Monday, August 23, 2010

Life Makeover

I can't believe how different my life--my world is from just 7 weeks (and one day) ago. I didn't believe everyone when they told me how different things would be, and every day I'm becoming more and more of a hypocrite doing things I never thought I'd do. Motherhood is truly giving me a makeover. I'll be going into my motherhood confessions soon enough, and I've even added a section for them so watch out!

To go along with my life makeover, I had a blog makeover. What do you think? My friend and designer Danielle aka The Design Girl did it. And as usual, did a fabulous job! I wanted to go back to my "blogging roots" focusing on writing (less giveaway and sponsor flair), plus add more space for photos since I'm trying to develop photography skills.

To do this I thought I wanted a more basic look, but we were also able to remove the cartoon and add a personal touch up top with a silhouette photo of me and my daughter taken by my friend Becca from Grand Felicity Photography.

I also have added comment moderation for now because the spam comments are THROUGH THE ROOF!

So, what do you think?

I know a few of my friends have asked me about who designs my site, so if you're looking for someone who can take your vision and make it a reality check The Design Girl out!

Also, she does scrapbook kits, incase you're into digital scrapbooking, and she's having a sale this week for her design-iversary.

She is also offering my readers $10 off any blog design you order from her, just tell her I sent you!
I hope you like the new look as much as I do and will join me in my new quest.--My journey THROUGH motherhood.

And notice my new signature...


  1. For a minute I thought I was on the wrong page. Like the new makeover. Looking forward to more posts about your motherhood journey.

  2. I think it looks great! Perfect timing. :)

  3. This change is absolutely timing

  4. I love it!!! It's so beautiful and I love too that you re-added the g to the end of making again :) I really like that photo too... it's so beautiful!

  5. Very cute and classic! And I can't wait to read the confessions :-)

  6. Beautiful love the new blog and header!

  7. It's so pretty. It has a nice serene and calming affect.

  8. Love the new look. That picture is beautiful!

  9. I love your new layout & design - it's sleek, modern and fits the new you!

  10. I do like it, but I've always loved your cartoons, so it's a toss-up for me.

  11. I like the new look just as much as I liked the old look. Are you keeping the button? I love your button! For a second I thought I was in the wrong spot. But a quick look around and I knew I was in the right place. I love the new header. Adorable! I'm trying to develop photography skills as well. Number one on my list: Develop enough annoyance that my husband finally buys me the camera I'm drooling over. So far, I haven't gotten very far.

  12. Love the new look! It's beautiful!

  13. Super cool design. So grown up ;)! I like it.

  14. I really like your new design. I too was confused for a second when I first visited--I was like: 'oh no--where did her blog go.' Then I realized it was a makeover. It's feminine and mature. I like. I look forward to reading more of your posts as I go thru my own journey towards motherhood :)

  15. Love the new design - very peaceful and relaxing. AND I adore that picture in the header.

  16. Beautiful blog make over! I love the picture in your blog header!! :-)

    I remember those early days of being a mama well... people had told me a ton of things while I was pregnant but it didn't hit home until I was in the thick of it. LOL!

    Looking forward to mommy confessions!

  17. YAY I love it! My blogover took place last night :)

  18. The new design is gorgeous!

  19. It's a gorgeous makeover! I love the photo!

  20. Love the new look! Your header is just gorgeous!

  21. Just had her do my blog makeover too and I just love it! :) Yours looks fantastic! :)

  22. Love the makeover, that picture of you and baby is just beautiful.

  23. Danielle did such a FABULOUS job!! I *love* it! ...the header photo is perfect. ;)

    - likin' the new, smaller font size too!

  24. I love the new site and like almost everyone else, I thought I was at the wrong site. This site has a soft feel perfect for the precious memories of a newborn.

  25. Beautiful!
    I had a bad experience with Danielle once in the past so I can't recommend her to anyone, but I think she did a fabulous job with your site!

  26. Aw!!! I LOVE the change!! It honestly seems ... almost matured. Like the life change with Lil J just transformed your world (like I'm sure it did). But I feel like she really captured that for you... Love it!

    P.s. did you hear? I'm in the baby makin club! We're due January 24! :D

  27. I think it looks beautiful - clean, pretty, soft... very nice!

  28. I LOVE it! Great picture too! Thanks for the mention, gorgeous layout! Danielle doesn't design websites, too does she?

  29. Your new blog is almost as beautiful as your precious little girl! So sweet.

  30. Love the new header and design! Looks great!!! :)

  31. Very Nice! I too thought I was at the wrong blog. I luv that pic of you and Baby J :)

  32. Love the new look!
    It's supper cute!

  33. Love the new look!
    It's supper cute!

  34. YAY I love it! My blogover took place last night :)

  35. I do like it, but I've always loved your cartoons, so it's a toss-up for me.


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)