Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Look who visited me at work today...

Between spinning around and around in my desk chair (and then setting her down to watch her walk like a drunk) we pretended she was my co-anchor.
Good times.


  1. hehehe, I love watching them walk like that after spinning. =]

  2. So adorable! Like a little mini-mommy!

  3. I love your huge smile in this photo Jen! You look so happy. I love when babies walk like drunk people :)

  4. so cute! i just love how happy you look in this picture :)

  5. Fun! My last day was Friday. Crazy! Give my love to Wes and Dawson!

  6. What a sweet time spent together!

  7. Awwww....too fun! Ya'll are adorable.

  8. Lovin g the valentines ideas! How ever just wondering if you know how to stick the crayon to the paper as I imagine it gets waxy once melted? As well as do you know what batter was used for the heart shapped cookies? I have looked for directions and have had no luck :(.. Im crossing my fingers and holding my breath in hopes to hearing back from you soon. Thanks for your time!


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