Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mini Break

I haven't been a very good blogger lately. Things are a little chaotic right now. I've only bought one Christmas gift, I've been traveling and working around the clock. To lower my stress level I'm taking a step back from blogging these past couple of weeks. I'll be back! Hopefully Monday. I like Mondays because usually they are my Saturdays.

I'll continue to post my giveaway winners on my Facebook Page as they end and when I get the chance.


  1. Enjoy your break! Everyone needs one sometimes!

  2. You know Amazon is a great place to order gifts for Christmas and they'll arrive on time. Hopefully, things will slow down a bit and you'll get a chance to enjoy the holiday season more. Hope that all is well with Lil' J and the rest of the fam.

  3. girl, you know we'll be here when you return. If you want read my post about Lil man to make you laugh I know how stressful life can be in general. Hugs,

  4. I hear ya!.. Especially this time of year.


  5. Lord knows we all need mini breaks. Hope you are refreshed and finished shopping next time we meet. Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas!!!

  6. Your a busy mama, I was just thinking. I am having withdrawls from seeing lil J cute baby face. Take your time & enjoy your holiday & your family

  7. Oh, I can relate! I have been so busy shopping, and getting ready for the holidays, plus my kids have been sick this week. Life gets crazy!

  8. Enjoy your break!! And enjoy your holiday preparations.

  9. we've all bee there, done that. take some time off. your cyber pals will be here when you get back. Happy Holidays!

  10. Have a great break. We'll miss you and J. Happy Holidays!

  11. I hope you are enjoying the mini break. A big hug ;).


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