Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How Pinterest saved my marriage

Another one of my goals this year is to get organized. I think it's got to be the number two resolution of all time after getting fit. I don't care about my health. But I do care about dying in a house that's decked out with cute homemade crafts.
I didn't used to be this way... Homes that are super clean and organized remind me of Stepford wives and I don't have time for that crap. Problem is, that was the number one thing my husband and I would argue about... Keeping our place clean.

I'll admit, he does more than his fair share of cleaning. All of the dishes, the laundry, the bathrooms, the vacuuming, the sweeping and mopping... Heck, writing that all out made me realize he does a lot. Ok, so maybe he has a reason to complain about having my crap everywhere.

Lil' J doesn't help either. Any progress I make with cleaning quickly gets destroyed by her tornado path. And after a long day of work, picking her up from school, then feeding, bathing, making lunches and organizing clothes for the next day, I'm beat and the last thing I feel like doing is clean. I want to sit on my butt and blog. Or edit photos. Or read a book. Or watch Teen Mom... Heck, anything but clean!

When I was pregnant and read the "nesting" chapter of my pregnancy book to my husband he laughed and said "you'll never do that!" Well, I proved him wrong. But that was pretty much the last time I wanted to clean. ...Until now.


I joined Pinterest last year and spent the first while re-pinning clothes I liked, and clothes I found for Lil' J. Photos I liked, hair styles... Stuff like that. I quickly scrolled past the home decor pins I saw in my feed because "those aren't me" I thought.

Then I began to craft more, sew more, and my crafting area quickly turned into a swamp mess. Disorder everywhere. I tried to shove things in the corner of the living room/ my craft area and warned my husband to stay away.

I blamed my disorder on our small living quarters. Two bedrooms just isn't enough for our family.

Then, one day while browsing Pinterest for sewing inspiration I can across a fabric organizer pin. It was genius. A glorious sight.
I read the tutorial and decided I needed to do this with my fabrics. I'm just getting started and have lots to go but this is already looking better than my heap of fabric stuffed in a picnic basket. I donated books from my bookshelf and created space for this!
But why stop there? If I'm organizing my fabric I might as well organize my ribbon, and my tulle, and why not my whole living room while I'm at it?
I was hungry for more suggestions for organization. I found pins for decorative mail holders you can hang in your kitchen, and keep your mail organized but hidden.
I created a board I decided to call "Order in the court!" because order is what my house needs, and my house is... like a court? ... I don't know. But it seemed cool at the time.

Anyway, it's my new favorite board in progress. I'm constantly looking for ways to organize my daughter's toys, old clothes, books, tutus, bows. Plus my crafts, kitchen items, clothes, EVERYTHING! Here's what I did for my patters... This idea I didn't even find on Pinterest, I should pin it actually!
I spent all day Monday sorting through toys and areas of our living room we haven't touched in dare I say it... A year? Ok, maybe it wasn't that bad, but I will say that my fireplace mantle had random crap on it for longer than I can remember. I mean, I can't remember seeing it clean. But it's clean now!

I sorted through Lil' J's downstairs toys and donated a heap of them. Then I went to her upstairs toybox, which was full of only tutus, pettipants, pettiskirts and things like that. I took those out and put them in an old comforter bag I found when I was cleaning out the hall closet. I made a label for it "Dress up time!" and squished it under our bed. Now her toybox has a few toys in it but it's nice and neat! And all of the random tutus we had strung around the house have a neat place to call home.
Ah! It feels good to be getting organized. I never thought I'd enjoy it but Pinterest has seriously made it fun.

What does my husband think? Well at first he was like "uh huh, sure, I've heard this before..." as I told him about my goal to clean and get organized. I tried to give him a Pinterest tutorial and show him my organizational board but he was just like "Huh? is this like Twitter?" So I gave up and have just been showing him the ideas I stole as I accomplish them.

He's very impressed with my progress so far. He even complimented me on his favorite new addition... The basket I set aside for our TV remote controls, since we're constantly losing them.
"I used to think that mom stuff was kind of lame, but it's really cool" he told me. I wasn't sure what he meant by "mom stuff" so I asked him to clarify.

"Like the craft stuff. Like that mail holder thing you want to make, that's really cool." Ah, I get it. The organizational craft things. Not sure why he chose to classify that as a "mom thing" but I let it go. He's just excited to me married to a real life Martha Stewart, I would be too.

I'll document the little things I find and attempt throughout the year to hopefully keep me motivated and accountable. I also have some before/after pictures to show you but I'll wait until the "after" is where I want it to be. You can follow me on Pinterest to see what ideas and inspiration I have up my sleeve.

Has Pinterest changed you life too?  
PS: If you're not on it, let me know your email addy and I'll send you an invite to join!


  1. wow, I'm not too neat either but since I've had lil man, my place has to be spotless, I clean like 5 times a day.

  2. ANOTHER great post! i seriously need to reorganize my entire house! I keep thinking I need to redo my kitchen but we dont' own the house so I don't want to do too much but I do need to move everything around! This post was very inspiring! It gave me some great ideas on what to do with my very umm large fiber and yarn stash for my spinning and knitting. I will have to look at your board on pinterest and see if I can borrow some ideas!

    And I LOVE Pinterest!! It's addictive and just so amazing! We've started our challenge of cooking something new every week and I've gotten TONS of recipes off there.

    PS..thanks for stopping by my blog the other day!

  3. How funny, "mom stuff" haha!
    Cute little basket for the remotes!
    I am on Pinterest too, LOVE it!

  4. I heart Pinterest! So much inspiration.

    ~Mrs. Delightful

  5. I love Pinterest! One of my resolutions (besides getting organized too) is to do the crafty stuff I see. I'm excited to see what you've got coming up!

  6. I'm not there, yet. Pretty please:
    anastasia at eco-babyz dot com

  7. I love the organizational options you've selected. How cute!

    Getting organized has been a challenge for me after the baby came. I was so tired at night and he just took up all my time. Friends of mine with children said, "You're house is supposed to be a mess, you have a newborn." But now that he's getting a little older and can entertain himself a little I think that excuse is wearing a little thin.

    I'm going to have to start exploring Pinterest. I've heard so much about it but I have yet to sign up. Feel free to send me an invite :)

  8. Pinterest is such an awesome tool! I think I'm going to take my own newborn photography, even though my camera isn't super awesome, just because of what I found on Pinterest. Way to go organizing everything!

  9. that it saved yoru marriage! Everything looks great. Go girl. I hehehe

  10. Pinterest hasn't saved my marriage... yet, lol! But I am definitely hookes. I even installed the pinterest app on my phone because I find myself wondering what can I pin today. I have found some really good things on there that I would have never known about.. and I'm glad I've found them!

  11. Please send an invite :).

  12. I am so glad I am not the only person who has tutus living in random places.

  13. I'm still waiting to "get" Pinterest, but I'm on there.

    The binder for your patterns reminds me that I wanted to blog about my pattern storage - that I found somewhere else online (pre-pinterest, lol).

    Don't wait until your "after" is where you want it. Share "in progress" pictures, too! I've been waiting to share my daughter's new room until we were done, but we haven't gotten the finishing touches on it yet, and I don't know when we will. I need to go in there with a camera tomorrow and then share what we've done so far.

  14. Please send me an invite


  15. Great post and I love what you've done with your craft stuff. My craft room looks like tornado hit the room! It's terrible, now I'm going to have to start looking at pinterest ideas for getting organized. Thanx for sharing!


  16. Pinterest has changed my life! It's what I always wanted bookmarking to be, but better! The hard part is DOING the awesome things you pin. All week my work out tutorials have been getting repinned...and I'VE never done any of them once!
    Well done putting your pins to good use!

  17. I am fairly new to that media, but I am like the way things are. I still have to pining for my future home, how I want to decorate it. I've been pining for items, photos and vacations.

  18. Mail is my biggest problem! Im doing it! Thank you Thank you Thank you!

  19. pinterest has changed my life in that i now have no life because as soon as bebe goes to sleep, i'm pinning until 3 am! a friend of mine recommended setting a timer like she does when i log on so i don't spend so much time. i thought she was joking...i see now that she was not lol.

  20. Ooh, I want an invite! mh002004@mymail.pomona dot edu


  21. I want an invite please!

  22. There were some great ideas in your post. I may have to create a mail organizer of my own for my family. I would like to join pinterest. trobertsjeffers at

    Thank you!

  23. I love this post! If Pinterest can give me getting-organized OCD, I'm totally sold. BUT I sort of suspect I'll just pin the eye candy all day and never take it to task in my own environment. So impressed with your real-life applications of this stuff! Love your fabric collection, and the pattern binder-- that's a step above. Go, Mama Go!

  24. Pinterest is so inspirational and I was laughing while reading this post because my husband and I are the same way. He wants everything organized and I want craft time not cleaning time squeezed into my day. Thanks for sharing.

  25. I am also OBSESSED with Pinterest! I find it overwhelming though at times because there are so many things on there that I want to do/organize etc. that I can't choose which one and then nothing gets done!

  26. invite me please.

  27. Ok that's it, you've inspired me :) I don't remember the last time I commented here but I always read and enjoy your blog. Thanks for the motivating post! Organization has always been something I want to do but can never get a grasp on, but I totally think I can do it now :)


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)