Monday, January 2, 2012

Looking back at 2011 and forward to what 2012 has in store

2011 was a pretty good year for us. I can't complain. I'm optimistic about this year. Actually, I'm not alone. Most people are. I blogged about it here.

I'm trying to remember the highlights from 2011 and here's what I've got:

-Transitioned from news reporting to lifestyle reporting
-Went to EVO with Lil' J and my Piggies and Paws team.
-Celebrated my husband starting his new job.
-Lil' J started school, and is doing better than I ever dreamed.
-Debuted as a correspondent for BYU-TV's Fresh Take. I was in this episode and this one.
-Became a morning anchor (instead of evening. I thought I'd hate it but I LOVE it).
-Finished blogging for Bravado's Breastfeeding Diaries and Started Blogging for BabyCenter.
-Lil' J became an Etsy star, modeling for various boutiques.
-I started sewing clothes for Lil' J!
-Signed a new contract with my job
-Completed my 365 Love Letters project for Lil' J.
-Got infected with baby fever (currently trying to ward it off with small doses of toddler tantrums).
 Oh, and let me add something you may not know about my 365s... I literally have THOUSANDS of outtakes. There were days I wanted to use three photos that day instead of one. Sometimes I barely remembered to snap one on my iphone, and other days, like yesterday, I could hardly narrow it down.

My husband wasn't too keen about posing for our photo yesterday but I told him he had to. It was the last day and it needed to be a family shot. The photo I shared yesterday obviously won, but this one was a close second.

Anyway, 2012... There are so many things I'm looking forward to, I can't help but be excited.

My husband will graduate his police academy in March, and we're planning to move out of the hood in April. That's also when I'll be involved in the launch of a very big campaign that I would tell you about but I'm too scared to jinx myself so I'll wait. But I'll give you a hint... It has to do with my photography and a company that celebrates life! You've definitely heard of them and probably bought their product several times last year. I'll tell you more very soon.

Luckily, I don't have to wait too long to be excited for other new things to start. This week... Tuesday actually, my new parenting segment premieres on the news station I work for. I've been pushing/begging/praying/hoping to start one for about a year and it's finally coming to fruition. Lil' J may even get to do some spots with me from time to time. I feel really blessed to get paid to do a job I love.

As always, I'm setting goals for the new year. Last year I took on SO many new hobbies. Photography, sewing, freelance writing, reading fiction again... All while continuing to blog here which of course, if my favorite hobby (shhh, don't tell the others).

I compared my past and present goals but my ramblings are so long that I'm going to share them in another post tomorrow.

Happy New Year!


  1. Congrats on the hubby getting ready to graduate the police academy. Wow, we have so many similarities. Can't believe both our hubbies work in law enforcement.

    I'm going to guess that you submitted a few photos to Anne Geddres and they're going to appear in one of calendars? Just a guess but I hope I'm right. Glad you all had a great year in 2011, may 2012 be just as fulfilling and blessed.

  2. So happy for you and your family, it's so great to hear about everyone's wonderful 2011 and great things to come in 2012! God bless you guys in the new year!!

  3. So many great things to look forward to and I pray your 2012 is full of blessings.

    I still remember that dinner we had with my dad in downtown Provo... think about how so much has changed since then!?!? That was only in 2008!

    I cannot wait to hear your reveal, and thank you for coming to the bright side of media: lifestyles :) :) :)

  4. i love this post. i'm so happy for you hon. you deserve all of this success and more. Hugs,

  5. Very proud of you. Can't wait for your new campaign!! I know it will be fab!! All the best in 2012!

  6. You really are one of my working mom heroes. I don't know where you get all the energy to do it all, but I'm impressed

  7. You really are a busy mom! Where do you find time to do it all??? I have no idea where you get your energy but if you could send some over here I'd appreciate it! Happy New year! Can't wait to hear about your new project!

  8. Lots to look forward to!! And so much achieved :-). I'm a brand new mummy so still getting the hang of things, never mind throwing in a spot of baby modelling too!! :-) lovely blog!

  9. I'm so in awe of you! You inspire me every time I read your blog. You are such an amazing woman!

    Congratulations to all of the blessings that are flowing through your life!

    Thank you for sharing all that you do!

  10. Happy new year, may your goals and wishes come true :)!


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