Thursday, August 4, 2011

A kid in a candy store

I was scared to back to "SOCO" as they call it, since the break in. But I couldn't let fear keep me from the cute avenue of photo backdrops forever, so I brazened up and went again.

Lil' J was dolled out in MudPie and I had everything packed in one bag I planned to keep on me the entire time. Luckily, I found  parking spot right in front of the store we'd be going in.--The world famous (or so they say) Big Top Candy Shop.

We perused the store for a bit, scoping out spots to take photographs. Lil' J of course eying the shiny candy as we walked though. To my knowledge she hasn't had much--If any candy. Oh wait, she has had a bit of a sucker before. But other than that, she doesn't eat the stuff yet. But I had a vision of photographing her with a big rainbow sucker, and a big stick of pink cotton candy. They had bags of cotton candy but no sticks! I didn't realize the no-stick part until after I bought the bag. Big BOOO!
Mudpie Dress from BNB Boutique; Matching Shoes by Robeez via Consignment
Sadly, they were out of root beer too, and it didn't feel right to let my one-year-old have a sip of my Dr. Pepper, so we got a vanilla ice cream float.

I plopped her on the stool next to me, and with my camera strapped around my neck, snapped away while we enjoyed our sweet snack.

She'd smile at me, and the people waiving at her through the window as they passed the store. I felt like I was just hanging out with one of my girlfriends. But with less verbal communication.

When we finished our ice cream I let her suck the lollipop from the outside of the wrapper, but she still managed to bite a little bit of the plastic off and get the sweet goodness out. She dropped it a few times and I thanked my lucky stars for not opening the thing. Not only would it probably had who knows what stuck to it (and she's already had her fair share of grossness in her mouth), but the wrapper was keeping all of the crumbled pieces together. So it still looked like a solid sucker.

We looked at the chocolates, and the candy dishes. The jelly beans and the taffy. She wanted to get down and scoot around herself, and she screamed and laughed in excitement.

Afterward we took a few photos outside a barber shop which looked like a step back in time. Even the people coming out had hair cuts from the 50s. I kid you not, one guy walked out looking like John Travolta in Greece with his black shirt, tight jeans and hair slicked back. He even had his little comb to tighten up his do! I should have taken a picture!
We went home and crashed on the couch for a nice long nap from our sugar high. I love this girl. Every day watching her learn and grow I feel like she felt as a kid in the candy store.

**I bought the dress Lil' J is wearing from one of my favorite Boutiques: BNB Boutique. They had a Facebook contest last week. I promised if we won, to split my winnings with a blog reader, but we came in 3rd, winning the $25 prize to BNB Boutique, so instead of splitting it I've decided I'll give the full prize to one of you sweet readers. 
Thanks so much for reading and commenting on my blog! Your words mean more than you know! Someone who comments on this post before next Monday the 14th will win the prize! If you're a subscriber of mine in some shape or form you can leave (one) extra comment for an extra entry. I'll announce the winner on my FB Page before emailing them. Good luck and thank you!**
PS: PLEASE make sure you have an email address I can find so I can contact you if you win! I have had to skip numerous winners in the past who had private profiles and left no email address. 


  1. I love how they turned out! SO cute :)

  2. Love your photos!

  3. Dress was perfect for the sweet shoppe!

  4. These pictures are great!! Lil J gets more and more beautiful the older she gets. You have a little model on your hands for sure!! Oh and your photography skills are amazing...I really think you could make a job out of it if you wanted to ;-)

  5. I am also a blog and FB follower Love me some baby makin machine!

  6. So, she totally looks like you in the picture at the barber shop where she has her hands up. I don't know if other people have said this....
    Such a cutie!

  7. Glad I'm not the only one who limits sweets and candy. People think I'm crazy because I don't let my one year old eat cookies or candy etc. Lil J is adorable as always

  8. These shots look so vintage! And Lil J looks so mature sitting up in the chair with both arms holding the arm rests lol

  9. This dress is so cute! Feels good to know I'm not the only one who insist ls on trying to stay away from the typical baby clothes!

  10. I love her dress and the photos you take they are amazing. I bought the paris dress for my daughter after seeing your daughter in hers to cute.

  11. She is so beautiful. I love to see photos of her. You're such an awesome mom!

  12. These pictures are so cute! My little one has a very similar MudPie top and matching hat =]

  13. Lovin' those pics! I love the ones in front of the barber shop! So vintage.

  14. Love your photos once again! The barber shop and candy store look like they were great photo ops!

    froggy_luver at hotmail dot com

  15. Does this mean I'm entered to win? I guess I'll take my chances. It's a shot in the dark, but might as well.

  16. Beautiful photos! I love love LOVE that dress Lil J is wearing!!

    dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

  17. You really should do a coffee table book with her pics. These are gorgeous!!

  18. I'd love to have a beautiful place to photograph like that!

    Markandemily02 at gmail dot com

  19. I follow your bog.

    Markandemily02 at gmail dot com

  20. candyshoppe idea was a stroke of genious. I'm bummed you only got 3rd.. il j is definitely a first place kinda gal! I love reading the blog and my little guy loves looking at pictures of cute babies...especially lil J!\\\\\\

  21. Such a cute dress and the candy shop was the perfect place to take pictures :)

  22. Also I am a follower on facebook :)

  23. Those pictures are cute and so is Lil J.

  24. LiL J...she's so precious. Love the outfit. The pictures are wonderful, I really like the nostaligia of the icecream shoppe and the barber shoppe.

  25. Cute idea! I love her outfits and you take great pictures!

  26. I also follow you on Google Reader :-).

  27. Such a great place for photos! She is just too cute!

  28. What a doll! And I love the dress!! Soo cute!

  29. I'm also a FB and blog follower :)

  30. I started reading your blog when u posted about the robbery =/. But I love this shes sooo cute!!! I love the pics outside the barber shop

  31. Great idea to photograph her at the candy store! Her dress was perfect for that setting- I love it!

  32. subscribe by email

  33. subscribe by email

  34. She is soooo cute !! I love her clothes all of them <3

  35. Oh and my email is <3

  36. Such a cute idea to go to a candy shop. I love babies with big lollipops!

  37. I'm a follower of yours, blog, facebook, ect...

  38. Okay, I LOVE HER DRESS! You should definitely start a baby fashion blog (I think you've mentioned it before -- wasn't sure if you were joking). Anyhoo, I'd love to take that gift certificate off your hands. :)


  39. Love the dress! So cute for the candy store!

  40. Lil J seriously needs to be the spokesbaby for that candy store!

  41. What a fun idea! She just keeps getting cuter!

    katrina at love dot com

  42. I subscribe to your feed and follow via blogger.

    katrina at love dot com

  43. Love it, as always! Thanks for sharing the love.
    jenni_aja at hotmail dot com

  44. Also a FB and blog follower:-)
    jenni_aja at hotmail dot com

  45. I love her dress and the pictures are great!

  46. I'm also a facebook and twitter follower!

  47. I like you in facebook as Sara King

  48. I forgot to leave my email address in the first comment- sorry, It's, I said I love all of Lil' J's clothes, she is a future fashionista!!

  49. Love your blog! I've related to so many of your posts & the photos of your Lil Miss are always so precious! The candy shop was a great idea for a backdrop...

  50. I subscribe through blogger & follow on FB. Forgot to leave my email earlier:

  51. I love the candy shop theme :)

  52. Gorgeous photos as usual. I can't WAIT to take my daughter to a candy store. So far she's just had a few licks of a popsicle (she's 11mo). (email: missavictoria at gmail dot com)

  53. And i'm a FB and Twitter follower (@conceivednotion).

  54. Such a cute outfit and pictures! I love the idea of leaving the wrapper on... I probably would have just taken it off!

  55. I am a subscriber

  56. I love the pictures you take with Lil J! She is sooooooo precious! I have a question though, do you ever think you may be taking too many pictures of her or missing out on hanging with her because you're taking pictures? I only ask because I'd love to do that (the 365 days of pictures) with my little one, and make sure she has more pictures than my husband and I have of us at that age. I'm just afraid that she will think it's normal to be photo-shooting daily, and that when I have another one she'll be jealous that we're not taking pictures of just her anymore. I'm also scared that I'll be so focused on taking pictures that I won't be "living" with her so to speak. You seem like you do a great job of balancing that, so can you give any advice to a new mom like me?

  57. Lucienne, I feel like the pictures are a bonding time. And now we do them so fast and while she's doing other things. I'm sorta snapping pictures as she's having fun too, so it's less "posing" these days and more just capturing the moment.

    I will say though that yesterday she was trying to walk A LOT. And walk to me while I was taking pictures. I was afraid she'd fall so I just set my camera down and played with her. There's somewhat of a balance but really it's just knowing when to stop and have fun, and being quick enough so you can have fun at the same time.

  58. Funny, b/c I also thought I would just say 1. but when we got here, we realized its a huge difference between a 13 month old and a 18month old in terms of development. If I just said 1 I also got follow up questions- which I still get from some people when I say months.

  59. i love those pictures and the cute dress!

  60. I LOVE how much you love her! She really is incredible.

  61. Whoa, that dress Lil J is in is to DIE for! I LOVE it! What a great spot for some fun pics :-)

  62. I'm also a FB and Blog follower

  63. You really take the best pics!

  64. she is so fabulous! loving her dress and her cute bow!

  65. Looks like you guys had such a great time! So sweet.

  66. She is absolutely adorable. Your blog is very inspiring and sweet. I love it :)

  67. I bet you have some good thoughts for some of these as love letters!

  68. i love your pics and how you mesh them together! i wish I could take pics like that!

    vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com

  69. email subscriber!

    vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com

  70. Love the candy store pics!!!! Because of YOU....I have purchased from Sumo's Sweet Stuff AND BNB. I bought a lace romper for Layla, like Lil J's. I was crossing my fingers they made em big enough. Thank goodness my now FOUR YEAR OLD....what? small. They sell at 2-4...yay!!!! Stay tuned for upcoming birthday photo shoot. So, yeah....I would LOVE this $25 credit to the boutique!!! And thanks for the chance!!!!

  71. So awesome that they actually have stuff that will fit my four year old. Seems like most boutiques only cater to babies now.
    brittneydejajason at gmail dot com

  72. I love that Mudpie dress! Well, I love most all Mudpie clothing :)

    Katie6582 at yahoo dot com

  73. Oh my goodness. She is so cute and that dress is adorable. Thanks for the fun giveaway :)
    b dot ringer at hotmail dot com

  74. Beautiful photos. I wish mine could turn out so professional looking.

  75. The photos are beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win.

  76. She looks like she's having so much Fun! Cutie!

  77. Email Subscriber!

  78. she is adorable and love the dress

  79. follow by gfc


    (I hope the winner is someone who genuinely loves and needs the wonderful PRIZE!)

    But I just had to mention that your daughter is just too adorable for words - and so photogenic (but don't let that go to her (or your head - too much!)

    The pictures are just delightful! Thanks for sharing!

  81. Your photos are so great! I am sure it helps to have such a cute little model!
    cinderwhims at gmail dot com

  82. following via gfc
    cinderwhims at gmail dot com


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)