Saturday, September 18, 2010

It's Been a Fun Two Months

My Beautiful Daughter,

You're only two months old but already, I'm beginning to feel like you've been in my life forever. My favorite part of the day is when you're in a good mood and smiling. You talk baby talk a lot now too. You especially like to show me how much you can say when I'm on the phone. We've also heard you say "Dada" quite a few times, mostly when you've had enough fun in your swing.

You also know when I'm coming to get you now because you'll fuss a little, but stop once you see me and start smiling and kicking your feet. It's so cute. I can't believe how smart you are!

You've been on three big trips already, and seven flights! That's more than some adults have been on.

Grandma introduced you to Elmo and you love him. I'm not sure how much you can make out on the tv but you smile and giggle at whatever you van make out, and I guess his voice. You don't knnow this yet but I got you a Tickel Me Elmo for Christmas. I hope you'll like it!

One of your favorite things to do is to look at yourself. I record videos of you dancing and you just love seeing yourself move on the computer screen. You smile and laugh at yourself.

You're also starting to notice Snoop a little. But I think you may be allergic to his kisses because he licked your face and it turned all red on that side for an hour or so.
Snoop and baby
Just as I predicted when you were in my womb, you're very strong. You try to use your legs to stand up and you've been doing that for about a month! You try to climb up the stomach of whoever is holding you. And when we lay you on your back but slightly propped, you stick out your arms and try to sit up using your little tummy muscles. You get mad when you can't move far.

When we flip you over for tummy time you kick your legs around and push yourself up. You like playing on your tummy for awhile. I can't wait until you start grabbing toys and things too. It seems like you're just starting to notice them, but don't know how to grab it yet.
tummy time
You also love bath time. You love feeling the water and you're sneaky sometimes and try to drink the water.

I think you're really going to like solid food. I'm excited to introduce it to you in a few months. You always look a my food when I eat and you slober a lot. I think you want to taste it.

When we went to the doctor you got your two month vaccines and it was so sad. I felt bad knowing something was about to hurt you, and having to sit there while you cried. You were so happy right before the nurse poked you. Watching you go from smiling to crying made me cry. But I nursed you right after and you were ok.

Before your shots we weighed and measured you and you were about 13.5lbs and 23.5in long. So you're 90th percentile for weight and 95th for height right now. It's so fun watching you grow but it's a little sad too. Sometimes I feel like I already want to get to work on getting you a brother or a sister, but then again I don't think we're quite ready for that yet.

I've had so much fun hanging out with you all day long during my maternity leave. We've had so much fun together. We traveled a lot the first couple of months but these last few weeks we've gotten to relax more and hang out around home.

We have a fun morning routine, you and I. When you start to wake up to eat around 7, so I bring you in bed with me and we go back to sleep until about 9. Then you want to eat again and you finally wake up for the day and are all smiley and happy.

I pump some milk for you and we sing songs and play patty cake. It's probably my favorite part of the day. Then we go downstairs and I let you play in your swing for a little bit while I make breakfast: Strawberry oatmeal and a cinnamon raisin bagel. Then I let you sit with me while I eat and we watch three or four episodes of Say Yes to the Dress on DVR.

I remind you that you don't need a $10,000 Pnina Tornai dress to be happy, and that you should wait a long long time to get married.

It's funny because I really started to get into the show during my labor with you. A Say Yes to the Dress marathon was on TV in the hospital so I watched that after my epidural and until it was time to push.

I've had so much fun spending my time off with you. It's been way more fun than I imagined and it's hard picturing not being with you all day. But I have to remember there's a season for everything and this time in your life it'll be daddy's turn to spend some time with you.
2 months
I suppose we'll get used to being apart for a little while. And you'll get to spend some quality time with Daddy for a while. Go easy on him. You and I have things figured out for us but it may take you guys a while to figure out what works for you two.

Being a mommy isn't boring or difficult like I used to worry it would be. It's really really fun.

Thanks for brightening up my world little one!



Everyone who comments on this post before September 25th at 11:59pm will be entered to win an eco-friendly $25 gift card from Follow @GiftZip on Twitter or Facebook for an extra entry.

**** winner of the Sugar Sweet Baby wrap: #165 Mama Campbell Congratulations! I'll email you so you can claim your prize!

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  1. Oh my goodness she's so precious. I can't believe she's 2 months already! I love reading your blog and seeing the new photos of her with each post. This was such a sweet and informative letter lol.

  2. That just about brought me to tears Jen! I bet she's screaming I love you mommy!

  3. My gosh, Little J is SOOO adorable! What a sweetie!

  4. Awww! She's the preciousest thing ever! (besides mine). So sad for you that you'll be going back to work soon. Wonderful to have a daddy who can help, though! I'd love to see how it worked if my hubby did that for us! With our 4 kids, I think that would be a disaster. ;0)

  5. I follow giftzip on Twitter @getalonghome

  6. Aww how beautiful-this was such a sweet letter. Every mom should write one.

  7. That's so cute! I wonder how her routine with daddy will be. Do you think he'll write her a sweet letter too?

  8. Very beautiful and has me teary eyed. Just a beautiful baby. Congrats to you.

  9. I still can't get over all that hair! So precious! I really love that last picture. I bet she'll have lots of fun with daddy!

  10. I CANNOT believe Lil' J is two months old?!?!?! Seriously, you have the cutest little girl EVER!!! One day we will meet, and our daughters will be friends! ;)

  11. So adorable. And so much bigger than mine!! She is six weeks and about 9 lbs. :D. She grows so fast though

  12. The time flies by so fast! That was such a beautiful letter and she is a beauty as well. My husband always wanted to be the one to stay at home with our daughter but I am (secretly) glad he didn't. She can be a little stinker when he is home, mostly because she knows she gets whatever she wants from him.

  13. I love your letters to your daughter! They touch my heart.

  14. I always read all of your posts because well, they are always so interesting and fun!
    Your little girl is adorable and sounds quite advanced. What a joy and blessing!

    spencer1953 at gmail dot com-carol.

  15. Everytime I read one of your letters or posts, I end up in tears because (1) I'm sad that I didnt do that with/for my daughter and (2) because the love that you are feeling right now flows right off the computer screen. Lil J will always have those and know exactly what you were thinking at that point in her life. Thank you so much for everything that you've shared through your journey so far. You've provided a ton of helpful information by just being you.

  16. Follwo GiftZip on Twitter!~dresdenrain.

  17. Has time really flown by this fast? I can't believe she is two months already!

  18. I'm following @GiftZip on Twitter : ) My Twitter ID is sophiesaurus.

  19. I love reading these, I am due in a month and a half with my own little girl, so excited for life after birth!

  20. She is so cute! Hopefully she is not allergic to Snoop although sharpeis are the 1# dog that people are allergic too (I am).

  21. She is such a doll!!! I can see why you're so proud.

  22. I'm following @Giftzip on twitter - I'm @monkeytoesshoes

  23. Oh my goodness- the time has flown. I can't believe she's 2 months old already.
    I'm thinking ahead to my maternity leave, and it made me so sad the other day when I was talking with some Canadians down for the weekend. In Canada, you get 1 YEAR of maternity leave. 1 YEAR. They thought I was joking when I said I was going to take the full 12 weeks. Canada's looking pretty good right about now.
    I hope you enjoy your next month, and husby will take good care of her!! :)

  24. She is looking so beautiful and alert! Sorry you have to go back to work. :( My baby is 3 (and one on the way!) and I work part time, and it's never easy to leave your child. But if you love your job, and I do, then it can actually make you a better mommy when you're home, IMO!

  25. Twitter follower of Giftzip (shellbelle1229)

  26. Awe, she is ADORABLE!!!!! Im late than a mug, but Congratulations!! :)

  27. You are such a great mom! Lil J is so blessed to have you! Love her little polo dress!

  28. Such a sweet post. Your daughter is adorable. I love the bottom picture of her with that cute little headband. Snoop is adorable as well. Is he good with her? We have 2 dogs and I wonder how it will be when hubby and I have a baby. By the way, she looks a lot like you.

  29. Your daughter is adorable!

  30. She is such a cutie! Thanks for sharing these precious first two months with her!

  31. I follow them on facebook.

  32. I love the pictures you have been taking! you are really getting good with your camera!!

  33. Aww...Lil J is really blessed to have such a wonderful mommy with such a positive outlook on motherhood. And I thought I was the only one hooked on Say Yes To The Dress. I've seen every episode at least twice. LOL.

  34. Wonderful letter and great pics!! Loved your post.

  35. Nope, being a mom isn't boring or difficult, most of the time, it's wonderful, thanks for sharing your wonderful story, she's beautiful.

    (If she's really interested in your food you can always let her have just a taste if you want by just putting a small smear on your finger and letting her suck it off)

  36. These letters will be so fun for her to read when she is older! Lovely.

  37. I love this update! I was studying for the bar exam this whole summer when I discovered your blog, and while I didn't make time to watch any tv or go out on any outings (bar exam studying = very all-consuming!), I definitely made the time to visit your blog everyday as I was very excited about Lil J's impending birth!
    You must be so pleased with how she turned out--she seems like the perfect baby :) I wish I didn't miss out on getting to know her name like everyone else! boooo ◕‿◕

  38. Oh Jennifer! The picture of her right above the bath time comment is so very sweet! I think it's my new favorite. You are so lucky to have that beautiful baby. You're doing great!

  39. It seems like you've had her for longer than 2 months to me too. I guess I lose track of time.

    I think it's interesting that you watched Say Yes to the Dress while you were laboring. I never really thought about the possibility of watching cable TV at the hospital--I think that'd be a good distraction for me. We just have basic broadcast tv at our apartment, but watching my cable shows at the gym definitely helps me get through the cardio part of my workout. =)

  40. I like the second picture in this post. It is way cute!

    I showed our 3 month old a Tickle Me Elmo and she acted scared. Maybe when she gets older she will like it more :).

  41. I've just screamed OMG at my laptop! She is the cutest little girl I have ever seen! I demand a baby just like yours!!

    Thank you for sharing your story : )

  42. Aww, this post was amazing. I loved the letter to your daughter, wonderful.

  43. Such a beautiful letter, it made me smile and shed a tear.

  44. What a sweetheart! So glad you enjoyed your time with her - isn't being a mom pretty amazing? Just read your post from your first day back at work. So glad it went well - it reminds me to not take for granted the opportunity I do have to stay home with my little ones. What a blessing that your hubby can be there with her, that you have a job you love, that they are so supportive of you pumping at work, and that you have such a sweet happy baby girl when you come home!

  45. Simply beautiful little girl

  46. Everytime I read one of your letters or posts, I end up in tears because (1) I'm sad that I didnt do that with/for my daughter and (2) because the love that you are feeling right now flows right off the computer screen. Lil J will always have those and know exactly what you were thinking at that point in her life. Thank you so much for everything that you've shared through your journey so far. You've provided a ton of helpful information by just being you.

  47. That's so cute! I wonder how her routine with daddy will be. Do you think he'll write her a sweet letter too?


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