Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Giving My Daughter a Head Start I Missed

I organized more of the nursery yesterday, and fumbled around with a CD player that's attached to the crib. I got it as a gift at my baby shower. I'm excited to share the gift of music with my baby girl. I pretty much immediately began searching for good lullabys to buy and save to CD to play for her at night.

Eager to start a new tradition, I bought some church primary songs off iTunes. Primary songs are children's songs kids sing at my church during the third hour... Yes, third hour of church. After Sacrament meeting and Sunday School.

My family joined the LDS church and became active when I was about 11-years-old. I've always felt "behind" compared to everyone else my age. I didn't know the songs the kids would all sing in primary, and since you graduate at 12, I didn't have much time to learn them.

I've always been a very outgoing girl. My whole life, I've never been regarded as a "shy" one. But the one place you're likely to find me out of my element is church.

When I was younger I'd always avoid eye contact with the teacher who would surely call on me to say the prayer if I looked him in the eye. I was always too afraid to answer a question about the Bible... Afraid I'd give the wrong answer and people would laugh at me. No one ever laughed at anyone, but I feared I'd be the first.

The question could be as simple as: "Who built the giant ark to hold all of the animals before the flood?" Of course I knew it was Noah, but I was to scared to answer wrong anyway... Thinking maybe there was a second guy I somehow missed reading about.

I guess religion is one of those subjects that's so serious, and important, I felt bad that I didn't know all of the answers.

As I've gotten older, much of my spirituality has grown from life's experiences, prayer, and just going to church. I still haven't overcome my anxiety with public prayers, or answering a class question, but I've gotten better. One thing I know will help me is just learning the stories better.

I've read and heard scripture stories over and over but it's so easy for me to mix people and places up. I've learn to forgive myself for this too, and just realize the only way to get better is to keep reading.

I don't want my daughter to have the same worries I do. I want her to feel confidant in knowing her scripture stories, and sing her primary songs loud and proud. I hope she'll be eager to say a prayer before our family, or in front of her Sunday school class, and be unapologetic about it.

It's never too late to build upon your spirituality, and learn more about the Gospel. I feel like having a child kind of gives me a chance to re-learn everything myself, but have a study buddy in the process.

From primary songs, to scripture stories, it'll give me a chance to learn about the gospel starting at a level I never had a chance to experience. It's an opportunity I'm so blessed to have.

If you know of any good children's Bible or Book of Mormon books? I'm not even sure how many of my readers are Christian or LDS, but this would really help me narrow down my search! The more stories in them, the better!


  1. I was the SAME WAY when I was growing up. I grew up in church and knew the stories, but boy was I afraid to answer questions. I mean, I was deathly afraid. And I still hate praying out loud. At first I thought it was partially due to the fact that I didnt want to sound less intelligent than the other people in the room. But I have recently realized that its because my prayer life sucks. If I would make it a habit to talk to God like he is my friend and my Father and not just talk to him when I NEED something, things would be differently. So I am starting to work on that. Because as a 24 year old woman, I really should learn to get a better grip on my prayer life. LOL Anyway, all that to say, I am glad I am not the only one in that boat! :)

    And we have been looking for a good Bible for our son too. So far we have not found anything we like. They are either too surface level (having two statements about the bible story) or they are inaccurate. If you find a good children's bible, please let me know! :)

  2. I am a fairly new reader of your blog, and I too am an LDS mama to a sweet girl. I have been on the lookout for Children's scriptures, and have not yet found what I am looking for. You can usually find a Children's Bible at most stores, but I want to find a cute set with the BOM as well (hard to do here in Minnesota!). I will be checking to see what you find! :)

  3. The illustrated scripture stories that are sold on the church website are great. There are 4 total, I think. My 3-year-old loves reading them and looking at the pictures. She has some of the stories memorized and if I forget something, she'll correct me! Anyway, those are probably the best that I've ever seen, and inexpensive to boot.

  4. I've heard that the church makes children's readers for the scriptures, but I'm not sure where to get them. The Distribution Center (and website)? I want to get some kid friendly scriptures, too. Maybe I will browse Deseret.com or something.

    Anyway, I was born and raised in the LDS church, and I STILL get nervous about saying prayers, speaking in sacrament meeting, or answering questions in class! Although, I wouldn't consider myself a very outgoing person. :D

  5. I haven't really found any that I am terribly excited about, but we do have one about Joseph and it just seems a little violent to read to my 1 1/2 year old. I've heard good things about The Beginner's Bible Board Book: Jesus, Mary, and Martha - but i haven't looked into it.

  6. Someone bought a really great children's Bible for my son. It is "The Beginner's Bible: Timeless Children's Stories" by Karyn Henley. He absolutely loves it. It's just the stories, but they're in the proper order and separated by Book.

  7. My father is a pastor, so having picture bibles and bible story books for kids were always in the house. There are loads of picture Bibles and amazon has a lot of picture books for the Book of Mormon too. My church has little magazines for different age groups also. I'm not sure how it goes at yours, but check with your church for resources too.

  8. A friend of mine gave me this link when I was thinking the same way you do : http://lds.about.com/library/products/books/aatpchildrenbooks.htm

  9. Hey Jenn! My dad is a pastor as well, so Ive always grown up around the bible, scriptures and music. I too have felt like you though - like I could be a little bit sharper in my knowledge of some things.

    I think it's so good that you're getting her an early start. I have seen too many people go astray because they go and research other things and are not rooted and grounded in their faith!

    Because you mentioned prayer - I want to share a video with you that someone posted on FB a while back. This video had me laughing and crying:


    I know that she is just doing what she's heard others do, but wow, she has an early start and I'd rather my children mock a prayer rather than cursing and picking up other bad habits!

    Also - pls check out my new blog: awaitingourgreenbean.blogspot.com - inspired by you and many others! :)

  10. I recommend checking out SeagullBook.com or DeseretBook.com. They both carry a lot of LDS books for adults and children. Hopefully you'll find something you like there.

  11. Even as a life long member (my dad's family goes back to Newell K. Whitney) I still feel the same anxiety as you. I hate giving answers or praying in public because I feel I don't know enough. I hope I don't pass that anxiety down to my kids. My husband started investigating the church when we were dating and got baptized about 18 months before we got married and his knowledge blows mine out of the water, so that doesn't help, lol.

    I really like your ideas though, so I'm going to steal them! :-p If I come across any good books I'll let you know...apparently there are some good Bible board books at the Beehive store, which I'm assuming has the same stuff as Desert Books...?

    ~ MarfMom

  12. Im actually looking for one too. I have one in mind, its a book of Psalms from Psalty the singing songbook. I'm about to go online and search for it. Regular bibles though...still searching

  13. I have a few - from the many baby showers of Christian friends. I love Max Lucado's books. He has a great one "Just in Case You Ever Wonder" about a parent telling a child how special they are to God and to the parents. And he has a collection of his more popular children's books in
    "A Max Lucado Children's Treasury: A Child's First Collection." I've linked them both below!



    Those are just books above. But a Bible, the only one that I know is the "Early Readers Bible". It's easy for kids to read when they first learn how, so I think it would be a good book for baby to listen to - until she can read it. It has almost 5 stars on amazon. Linking it:


  14. I loved your post and am so excited that you want to give your daughter this wonderful head start. I totally understand your reluctance to pray and speak up in church, it can be really intimidating when it feels like everyone knows more than you do. I would just make one observation on that; you never need to feel intimidated when The Spirit is present, as you are moved by The Spirit It will prompt you and even teach you what you should say, even in the very small things. A general authority once said, "I always know when I'm speaking with the Spirit because I learn something from what I said." Just follow the Spirit and you'll do great.

  15. Hey just wanted to say that we are due the same day! I am due with my second boy June 25th. It was so weird because i remember researching InteliGender tests and came across your youtube video (this was back in October 2009) and all of a sudden today i was like "I wonder if that woman ever got pregnant" so I searched for your video again..which was not hard to do and found the link to your site! Congratulations!

  16. I'm a Christian (and... if you want to be specific: Lutheran) - but I don't ever want it to seem that I "define" myself as "Lutheran" - I am first & foremost a Christian. :)

    There are a lot of great children's (and adult!) Christian books/Bibles at cph.org

    Your faith is the most important thing you & your husband could ever impart on sweet Lil' J -- you two are going to be such wonderful parents -- God is truly blessing her with a great mommy & daddy! :)

  17. My family, much like yours, joined the church when I was 11 (to be more precise, 18 days before my 12th birthday). I actually didn't go to primary at all because I was so shy that I wanted to go where my older sister was so I went straight to Young Women and because I was so close to 12, no one really cared.

    I too downloaded the entire Children's Songbook (you can download them all for free here: http://www.lds.org/cm/display/0,17631,7572-1,00.html#3) so that I can listen to them while in the car with my daughter and be a much better example to her than most of the other music I listen to.

    As for books, Deanna Draper Buck has an awesome collection of "My First _______ Books." We started buying them for our daughter and they're great because for the most part they are boardbooks and therefore super durable for babies. But there are a few out there that are paperbacks. Here's the link to them at Deseret Book: http://deseretbook.com/store/search?query=deanna+draper+buck.

    I've seen the ones that Rixa (#3) recommended above and they're great too. I haven't yet purchased them because my daughter is 21 months and still likes to rip pages if given the opportunity so I'm trying to stick to boardbooks for now.

    A really great copy of the BOM to get for when she's older is The Book of Mormon for Latter-day Saint Families (http://deseretbook.com/item/3909368/The_Book_of_Mormon_for_Latter_day_Saint_Families). It is the actual text of the BOM, so it's not really just the stories, but it includes really nice illustrations for children. Before we had our daughter we babysat for some friends while they went out on a weeknight and we read from this version as we put the kids to bed. I haven't yet bought us a copy but tt is definitely going to be on our "family" Christmas list this year.

    I totally understand wanting to start your daughter out on the right foot with something you didn't have until later in life because as I said before, our paths are similar in some aspects. Since having our daughter I have made it a priority to make sure that we say our family prayers, read the scriptures, have family home evening, singing primary songs, etc. in an effort to reinforce their importance to her. And the best part is that we found a way to incorporate it into her bedtime routine. She totally knows that after her bedtime story it's time to read "skiptours" as she calls them and then we sing her favorite primary song (Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam) and then it's time for "pwayer."

    Anyway, all I really wanted to say is that it is so awesome to watch your child grow and learn and develop in the Gospel and to know that you are not only guiding them on a path to feel closer to their Heavenly Father but will also, hopefully, help the rest of your posterity on that path as well. I'm going to end now because I fully realize I just got waaayyyy too churchy for a blog comment! =)

  18. The church has fabulous materials. They are so common that we tend to discount them, in search of something new and snazzy. Don't make it harder than it has to be. I think simplicity is key.

    The gospel art kit is fantastic and when my kids were about 4 I started doing those for FHE. They did most of them and they really know them. I also found an out-of-print church book called "Scripture Stories". It is light green with a picture of Abraham hugging Isaac. It was great reading all of the stories there. I found it at DI, but keep your eye open for it.

    But most importantly, just read the Book of Mormon to her every day. They really learn it if you just read it to them. You will be shocked. They learn, you learn. If you do all of the Gospel Art Kit stories first, then they are familiar with all of the stories. Then when you actually read it from the Book of Mormon itself, they will love it. Why should they be intimidated? They already know the story!

    And you know more than you think you do. Plus, I learn new things everyday by doing school with my kids at home. It is totally awesome.

  19. If you HAD gone to Primary when you were a kid, you wouldn't have the same kind of appreciation for it that you do now, I promise!


    Thanks for your comment on my blog - I replied:
    @Future Mama -

    Thanks for the support! I know it'll all work out, but in the middle of it all I keep thinking - shouldn't this be easier??? Ha ha.

    Yep, still doing hair. And I'm so much better than that time you came to get yours done! I've had lots and lots of practice. Facebook me when you get to Utah so I can see that baby of yours that you'll be carrying around!!! And I can set you up an appointment. :)

  20. I gave you a blog award. Go check it out!


  21. If you live near a Distribution Center they have some for the Book of Mormon, Old Testament, New Testament, and D&C.

  22. Girl - You are not the only one at church w/ anxiety. It's just a really well kept secret that noone likes to talk about ;) love ya and can't wait to see your little one! XX

  23. I feel the same way. Even though I grew up in the church, my family didn't start having discussions and really breaking it down in the home until I was much older. And by then I had an adult understanding of the Bible. Since, having Moo, I've had a chance to read all the the little children Bible books and I love them. My recommendations are:

    ~The Holy Cows Books by Karen Moore
    ~Mealtime Prayer by Kathie Smith
    ~Classic Children's Prayers by Tommy Nelson
    ~God Made Me by Jess Stainbrook & Mark Burr
    ~Noah's Ark from the Sing Along Bible Songs series from Cuddly Duck Productions & The Clever Factory

  24. Your third commentor said, "The illustrated scripture stories that are sold on the church website are great." and I second her opinion. My girls (3) love them. We have the Old Testament, New Testament, Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants. There isn't a Pearl of Great Price one, as far as I know.

    Also, I wanted to comment to your and others' expressed fear of participating because of concern of scorn, ridicule, or being wrong. Who is it that whispers those foolish fears to our mind and heart? You KNOW the answer. I'm sure you do. It is NOT Father, that's for sure. Neither Christ. Nor is is The Holy Spirit. So, in the grand scheme of things it can only be the source of all darkness. And I'm sure He whispers in that way to you because your comments/questions would be of benefit to someone else present. So, replace fear with faith and make your voice heard! It will benefit you, but I'm certain it will also benefit someone who hears you, too!

  25. I was the same way growing up, we were kind of off and on active, so I wasn't always familiar with the songs and stories.
    Hey I just read your interview at MsBabyPlan. Loved it. I can so relate to you :)

  26. Love your articles on baby making.

    It's also Friday Friend Hop. I will follow you will you follow me? (Phil Collins:o)


  27. There are a lot of lds books out there that serve as a tremendous resource, particularly for new moms. They offer really good insight and can bring new points of view to light.

  28. Girl - You are not the only one at church w/ anxiety. It's just a really well kept secret that noone likes to talk about ;) love ya and can't wait to see your little one! XX

  29. My family, much like yours, joined the church when I was 11 (to be more precise, 18 days before my 12th birthday). I actually didn't go to primary at all because I was so shy that I wanted to go where my older sister was so I went straight to Young Women and because I was so close to 12, no one really cared.

    I too downloaded the entire Children's Songbook (you can download them all for free here: http://www.lds.org/cm/display/0,17631,7572-1,00.html#3) so that I can listen to them while in the car with my daughter and be a much better example to her than most of the other music I listen to.

    As for books, Deanna Draper Buck has an awesome collection of "My First _______ Books." We started buying them for our daughter and they're great because for the most part they are boardbooks and therefore super durable for babies. But there are a few out there that are paperbacks. Here's the link to them at Deseret Book: http://deseretbook.com/store/search?query=deanna+draper+buck.

    I've seen the ones that Rixa (#3) recommended above and they're great too. I haven't yet purchased them because my daughter is 21 months and still likes to rip pages if given the opportunity so I'm trying to stick to boardbooks for now.

    A really great copy of the BOM to get for when she's older is The Book of Mormon for Latter-day Saint Families (http://deseretbook.com/item/3909368/The_Book_of_Mormon_for_Latter_day_Saint_Families). It is the actual text of the BOM, so it's not really just the stories, but it includes really nice illustrations for children. Before we had our daughter we babysat for some friends while they went out on a weeknight and we read from this version as we put the kids to bed. I haven't yet bought us a copy but tt is definitely going to be on our "family" Christmas list this year.

    I totally understand wanting to start your daughter out on the right foot with something you didn't have until later in life because as I said before, our paths are similar in some aspects. Since having our daughter I have made it a priority to make sure that we say our family prayers, read the scriptures, have family home evening, singing primary songs, etc. in an effort to reinforce their importance to her. And the best part is that we found a way to incorporate it into her bedtime routine. She totally knows that after her bedtime story it's time to read "skiptours" as she calls them and then we sing her favorite primary song (Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam) and then it's time for "pwayer."

    Anyway, all I really wanted to say is that it is so awesome to watch your child grow and learn and develop in the Gospel and to know that you are not only guiding them on a path to feel closer to their Heavenly Father but will also, hopefully, help the rest of your posterity on that path as well. I'm going to end now because I fully realize I just got waaayyyy too churchy for a blog comment! =)

  30. I have a few - from the many baby showers of Christian friends. I love Max Lucado's books. He has a great one "Just in Case You Ever Wonder" about a parent telling a child how special they are to God and to the parents. And he has a collection of his more popular children's books in
    "A Max Lucado Children's Treasury: A Child's First Collection." I've linked them both below!



    Those are just books above. But a Bible, the only one that I know is the "Early Readers Bible". It's easy for kids to read when they first learn how, so I think it would be a good book for baby to listen to - until she can read it. It has almost 5 stars on amazon. Linking it:


  31. I am a fairly new reader of your blog, and I too am an LDS mama to a sweet girl. I have been on the lookout for Children's scriptures, and have not yet found what I am looking for. You can usually find a Children's Bible at most stores, but I want to find a cute set with the BOM as well (hard to do here in Minnesota!). I will be checking to see what you find! :)


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)