Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mini Mod #4: Shoe Obsession

I HATE LOVE shoes.

If you take me shoe shopping I will be bored out of my mind. With a size 11 shoe, everything either looks like it's made for a clown, or non-existent. I was beginning to feel unwomanly thanks to my shoe demise. But that's all changed since Lil' J started walking about a month ago. Now have a new mission to hunt for adorable toddler shoes. And she is just as obsessed as I am.
Shoes via Immauel's Closet; Bow via Simple Little Things
This month I got her her 3rd pair of cowgirl boots (she's outgrown her other pairs), and some new Mary Jane style shoes with flair. She's grown so accustomed to having something on her feet that when she doesn't, she finds the nearest shoes and brings them to us and sits and whines until we put them on her feet. Oh, and we have to wear shoes too. She'll bring me my shoes to put on and sit there waiting until I obey. When they're on, she drags me to the door because then it's time to go outside.

But it doesn't stop there. Yesterday we ran into a store and she toddled over to the shoes. Grabbed one that was on display and tried to hand it to me to help put it on her.

I'm crating a monster.

I had always ordered her shoes by months according to the sizing on sites like Robeez or See Kai Run, but I finally figured out her feet are a size 4, while we were cruising down the shoe aisle at Walmart. I considered picking up the $10 pair of Mary Janes because they were sparkly, oh so cute, and only $10, but I said I'd search etsy first and see what else I could find.

I stumbled upon some adorable ADORABLE shoe stores, many of which I'll be sharing with you in the near future, but the one I'm sharing today is Immanuel's Closet.

I was posting some baby shoe sites I was finding on my facebook page when an email popped up from the owner of this store. My search for cute shoes ended right there and I died and went to shoe heaven.

Seriously, red bottom boots? Uggs? STOP IT SHUT UP!

It's too much for me really.

Lil' J got the Sasha pair to start with and I love them so much I took a billion photos of them. They are ivory, and very elegant, with gorgeous fluffy flowers on the end,  feather embellishments coming off the sides and a silver bead in the center. I'm amazed by the detail. So was Lil' J because she kept trying to pull the flowers off and probably smell or eat them... Most likely eat. Luckily she hasn't managed to destroy them yet.

Latasha, the owner of Immanuel's Closet is as sweet as can be. She is not only a show maker but a lawyer--Go figure! Lil' J's shoes are made with walker soles, so they are a little more sturdy than her Robeez style, but not as thick as say sneakers or my heels.

I know some of you are looking at this going "Jennifer, what the *bleep* are you talking about? $50 for toddler shoes? You've lost your dang mind!" Right? Well, she has a deal I'm dying to get into. It's her shoe of the month club. For $180 you get 12 pairs of shoes of your choice, a pair a month. Including those red bottoms you know you've been eying--Don't lie. So that averages out to $15 a month. Look, I even did the math for you. You're welcome.

I asked her what if she decides she hates making shoes in six months, but she promises me that won't happen. I still need to ask if she accepts payments or layaway. I'll get back to you on that.
So this is the first of several new shoes we have in our repertoire. I thought I'd change Mini Mod up this week and show off her feet. Considering how many shoes she's been rocking lately, we'll definitely have to do this theme again soon.

Check out this other Mini Mod diva here!
A spotlight from last week is Weather Anchor Mama and her little Princess. She's showing off an over the top bow from Izzy's Boutique. Be sure to stop by her blog and say hi!

What did you cutie wear this week? Link up and show me! I'll pick another to spotlight next week!

Mommy's Idea
(Highlight and Ctl+C to copy)

Don't forget to link up and visit each other. I'll be stopping by:

Also linking up to:
Small Style


    The himalayas? Love it... Thank you for putting me on to Immanuel's Closet. And thank you for the invite to Mini Mod! <3

  2. And your daughter reclining with her darling shoes! SO cute.

  3. Thanks for your visit!! =)

    My girl LOVES shoes too. It's funny because I'm not a fashionista myself, but this girl will notice if her grandma comes to visit wearing a new shoe, for example. She likes to choose what shoes she will wear and she doesn't like to be barefeet, even though I'm always barefeet at home.

    Hugs to you from BraziL!

  4. Seriously, if you have to put toddler shoes on layaway, you can't afford them! Also, toddlers should be barefoot the majority of the time to help develop the bone/muscle structure of their feet.

  5. Anoymous you are so right! $15 a pair is so freaking expensive. Good thing you have a sense of humor so you could understand a joke when you see one.

  6. I think I just died over the cuteness of the shoes. It almost makes me wish I was having a little girl first! And her face in that first photo is too funny :)

  7. Jennifer, I think this is one of the best deals you've ever highlighted on you blog. I wonder if I'll be able to resist :)

  8. I love those shoes! I think you're gonna get me in trouble.

  9. Haha it is a deal huh? And Latasha told me she DOES take payments! But 50% needs to be paid before the first pair ship out. I think I'm gonna do it. Those fur boots are calling me!

  10. I love the fur boots too. My baby girl will surely need them, as the temps in NY continue to drop. Not looking forward to the weather, but I'm looking forward to the fashion. Thanks so much for highlighting my little Princess today! That's so sweet of you!

  11. Those shoes are the cutest and so is your daughter. Baby shoes are the absolute best.

  12. That could be the cutest shoes I`v ever seen! /Linda


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