Monday, March 19, 2012

How to fold scrap fabric into equal sizes and make mini fabric bolts

I went fabric shopping Saturday and was so excited to get home and... No, not sew, put my fabric on the shelf. It's a little sad, I know. I've started to hoard the stuff. Just when I think I have enough I get a new pattern and then want to get new fabric and start the vicious cycle all over again.

 I fell in love with some cardboard fabric folders but they are something like $6/ board. I decided I'd cut up some cardboard boxes to the sizes I want, until I realized that would take forever. After a few Google searches I found some comic book boards that would work. I got 100 for about $11 on Amazon.

I had scrap fabric stuck in a corner of my living room and decided to wrap them and conserve space by settling them on my book shelf.
Here are some photo demos of how I did it for fabric and scrap fabric, let me know if you have questions.


I hope this was helpful! If you did a craft this week, link up, I'd love to see!

My craft button.
What I'm Making Monday

(highlight ctl+c)


  1. Nice. I have my yardage and fat quarters folded the same size and in a drawer, but didn't even think of folding my scrap fabric (anything less than 1/4 yd).

    I think I've settled on cutting 5" strips or 2.5" if there's not enough, but since I'm a quilter, that makes sense. If I were making dresses, it wouldn't.

    I'd love to put away fabric myself if I had it all organized like you. While my fabric is organized, my sewing room is not, so I have a pile that I need to deal with soon.

  2. Thanks for that tutorial. I wish I had some fabric to fold. I do have a recipe for hair gel that I'll be posting on my blog! I'll be sure to link up. How's Lil J doing? Hopefully much better!

  3. Jennifer - you amaze me. There are you are, a young mother, a working professional, I'm assuming you're doing something at church as well, and you are making time to organize your home, enjoying a hobby, and blogging!

    Pardon me while I go doggie paddle. That's the best I can do.

    You rock!

  4. That makes me want to go out and buy a bunch of fabric, not to actually sew anything with it, just to have the perfectly lined up fabric shelf.


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