Monday, November 22, 2010

A Blog Button: What I'm Makin' Monday

Once again I'm not doing the best job at creativity with my What I'm Makin' Monday meme, but I worked 11 days in a row and haven't had time to sit down and craft like I want to. Next week will be better!

This week the only thing I made (not even a real meal, isn't that sad?) is a blog button for my Flash Giveaway.
I'm not really good at making blog buttons, or designing anything for that matter, but I was sorta a little impressed with how snazzy I made this button in a matter of minutes.

I looked around at different blog event buttons and got a few ideas for what works and noticed a few things: 1. Having 2-3 colors in the button, no more. 2. Having 2-3 different fonts or sized fonts so it's not all the same size. This can make up for lack of graphics.

I'd much rather hire someone like The Design Girl or A Blog to Brag About to make me a fun button, but I thought I'd make a simple something instead of wasting their time rushing on something that's, oh yea--TODAY!

Speaking of which I got NINE more sponsor requests for the giveaway. So now there's more than $1200 (I lost count of amount once we hit $1200) worth of prizes for 38 winners! I hope you'll stop by my facebook page to enter. It's simple, and for you, my loyal readers who have stuck by me! I wrote a note on how the giveaway works so read that. It's only going on for 24 hours, so if you snooze you loose!

Here's some more info about the final nine sponsors who are giving away a fun prize in the giveaway. You can see the other prizes here.

One thing I noticed today is that a lot of my twitter and blog friends decided to join in on the giveaway fun to expand their facebook fan base. You don't have to have a business to sponsor. Double Duty Mommy make cute baby hair bows and she's giving away $15 worth of hair bows to one winner. That's enough to buy 3 custom headbands for your little cutie.
I'm so excited that Ellie Adorn has asked to sponsor this event. I was so excited when I saw her nursing rings that I bought one of my own! Lil' J loves to pull on my shirt, or necklace if I'm wearing one, and this will be a nice distraction while she's eating. Especially since she gets so distracted lately and tries to socialize instead of eat when we're out! This is ok when we're in the mother's lounge at church but awkward if we're anywhere else. I think it could also be a nice teething toy too since she's so into chewing on everything lately. I purposely got a limited edition leopard print cause I think she's like the black and while speckles, but the winner of this giveaway gets to choose the nursing necklace of their choice!
Sweet Dreams Maternity Wear is also chiming in with a prize for you. They sell beautiful maternity gowns so you still feel beautiful and special, even when you may not feel it so hot. Well, maybe you feel hot, but not in a sexy way. They also just released a new line called "Baby Rockin' Mama" featuring a flashy guitar over your baby bump perfect for your little rock star. Singer Alicia Keys owns one! Sweet Dreams Maternity is giving away a $25 gift certificate to their shop!
Another shop giving away $25 to their store is BBaby Bling. What baby doesn't look adorable in bling? Lil' J and I LOVE bling, and she has one of these adorable bibs! I'm going to snap a picture of her in her blinged-out slobber-catcher and post it later today on my facebook page so you can see how cute it is. Like I mentioned, the winner gets $25 to this store which also sells customizable baby bling in onesies, hats, shirts, blankets and bibs.

I'm on the hunt for Christmas toys right now for Lil' J, I don't want to go crazy but I want to get a few educational things and something she can have fun filling and dumping, cause really, that's all kids this age want to do. Totally Kids Fun Furniture and Toys has all sorts of toys and furniture for kids all ages and they're giving away a $15 gift card to their store for three winners!

I thought I made cute tutus, but Alyssa from She's Mommiefied makes some adorable tutus, and she's going to give one lucky winner their choice in color and style for a custom tutu! Technically, I guess you could get one for yourself, but I think this is aimed for smaller people. This mom has an adorable baby girl and apparently two cervixes... Crazy right? Yea, that's what she says! She's a fun read!

Emily, from Baby Dickey is one of my blog besties. She is being such a good friend in supporting me. Not only has she read my blog awhile (I think) but she's also chipping in this giveaway and donating a prize! Is giving away a $15 Sock Punky from, well, Sock Punky. These things are so cute. I personally like the Hippo the best but Emily things the Monkeys are cute so I'm sampling a monkey for you all to see. Be sure to check out the shop to see more of the cute stuff and eyeball what you want! More importantly, check out Emily's great blog. She does lots of great giveaways too, so if you're into that, be sure to visit her giveaway blog as well.

Another top Etsy shop favorie of mine--Mod Mom Me-- is one of the final sponsors who squeezed into the giveaway and I'm so glad. I have one of her beautiful diaper clutches and I bought a wet bag to match it, and I'm about to buy another wet bag and a burp cloth and... Ok, I need to stop. Seeing all this fun stuff yall get to win is making me spend WAY too much money! Anyway, the mama behind these adorable projects just started making changing pad roll ups and one lucky winner will win one today!

And finally, last but not least, Addi's Closet is wrapping up the flash giveaway with some of her beautiful satin and Swarovski clips. She has two adorable kiddos of her own and enjoys art adn creating beautiful things. Which she has done here with these pretty clips. The winner gets two in the color of their choice.
And there you have it my friends! I'm no longer taking new sponsors, and anyone else who's interested can be on the top of the list for my next one, which will be at a date that is not yet determined.

Remember, this all starts today around 9am, and lasts all day! I'll post a giveaway or two every hour and you'll have 24 hours to enter before the giveaway closes! More information in the Flash Giveaway Sponsor Lineup Note! See you there!

PS: Back to my regularly scheduled programming tomorrow! :)
What I'm Making Monday

(highlight ctl+c)

1 comment:

  1. Hey, blog buttons totally count as craftiness! lol It is making something and using your imagination after all. :) Thanks for the linky!


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