Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Happy 15 months my little diva child!

My Sweet Daughter,

I wondered what all the hype was about being a mom. I wondered if mothers exaggerated how fun it was and if I'd feel the same way. Now I know for myself they weren't kidding.
Shirt Number via Sticky Bellies; Boots: Target via Ebay, Embellished tutu: Cutie Pa Tutu

Another month has gone by and you've grown bigger, smarter, and more beautiful.

You are totally adjusted to your school now. You no longer cry when I drop you off and it's a huge relief. I know you love it there. But you're still overly excited when I pick you up. I'm loving all of your art projects but need to find a way to store them, or keep my favorites.

Lately I've been trying to take you to fun things I know you'd enjoy, but it's not too difficult. You pretty much like doing anything outdoors.

You love to dance, and talk. On the way to school you like to play with your Talking Tom app and it's so cute.

One thing that's really cool is that you're picking up on so many things. When we say quiet down you put your finger up to your mouth and say "shhhh." You also do that when you hear the wind outside.

Today, when you were trying to eat flowers I told you how to put them to your nose and smell them and you copied me. Speaking of nose, when we ask you where yours it you point to it. It's so cute! I'm trying to teach you other body parts now.

I'm trying to remember what words you're saying now. You say "cracker" "Mama" "Daddy" and you pretty much will try to repeat small words we tell you. Oh, your teachers told me you're also saying "baby" and a couple of other words.

You're getting to be more interested in toys and things, which makes me realize I need to start getting you more. I'm planning a trip to the Salvation Army with you soon to see what deals we can find on things you like.

I'm having so much fun, and every month with you seems to be more exciting and go by even faster.

I love you and am so proud of you. So excied about our good times ahead.




  1. Happy 15th Month!!! It keeps getting better.

    ps... LOVE the boots!!!

  2. that little girl is beautiful. God bless her.

  3. She is just too cute! Love her boots. I saw those, now I think im going to go back and get them.

  4. Ava loves Talking Tom too she calls him "gato" which is "cat" in Spanish

  5. Just a suggestion for the artwork...I read this somewhere else and I'm trying to do it myself: I'm taking pictures of everything my son has brought home over the past three (!) years, usually in groups of four or so. I'm ditching the stuff I know we won't care about--random scribbles on coloring pages, etc., or anything unexciting/unidentifiable. At this point I'm keeping the cool-ish stuff (even though I already have the pics), and I'm even hoping to get some cheap frames and put in a few of the more abstract ones (plant splatters, etc.) on a rotating basis in his toy corner. Wishful thinking, perhaps, but that's the plan. And we'll always have the pics to look back on, no matter what!

  6. Super cute. I can't believe how time flies, already 15 months. Congratulations lil J. Wish you all the best :)!

  7. I promise you....you are not alone. I think lil J gets more beautiful every time that camera snaps!!!! She is so full of life and love. You guys are doing a fantastic job!!!!

  8. Time is just rolling by so fast. She's getting so tall now.

  9. For art projects, take pictures of them and throw the originals away. Maybe keep 1-2 per year to put in a special memory book. Voila! You keep everything but it doesn't take up any space (except gigabytes!).


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