Sunday, June 13, 2010

I Should Have Listened to My Mom

It was almost my 11th birthday, and I just knew I was getting a new bike. I told my friends exactly what it was going to look like, how big it was going to be, and how excited I was to ride it around the neighborhood. When my birthday came and went and I didn't get that bike, I was not only heartbroken, but embarrassed. What made matters worse is when my friend got the exact bike I wanted for her birthday.

I was 11 when my mom taught me a lesson I'll never forget... Don't brag about something until you have it. At least that's how I interpreted it, though she didn't tell me in that exact way.

Last year a woman working on a new website for women (I'm not going to mention any names) approached me and asked if I'd blog for her, tweet for her, and promote her site, and in turn be their "Future Mama" which they'd pamper with gifts like baby monitors, strollers, nursery decor, and more.

I was emailed pictures of the three choices for baby monitors and asked to tweet about it and promote it on my site to get people to vote for which one I should get. Really, I didn't care, they were all fancy and great, and I was grateful to be getting one.

A couple of months after that it was the same thing, but with strollers... But not just any old stroller, a BOB stroller. Kind of like a Lexus of strollers. A stroller my husband and I wouldn't be able to get unless we scrounged and saved, donated blood plasma, then sold one of our cars... Ok not really, they're not THAT expensive, but they're really nice, and I was so excited and grateful to be getting one. So, I once again blogged, and tweeted, posted on Facebook and everything else to get people to vote for which of three BOB Strollers I should "win." It's what she asked me to do in turn for getting it. And really... Who wouldn't do some promotion in turn for a $400 stroller? Over the course of the voting I got a mix of responses from "Man, I wish I could have one" to "Ooh, I'm getting one of those." The latter comment immediately reminded me of my mom's words of wisdom, and I had a gut feeling things weren't going to end as I hoped.

Like with the monitors, the contest ended and I got nothing. I've communicated with the woman behind the site, and while my monitors should be coming this week, BOB apparently fell through... Or maybe never was, who knows!

So... After months of guest blogging, tweeting, video chats and promoting I'm back to square one, yes, a little ticked, but mostly disappointed.

I cried this morning when I got an email response saying I wasn't getting the stroller, and my husband (just wanting to stop the tears I'm sure) told me not to worry, we'd get a stroller... He said we'd get a BOB but that's before he knew how much they cost.

Now don't get me wrong. We are UNBELIEVABLY blessed to seriously only have this ONE thing missing from our baby checklist... As a matter of fact, I have enough baby wraps and carriers to where we quite possibly don't even really NEED a stroller. But it's poor Snoop I worry about... I promised him I'd take him for jogs once Lil' J was born but that will just be hard without a stroller. Just look at his face!So... I'm browsing Craigslist now looking for baby strollers but I have no idea what kind to start with. I initially was obviously thinking "jogging" and I was going to buy an adapter for our Graco baby infant car seat so it could snap in when she's small. I like the idea of being able to go running with a stroller, and one that can also even stand trails and such since there's a lot of that around where we live.

I found this one on craigslist for $225. Much cheaper than the $400 retail.I've heard pluses and minuses about the... I forget what they're called, but the big strollers that the car sear just pops in, and they fold up... I think I heard they're heavy or something, I dunno.

So what kind of stroller would you recommend? Would you get one of Craigslist or is that considered "unsafe"? How much did you pay for yours?

I'm a stroller novice but I've relearned a life lesson from my mom, and a new lesson about social media... Don't promote something until you have it.


  1. why can't you take snoop on walks without a stroller? Just wear baby in a carrier and hold snoop's leash in other hand. :)

    But you will want a stroller and we have an orange BOB and I LOVE it. They are so expensive though!! I was blessed that my dad bought me one!

    With #2 we're thinking about if we need a double srtoller but I'm not sure yet what we're going to do. I think I will just wear the infant in the ERGO for a while... anyways... I hope you get the BOB of your dreams!! :)

    Keep checking craigslist.. they come often but go fast!

  2. :( That was pretty lame of that woman to do that. If that would have fell through and I had you promote it, I would suck it up and spend the $400 to get you one.

  3. I am *so* sorry that you were ripped off like that. How annoying. :-( I think that strollers off of craigslist should be fine. Just don't get a carseat from there. *hugs*

  4. You are a better woman than me! If someone did that to me, I would call them out on it!

  5. I have to say that it not right. You worked for the stroller, you had an agreement in place and they reneged on the agreement. I hope they reconsider. I know how much time and effort goes into promoting products. Good luck hon. I'm in Oz so no good me suggesting strollers for you as the brands will be different.

  6. I have my heart set on a Quinny Buzz 3, but it won't be brand new unless someone buys it off of my registry (which I highly doubt will happen). I have been shopping eBay and Craigslist, and have been able to locate reasonably priced used ones or new, price-reduced ones. So, check on eBay too, you never know what kind of sweet deal you may happen across!

  7. Argh! That's so annoying. I'd be LIVID. Glad you've moved on to plan B though. :)

    PS I added you to my blogroll page, I hope you don't mind.

  8. No dont go buy your own! Call BOTH BOB & the lady out on it! Free advertising is what she got & she should honor what she promised! SHAME ON HER!!!!!

  9. wow that is terrible! keep us updated, i'd like to know if your monitor ever arrives too! :(

    i have no advice on strollers... just that we got the travel system--the big stroller that came with the infant car seat. It's handy for walks around the neighborhood for sure, but more difficult to maneuver so it's a bit annoying to take into stores. I've been looking for a jogging stroller for awhile, but haven't had much time to research. I'll be curious to see what others say here about it! (and I'd totally buy one of craigslist or from a garage sale)

    Emily @ Baby Dickey

  10. I have a Graco stroller frame thing, Snap-N-Go I think, that my car seat pops right into. It retails for about $70 but I found one on Craigslist for $25 and it was practically new. I like it because it is small and light and easy to get around with.

    I also have a BOB revolution for jogging. I personally wouldn't want to drag that one around the mall. It is a bit large for all of that. I loooove it for walking in the neighborhood and running though.

  11. That really sucks, I am sorry :(

    My advice about a stroller...get a Bob! We had the Graco travel system and I hated it. It was hard to maneuver and took up just as much space in the trunk as my Bob. If I had to do it all over again I would of gotten the Bob to start off and gotten the car seat adapter. I walk/run with it, shop with it, anywhere that we might walk a lot and he would need a rest. My son is 3 and fits great in it still. We bought ours on sale but it was still very expensive. My friend got hers off of Craigslist for about as much as the one you found. I would say go for it! The only thing is that it is big and will take up space in your trunk. We have a SUV so it's no big deal but something to think about if you have a car.

  12. I am sorry that is awful to be counting on something especially for your baby, and then get let down after you put in all of that hard work, not fair, but something my mom always said is what goes around comes around, she should feel really guilty.

  13. So sorry that happened to you! I am getting a Graco TravelSystem (the great big stroller that comes with the carseat). I am having mixed feelings on that, though. We have a BabyJogger that a friend gave us. I am also thinking that I would like the Graco stroller that is the frame for the infant carseat. They aren't too expensive and I think I could find one on CraigsList. I also want to get an umbrella stroller for when baby is older, but that just seems like an awful lot of strollers!

  14. That's terrible...I'm so sorry! We actually got a Graco Quattro Travel System for our daughter and I loved it. It came with the car seat, base, and stroller. The car seat snapped in and out of the base and stroller easily. I did not think it was heavy...and I loved that it popped up and open easily and quickly with a turn of my wrist and closed in a snap...which is really important when you are doing that with one hand while holding the baby/diaper bag/kitchen sink with the other LOL. Or maybe it just didn't seem that heavy compared to everything else, including the baby, you start to lug around as a mom. And it's great for shopping/running errands because it can hold lots of stuff. When our daughter was a few months old, we also bought a Chicco umbrella stroller for times when we did not want to take the full-size stroller out and about. Anyway, you don't necessarily need a stroller right out of the gate, so you've got plenty of time to find something that will work. Good luck and hang in there!

  15. If you have emails referencing this CONTRACT and you fulfilled your part of the contract, she owes you the stroller. Point blank. Have a lawyer friend put on his/her letterhead a notice of breech of contract and that future action will take place if the contract is not fulfilled and attach the email and highlight the part where she said she would provide it. I'm sure she'll find the missing stroller quick fast and in a hurry.

  16. I have a used stroller and it does it's purpose but I would much rather have something I like and something a little nicer. I am pregnant with baby 2 and we are considering a double stroller. I am pretty excited to have a new stroller and it will be something I choose and like! There are plenty other strollers you can choose from also and possibly spend less than the $225 on craigslist and it will be brand new! Look around and read reviews to make sure it is something you will enjoy.

  17. Wow..That's awful that that happened. If I were you, I'd contact BOB to see if they had a deal with this woman about promising you this stroller. I voted for that for you! Awful.

    We bought a travel system. Our first son we got a Graco travel system. For our daughter and our 7 month old, we got an Eddie Bauer system. I DETEST the Eddie Bauer system. The Graco systems are light and fantastic. The Eddie Bauer one is heavy and bulky and..Ugh..Awful. Graco can be universal in so many strollers. Like, if for some reason you have another baby and need to go for a double stroller, Graco will most likely fit into it. I actually won a Bumbleride Indie Twin and it is FABULOUS! I love it so much. They make single strollers as well that Graco car seats can snap into. They are a bit on the pricey side too. Jeep makes jogging strollers, but I don't know if car seats can snap into them. Babies R Us is the only place I've found that sells all kinds of strollers.

  18. First of all, that totally bites that you did all that for nothing. I'd be livid personally. Glad you're turning the other cheek as it were.

    We survive(d) with an Evenflo Aura? Journey? I don't remember which. You had to get the carseat bucket thing separate, but it matched the one we got. Still use the thing, and love it really. It's kind of heavy, but when you're used to carrying around an 18 lb kiddo most of the day, it's nothing. I practically throw the thing in the back of the van these days. Of course, when little dude was big enough, we got an umbrella stroller (free from Hubbs' boss!) and I totally love the thing. It's blue with puppy dogs on it... totally my little man! Even if you do end up with a pricey fancy stroller, TRUST ME when I say get an umbrella stroller too. You'll be so thankful you don't have to lug a big one around all the time!

  19. I think if you spent so much time promoting her business in positive ways, and you got SCREWED, you should post her name and business in bold letters on your blog and tell people to never contact them or do business with them. seriously, that is messed up.

    sorry, i don't have an opinion on strollers. not in the market for one quite yet.

  20. And your post about the stroller got the most comments on that site...what gives with that woman and with BOB? Is it BOB who's not fulfilling the bargain, or the woman who runs the site?

    I easily found the site you are referring to...I'd suggest that others quit going there for info.

  21. BOBs are GREAT strollers, even used off of CL. Think of it as buying a pre-owned Lexus. Who would turn their nose up at that? :) We have one and use it all. the. time. We're going to have to get a double with this baby comes in December.

    My one piece of advice is keep it gender neutral (unless you're certain this will be your only baby). That's one expensive and nice stroller to have to swap out or replace if you end up having a boy next time. (Unless you don't mind putting a boy in a pink stroller... nothing wrong with that.) Don't worry. Something will work out.

  22. Grab a dinky little umbrella stroller, too. It's great to have more than one choice when you're not going on a big trip. and they're super cheap...and lil J can push her dolls in it when she's older.

  23. Is everyone speaking Latin? Because I don't understand. Seriously? A person would REALLY blow that much money on an item that would be used a couple times a week? Materialistic. A baby doesn't care about how cute mommy looks with her nails done and the coolest new iphone. Jenn, good job on looking into craigslist, etc. - Save that money for groceries and a massage.

    I bought my jogging stroller for $25 at a consignment shop but most often Baby will be at home in Daddys arms while I go jogging for 30 minutes.

  24. we started with the Graco frame that we snap our Snugride carseat into. Love it! sleeping baby can stay sleeping and it has a HUGE basket!
    then, as he got bigger, we got an Inglesina Swift. it's nice for the tall daddy and the one he prefers now. basket is not so big. we also got a Amy Coe stroller for grandma's house. it gets the job done. never thought we'd have 3 "strollers" - but one's a frame and the other 2 are glorified umbrella strollers. with #2, we'll prob have to shop for a double stroller, which seems insane but apparently is not unheard of. would like a jogging stroller, but I'm with Pumpernickel: would I even use it?

  25. When I had my 2nd, I wore her and I didn't run, but wore my wrap and covering her head to prevent a "bobbing head". You got one of my wraps girl, Rock it!!!
    Lara @SugarSweetBaby

  26. I have owned 8 strollers!! Yes 8! I'm a strolleraholic but I have to say the best one I've ever had of course - was my last purchase. A peg perego P3 in pink! LOL No its not a jogging stroller... but its awesome, folds small, has all the features of a travel system stroller but weighs MUCH less... and you can push it with a pinky. This one even got my hubby excited!! LOL It has the same price tag as the BOB but are maybe a bit more common so you could potentially find one easier on ebay/craiglist. HTH!

  27. I've bought a lot of stuff off of craigslist. I don't see a problem with a used stroller. Just make sure all the screws and bolts are tightened, and if it has inflatable wheels, check those and make sure they hold air before you buy it. The only thing I wouldn't buy used is a carseat.

  28. I am ticked about you not getting that stroller too. What a sham. Well if you are looking for a good jogging stroller without the hefty price tag, look into the Joovy Zoom. I love it. I have tried the phil and teds and bob and i still like this one best! It is $200. You have to adjust the wheel a bit for jogging, but it's easy. They have videos on their site to show you how. It is a way smooth ride for walks too.

    I do also hava a stroller that you pop the carseat into which was a hand me down from my sis. It is clunkier and not as smooth, etc. but it is way convenient.

    Good luck!

  29. I got a travel system-the stroller that comes with infant seat. I thought about getting a jogging stroller but I was still worried about safety issues of running with my baby. In fact, I had nightmares about it. Now I have this really lightweight all terrain stroller made Jeep (yes, the car company Jeep) and guess what I got it for free outside a thrift store!!

    I checked to make sure it had the harness, wheels and handle. It did and appears to only have been used once. What a great find. I think that if you find something great on Craigslist get it.

    P.S.-I know that I don't know you personally, but if you did a blog baby shower for yourself, I wouldn't mind contributing a little bit to help get Lil J a nice stroller.

  30. I've had $600 strollers and this one that I think is about $150 is still my favorite:
    It is kind of big, but perfect for everything. Also, if you are going to spend that kind of money on a stroller, you may want to choose a gender neutral color so that you can use it for all of your children! Good luck :)

  31. That is definitely frustrating.

    When I had B I just used his Evenflo travel system stroller and had no problems. I did get an umbrella stroller when he was older but went back to the orginal even though it was heavy.

    The twins I nanny for have a BOB double joggin stroller and it is fabulous! Their mom was lucky because someone gave it to her used (I am assuming she has to give it back when she is done). It turns and handles fabulous and goes up and down curbs great. The only neagtive to the double BOB is the size, it will not fit through a doorway :-(

  32. I think the best thing for when they're still in their infant seat is a frame stroller like this one: It's super lightweight and not bulky with lots of room underneath for stuff. Then, when they get older and can sit up etc., you can just switch to a stroller like the Bob. I found the travel system that you could purchase that matches the infant seat to be really bulky and unweildy personally.

  33. I have a Graco stroller that the car seat pops right into. When the kids got bigger, we got cute umbrella strollers from Target. Since I'm not a runner or have a need for mine to go on extremely rough terrain, I don't see why people pine over outrageous strollers. If it has wheels that work and holds my child safely in place, I'm good.

  34. Wow, that is rude that she did that! When I had my daughter I didn't really get to pick all the cute stuff like most ppl do with their first child. Almost everything I had was stuff that was pretty much handed down. I wish I could have done all that though.

    I had a 3 in 1 stroller and I liked it. I liked how the carrier/carseat held her up higher on the stroller so I could see her better. It was kinda bulky though but I didn't have to wake her up to put her in the car.


  35. Thanks for sharing this experience with us Future Mama.

    I have to say that everytime I see Snoopy's face I really want to have a dog. He is so, so cute.

  36. I really love the city mini stroller. SO easy to collapse and store. They are about 200 to 250 so about half the price. I think they are totally worth looking at anyways. (I have never used a BOB so I can't compare them) Good luck!

  37. ps. here is a link to the city mini

  38. I had a graco and I absolutely loved mine. I thought it was perfect in weight, height since I"m tall, it was easy to push and easy to store in the trunk. That's definitely what I'd go with!

  39. Hey, I am somewhat new to your blog and wanted to say hi! I am expecting my first in Nov. and your site has been so interesting and helpful to me :) Sorry about the stroller situation, how dishonest and unprofessional of that woman! I don't have any recommendations, from all these comments I'm sure you'll be able to find a great one. Best of luck in your last few weeks of your pregnancy!

  40. Personally, I wouldn't buy a stroller used. It's one of those safety things. And well, strollers get messy b/c kids are messy. That's just my thoughts.

    And that lady totally sucks!

  41. Wow that was so wrong of that woman. I dont know how some people sleep. Still making the UBP rounds

  42. My favorite stroller so far is the Maclaren Volo.. It's so compact and lightweight... you'll need to wait til your LO is able to hold her own head though because it's not for small infants... I've owned almost every stroller type and brand below $250.00 and I must say... the Volo is easy to maneuver in small places, fits in my trunk like an umbrella stroller, it super light weight and easy to open/close, cute colors (I got a yellow and grey), VERY comfortable (even my almost 5 yo loves to ride in it), holds a child up to 50 something lbs, it is vented for hot months, the item holder is large enough to put a large lunch box and a Medela back pack pump holder (I use it for a diaper bag now) in it and the sun shade covers almost all of my daughter when outside. I purchased it myself at LOVE IT!!! it's also AWESOME for travel since it folds up small enough to take onboard the plane....

  43. and I forgot... if you really wanted a stroller with a drink holder just purchase the J L Childress Cups 'N Cargo Stroller Organizer for it and it works PERFECT well, except that it does make the stroller a little to top heavy if you fill the net portion and will tip backwards if the baby is not heavy enough to counter weight again... when I am taking my baby out of the stroller I usually prop the handles up against a wall or something so it doesn't tip backwards

  44. I'm so sorry that that happened to you. So frustrating! I'm sure you'll find a really nice one and that you'll be happier with that one. Good luck!

  45. The only thing I cared about when I got my stroller/pram/pushchair was that the baby faced me! Colour was not high on my list, basically as long as it wasn't pink I was ok with it! Those three wheelers sure look fancy, but really, the thing your baby cares most about is "where is my mommy?" and if you're not wearing your baby in a sling then they are next happiest in a stroller that faces back so they can see you, not a sea of strange legs and a blast of cold wind/rain/hot sun.

    My pushchair could be set to face forward or back, my girls never liked facing forward, and always opted for the rear facing pushchair over the fold-up forward facing stroller given the choice!


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)