Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Washing biracial (or curly) hair: My how-to

My daughter has extremely curly hair. People always comment on her hair, and when we're out people ask me where she gets her curly hair (me) and if it's naturally that way (No, I permed my 1-year-old's hair... Who are these people?). The most common question I get asked in emails from blog readers is how I manage Lil' J's curls. What can I say? It's a hot topic in our lives.
I have written the same response over and over again so I figured I should just write a blog post about my routine, that way I can link people here from now on.

First off, I don't wash her hair very often. Usually once a week to every 9-10 days. I use It's a Curl which I buy from I like it because it's organic, and gentle on her head. I haven't ever died or relaxed my hair and I want to be equally as cautious with hers.

They have a very active facebook page and when I was asking for a good product the directed me to their hair type page which matches the best products for different hair types and biracial hair tips. For kids under 2, this is the best because it's so gentle. I plan to keep using it after though. Make sure you check their fan page and for deals. There's usually a coupon for 25% off. For February there's one using code "ilovecurls".

I bought the entire line (twice), It's a Curl Shampoo, Conditioner, Moisturizer and Leave in Conditioner. A long time ago I read a post by my friend Melissa and her hair washing routine for her little curly head. I couldn't find it for this post but I'm hoping she'll read this and share the link. I think our routines are pretty similar if I remember correctly.

For washing her hair and getting her curls "set" I use the shampoo and conditioner. I also use a big-tooth comb.

I've tried many variations of these steps and I think I've found what works best for her hair so hopefully this will help for many of you.
1. I wet and wash her hair with the shampoo. I don't use a ton of shampoo, just one squirt. Again, I don't shampoo it often, maybe once a week or week and a half. A lot of shampoo tends to dry her hair out more so I try not to use a lot.-Just enough to clean her hair, and rinse. Make sure you get all the shampoo out, no bubbles left.

2. With conditioner I'm very generous. This is what will get the tangles out so I use a lot and literally cake it in.

3. Comb those curls. I start with the wider-tooth part of the comb and comb through it, then switch to the other side, where the teeth are closer together to get more tangles out. This combs the conditioner through the hair too. I hang tight closer to her scalp while tugging at the ends so she doesn't feel it. She's usually playing with her toys and not minding what I do.

4. Rinse out all the conditioner.

5. Comb again with the wide-tooth end.

6. Don't towel dry or blow dry. Let your curly head run around until it's dry. This is important because a towel will frizz it up, and if they go to sleep with it damp they'll wake up with their hair sticking out and squished in weird places.

Here's a morning where I let her go to bed a little too soon before her hair was totally dry.

Here's an afternoon where I washed her hair mid-day and let it dry outside while she was playing.

Between washing sometimes I"ll use her leave-in moisturizing and conditioning products to keep the friz down and the curls cute.
Hope this helps! Any other questions? Leave it in the comments and I'll get back to you! And if you have a similar post or tips feel free to leave a link in the comments, different things work for different people.


  1. Funny, I just bought the curly q's line from them last week for my little curly head. She is biracial too, although her curls aren't quite as tight as Journey's. I'm feeling like my daughter is starting to lose her curls the longer it gets, which makes me sad! I have stick straight hair, which I, of course, hate. :)

    1. Her daughter isn't actually called journey! Hehe. Would be a cute name though :-)

    2. Really? Lol I swear I thought it was and saw other people call her that! Haha, it is a cute name! My kids all start with J's and I told my fiancé Journey would be a good girl name.

  2. What do you mean you've never dyed or relaxed your hair????? Wow! I would love to see a post on how you care for your hair and the products you use. I know it's probably a bit off topic but if you've never "messed" with your hair and it looks this good, you need to share girl :)

  3. Wow! Thanks for the tips. My biracial daughter is now 12 with curly thick hair down her back. I just let her detangle it herself in the shower. Its a chore to say the least. I do believe that Ill be picking up those Its A Curl products.

  4. My littlest dude (3) has curly crazy multiracial hair (Asian, Hawaiian, black, German). His hair care routine is very similar. And the air drying is what keeps his curls intact for days! Conditioning his hair is key! His ends get soooo dry. I use oyin Greg juice in between washings

  5. I wish my mom knew about this! I was the only curly haired girl in my family, and no one ever knew what to do about my curls. My nickname was "wild and wooly." It wasn't until the Internet started teaching me what to do about curls that I learned about stuff to keep my curls from frizzing. Lil J's curls are beautiful, and you do a wonderful job with them!

  6. Thanks so much for writing this. On your advice, I've been using it's curl for the last few weeks on Princess's hair. She hates having her hair done but I'm able to do it pretty quickly. She was born in the summer and I used to wash her hair a few times a week cuz of the heat-huge mistake! Now it's once a week, I also condition it during the week too. The more moisture, the better. Plus, the chlorine from swimming tends to dry her hair out too.

    Funny thing- on my quest to find gentle products for her hair, I realized I was damaging mine. I'm in the process of transitioning back to natural. I don't color my hair either, but wonder if they have anything gentle enough for when I'm ready hehe. Your hair is also beautiful. I would also love for you to post your regimen too!!! Lol Keep doing what your doing. And lil J is a doll. She seems like such a good baby.

  7. her hair is beautiful! you have done an incredible job on her gorgeous curls!

  8. after reading this I just went and bought the kit but now I have a question. If you only wash the hair every 7-10 days what do you do if she gets food in her hair? My daughter always touches her hair at dinner (which we don't usually mind because she takes a bath afterward) So in that situation should I wash with her regular shampoo/conditioner or will that ruin what the Peek-A-Boo and Patty Cake are doing?

  9. Haha, yea Rebecca, Journey is her "stage name" for her modeling listing pages. I usually just call her Lil' J here.

    Double Duty Mommy, I will wash it if stuff gets in it. If I get it wet I'll condition it though because if I don't, it'll get dry and frizzy. I usually will skip shampoo if i can get it out with water and conditioner alone. Hope that helps!

  10. What gorgeous curls! That's awesome she lets you do her hair. Nia screams bloody murder when I rinse the conditioner out. She has a tighter curl and the shea butter souffle at Target is amazing for definition! It's all natural too and smells so sweet that Nia tries to eat it. DH even tasted it once to make sure it was ok. LOL! Thank you for sharing your routine.

  11. Aw her curls are so cute.

    May I suggest:

    The curly girl method for curly haired folks

    And also: using a moisturizer straight away after washing/conditioning

  12. Dani, I was hoping you'd chime in with your suggestions. You're a pro at this stuff! Thanks! I'll try that and see how it goes. I like her leave-in conditioner more than the moisturizer we have right now. The leave-in is soft and smooth, the moisturizer feels stickier in my hands. Her hair doesn't get sticky from it, I'm just not very quick to grab it unless it's a frizzy mess and we're going someplace.

  13. This has been a question I've been meaning to ask you this week... so glad you posted it! I'm still waiting for my lil one to be born in May but I wanted to get some research in. Dealing with the hair is my main concern. lol I have no idea what to expect with an interracial baby. :) thanks so much for sharing!

  14. She is SO adorable and has amazing curls, ones that I am certainly jealous of! My little will most likely have curly hair, my husband and I both have curly hair, and it'll be interesting to see what works for us!

  15. I too use the curls system for Colston. And I have been known to yell at my husband for washing his hair when it was not necessary. He shampoos his every day, so you see where he didn’t get it at first. I will try not towel drying his hair though. My husband usually does bath time, and when he is done rubbing that towel everywhere Colston usually has a fro! We use the baby shampoo for the “tear free”, the conditioner in the kids because it is a bigger size, and the Curls Milkshake. People always comment on his hair, and are always surprised at the lengths I go to keep it looking good. Funny enough, I love it though. Call it my therapy. Haha.
    By the way, I was at target and saw a few Curls products in their hair care section.

  16. Your daughter's hair type looks just like my daughters hair.... except that your daughters is a bit thicker and a bit longer even though my daughter is 4.5yrs old.... But I have been debating on switching hair products and I think Im gonna try its a curl... I currently use VO5-split ends conditioner and only cowash her hair about every 9-10days, which works well, but I have noticed this past couple of weeks her hair just doesnt seem to be getting enough moisture...

    I noticed people thinking Journey was your daughters name and to be honest its where I got the idea to name my daughter(due June 1st) Journey.... I thought it was so cute and went well with with my 4.5yr olds name Destiny!

  17. Your daughter is beautiful & so is her hair! You're routine is similar to mine, my daughter is also biracial but she is 6. I also use & love curls products & have been for years but I use the curl cutie line for children & wanted to let everyone know they had products for older children. I also get compliments & questions everywhere I go & love educating people on natural hair care!

  18. I also use Its a Curl Shampoo and conditioner for my daughter, as well as the moisturizer and one of their leave-ins. I love how her hair looks after we wash it (no more than once per week). My question is whether or not you have any suggestions for keeping the curls looking great between washings. Often the curls flatten out and start to look a little frizzy in the morning or after a nap. I do try to wet and condition her hair between washings, but do I need to do this daily to keep her hair looking nice or are there other products or "tricks" that might help...She is 2.5...thank you!!

  19. Does her hair ever knot? I don't think we could get away with washing every 9-10 days solely because of the knotting issue. Also, gorgeous hair!

  20. she has the most gorgeous curls ever. AOI's curls is still on the baby stages but I am wondering how to take care of her hair when she is a little older.

    at the moment I wash and use baby oil (vaseline for the scalp once a month), I then wipe the eccess off and then brush it and put a woolly hat on for some time and then it just stays down. this sounds crazy so i am going to try your tip.

    did you use the same products for her when she was Miss AOi's age - 3months?

  21. all the little ones have hair except for mine :( lol i swear, if ONE more person compliments me on how cute my little "boy" (who is dressed in all pink with big white earrings and even carries her own purse) is...i may lose it!

  22. OMG the funny things people say! Your daughter has gorgeous hair. Miss S, my step-daughter, has similar hair but her's is very fine. We have to tell her to condition, comb through with the fine toothed comb, etc etc too!

  23. Thanks for the heads up on the product line. I will be certain to try it once my little one gets here :)

  24. I'm seeing that all the great products for curly hair are online. This sounds like something we'll have to give a try being that all of us have curly hair.

  25. Ah, I love it!!!! I got a shout out, whaaaa???? Thanks lady. I adore you both, you know this. Here is my link.....


  26. Such a cool post! I love your blog...I have been an avid reader for a number of months now, though I mostly lurk.
    I have Asian hair...not biracial, but still unmanageable and curly. Here is how I style it:

    Love your craft sections too!


  27. Lil J's hair is awesome...but serious Jennifer if you've never relaxed or dyed your own hair you MUST share your tips with us all!!! : ) xxx Great job!

  28. Ty for this post. I often use just a squirt bottle of conditioner and water if I am in a hurry to get the little guy's hair done in the morning. This pic shows you what I have to deal with :)


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