haha - I love "to-do" lists as well, keeps me on track!

  9. i think you're nesting for about 4 pregnant women! I still havent nested but i'm just TOO your thang girl while you have all that energy tho!

  10. We should exchange phone numbers, because I was up at 3 too. :/

    I haven't hit the nesting phase yet. I'm still in the sleep-all-the-time-do-nothing-at-all-stage. It would be better if the urge to sleep came at 2 AM instead of 2 PM, but it's clearly not up to me. :)

  11. Most likely you'll post like this often when the baby comes. That's when sleepless nights will come in handy.

  12. Yay for nesting!!

    So, our lease ends the week before my due date... we're thinking of renting a duplex this time aorund? Eh, all I know is this is going to be a "fun" summer. So with that in mind, my nesting hasn't been very baby related. Mostly I've been organizing and throwing old things away (half because I want new things and half because I want to declutter). Usually I regret throwing said things away the next week, but I feel like I have to do SOMETHING. I'm going crazy not being able to have a nursery to decorate yet. You can enlist me if you need help with yours, eh? eh?

    Your list makes me feel happy. I'm an avid list maker... but not so good at crossing things off it. =\

    We really need to have dinner... hate to pressure you, but really... I've been such a lazy friend... it's been long over due. Let's put it on our lists and see what happens. =]

  13. lol, you are SO nesting! It's like a freight train, there's no stopping it. I nested something fierce with both pregnancies AND an adoption!

  14. Wow, I'm impressed that your to do list actually has times on them! When I was nesting, I would write lists all the time on my daily planner. The problem though, is that I wouldn't do them. I guess that wasn't really nesting then. . .

  15. We should exchange phone numbers, because I was up at 3 too. :/

    I haven't hit the nesting phase yet. I'm still in the sleep-all-the-time-do-nothing-at-all-stage. It would be better if the urge to sleep came at 2 AM instead of 2 PM, but it's clearly not up to me. :)


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