Friday, November 26, 2010

Lil' J is a Baby Einstein: New Discovery Kits!

The first time I heard about Baby Einsteins I was a teenager and babysitting for a woman at my church. She asked me to play it if we were going to have the TV on.

I'm not sure if back then people thought these movies would make babies smarter or something, but the name sorta implies that at first.

I didn't think I'd be one of "those moms" who experiments with baby DVDs with her child but here I am!

A friend of mine gave me her baby Einstein movies since her baby is older now and Lil' J watched them for a little while on my computer screen. This was about a month ago. I put them away and didn't think much else about them until I was sent these new Baby Einstein Discovery Kits to try!
These are cool because each kit is a different "level" with different things to experience. We got Level 1 "Experience": Baby Mozart, which comes with a DVD, a CD with the tunes from the DVD and a book with some of the images from the movie. Level 2 "Explore": Which also came with a DVD, a CD and flash cards. And Level 3 "Expression": Which came with a DVD, a CD and book.

Each property of each kit coincides together so it's like a continuous lesson.The second and third lessons are more advanced for Lil' J to understand right now but she sure loves all the stuff! She likes the movies and actually gets "zoned in" to them, and now when we play the music in her room upstairs, or if I play it on my computer I can see her stop what she's doing and sorta look around like "I know that song!"

Ok, so we were watching one of the movies yesterday and I had to take a quick video of her watching it so you can see how entertained she is by it. Her little face watches the penguins run back and forth on the screen, it's cute!

You can see for a second she gets bored and looks away but just then the screen flashes and something else starts happening. It's almost like it's timed perfectly to her attention span.

What I like about these is it's not just one of those "sit your kids in front of the TV and let this teach them" kind of things. The book and cards that go along with it make it fun to take the lesson away from the TV and have a little learning time together. I like to try to do this anyway with our own books and toys but this is a fun way to make learning with her well-rounded. Oh, and I love that it uses words in English, French and Spanish, so I'm learning too!

These are new and a neat gift idea for Christmas!

Everyone who comments on this post before next Friday December 3rd will be entered to win 3 Baby Einstein Discovery kits! Blog followers get an extra entry. will choose the winner. Good luck!

*I received a free sample of Baby Einstein’s Discovery Kit to test for this review and giveaway, which is part of a sponsored program through the BabyCenter Blog Network.”


  1. I've been dying to try Baby Einstein stuff! Claire loves to watch the colors from Pixar movies and Disney cartoons - if she's going to be watching tv, I want it to have substance.

  2. those sound really good. I would love to try them. Hope I win.

  3. I have never tried them, but they could be fun!

  4. That sounds awesome! I have the Baby Einstein Neptune baby gym for Shane, and he LOOOVED it when he was little enough to use it. I would love to see if he would watch baby einstien because he doesn't have much interest in the tv right now.

  5. I love Baby Einstein. I had a few of the videos with my son with my 8 year old son but passed them along as he got older. I would love to try these kits with my 10 month old daughter.

  6. I had 1 baby einstein dvd that a certain 4 y/o of mine LOVED until she decided to color on it with pen and killed it. We would LOVE these for my (almost) 4 mth old or even 21 mth old!

  7. I haven't seen any of these dvd's, my sister didn't play them for either of her two, but I've heard great things about 'em! I'd love to play them fo rour lil'man who's coming any day now.

  8. Blog follower :)

  9. I was skeptical like you before--Baby Einstein used to be (to me) for those moms who didn't let their kids watch any tv unless it was this stuff which from what I remember then seemed like useless shapes floating on the screen set to classical music. Now I would use their stuff because the content seemed to have improved but the prices are still a tad high for me to buy them myself. I'd love the chance to win. Thanks!

  10. It's funny you mention this today. This morning I was toying with the idea of purchasing baby einstein for my 6 month old daughter. So I played a few on youtube and she was mesmerized by it. So I might have to get the videos for her. I'd love to win one of the kits.

  11. Austin loves Baby Einstein! His fAVORITE is the First Signs one. He laughs and says and signs the words right along...

  12. This would make a great Christmas present for my little one!

  13. I have been so excited to try these out!

  14. Baby Einstein rocks! I would love to win this.

  15. It was aswesome to watch her watching the toons. She is one super baby :)!

  16. My son isn't even born yet and I already bought a baby einstein dvd!

  17. I love Baby Einstein! I have a couple of their classic DVDs and Emma loved them when she was a baby. She also really loves music now. I like that they play classical music in the background on these DVDs. :)

  18. I planned on getting Addison some Baby Einstein stuff for Christmas!

  19. I am a long time blog follower too!

  20. My daughter had terrible colic until she was 5 months old and there were two things that calmed her during crying jags when all else failed. A video for My United States of Whatever by someone named Brookers on YouTube and Baby Beethoven. If I didn't have that DVD, I would have gone CRAZY!

  21. I would love to have these. They sound great.

  22. I have been wondering about these DVDs. I'd love to try them.

  23. Let me just say, I love your blog! the link I've attached. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children before the age of 2 don't view TV. As a second grade teacher, I have noticed some serious problems with language development. We all need to make our own choices, it's just good to be informed.


  24. Lil J's side profile is so cute! She's so intrigued!

  25. I follow your blog! And I love how engrossed Miss J is in that book!

  26. Love it. SHe looks so happy reading. :D

  27. She looks like she's really enjoying it. My son started talking quite clearly at 18 months. I didn't use baby Einstein though but read to him a lot. I'm sure a programme like this will really teach her a lot

  28. I'd love to try Baby Einstein with my baby.

  29. I would love to be entered in this giveaway.

  30. it's so funny to see how mesmerizing baby einstein can be. We use their videos in the car to help keep the baby calm on long car drives!

  31. would love to try these out with the Bug! Thanks!

  32. My got some of those for my niece to watch but she never developed an interest in them. I thought about trying them with Moo, but since she wasn't all that interested in TV, I passed. I'd love to give them a go with baby number 2 though.

  33. We love Baby Einsteins! My son started watching the dvd's at 3 months, and since they have some for every stage, he was watching them until he was about 15 months old! He loved them and I cant wait until this new baby can watch them too!!

  34. My daughter loves all the Baby Einstein stuff we already have, so I'd be curious to try out the kits!

  35. we were given a baby einstein book and dvd for our boys and they love it. This would be something that they both could enjoy together!
    -Cristine C.

  36. I would love Baby Einstein for my baby!! I work in a library and know how valuable it is to read to kids daily!! I think she would enjoy watching the videos also. I am a blog follower as well :)

  37. I would love this! I've been having baby Alex on Your Baby Can Read and it doesn't recapture his attention when he looks away.

  38. I just downloaded the Baby Einstein App for my iphone and she loves watching the videos and flash cards!

  39. I love that it uses 3 different languages. I want my little wee one to learn Spanish from an early age.

  40. I would love to try this!

  41. I would like to try it! Baby Enstein has some great stuff!

  42. I'm also a blog follower, love hearing about your experiences! Your daughter is a few months old than yours and I love getting a preview of what she might do next!

  43. Baby Einstein items rock. Thanks for the shot at winning.

  44. I also publicly follow your blog.


  45. My grandson like Baby Einstein and would really like this.

  46. I'd love to try these out. We're pretty sure were having super babies. :)

  47. These would be great for my nephew.

  48. i would love this for my 8 month old

  49. This sounds great! I would like to have this.


  50. We have 1 of the Baby Einstein movie and my daughter Norah (11 months) just loves it! I would love more of them. She even laughs at the same things each time she sees it.

  51. I have heard a lot of good things about Baby Einstein products.

    rhoneygtn at yahoo dot com

  52. Baby Einstein is one of my favorites! This would make a great gift for my little niece or nephew. :)

  53. I have a little one on the way, and would love to have some Baby Einstein items! Thanks!

  54. I'd love to have this for my little grandson. I've gotten him a few of the Baby Einstein videos and he loves them.

  55. LOVE Baby Einstein!! I had several DVDs for my son, but he's 5 and I've passed them along to friends and family. Now I have a 3 week old daughter and would LOVE to have these for her stocking this year!! Thanks for the chance! :)

    jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

  56. I'm a follower!! :)

    jamieandandre at bellsouth dot net

  57. I would love to win these - I also follow your blog!


  58. LOVE baby einstein!!
    Thanks for the chance.

  59. what a great giveaway, my daughter loves Baby einstein!

  60. I am due with my first baby in a couple of weeks, so I would love to win this...Every baby I have ever known has loved Baby Einstein. Great products!
    yummyfaerie at hotmail dot com

  61. I really like that it's more than just a DVD. I don't think a DVD alone is enough to make any lessons sink in. There really does have to be other components for it to be more than just a distraction for the kids. I'm so glad that Baby Einstein has come up with a new way to engage children in early learning.

  62. I'm a GFC follower.

  63. Thank you for the great giveaway please count me in :)

  64. I would love to have this. This is actually one of the things that was on my list for my son before the money belt got a little tight. I did want to mention a brighter background to your blog would make it more appealing. Hope you take no offense to me saying that , you write and describe so well, that it is hardly that noticeable, just really bright.

  65. GFC follower UwonderIknow

    ceemlovee at yahoo dot com

  66. Ohhh....I'd love to win these. They make sure great products.
    Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)aol(DOT)com

  67. Follower GFC
    Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)aol(DOT)com

  68. Looks great for my nephew! Thanks for the giveaway!

    nesta 67 {at} live dot com

  69. My brother and his wife recently adopted a baby after being on the waiting list for over 3 years. We are all so excited! Baby Einstein discovery kits are on their wishlist and I would love to win one for them. Thanks for hosting a great giveaway.


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)