Tuesday, November 8, 2011

365 Love Letters Week 40

Here's another week of photos I took but got behind on posting. As you can tell, these are all days pre-Halloween. My favorite is definitely 276 but I love 275 too. And 281 took me a few tries to get a rain drop splashing. Which do you like most?

Also, side note, I can finally share that I am a new blogger for BabyCenter's Momformation blog. I'll be posting over there twice a week so if you can't get enough of me here, check me out there. My introduction post tells is about never saying never in regards to what you won't do in motherhood. I share an embarrassing incident Lil' J and I had recently which I hadn't gotten around to posting about here yet. Hope you'll read and pass along!


  1. You have a typo on day 277. They're cute as always, though. I wish I had thought to do something like this when my kids were little.

  2. They are all cute, of course, but I love day 275... What a great picture to have!

  3. Those boots are too cute!
    She sure is enjoying that sucker in the last pick! The smile on her face is priceless!

  4. The stand firm one got me today. Love the sun hitting the hair on her leg. yeah, its the lil things for me....just lovely.

  5. My favorite is Day 278. The fact that its a little unfocused reminds me that God always has us in focus. Can you link to the post where you first introduced the love letters.

    I have a question I've been meaning to ask. Are you going to bind the letters together at the end of a year or do something else with them?

  6. Amazing and Absolutely beautiful in every way! I also was told that Costco prints blogs - if you decide to make a book.
    Either way, it's incredible the tools that are available in this day and age. And...a priceless way to document a precious life!
    Thanks for such a positive blog! We love having you on our list and are reminding all to grab our button if they want to remain on the list. Follow-us by e-mail too if you want updates and/or to be spotlighted at some point! Thanks much!!! Heidi G. MormonMomsWhoBlog.blogspot.com


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)