Friday, November 4, 2011

Mini Mod #11: Halloween Costume Edition

I know Halloween is so last week but I didn't get to show off cute photos of Lil' J in her lamb costume because I was too busy falling asleep before 10pm (I'm very angry at myself about this... When I'm sleep deprived, I feel accomplished and productive, when I'm well rested, I suck at life).
So I wanted to let everyone see her in her cute costume. Note, the lighting at her school is weird, night photos obviously needed flash, and these aren't edited at all (sorry, no time today). I made the body suit myself by gluing quiting batting squares closed after stuffing them with pillow/ stuffed animal stuffing.

Her hat I ordered from a friend... Mary Sue. She's my hat lady and actually makes a lot of Lil' J's cool hats. I just send her a picture of what I've seen and she makes it, and doesn't charge an arm and a leg.
I was so excited when I sent her a picture of the lamb hat I wanted made and imagined my daughter looking so cute in it. She told me when she put it in the mail and I knew it would only take a day or two to arrive. But when it did I was so confused because it didn't look like a lamb hat. There were two pieces, and the hat was flat and round, like coasters. I flipped them around and tried to see how they maybe could be lamb ears but my imagination wasn't seeing it.

I wrote her an email and asked her about the strange coasters "maybe my order got switched?" I asked. She told me it had, and apologized. But the coasters were actually Yamakas, and she had switched my order with another woman in New York. Boy, I wonder what that lady will think when she gets my lamb hat. I wondered.
So I sent the cute little Yamakas to the woman in New York (after they barely escaped the wrath of Lil' J and Snoop), and she sent me the cute little lamb hat we had been waiting for. I was so eager to try it on her, I set it on top of her head and not knowing the whole story behind getting this hat, the first think my husband said was "it looks like a Yamaka." But I just rolled my eyes and laughed to myself. I think I'll forever remember the story behind this cute Halloween costume. PS: If you want my hat lady's email met me know and I'll hook you up! She's already made some other cute hats for some of my readers!
Lil' J trick-or-treated for healthy snacks at her school, we went to a Halloween party with my work friends, and trick-or-treating to a few houses on Halloween. I'm honestly surprised she let me put this thing on her that many times, but she'd laugh every time and loved when I painted her little black nose. Maybe because she knew people would admire her and give her treats. Either way, I think she's such a trooper.
Lil' J and her little friend

The hubs, me (Bo Peep) and Little Lamb
Sadly, I don't think I got any cute pics of her just modeling her costume, but we at least got a good family shot of the three of us, which we never get these days. My husband was himself, which is scary enough. Did you dress up for Halloween?

I loved looking at all of your Mini Mod posts last week and many of you were ahead of the game and already showing off cute Halloween attire.
I loved this little Candy Corn dress I saw, and the sweet little Paisley in it at Lackey Antics. I'm going to have to make Lil' J one next year. Stop by and tell her hi! And link up your little Mini Mods below. Of course these don't need to be Halloween Themed, we're just last season over here this week.

Mini Mod
(Highlight and Ctl+C to copy)


  1. I adore homemade halloween costumes, and that one is definitely one of the cutest I've ever seen! She makes a cute little lamb! :) Good work Jen!

  2. so cute! love her costume and the little dot on her little nose!

    you have a beautiful family!

  3. Yall look adorable!! I think she has got to be the cutest little lamb I have ever seen! :)

  4. How cute!! You two had coordinating costumes.

  5. She is such a cute lamb :)! Well done on the costume.

  6. What a sweet little sheep! AND a beautiful family!! Looks like y'all had a wonderful Halloween!

  7. What a sweet little sheep! AND a beautiful family!! Looks like y'all had a wonderful Halloween!

  8. She is so stinkin' cute!!! You guys are such a beautiful family :-)

  9. Could I get your hat ladys email! I love her work. So cute...!


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