Thursday, July 1, 2010

Are Giveaway Blogs Annoying Part 2

So if you haven't noticed I think I've solved my dilemma with my blog. Do you remember? I was asking if giveaway blogs are annoying after one of my concerned, but honest readers reached out and said she was getting gosh darn annoyed with the load giveaways. Granted... It WAS Baby Shower Week on my blog, which was the reason for the giveaway madness, but I did take note to what some of you said.

A lot of you said you didn't mind them here and there, and knowing that's how I normally do it, and were ok with that. Others said they loved the reviews and giveaways because it let them know about products that are out there for fertility, pregnancy or their little ones.

When it comes down to it, it's my blog and I want to do what I like to do. As much as I love my readers, I write for me, not you (sorry). So in deciding how to handle this I took some suggestions, but ultimately made these decisions based on how I'd like to see my blog.

Some suggested creating a separate blog for "Baby Makin(g) Machine's Reviews/ Giveaways" but to me that just seems dumb because 1. I can't keep up with ANOTHER blog 2. I don't do enough giveaways to where that would be worth it. And most of all 3. It's like the "Oprah Show Commercials" channel. If a company finds my blog and wants my opinion on something and I want to share it, I'm not going to tell the handful of people who pop in to see what I'm reviewing. I mean, as far as I know, 99% of you read my blog because of my writing, and to see what's up in my crazy life, not just for my giveaways. So that means only about 5% of you would take the time to check that blog too.

So, here are the conclusions I came up with:

1. I'm going to keep doing reviews and giveaways but no more than one a week at the most. Eventually (like now) I'm cutting this back to one or two a month. I'll start them on the weekend, so if you do happen to stop by you can expect one then, or if it's posted during the week, there MAY be a double post that day, with a review/giveaway and a regular post.

2. As usual, I'm only going to tell you about the really cool stuff. I feel bad but I've had to turn down lots of offers lately for things that I honestly would rather just buy myself, rather than feeling obligated to take time to dedicate an entire post to. I really am being picky, and only blogging about things I'd NORMALLY blog about, not just things I'm writing about cause I'm getting it for free.

However, if YOU are interested in reviewing things that I may not want to (that are still really really awesome, but because of time I can't handle) please email me and let me know! I'll put you on a list and let potential sponsors know they can check out your blog and contact you for a review. Either let me know in the comments here or email me at babymakingmachine{at}

3. As always, I'm going to keep my natural flair with my reviews/ giveaways. This isn't hard since I'm being so picky about things I review. If it's not ordinarily cool enough to make the cut in everyday blogging, well, I'm probably not going to write about it. I never try to sound "commercial" in my reviews, and always write them as I'd honestly write any other diary post (besides the end where I offer a giveaway). I mean read this Hot Mama Gowns Review and tell me that sounds like a commercial... Really, that's how I'd write any other post. Same with using BabyTime Bags to pack and get ready for the hospital, and the experience of making my belly cast from Maternitique. I don't just copy-paste stuff from the sponsors site, I tell you like it is... I Do Me.

4. I've taken away the GAZILLION extra ways you can enter a giveaway. I can see how you'd feel like your chances are slim to none when you have to jump through hoops to enter, then compete against people who have time to sit on the computer for hours entering every way possible, when you just want to leave a comment and be done with it.

Because of that, I'm now making most of my giveaways (the ones not in high of a value) where all you do is leave a comment and you're entered. Simple as that. At the most there will be 3 extra ways to enter and that's just if you follow my blog and follow the sponsors Twitter or Facebook pages. It's simple enough, and if you don't have twitter or facebook it's not like your chances have gone down a ton as there aren't 15 other ways to enter.

So there you have it! My solutions! Bloggers, readers, what do you think? How do you handle things like this on your blog?

*I'm not accepting any more offers for reviews/giveaways at the moment because I already have a short list, and I want to enjoy as much time with Lil' J as possible after she's born, and not feel obligated to blog. But if you've written me and I haven't responded I'm not ignoring you, I will reply, I'm just SWAMPED!*


  1. If anyone is annoyed with giveaways, they could always just not read that post!

  2. Love it! Totally agree with your solutions! IMO, I will only choose those products that I think are practical and beneficial to me/my family so yes, I'm also being picky as well though I really do envy most of you guys over in US and/or Canada cos you guys do get all this giveaways and/or reviews easily.

    Btw, I love to be given a chance to review those stuff that you are not able to do in your busy time. But only if your sponsors are willing to give a sample all the way to me in Malaysia! (Which is a bummer cos I don't often get all this awesome cool chance to do product reviews)

    Anyway, you just do what you feel comfy with. It's your own blog you know! :D

    ( I'm a full-time mummy )

  3. i used to do tons of reviews and giveaways and found them to be exausting. i only do one or two a month because of that. remeber you do write for you and not always the readers and if they don't like it they don't have to read the day you have a review up.
    sit back and enjoy blogging again, without the stress of what others say!

  4. The last giveaway I did on my blog was last year because my blog isn't a giveaway one. I actually steer away from blogs that have a gazillion giveaways. I have entered a few giveaways on some of the blogs I read, but I read those blogs for good writing, fun reading, and because of the topic rather than for the giveaways.

    I am actaully going to start doing a few giveaways, but will be selective about the items. I like your idea of keeping it simple for entry. Sometimes, it would be cheaper (time and effort) for me to buy the item rather than like you said "jump through hoops" to have any of my entries even count.

    Where is that baby? I hope she does come before July 3. You and your writing (I bet you would be a crack up about the experience) were made for an unscheduled delivery. Maybe Spawnie will be bringing a little bit more than the expected change to your life. Either way, enjoy every minute for her welcome scheduled or not.

  5. I've always wanted to do reviews/giveaways on my blog, but I only have like fifteen readers so I don't think companies would care to give me things for that purpose. I always envy girls getting to try all kinds of cool kid stuff for free because they have lots of blog followers. I'm not in it for the followers though, as our blog is mostly for family updates and most random people don't care about that :)

  6. I love your blog and anything you write is super cool :).

  7. I started a giveaway blog because I was annoyed with myself. My blog was showing like 10 posts and a lot were giveaways, and it was annoying. Granted, doing my blog event, I obviously bit off more than I could chew, but I have obligations to these people so I have to finish.
    When I do the giveaways there I will still list them on my "Main" blog on the sidebar and announce them at the end or beginning of the blog post so that people know. But I mean, it's the same as you listing your giveaways on your sidebar and it jumped to the post. Just now, for me, it won't clutter up the rest of my blog.

  8. I'm happy that you are keeping it all in one spot and that you have found the balance that makes you happy. Wish I could take some of those reviews off your hands, but I have no future baby to do product reviews for, LOL. Saturdays is D-day (well, I guess more like I(nduction) day. Good luck!

  9. you just mentioned my new motto that helps me cover any insecurity i have about the decisions i make - be it blog, work, clothing, hair, religion...

    "you do you and i'll do me"

    i think it's short, sweet, and to the point!

    you do you, girl!! =)

  10. I think your solutions are really thought out. good job. I would love to do reviews/giveaways so put me on that list! please :)

  11. I like your blog the way it is. I think that you should continue to do you. Don't let the social media and annoyed readers force you to change anything. This is YOUR blog not ours. I do whatever I want on my blog.

    You're taking the time to put yourself out there and we can't control how you do that. Those who are really loyal friends, readers, fans, etc will continue to come by your blog faithfully regardless of how many Giveaways you post about.

  12. I just have to say, for the record, your review of Hot Mama Gowns has BY FAR been my favorite! From the BEAUTIFUL pics, to you telling it so personally..shoot, I wanted to go buy one and I own the darn company!! So yes, you DO have a gift, people love to read what you write..whether in the form of a review or just your Do You..we will read ;)

  13. I think your blog and your giveaways are great..and like someone commented earlier, if someone isn't interested in the giveaway they can skip that post!
    I also wanted to thank you for putting our adoption button on your blog...that was SO SWEET of you!!! We actually just got the phone call on Friday that we've been chosen by a birthmother!! we are adopting a baby boy due August 20th!! we will have little kiddo's very close in age and I can't wait to read what your little angel will be up to! :)

  14. love it. I think it's great that you do reviews for YOU...not us. And I loved your Hot Mama Gown review. It was so beautifully written. You obviously love the product and wanted to share it with all of us, just like any other girlfriend would do. I think I appreciate that sort of honesty more than a 2 sentence write up followed by copy/paste of company info. Good luck & I cannot wait to hear "she's here & we're in love!"

    btw-i've never reviewed before, but would love it if my info was passed along. andrea.dippner at Thanks!

  15. Sounds like a good plan to me. I think when it comes down too it it is YOUR blog and it is successful because you are yourself on it. When you start trying to please everyone else you take a chance of losing a bit of that I think. The idea of making giveaways quicker and easier to enter is a good one I think and an idea I will take to my blog when I decide to do another soap giveaway.

  16. Hey there

    I have been lurking in on your blog off and on for about 2 years...and more so over the last 9 months after learning our due dates were about a week a part :)
    Although this isn't my first child, I have enjoyed reading about another expectant mother of color's journey...especially one that also happens to be part of an interracial union (I have multi-racial children so I KNOW ALL about the "Are You The Nanny" thing). There aren't many mommy blogs out there (that I know about) from that viewpoint.

    I think what you have been doing thus far with your blog is great and you shouldn't change it. I have been there and done as far as trying to please readers which led to me changing my blog multiple times. I ultimately discovered this isn't the answer because it wasn't me being my true authentic self.

    Do what makes YOU feel good...if you like giveaways, do them. Just do them on your on terms.

    I'd love to review some of the products that you can't over on my blog BUT only if they fit in with my interest or lifestyle...not just for the heck of followers. So put me on the list too :)

    After having multiple kids (one of which was 2 weeks overdue), I know how tough it is waiting on the little lady. I'm wishing you a speedt arrival and beautiful birthing expierence with Baby J!


  17. Girl, it's YOUR blog! If people are bothered by what you post - they can just not read!

  18. I love your blog, read it because of you and your writing, and I love it. The giveaways are just a bonus, (just with I could win one lol). I think if people don't like the giveaways then they should just skip that post. Plain and simple.
    As for doing giveaways, I know I would love to do one on my blog. I only have 5 followers but that's because I have blogger and almost everyone has wordpress. lol. I actually have about 20-30 people that read my blog, please add me to the list.
    Hope you are feeling ok. Hugs to you mama to be :)

  19. just saw this post while i was searching your blog for something else! you can include me :)

    Emily @ Baby Dickey

  20. Girl, it's YOUR blog! If people are bothered by what you post - they can just not read!

  21. Hey there

    I have been lurking in on your blog off and on for about 2 years...and more so over the last 9 months after learning our due dates were about a week a part :)
    Although this isn't my first child, I have enjoyed reading about another expectant mother of color's journey...especially one that also happens to be part of an interracial union (I have multi-racial children so I KNOW ALL about the "Are You The Nanny" thing). There aren't many mommy blogs out there (that I know about) from that viewpoint.

    I think what you have been doing thus far with your blog is great and you shouldn't change it. I have been there and done as far as trying to please readers which led to me changing my blog multiple times. I ultimately discovered this isn't the answer because it wasn't me being my true authentic self.

    Do what makes YOU feel good...if you like giveaways, do them. Just do them on your on terms.

    I'd love to review some of the products that you can't over on my blog BUT only if they fit in with my interest or lifestyle...not just for the heck of followers. So put me on the list too :)

    After having multiple kids (one of which was 2 weeks overdue), I know how tough it is waiting on the little lady. I'm wishing you a speedt arrival and beautiful birthing expierence with Baby J!



I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)