Monday, July 18, 2011

365 Love Letters Week 24-26

Do any of you remember before Lil' J was born me saying I probably wasn't going to post picture of her on my blog? That's pretty funny right?

Continuing in my hypocrisy... It's about time I catch up on my 365 Love Letters. I'm behind on organizing these into a calendar but hopefully I'll get it all in place by the end of the year. I already have family requests for calendars. My favorite of these may be Day 186 or 187. I caught a cute picture of her and her daddy sleeping when I got up to go to the bathroom. As you can see, she's a bed hog. Thanks for letting me share these with you! Let me know if you have a favorite! Oh, and the last picture (Day 176) is my little sister, though lots of people think we look just alike, she's 14.
Dress: Dapple Gray Designs; Bow: Homemade

Romper and Bow: Oh Sweet Baby Boutique

Dress: Adelaide's Boutique; Bow: Homemade
Jean Dress: Ross; Headband: Sumos Sweet Stuff; Undershirt: Carter

Dress: Adelaide's Boutique; Clippie: Sumos Sweet Stuff

Ruffle Butt Onesie and Matching Headband: Sumos Sweet Stuff; Shoes: See Kai Run

Birthday Onesie: BBaby Bling

Bow: The Simple Little Things

Custom Watermelon Onesie and Bow: Polkadot Junkie

Dress: Maceys; Bow: The Simple Little Things

Romper: BNB Boutique

Pettishorts: BNB Boutique; Bow: London Blue Designs

Tutu Swimsuit: Target Gift, Thanks Marci!; Bow: Bebe Rose


  1. Woops, uploaded the wrong version, thanks for the catch mama!

  2. Amazing pictures! I was curious, what program do you use to edit and add text?

  3. Thanks so much! I use photoshop CS4, but you can do something like this using a free program like Picnik )

  4. It's so hard to choose a favorite when she looks cute in all of them. I do feel for you guys though because Moo is a big time bed hog. So, I know all about the feet in the back/stomach. And your sister does look like she could be your twin!

  5. Lovely pics. But on 197, chivalry is misspelled.

  6. Absolutely adorable, as usual! :) I gotta tell you that I finally looked back through your older back in the beginning. I'm at the post where I'm trying to decide when to turn my "machine" on...and your posts were very helpful. So, thanks!

  7. These pics are incredible! May I ask where her dress in 198 is from? So cute. All her clothes are so unique and fun. I will have fun dressing my daughter when she is 1 next spring!

  8. This may be my favorite week of love letters so far...but then again I feel that way every week. These are so freaking cute. I love her cute outfits. You dress her so well.

  9. Stacie, I linked the shops I found the bows/ outfits from under each photo :)

  10. i love these love letters! she is so beautiful! i love her little bows so much! she is beautiful!

  11. WOW, Lil J is growing so quicky and full of life. All the pics are great but I really like 185.

    How did you edit 193? Like that too.

  12. Thank you! Toi, that one I added a texture to, so it gives the background a different look :)

  13. What a beautiful post - such inspiring quotes and the most adorable photos, I LOVE it! It was so great meeting you last weekend, you have the sweestest daughter! Best wishes, L

  14. Hey, remember when we met for lunch? I told you that I wouldn't post pics of my little one either. Boy was I a hipocrite too. Now I can't help myself! lol
    These pics of Lil J are amazing. She's a stunner! I feel so proud that I even showed my mom some of her pics on your blog. She's in love with her too. hehe! But, seriously she is beautiful like her mama. I wish our little ones can play together. Maybe one day.

  15. If I had a girl on the way, I would offer you BIG $$$ to dress my daughter!!! Your baby has the greatest wardrobe I have ever seen! What a fashionista!!! Love it! Such cute photos too :)

  16. You have so many great pictures this time. They are always good, but there are several that stand out this time. It's hard to pick a favorite.

    And your sister does look a lot like you (and she does not look 14!)


  17. I love the texture! That's next on my list of photographic skills to learn. Was it hard to figure out? Beautiful work!

  18. That pic of her & her dad sleeping is SO cute!!!!!!!! And if I hadn't read that was your sister before scrolling down....oh my word! You guys look JUST alike.

  19. "Sometimes you gotta let it out!" LOVE!

  20. Have I ever mentioned how much I LOVE THESE!?! Oh, I have. Hmm...let's see. GREAT! They are awesome...and I am happy to report. I made the cut. I see I can order a lace romper for my almost 4 year old...thank heavens!!!! Birthday photo shoot coming right up.....after I get the lace romper in my hands!!!! Now. The color????? Hmmm....

  21. Oh! And basket case and sideline photos are my fav. In case you care...hehehehe.


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