Friday, April 30, 2010

Hair Removal Before The BIG DAY!

I have yet to go to Brazil but I have had "a taste of Brazil" if you know what I mean (wink wink nudge nudge).

DISCLAIMER: Let's start with saying if you are ulrta-conservative, a member of my family or get bashful when you hear the words "Brazilian Wax" let's save both of us the embarrassment, reading this post probably isn't for you. I'm not a very private person. And I figured I'd give some words of wisdom for my lady friends who may be curious about the same thing.

If you've read my blog awhile and you're familiar with my post "To Brazil and Back" this will be very similar, but now, knowing that my lady parts will soon become a spectacle to many different people I have a different perspective on all of these techniques so I'm adding my "Preggo Commentary"

After watching some very graphic Youtube videos (why do I do this to myself, I don't know) and some even more graphic in my Lamaze class, I'm a little nervous, and I'm wondering what I can do to be a little less uneasy about that idea.

Besides my OB, and before that, my yearly visit to the GYNO no strange person gets to see my whooha. I'll admit, now that I'm pregnant, how things appear "down there" is one of the last things on my mind but as I get closer to D-Day that's starting to change.

We'll start with the problem: Hair. Sometimes ya just don't wait it in certain areas...
I've tried many different tactics to rid myself of the blasted stuff. Remember my birth control post? Well this is going to be a similar but a little less elaborate, oh and maybe more graphic.

I started to consider lazier hair removal but once I heard it was painful and that it's harder on people with dark skin, I put that idea on hold. Here are my other previous-pre-pregnancy attempts.

Pre- Pregnancy: If you're going to try it this way I only suggest you get a mirror, doing the balancing act in front of the bathroom mirror just won't cut it. Plus, you could get hurt! Trust me, slipping and sliding with a razor blade in your hand aimed at very important bodily organs is NOT a good idea.

The results: Nice for about a day then ya feel like a porcupine. A few days later... a porcupine with an itch. I give it /5 stars cause it can be worse.

Preggo: It's a totally different story when you've got a 7-month belly blocking your view of the mirror and everything else... I kind of chalk this up to being too dangerous to try.

Nair/Veet Stuff
.5 /5
Pre-pregnancy: I should have known this wasn't the best idea from the beginning. After spending 20 minutes down the hair removal isle trying to decide whether to get the sensitive skin or bikini.. Finally choosing some kind of sensitive (with aloe vera) I did everything wrong.

... The label says something like 3 minutes. To make sure it worked REALLY well I decided to add another 5--First bad idea.

...The label says to avoid certain sensitive areas and I tried but I just wanted it ALL gone so I gave into my internal temptations and just put it all over--Second bad idea.

...I waited another couple of minuets before really trying to take it all off (tripling the directed time), then got the water really hot-- Third and Fourth bad idea.

...I closed my legs--The WORST idea.

I knew something was wrong when I felt the burning. 'Jump in the tub' was my first though but the water was so hot I didn't know which was burning me more.

Let's just say the next 5-10 minuets of trying to get the stuff off was some of the worst pain I've ever experienced. Every swipe felt like I was peeling my skin off with an acidic rake.

Ladies, I know we're told to keep our legs closed but this is one instance you DON'T want to do it. Or better yet... don't put the stuff there!

I get it .5 stars /5 if you follow the directions.

Preggo: I'm not sure if it's even safe to use while pregnant since you're using all of those chemicals, plus the spell is UGH... it just can't be good. Plus, with my mistakes last time I'd be worried Id' screw up and Spawnie would come out bald.

Smooth Away (as seen on TV)
If you've seen the infomercials for Smooth Away, don't be fooled! They show women softly caressing their legs, zoom in and show a silky smooth leg free from hair. They give you smaller pads to use in "the bikini" area. After trying it on my legs and realizing instead of turning my leg nice, shiny, and smooth it was just smooth and ashy. It also wasn't an easy "wipe on wipe off" motion it was more like "push down real hard and get a workout while trying to wipe the hair away." I seriously can skip an arm workout at the gym after smoothing my legs away. After testing on my legs I realized it doesn't get the hair as close as shaving does, and it makes the area you use it on real tender... I opted not to try it on my goodies.
/5 stars /5 stars for the workout you get while trying.

Preggo: Still not willing to try on my goodies, though I'm sure I should build up some pain tolerance before labor, I'm not sure I want to do it with that.

Pre-Pregnancy: Ok here we go, here's where it gets good. I had always been curious about getting a Brazilian wax. The fact that I have the lowest pain tolerance imaginable kept me from trying it for years. Two things made me brave enough to do it. 1. I found to one of my ultra conservative friends gets one regularly. Waaa? 'If SHE can do it, I can do it,' I thought. 2. It came up in a conversation with one of my girlfriends who had also never had a Brazilian and we decided to take the leap together! We sort of worked as each other's coach.

In preparation I did a lot of research. I came across a story about one woman taking a bite stick in with her. I wanted to do that--Anything that would help. I heard of No Scream Cream but not until after the fact. So I drugged up on ibuprofen and hoped for the best.

Having a friend with me gave me motivation to try not to scream... Or at least not first.

I had never had anything besides my eyebrows waxed before so I had no idea the surprise I was in for. Everyone I'd asked about it said it hurt a lot but said it was worth it. All I kept thinking was 'it had better be!'

The torturer esthetician was nice. She tried to make good conversation but really, all I wanted to do was focus on not screaming.
"Does anyone ever cry?" I asked her.
"Oh no, if you cried I'd feel really bad."

Great... Pressure.
"Well, I've never had anything waxed before. Nothing besides my eyebrows," I told her, hoping to get some sympathy-Permission to cry if need be.

I told her I almost brought a bite stick and she offered me a towel. Great! I'll take it. I shoved the towel in my mouth and braced myself for the unimaginable pain I knew would soon be bestowed upon me.

Now, I'm not sure why they do this but the scenario would go something like this:
"So what are you studying?" She'd ask me, probably trying to lighten the mood, although I was in no mood for talking. Besides, I had the towel in my mouth, remember?

I'd take the towel out, and begin to answer...
"Broadcast..... JOOOOOOOOUUUUURNALISM!!!!" Right as the first, and worst strip of hair was ripped away. Why did she do that? Couldn't she have at least waited for me to put the towel back in my mouth?

I could feel the tears start to form. I felt betrayed.

"Oh yea?" She'd say, and she's ask a series of follow up questions I'd try to answer as quickly as possible as not to be fooled again.

The whole process took about an hour... Yea, an hour of: Question, Ans-RIIIIP!!! wer!!!

I wasn't alone though, my friend said it wasn't easy for her either. After it all I felt accomplished, brave, and like I had achieved a new level of womanhood. I told them all it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but really... It was.

The good news: A month later it was still nice and silky smooth. I looked like a plucked chicken the first couple of days but after the tenderness went away I was LOVIN it! I felt lighter, nicer, cleaner and just better!

I went for a second round but nearly a year later (I tested out those other products in between) and decided/learned it's best to NOT shave between those. Good news though--It only took 15 minutes the last time! I went to a much better salon known for their 15-minute Brazilians.

In the end I recommend finding a GOOD salon for those. Do your research and don't pick some place just cause it's cheap. Take a bite stick or ask for a towel to keep from screaming and prepared to be tricked into answering questions right as they pull the trigger.

Preggo: I really don't know any other way that I can get rid of the stuff unless I have help. I mean, I can't see my TOES for heaven's sakes, much less my lady parts. I'll be dealing with some SERIOUS pain when baby girl is on her way out so maybe I should build up the tolerance now. You know... Like boot camp before the war.

It's a different kind of pain though, that's for sure, and while you're pregnant you're EXTRA sensitive in that area so I'm sure it will only hurt more... Way more. I may even cry. So I'm not sure if it's worth it. I'm also not sure if I'll want a mirror during labor now.

**Additional info for those who have asked**
A Brazilian way takes away ALL the hair I mean Everythang girl! A Playboy takes away everything but what they call a "landing strip" (don't ask me why they call it that) but I guess they leave a little section (which you can actually get designed like a heart or something if you're interested). And yea, you pretty much get totally naked. The first time I went they gave me wannabe panties and moved them from side to side and the second time the lady was like "You might as well take everything off cause I'm gonna see it all anyway." But hey, if you can deliver a baby you can do this, trust me!!

I give Brazilians a /5 because let's face it... It hurts. And the trickery, that's not cool.

For the ladies who have given birth before I'm sure a Brazillian wax would be like NOTHING, but maybe it's not really that big of a deal how ya look "down there." I mean, doctors have seen everything right?


  1. I've done so many brazillians in my life I can't count, seriously no big deal. It all depends who you go to though, go to someone who has been waxing for like 10 years haha. If they pull it fast it will just feel like a quick prick and then you're done! It also helps if you breath out while they pull. My waxing girl was really good at making sure my whooha was completely covered with just enough room to wax the area. I think if you express your conservative desires I think people are pretty good at complying. Good luck!

  2. Thank you for this post!

    I was asking myself the same question over and over again. Do I remove or do I stay hairy! Thanks again for the great post!

  3. While I haven't gone there myself as far as waxing... though I'm considering what to do with my upcoming wedding, I can speak volumes as my former boss who was pregnant and due to deliver was religious about going before the baby was about to be delivered and getting waxed and a mani pedi. It was hilarious to me really, but when I thought about it - it made sense. Note: she was having a C-section, so her rationale was that they were going to have to shave pre-surgery that she would much rather get waxed on her own time than deal with what you described earlier! :) So I say- if you get positive reviews regarding pain and the experience-- Go for it! Whatever will make you feel most comfortable. PS... I love keeping up and reading your journey. Love it! :)

  4. OMG you have terrified me! I'm the momma who went jungle-rific when preggo because I couldn't do anything else (CUT myself trying. yeah.) and couldn't go to the salon due to bed rest. I've never had a Brazilian but have always kind of wanted to try it. Nair and shaving and all that gives me the worst bumps but it's either bumps or bush lady. Neither scenario appeals.

    Thanks for the info, though. It was entertaining AND when/if I do it, I will def. ask around and find a good salon!

  5. I've wanted one for years but I'm scared & embarassed, LOL!

  6. All I gotta say is you should NEVER go to someone who takes an hour! My esthetician takes 10 minutes to do a brazilian and she's the best one I've ever been too! I went to one after her once that took 45 minutes, BIG mistake! She went over and over spots and burned me with wax and it is too painful a thing to have it done for that long! 20 minutes tops! If it's more run the other way and don't look back! If they are truly good they should know what's up too! That's what my esthetician told me too :)

  7. I am yet to do a Brazillian, but this summer is inevitable. It will be done! Thanks for the reminder.

  8. OMG! I wish I had your stones! I would love to go get this done and not have to be hairy down there but I just can not get over the whole pain issue and having another woman see me all hairy and gross and judging me. You're so brave and my new hero!

  9. I have always chickened out when it comes to the Brazilian - even after I cut my hoo-ha trying to shave it during one of my pregnancies. With my last pregnancy, I took a "who-the-hell-cares" attitude and just left it au natural. I figure they've seen everything anyway!

  10. wow an hour! I got one done ONCE and it wasn't that long although I will NEVER do it again! It hurt like heck and mine certainly didn't stay smooth for a month. It was red and hurt for like 2 days after and then started to come back in like a week a half. No thank you for me! lol

  11. I really want to get a Brazilian. I hate shaving. If it wasn't so darn itchy and I could actually see everything, shaving might be OK. Honestly, when I was pregnant, I just gave up trying to keep my lady bits hair free. I could barely shave my legs, who was I kidding trying to shave down south?

  12. I've considered a Brazilian just for, y'know, my OWN purposes, but I admit that I've always wussed out. I like the idea of getting a friend to do it with me. Maybe I'll check in with my girls and see if any of them have done it and can recommend somebody. Thank you for the burst of courage! :)

  13. oh yes, I've been down that road. I have really thick black leg hair, so I've tried everything under the sun to try to get smooth legs. I finally started doing laser hair removal, and it's been the best thing ever! Painful too, but I hardly EVER have too shave anymore and my legs are finally smooth.

  14. I decided to go natural for my delivery. It's true OB/GYNs have seen it all. I admit that being a shaver, I was a little worried about being judge. However, I couldn't imagine going to get waxed during my pregnancy. I kept having this bad dream of my water breaking after the first strip was waxed away because the pain would be so bad.

    And I even turned down my fiance's offer to shave me himself. As far as I knew he had no experience in shaving a woman down there. Not to mention, I had witnessed many battles between his facial hair and his razor. Not a pretty outcome. And another thing, I had worked my shaving routine down to a science. I mean it takes a lot of trial and error with finding the right razor, shaving cream and post shaving moisturizer.

    I was not about to let him ruin me. However, I was brave enough to arm myself with a pair of hair scissors, a full body mirror and a towel. Since, my belly was sitting high enough that I could see my bikini/landing strip zone, I used the scissors to trim away as much of the hair I get. I quickly found myself in a dilemma as to how to trim the hair in between. Let's just say it took a chair and a lot of moving before I found I position (not so comfortable when you have a belly the size of Texas sitting in your face) that allowed me to somewhat see and went for it.

    I felt like if I was going to have hair down there, it might as well be tamed. LOL. However, I have been leaning more towards taking a trip to Brazil myself. And as soon as I get my hand a good numbing cream, I'm going to rustle up a friend and go.

  15. This is never something I've considered before...will have to keep this in mind if/when I get pregnant!

  16. Give hubs a trimmer and cross your fingers. Trimmed close to the skin is better than bald and bleeding. Ouch!

  17. i've not gone all the way to brazil, but i did go for the bikini wax last week. it sucks big time while it is happening, but is so much better than all of the other options. i've tried all the ones you mention, and they are all terrible. my hubs just doesn't understand what i go through.

  18. My husband helped out when I was pregnant! I was DETERMINED to stay hair free everywhere even after getting huge and he offered to paint my toe nails but with enough configuring I could still do that alone. :]

  19. LOL. Love your post. I went to wax my legs at a Salon and screamed like a big baby - needless to say I've never had a brazilian. I just shave. The first couple of times I needed a mirror but became a real pro (especially while I was pregnant.) I applaud ya for doing it and would suggest that you get something done beforehand cause when you have spawnie the last thing your gonna wanna deal with those first couple of weeks is grooming that area. :o) It took me a month and a half before I put a razor anywhere near my vajayjay.

  20. hahaha awww!!!! im not pregnate and IM scared to get one!! let me know how it goes!

  21. I got a brazilian at 36 weeks, 5 days with my first daughter. And it was the worst experience of my entire life. The aestician used hot wax and I had a really bad reaction to it - let's just say, it involved blisters, topical cortisone cream and, eventually, steroids. I swore to myself that I would never do it again. But I will be 36 weeks pregnant tomorrow with my second and I made an appointment for another one. The place that I went to is more of a medi-spa and known for the brazilian waxes. I'll let you know how it goes :)


  22. The only time in my whole life I've considered a Brazillian wax is RIGHT NOW. Holy crap. I can hardly shave my LEGS without falling over in the shower. I've already resorted to shaving while sitting in an empty bathtub. I think I'm gonna do it. I'll let ya know how it goes, although by the time I get it done, Spawnie will already be here. So how about YOU let ME know how it goes. :)

  23. It is refreshing to have someone post about this. I do hate shaving but I have never considered waxing due to pain and modesty concerns. I've only known one person who had a Brazilian and she told me NEVER to consider it since it was so painful. I think you are right though reseraching a salon who specializes in Brazilians would make a world of difference.

    P.S. I got my March of Dimes hair bows yesterday. So adorable!

  24. I've never been keen on Brazillians -- mostly b/c I can't understand why someone would want to look 12 years old down there. To each their own, I guess. I've always just kept things trim and neat with a pair of sharp little scissors and a mirror.

    With pregnancy, however, that was next to impossible past about the 6 or 7 month mark, as you've already observed. I basically just did what I could and said to hell with the rest. You may think you'll be self-conscious during labor, but past a certain point, you'll probably have no freaking idea what's going on around you. My friend/co-worker who came as an extra doula/support person wasn't able to show up until I was in the throes of active labor. She walked in to me totally naked, on my hands and knees in a blow up pool in my living room, and screaming my face off. And I didn't give a damn. In fact, I barely noticed her until she'd been there a while.

    And I can assure you, the LAST thing I was thinking about during any of that was the state of my girly parts. Well, I was really worried about them, but not because of any grooming issues ;)

  25. TMI...TMI!!

  26. lol.. I love it. I quietly giggled as I read, thinking "yup, yup- been there.. " or "oh my goodness- she's not gonna... she did." ha..
    I must say, there is something feminine about getting a Brazilian... You feel sooo good. Clean, light and idk.. just good. I haven't been back since the wedding--instead been opting for other venues to avoid the temporary pain.

    I use an Intuition razor.. the ones that have soap around the blades? They actually soften, moisturize and I haven't had any razor burn since I started using them... So post-pregnancy, I think you should try it! :)

  27. I really LOVE Brazilians! I haven't had one in a while though. I probably will revisit them this summer.

  28. I vote for letting your husband handle it.
    I'm not pregnant but DH has volunteered on many occasions to hook me up. It's great foreplay and he will be certain to be extra gentle.

  29. Just be VERY careful! I am an esthetician turned SAHM for a while and I used to do lots of brazillians when I was at the salon and that was way back when they were still pretty hush hush in the midwest :) I didn't try one while I was preggo because I usually did my own and didn't know of anyone experienced enough to trust. I did have a couple reg clients who discontinued them after their first appt while pregnant. The swelling and increased sensitivity are prob your biggest concerns and then you will also bleed more and if you haven't noticed the hair grows faster there too. Good luck! I am interested to hear how this turns out for you. If you go to a specialized place really they should know all about things to watch for when waxing a preg gal.

  30. You know, I've never done one, because I've been too scared. I've wanted to but the pain freaks me out. But you know I delievered both kids all crazy hair down there and i was fine. But looking back, I think I might have done it. Just thinking about the bleeding that occurs after you know cause you haven't had your period for 9 might be worth it. You just feel so gross and dirty because you are bleeding so much. So I think it's a great idea to get one. I think with my next I will actually go through with it. Just for the after labor part. If you say you feel clean then I would want that.

  31. I'd rather go through unmedicated labor again. OK maybe not. It is worth it to be so hair-free. But MAN it hurts. I got a B-wax a week before my due date. I wouldn't say it hurt more than when I got one when I wasn't pregnant, but it did hurt like the dickens. I intended on getting the full brazilian when I went in, but it hurt too bad and I opted for the playboy. That was plenty good enough for me and the hospital staff, I'm sure. A lot of ladies don't even do anything down there. But it did help me feel more relaxed about the big day, and it will help prepare you for (or put you into) labor, so I say go for it! :)

  32. Great post! haha! I have gotten a Bikini wax (just the sides) twice, and loved how long it lasted. I am scared to get one now while I am pregnant, but the thought has crossed my mind... I hate not being able to see below my belly to at least shave and trim!

  33. People really remove all the hair down there on a regular basis? I can barely stand to shave my bikini line during swim season! My best friend has gotten a few Brazilians, but I just don't see the point. Like others have said, I think I will not care what the state of affairs are down there with the hair when it comes time for labor and delivery. And if I do feel self-conscious, I think I'll enlist my husband's help for a trim job.

    Having said all that, I am getting laser hair removal for my bikini line, and it's awesome! I have my second appointment next week.

  34. I was really concerned about this too when I was pregnant. A month before my due date, hubby took the trimmer 'down south' and did a nice trim job. I ended up going into delivery 3 weeks early so thank God hubby had done the trim job the week before. It wasn't SO 'au natural' that I was embarrassed at the hospital which was good - BUT I think while you are in delivery you could have something that looks like Don King in a headlock and you wouldn't care one bit!! I had a c-section so I had an audience looking at my naked body and the thought NEVER crossed my mind.

  35. I'm sorry, I don't care what you say, I've never had a labor/birth that was nearly as painful as that waxing sounded. Ouch!

  36. When you're in labor, you won't care if you're shaved or waxed. Your doctor/midwife won't care either. You have extra blood and hormones in your system and even if you've waxed before, you may not react the same way and you may react very badly. Do you really want to risk adding more trauma to your pubis just before birth? You will be sore and bleeding for possibly weeks after birth - you really want to add that in too? Trim if you want, if it bothers you. But why should it bother you at all in the first place?

  37. Oh Ok So I applaud you for even THINKING about a Brazilian while your prego. I am a shave, a pro shaver... I always get a good cut and am left smooth. Maybe it's the products and the razors I use. I shaved all through my pregnancy with my daughter and was so HAPPY I did not have to worry about having hair down there. However despite the fact that I'm a shaver you have convinced me to go Brazilian. YES!! This summer I'm going Brazilian. I mean I LOVE my body so if it will make my whooha even more smoother less do it!! I highly doubt it will be more painful then labor pains. I feel like a conqueror now!! ;)

  38. I didn't have problems shaving down there even at term, I rec. shaving in the shower and not using a mirror. You may not get everything but it is at least tided up.

  39. I have never been brave enough to try one.. I just might have to. But honestly during labor I really wasn't worried about how I looked down there I just wanted that baby out

  40. I love your blog and I feel the need to post on this topic. I am a black woman, your complexion and I laser the hair down there, my legs, armpits. It is the BEST think I ever did. There are lasers made specifically for women with dark hair and dark skin, including italian, greek. The laser is called YAG laser and I got the Brazilian laser, it takes ten minutes and it is not painful, slight discomfort, similarl to getting stung by an elastic band. And the best thing about laser is that the discoloration that you get from other hair removals fades. And NO INGROWN HAIR..I cannot believe it..I never thought I would get rid of it. I go to Urban Skin solutions of Charlotte, they offer other services but it is worth the investment. Your area is so smooth.and at most you run the razor over it..just to remove the hair that comes up from the Look into med spas that use YAG hair removal.

  41. Hey! Just wanted to let you know I gave you an award over on my blog! :)

  42. Thank you for this post. I have been wondering about all those methods for years. Now, if only I could get brave enough.

  43. I tried waxing at home and OWOWOWOWOWWWWW! It makes me scared to try going to a pro...
    Incidentally, as someone who has delivered two big-headed babies (unmedicated), I have to say waxing is way worse. When you're in labor you're kinda out of your head, and the endorphins running around inside are giving you 'feel good' messages along with the intensity of the labor, so it's not the same at all. It's a lot of stretching and working but imho labor is way more like a marathon or a hard workout at the gym, whereas waxing is more like a sliver or a knife cut or something...there's the "hard work" kind of pain and then the "my body has just been damaged" kind of pain, and they're different, you know?

  44. oh my gosh this post had my laughing!! I'm sorry i don't mean to laugh at your pain but you write it SO well :D
    I think my hubby would absolutely die and go to heaven if I ever had the nerve to get one of these "brazilians"..yikes just typing the word makes me break out in a other words it won't be happening for me anytime soon!

  45. I am such a waxer. can't go wtihout it. You and I are both 31 weeks pregnant so keep in mind your skin down there is extremely sensitive now. I had to get rid of my normal waxer because of the pain she caused me. I just got waxed yesterday but went to complete bare spa, and they were so gentle. I wish they had one near you.

  46. I just posted about something similar recently...i don't wax (and don't plan to any time soon because i'm a wuss), but a girl at the salon i go to told me that she had a pregnant lady pass out when she was getting a brazilian. i've heard it's much more painful, and i believe it. however,i don't think you can really compare labor pain to waxing pain, because at least the end result with labor is permanent, whereas with waxing, you'll have to do it again to maintain results! and also, babies are cuter than bare ladybits. not that much cuter, but cuter nonetheless.

  47. Great post! Visiting from SITS. When I was pregnant honestly the hair down there was the least of my worries. I couldn't care less. Also, waxing scares the poop out of me! I know the results are awesome but why would I want to torture myself like that? You are a brave woman!

  48. I'm 27 weeks and looking forward to getting a Brazilian prior to labor. I couldn't imagine it taking an hour - OUCH! Even if I wait a long time to get it done it never takes longer than 20 minutes and they get EVERYTHING off.

    The argument about looking like a child has nothing to do with my decision to get Brazilians: it's a hygiene issue. It's much cleaner and keeps smells from getting trapped down there, especially in warmer weather. It also makes sex much more enjoyable too =)My husband also removes his hair (although I don't think I could ever convince him to get the male Brazilian my spa offers!).

  49. That is so funny! I have struggled with how to get rid of my hair...down there...ever since I hit puberty. After trying waxing one miserable time, I just stick with shaving!

    Happy Saturday Sharefest! Oh, and I am a new follower!

  50. Can I just say that Magic Creme is the way to go! No pain, but great results. The only side effect is the nasty perm smell, but really it isn't so bad. Check it out, much cheaper and embarassment free!

  51. I love this and am so glad I found this blog! I'm glad I read it when I was home alone because I was laughing out loud while I read it like a crazy person. I've never waxed before but have considered it several times before. All I would say to you is to not do it too close to your due date. The last thing you want would be to have sore and tender skin in that area to aggravate how sore and tender you are about to be. And modesty will go out the window anyway about the second or third time they check how far along you are. When I had my first daughter I would warn everyone to look away every time i got up and by the 14th of 26 hours (not to scare you)I would just tell everyone that if they didn't want to see something they shouldn't be in the room!

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  55. I love this and am so glad I found this blog! I'm glad I read it when I was home alone because I was laughing out loud while I read it like a crazy person. I've never waxed before but have considered it several times before. All I would say to you is to not do it too close to your due date. The last thing you want would be to have sore and tender skin in that area to aggravate how sore and tender you are about to be. And modesty will go out the window anyway about the second or third time they check how far along you are. When I had my first daughter I would warn everyone to look away every time i got up and by the 14th of 26 hours (not to scare you)I would just tell everyone that if they didn't want to see something they shouldn't be in the room!

  56. oh my gosh this post had my laughing!! I'm sorry i don't mean to laugh at your pain but you write it SO well :D
    I think my hubby would absolutely die and go to heaven if I ever had the nerve to get one of these "brazilians"..yikes just typing the word makes me break out in a other words it won't be happening for me anytime soon!

  57. When you're in labor, you won't care if you're shaved or waxed. Your doctor/midwife won't care either. You have extra blood and hormones in your system and even if you've waxed before, you may not react the same way and you may react very badly. Do you really want to risk adding more trauma to your pubis just before birth? You will be sore and bleeding for possibly weeks after birth - you really want to add that in too? Trim if you want, if it bothers you. But why should it bother you at all in the first place?

  58. I was really concerned about this too when I was pregnant. A month before my due date, hubby took the trimmer 'down south' and did a nice trim job. I ended up going into delivery 3 weeks early so thank God hubby had done the trim job the week before. It wasn't SO 'au natural' that I was embarrassed at the hospital which was good - BUT I think while you are in delivery you could have something that looks like Don King in a headlock and you wouldn't care one bit!! I had a c-section so I had an audience looking at my naked body and the thought NEVER crossed my mind.

  59. Just be VERY careful! I am an esthetician turned SAHM for a while and I used to do lots of brazillians when I was at the salon and that was way back when they were still pretty hush hush in the midwest :) I didn't try one while I was preggo because I usually did my own and didn't know of anyone experienced enough to trust. I did have a couple reg clients who discontinued them after their first appt while pregnant. The swelling and increased sensitivity are prob your biggest concerns and then you will also bleed more and if you haven't noticed the hair grows faster there too. Good luck! I am interested to hear how this turns out for you. If you go to a specialized place really they should know all about things to watch for when waxing a preg gal.

  60. lol.. I love it. I quietly giggled as I read, thinking "yup, yup- been there.. " or "oh my goodness- she's not gonna... she did." ha..
    I must say, there is something feminine about getting a Brazilian... You feel sooo good. Clean, light and idk.. just good. I haven't been back since the wedding--instead been opting for other venues to avoid the temporary pain.

    I use an Intuition razor.. the ones that have soap around the blades? They actually soften, moisturize and I haven't had any razor burn since I started using them... So post-pregnancy, I think you should try it! :)

  61. I've never been keen on Brazillians -- mostly b/c I can't understand why someone would want to look 12 years old down there. To each their own, I guess. I've always just kept things trim and neat with a pair of sharp little scissors and a mirror.

    With pregnancy, however, that was next to impossible past about the 6 or 7 month mark, as you've already observed. I basically just did what I could and said to hell with the rest. You may think you'll be self-conscious during labor, but past a certain point, you'll probably have no freaking idea what's going on around you. My friend/co-worker who came as an extra doula/support person wasn't able to show up until I was in the throes of active labor. She walked in to me totally naked, on my hands and knees in a blow up pool in my living room, and screaming my face off. And I didn't give a damn. In fact, I barely noticed her until she'd been there a while.

    And I can assure you, the LAST thing I was thinking about during any of that was the state of my girly parts. Well, I was really worried about them, but not because of any grooming issues ;)

  62. My husband helped out when I was pregnant! I was DETERMINED to stay hair free everywhere even after getting huge and he offered to paint my toe nails but with enough configuring I could still do that alone. :]

  63. I decided to go natural for my delivery. It's true OB/GYNs have seen it all. I admit that being a shaver, I was a little worried about being judge. However, I couldn't imagine going to get waxed during my pregnancy. I kept having this bad dream of my water breaking after the first strip was waxed away because the pain would be so bad.

    And I even turned down my fiance's offer to shave me himself. As far as I knew he had no experience in shaving a woman down there. Not to mention, I had witnessed many battles between his facial hair and his razor. Not a pretty outcome. And another thing, I had worked my shaving routine down to a science. I mean it takes a lot of trial and error with finding the right razor, shaving cream and post shaving moisturizer.

    I was not about to let him ruin me. However, I was brave enough to arm myself with a pair of hair scissors, a full body mirror and a towel. Since, my belly was sitting high enough that I could see my bikini/landing strip zone, I used the scissors to trim away as much of the hair I get. I quickly found myself in a dilemma as to how to trim the hair in between. Let's just say it took a chair and a lot of moving before I found I position (not so comfortable when you have a belly the size of Texas sitting in your face) that allowed me to somewhat see and went for it.

    I felt like if I was going to have hair down there, it might as well be tamed. LOL. However, I have been leaning more towards taking a trip to Brazil myself. And as soon as I get my hand a good numbing cream, I'm going to rustle up a friend and go.


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