Monday, August 8, 2011

Love Letters, From Mom: 365 Love Letters Week 29

This week was one of my favorite weeks for these so far. I especially love Day 219, which I wrote yesterday. I told my husband the little saying I adapted and he laughed at my excitement.

"You're saying it as if you're the next Shakespeare" he told me. Oh yea? well maybe it will become famous someday. Then he told me Britney Spears and Rihanna already beat me to revising the sticks and stones saying. You know what? Whatever, I like it, and I'll continue to tell it to Lil' J as she grows up. One day when everyone at her school is saying it she can tell them I started it all.

Some of these photos may loo familiar this week since last week I did a good job of updating my blog. Let's hope I can keep it up.

Did you write a love letter this week? Link up below! All I ask is that you link back to this page so others can play along please. I'll visit and comment on them all, as others will too I'm sure!

*Commenter #1 Seana won the hair clip giveaway from last week! Congrats! I'll email you so you can claim your prize!
Whatcha think? Not bad eh? Start telling your kids so we can get this spreading like wild fire!
This beautiful branch was in my neighborhood in a cool spot under some trees. Had to take a picture.

Dress from Sweet Emma

She looked like she was trying to get somewhere. And fast.
Mudpie dress from BNB.
Our trip to the candy store.
Shirt from MoRiginal Designs.

(highlight and push "CTL and C" to copy the button)


  1. What a very special thing you are doing for your sweet daughter! Those pictures are all precious and something she will cherish forever. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I love day 216 if you can't find your way pray. That is something I am trying to instill in my kids everyday.

  3. I think your saying adaptation is cute!

    As always, love all the pics :)

  4. Love them all, fun, fun, fun :)!

  5. I love following this! I so admire your creativity and your photography skills, as I have none of either!

  6. I love following this! I so admire your creativity and your photography skills as I have neither!

  7. love the saying! i will be sure to tell my kiddos when i have them in the future, haha.

    great pictures! you are so talented and have such a keen eye for photography!

  8. When you can't find your way....pray. Melt my true!!!

  9. I love the sticks and stones one! The best part is every part of it is true. Def telling Lil Man this as he gets older.

    BTW, tell your hubby that the ones Rih Rih sings is not one we want to tell our little girls. LOL

  10. I've been wanting to get into this whole writing love letters thing too. I keep a diary for Moo and JJ but I think that maybe doing the love letters will be a bit more easier since I don't always have enough to fill up an entire page in their journals. Love the fountain pic.

    And you're always a good example. As parents it's important to let our kids know we're humans too.


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)