Tuesday, July 26, 2011

365 Love Letters Week 27

We hit day 200 last week! Less than 160 days left. Gotta make them good. Thanks for letting me continue to share these with you. Several people have said they wish they could have thought of/ do something like this and some do now. It got me thinking. Would you like to join in and link up? Here on out the rest of the year I'll start a Love Letter Linky. Maybe on Mondays since my What I'm Makin' Monday has been on a hiatus because I've been so busy, and it's the start of a new week. Would you be game? You don't have to do a photo a day, just one a week, or whatever you want. Add the text to the photo using something like Photoshop, Paint, or Picnik. Post it on your blog, or facebook page and link up on this post so we can visit each others. Then maybe the next week I'll share a few of my favorites. Whatcha think? Well, let me know.

Oh to this week's pictures and the stories behind them:
Dress from Adelaide's Boutique
People laugh at how she crawls on her hands and feet versus her knees. It hit me this week that she's probably learned it this way because she's always in dresses. Woops.
This isn't our car, but I noticed it in our parking lot and thought it made for a good teaching lesson.
She LOVES books. So I'm excited that it's the first--Ok, second--Fun word she's learned (after "picture")
I love taking photos with her. Gosh, I love this girl!!
Dress from Adelaide's Boutique
It wasn't me, but her daddy who got this expression out of her. I just happened to have my camera on me.
Lace Pettiromper from Oh Sweet Baby Boutique; Bow from Little Star Sweeper
This was her first time seeing a peacock. My focus was set on the right side instead of the left, where she was, so it was an accidental shot, but I love the way it came out. Big thanks to London Blue Designs, for the advice suggestion!
We've had this photo hanging in our living room for years. I thought It was fitting to capture for such a big number day.
Dress from Tea Collection
She was fascinated by the fish at the children's museum.


  1. They're all so cute (like always!) I totally join in if you did a linky! :)

  2. I LOVE the 365. I have just recently found your blog and I am going to start doing this as well and LOVE the idea of the linking up. I have 5 kids, my youngest 2 are twins and one has cancer. They are 14 months old.
    We are found over at www.barrycrafty.blogspot.com

  3. Once again, perfect pics! The linky is a good idea.

  4. I LOVE this post, so cute! I have been missing out on the other photos, apparently I am about 6 months late! I will be looking for next weeks :)

    Lil J is getting so big, so fast! Too cute, I love her!!!

  5. That first crawling pic is sooo cute! It brought back memories... I put dresses on my daughter on purpose to get her to walk. ;-) Because I knew she had a hard time crawling in them. And ya know what, it worked!

  6. And I would be game for a linky, too!

  7. I can never get over that those huge curls she has! I wish my hair looked that good!

    My daughter hated dresses during the crawling phase. She would always get caught up in them when she was trying to go places. Then she would sit, look at me, and cry. I switched to pants and shorts after that.

  8. Day 202 is such a beautiful picture! I can not believe you are that close to the end of it too, wow!
    I would totally join in on a linky party since you were my inspiration for my 365 mama memories, and I would love to see other's too. Sounds fun!
    Do you ever stop coming up with great ideas?! haha!

  9. Day 201 stole my heart. Did I mention I ordered Layla a Lace Romper? Couldn't resist. last year for it, for sure!! Whew...just made it. AND YES!!!! Please do this. Then I won't feel like a complete copy cat, but I can...kinda. Yes, please.

  10. Great post indeed :).

    I love day 200 and 202. I truly believe falling in love is the best think ever and if you fall for the one you have a beautiful and happy baby like Lil J to sharing forever.

    Thanks for sharing with us. The link up idea is great. Do it :)!

  11. I'm totally game for a linky :)


  12. Today I saw these two little quotes on an Etsy print and thought of your love letters:
    "Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot"
    "Find a guy who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup on"

  13. :) Love the dress post. I babysat for a mom who didn't put her little girl in dresses during the week, and only at church, so she could crawl. She was a fast crawler too...as tiny as she was. It's adorable how she's learned to improvise though. You should sooo put a video. It made me chuckle :)

  14. She's such a supermodel, giving you kisses, yet knowing where the camera and the light are located. hehe


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)