Sunday, September 26, 2010

My Top Ten Baby Making Tips

Now I'm not a fertility expert or anything but I do know a thing or two about baby making. Before trying to get pregnant, I researched fertility tips and tricks and thought "what the heck, why not try it."

So in no particular order, here are some things you can keep in mind if you think you may want to try to get pregnant in the next year or so:

1. Start Taking Prenatal Vitamins: Never too early to start. It can take your body a few months to stock up on all of the nutrients you may be low on (especially folic acid), so it's not a bad idea to start a few months before you begin trying to conceive.

I picked up some cheapos at first but then a few people told me they go straight through you and don't break down right. So I got Garden of Life Raw Prenatal vitamins. All of the ingredients are things you can understand, and while they don't taste the best, they're easy to swallow. I also took the Oceans Mom vitamins (and still do) which has DHA and is great for baby's brain development. I attribute Lil' J's advanced intelligence in part to my religiousness of taking these.

Vitamins not your thing? BeNice Prenatal is a drink that comes in a packet you mix in with water to get all the prenatal vitamins you need! (Free shipping right now too!!)

2. Eat Healthier: Really, you should be getting all of your nutrients from food but take note to things you can cut back on, and what you can eat more of. Green leaves are more rich in folic acid, so eat lots of yummy salad. Also, cut back on caffeine. Studies are back and forth on whether or not caffeine affects the ability to conceive but it doesn't hurt to take a break from it. I did, and haven't looked back since. I had my husband give it up too because excessive caffeine can affect sperm count.

Also, think about cutting out artificial sweaters if you haven't already. If you're craving something sweet, BellyBar has a bunch of yummy things to try. I love their shakes but my favorite is their Berry Nutty Cravings. They also have a new "boost" bar that compliments your prenatal vitamins.

3. Keep Warm: I read a great book called Pulling Down the Moon which has 12 steps to optimizing your fertility. One thing I thought was interesting learning about were my body's processes, and how fertility is a warm process, therefore drinking warm liquids (or water at room temperature versus cold temperature) made less work for my body. I dunno, maybe it was all in my head but I ate a lot of steamed veggies, and drank a lot of warm water with lemon, and if I ever ate something cool, I would usually drink something warm with it.

4. Use a Sperm-Friendly Lubricant: Did you know stuff like KY jelly inhabits the swimmers from getting to their destination? It's not birth control or anything but it doesn't help things when you're trying to get pregnant. I used Conceive Plus. Which doesn't inhibit them and supposedly helps the swimmers get there easier.

5. Keep the Legs Up: Ya know. After doing the deed. Use good old gravity for 5-10 minutes to get the swimmers on their way.

6. Get Your Spouse Involved: My husband thought I was a little crazy when I was telling him what he could and couldn't eat and to skip hot baths. But it's good to discuss things and make sure you're on the same page. It's a good idea for him to eat better, exercise too. My husband used these vitamins. Oh, and Horny Goat Weed is supposedly suppose to help male fertility but really... Who the heck knows! Whatever you do, don't be like me and turn in to a sex natzi.

7. Relax: It's the #1 think you'll get tired of hearing from people when you're trying to conceive. But try it. Go on a baby-makin moon, or try Circle + Bloom (a fertility relaxation program). I did both. Use this as an opportunity to try that yoga class you've been eye-balling. Or start a new book. Something to get your mind off trying to conceive (TTC). If it doesn't work, you can always think about all of the reasons why you DON'T want to get pregnant and try to trick your uterus using reverse psychology.

8. Get Regular Exercise: I took my dog for a jog every day (obviously pre-baby. Now he's lucky if I remember to pet him). Gaining or loosing weight can whip your baby making machine into gear! You can try Carmen Electra's Striptease DVDs like I did during my stripper stint and hit two birds with one stone!

9. Know Your Fertile Days: There's a few key days every month that you're most fertile. You can take your basal body temperature every day to track when you ovulate. I did this for a month but it really took the fun out of "being spontaneous" (but even when I wasn't tracking I still knew when I was ovulating I just didn't tell my husband so he thought it was spontaneous). I recommend the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility to learn more about that good stuff.

10. Know it Can Take Time: Only about 25% percent of couples actively trying, get pregnant in the first month of trying. You really have only a 25% chance in any given month but 90% of couples get pregnant within a year of trying. So don't give up!

Questions anyone?

And here's a little something to help--Everyone who comments on this post before October 9th will be entered to win a pack of the Garden of Life Prenatal Vitamins I mentioned earlier!

*** winner: Commenter #37: Brittany!


  1. I've never knew being warm could help fertility. You learn something new everyday.

  2. What a great post! Thanks for simplifying.

  3. "Keep your legs up!" Oh my gosh! So hilarious!

  4. thank you for posting these! I have heard great things about the book you mentioned. I'll have to see if the library has it!

  5. It's nice to hear about the things you can do before even TTC. We're waiting a bit, but I'd love to make sure my body is still in top babymaking shape! Thanks for the tips!

  6. Not sure if my comment posted? My computer hiccuped, you can delete this if my other one went through!

  7. much like you, i read about all this stuff before ttc. since i'll likely be ttc #2 sometime next year, i really appreciated these reminders - especially the one about the vitamins. i was religious about them before and during pregnancy, but not so much postpartum. i need to get back on them and appreciate the reminder that they're important for ttc. maybe that'll do the trick!

  8. This entry was just perfect timing for me. I just started a blog for getting in shape and preparing for when we start TTC next summer and your blog is such an inspiration. I already kicked caffine out of my life and now I'm working on eating healthier and getting into shape. Thank you for writing this.

  9. Interesting post. Good to have these tips since I do plan on being pregnant within the next year. I already do 1, 2, 4, 7, and 8. I totally didn't know about 3 but I like keeping warm anyway. Will use 5 when the time comes. For 6, hubby is already on board--although it may be difficult for me to convince him not to take hot baths. 9,10 will be more relevant once I'm off the pill. :) Thanks for sharing and check out my blog when you get a chance. :)

  10. Great tips.
    My husband & I tried for over 3 yrs before we had our Nate who is today 6wks old. This post would have been very useful for me back then so I'm sure it would be really useful for other soon-to-be mothers out there.

    Btw - I'm new to your blog and am enjoying the reads. I've added you to my blogroll, hope you don't mind. Pls drop by and say hi when you get a chance :)

    Happy Bloggings!

  11. I'll be keeping these things in mind when the time comes!

  12. Thanks for reminding me the tips for a successful TTC journey.

    I did the research too and although I am doing most of them, I am not very diligent. for instance I don't take my prenatal vitamins everyday as I should. I take them and don't take them... just when I feel like it :(.

    Hubby thinks I am crazy in keep the legs up, but hopefully it will work. Also, to relax, I am using Circle and Bloom (excellent program which I will write about on my blog one of these days) and just trying to start focusing on pursuing my career.

    I have to start eating healthy again and also keep the excising going.

    have a nice day ;). Oh, and say hello to Lil J. for me :)!

  13. Great post! I totally believe that you have to just chill out and 'let it happen.' Unless you have medical reasons that require you to do counting, testing, shots, etc. For the rest of us? RELAX.

  14. I love this post! Especially because my husband comes home from deployment this week and we have been talking about trying within the next year! Its good to know there are things i can do now to jumpstart my fertility!!! Thank You!

  15. Great List!!

    I feel like you! We are waiting to TTC until the end of next year and I already bought a pre-pregnancy book and have started my research about all things baby/pregnancy/parenthood. I totally hope to win those pre-natal vitamins!

  16. TTC was a practice in patience for us- even with everything apparently working as it should (and using most of these tips), we still didn't have success until the 8th cycle trying.

  17. Its good to know those things in the beginning. I started out slow ttc, and then each month I'd add something in. I started vitamins, eating/exercising, etc in the beginning, but then just dtd a lot. then added charting.. then a special fertility lubricant.. don't remember the name.. and so on. DUnno what finally worked, or if it was just time, but we have our princess!

  18. I was blessed to get pregnant easily, almost too easy, which is a scary thought for the future. Yeah I am a winner!
    mrs.domestica @

  19. This are great, totally a bookmark worthy post. I plan on taking the vitamins and stuff early too. It can only help!

  20. Ooh, Google Reader is psychic, because just on Saturday, we decided no more birth control pills. Mostly because they make me weep like a bathtub overflowing, but also because babies are awesome. We're not "trying" so much as "not preventing." So whereas I used to take prenatals when I remembered--which was maybe a couple times a week--now it's time to get all religious about 'em. Therefore free ones would be awesomesauce.

  21. Good tips! Especially keeping your legs up... hahaha.

  22. I never knew about the whole warm thing. Interesting.

  23. heheheh! @ keep your legs up, lol Thanks for this :)

  24. My husband and I are going to start trying soon so this was so well-timed - thanks!

  25. I would love to try those vitamins since we just found out we are expecting our 3 bundle....

  26. A friend of mine knew exactly when she was ovulating and planned her pregnancy pretty much to the day. I think I'd prefer a bit more spontaneity. haha The hardest thing for me when I want to have kids will be the relaxing part. I'll have to work on that!

  27. Fab post... pleased to know i/we are doing at least 7 of those :)

  28. prenatals are good advice, but all of my doctors told me the OTC are just as good as the expensive Rx ones. the ingredients are the same. i use target brand and started taking them a few months before TTC and then through the first months of breastfeeding.

  29. These are all great! I added many of these steps when I was trying to get preggo with my first. I especially think they're important if it's your first time getting pregnant. Our bodies sometimes need a little extra help. I'm telling you what though, my body must know what it's doing because it only took one try - ONE!!!! - to conceive Baby No. 2. Craziness. I tried to get pregnant for the better part of a year with my first and then no work at all for the making of the second. Little opposites.

  30. Loves this list! We're doing most of them!! I've been taking Target brand prenatal vitamins but would love to win & try the Garden of Life ones.

  31. This makes me so excited! Hubs and I are going to start trying very soon!! I've been taking prenatal vitamins but I'm sure the ones you mentioned are great!

  32. Great tips! Interesting post for sure.

  33. Great list! I am new to your blog and am going to be getting back on the TTC train in a couple months.

  34. I love the idea of adding the vitamins to your water since I love drinking water and taking a vitamin pill usually upsets my stomach.

  35. Great article! I wish I would had seen this when we were ttcing. :-) I am going to look up those vitamins and get started taking them.

    Thanks so much!

    dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

  36. i never knew about the warmth thing, but that makes so much sense! I craved room temperature drinks during each pregnancy. the thought of ice in my drinks literally nauseated me. lol!

  37. Love these tips! Thank you for them!

  38. My husband and I starting half-trying in November last year, but we really weren't following any real tips (although I had been pretty healthy and taking prenatals, etc.). However, the first month we were REALLY trying, in March, was the month we got pregnant! :) So I would add another tip to your list: be ready, for real, and it will happen. :)

  39. Thanks for sharing new tips. Vitamins would be greatly appreciated!

  40. Taking basal temperatures worked for us. Maybe it didn't help with spontaneity, but it really enhanced our intimate moments by building anticipation.
    cbeargie at yahoo dot com

  41. Thanks for the opportunity to learn from your journey. Looking forward to beginning out TTC journey soon. I've already been exercising and eating better. I've lost some weight and have started taking regular vitamins. Prenatal vitamins are next on my list.


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