Wednesday, October 12, 2011

He Says/ She Says: Text Messages from the Bathroom aka My Only Escape

She Says in green
He Says in grey.


  1. Hahaha! That's the kind of text I would send my husband. it happens. :)

  2. LOL. We all send those texts. I've even called the house phone from the bathroom to tell my husband something.

  3. Your He says/She says are always so funny!!! I love this blog. So glad I found it.

  4. That is hilarious! Gosh you two remind me so much of my husband and I :-)

  5. Ahahaha, that's my husband and me! I had to tell him recently to cut back on the TMI chatting while I'm at work because I plug my laptop into a smartboard for most of the day. So, not only could it possibly be on display, but my laptop is wide open for anyone who walks past to glance at. Too funny!

  6. Only old married couples can do that! Love it! We do the same kind of thing- kids just can't seem to leave you alone anywhere. I have one trying to unlock the door and rattling it, one at the bottom of the door asking me question and letting me know they can see me, and the last one crying and banging on the door.


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