Sunday, February 26, 2012

Her First Teddy Bear

I grabbed the first bear I got her from her display shelf in her room. I took it down and pushed his hand and the sound of a heartbeat filled the room. Her heart beat. I remember the day I recorded it when I was very pregnant and eager to meet my little princess.
I picked this bear because it reminded me of the one I had when I was a little girl. I named him Teddy Jr. After my Teddy.

I left him naked thinking someday my little girl can pick out clothes for him--If she chooses. I sorta like the look of naked bears.

Though she has a growing slew of stuffed animals and baby dolls, it appears she has a sweet spot for Teddy Jr. I secretly hope she'll keep a special place in her heart for him a very long time, just as I did for mine.
And every time she pushes his hand to hear the thumping of it's heart, I'll smile and remember what that sound meant to me.
I was not compensated in any way for writing about Build a Bear, CouponCabin offered a giveaway for my readers and I thought I'd write about the cute one we already had. CouponCabin is helping to give the gift of Build a Bear with their online coupons. Here's one for $10 off $40. They've also graciously offered a $100 electronic gift card to one of you fabulous Baby Making Machine readers. Use the Rafflecopter widget below to enter. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I have a heartbeat bear for my second child, I love it, an she's just starting to like it too.

  2. I always want to remember carrying my son. From the time I thought I might be pregnant to now, my love for him is constant and grows. I want to always remember that feeling!

  3. I will never forget the night when I laid Addy down to sleep and she asked for her Bear. She never had done that before and she has tons of bears so I grabbed on and gave it to her. Now she can't sleep without him! :)

  4. I have a "Teddy" too and He is sooo loved!

  5. My girls have just resurrected their first Build a Bears. My four year old has been carrying it around everyday since I told her it's story.

  6. How sweet! I may have to do the heart beat bear for this 3rd baby! Wish I had done for my 2 others!

  7. I hope I always remember the little things: her looking up at me as she nurses, the way she smiles big, the way she shakes her head "no", ... all that little stuff that is so DARN CUTE!

  8. I never want to forget the little things: morning hair, shy smiles, funny things they say, and definitely seeing big brother and baby sister together when I'm not loking. I keep a running Word document of random things I don't want to forget about each one and each year I make a 100 page scrapbook through Shutterfly of all the good stuff so hopefully they can relive their childhood again and again when they are grown!

  9. I have a dog with my son's heartbeat in it that I got at my 3D ultrasound. I couldn't bear to part with it, so it sits on my dresser. My son has his own ratty dog though, that we got a thrift store for 50c. :)

  10. that's so sweet! I love the heartbeat.

  11. I want to always remember the way he looks at me while he's nursing. It's a special look only I get :)

  12. What a beautiful post! I LOVE this idea. I may have to remember it for this little one. :)

  13. My husband and I still have our childhood stuffed animal. My son has a "teddy" and my daughter has a "kitty". She has expressed interest in having a "teddy" like her brother. I'd love to get her one like your daughters.

  14. I want to remember the sheer sweetness of my girl. I know it won't last forever, but it will melt my heart forever.

    I had a bear I loved from the time I was three. Recently, I discovered my mom still has the bear! I'm trying to convince (bribe) her into sending it for my daughter.

  15. From my childhood I like to remember things that I did with my dad. He passed away when I was a young adult (early 20's), so all of my memories of him are from my childhood/teenage years. I need to save those memories so that they don't fade.

  16. I'll always remember my own teddy bear, naked or in a dingy white dress, with her nose mostly rubbed off because I kissed her so much!

  17. Addison hasn't really attached to a stuffed animal yet. I had a bear growing up that I loved and I hope she can have that too!

  18. This is a silly question...but where is the widget?

  19. yes, I'm not seeing the widget either

  20. To see the widget you need to click the post title. You can see the widget from this direct blog post link but not from the main :)

  21. I will always remember how he smells and how he looked right at me and smiled when my midwife laid him on my chest.

  22. I wish I had known about this bear, I would have gotten one!! Awesome!!

  23. I want to remember the cute quirks she will only have when she is this age. (16 months)

  24. I want to remember how her little face lights up every time she see's me. I LOVE IT!!
    Connie Gruning
    CGruning at aol(dot)com

  25. My and my JadaBear love build a bear! It is one of her favorite places to go in the mall!

  26. These pictures are so awesome. I started crying over the story. Geesh!!!! Sappy sap sap. :)

  27. Always remember their first smiles. They just made my heart melt and swell at the same time.

  28. Oh, thank you Jenn. I see it now.

    When I was little, my grandma made me a silky blanky that I adored! My mom says that getting me to go to bed was easy...because I got to be with my blanket :)

    I got my son a handmade little lovey on etsy. It's silky on one side and nubby on the other with his name and a cute little whale embroidered. He likes it, but it doesn't compete with his My Pal Scout (which knows his name and sings and giggles.)

  29. My mom made my son a build a bear but he's more partial to his teddy bear that I slept with for months before he was born :-)

  30. I want to remember how much she adores me now. I know that as she grows older we will bump heads and disagree but I always want to hold on to those tight hugs and big kisses she gives me every day and how she seems to think I am Super Woman who can make everything better!

  31. would love to win! My little one loves Build-A-bear

  32. Awww so sweet. I actually had 2 of these that I college. Haha.


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