Monday, January 30, 2012

Easy Pigs in a Blanket Recipe: What I'm Makin' Monday

Don't laugh. I know this is like, prior to cooking 101 but this was still exciting to me, ok?

I had never made pigs in a blanket before until this last week. I have eaten them before and figured they couldn't be that hard. Possibly something even I couldn't mess up.

I found a little package of mini sausages and decided to give it a whirl.

Look, I'm not one of those people that can just pick up random seasonings and make things taste remarkably fabulous. Heck, I just recently learned what paprika and bay leaves were.

Don't worry, neither of those were used in this masterpiece.

All I used:
One pack of mini sausages (I didn't use them all)
A can of crescent rolls
American cheese

Then I took one photo of  three steps I took. 

1. Cut the crescent rolls from their pre-sliced size down in half/ thirds so they're smaller.
2. Place the cheese and sausage on the dough.
3. Roll.

4. Bake according to crescent roll directions.

Easy as pie! No... Easier!

Lil' J loved eating them while I was making them, so much so she was full of sausage and cheese before these were even out of the oven.

I packed some in her lunch the next day and she kept snatching on those things. As did my husband and I.

This may or may not have been the only thing I cooked myself all week. *sigh* I'll do better.

Hopefully this so-easy-a-dummy-could-do-it recipe can help another non-foodie like myself try something new.

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What I'm Making Monday

(highlight ctl+c)


  1. Yummy. And it's an easy recipe for kids to help with. Bonus! :)

    We do pigs in a blanket with hot dogs cut in half and the crescent rolls full-size. I'll add some cheese next time.

    This week, thanks to Pinterest, we did crescent rolls with pepperoni & string cheese (I did 4 slices of pepperoni and half a string cheese). The second time I made them (yup, had them for two lunches this week), I added some marinara sauce on the pepperoni before I added the cheese, which made them taste way better.

  2. I will be making these tonight! I am going to use some Turkey hot dogs! Wish me luck!

  3. YUM - I love these. They're such a tasty comfort food. I may have to make these this weekend for the Superbowl :-)

  4. Yummo! I made those for my Christmas Eve party.

  5. You are too adorable! haha That's great that Lil J likes them, my boys won't eat them for anything! They like sausage and cheese and rolls just not all together so I never get the chance to make them anymore! :(

  6. They look great--- I've been cooking pigs in a blanket for kids for years and I still sometimes burn them ;)

  7. I have never seen this done with cheese before. I bet that makes it even more yummy! Wish I could eat those. :( They need to make gluten free crescent rolls.

  8. We love pigs in a blanket over here. There was a time when the Mr was requesting them at least once a week. Thankfully, we've cut back. All that bread is not good for a girl's figure. LOL

  9. My husband loves these too. But we've never made them with cheese. They taste great without it!

  10. Just saw this. Kind of seemed like something else you might want to try :D

  11. I have eaten these many times and never knew the recipie easy!! thanks!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  12. That's really weird (as in interesting I mean!)... Over here in England 'pigs in blankets' means sausages wrapped in bacon and the bung in the oven for 10 mins or so... I'd love to try these though, they look easy and tasty.... Only question is 'what are crescent rolls?!' I can't even figure out what they could 'be' here??


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