Sunday, May 13, 2012

Atlanta bound

From one thing to the next I tell ya.

I'm originally from Atlanta and oh how I love it. I always wanted to go back there and work someday. My family still lives there as does my best friend. So imagine my surprise when my inbox lit up with a message from Coca-Cola inviting me to their Conversations with Coca-Cola blogging conference.

They hand-selected about 22 of us to bring out to their headquarters, meet each other, show us around the World of Coke, learn more about their live positively philosophy and how to better build my own brand.

Naturally, I accepted, then told my mom I was coming for a visit and bringing her grand baby. 
One of our flights in 2010
My mom actually used to work for Coca-Cola (on a totally different, technology side of things) so we've been fans a long time (we never really liked the other stuff).

Since I'm off on Mondays and Tuesdays, I asked if I could shift my flight a bit and arrive a couple days before the conference to spend time with my family and they obliged! We're flying in tonight, just in time for Mother's Day!

My younger sister Heather will be driving up from Alabama to visit too. She just found out she's having a little girl, so I'm excited to rub her belly and get Lil' J to talk to her cookin' cousin. My other two sisters may or may not get to skip school for an educational trip to the Georgia Aquarium or Zoo Atlanta Monday. My youngest sister, Kimmie is SO excited to see her niece. Last time they were together they did a lot of this.

Then Tuesday my best friend and I want to get our kids together before I head downtown for the conference starting Wednesday Morning.
The conference should be packed with information and great networking opportunities, I can't wait. Friday it'll be back to work, but at least I'll be refreshed and invigorated with the go-getter attitude. At least that's my hope. This opportunity worked out great because I hadn't decided on a blogging conference to attend, and I like to go to one a year. Last year EVO was amazing, and the two years prior BlogHer was fun too. It should be interesting to see how this one is since it's much smaller and more personal than the others.

Getting there should be another story all together. I'm pretty sure I've gone on more trips in the last two years than I did the rest of my life combined and I've brought Lil' J on all but one. Luckily this time I have my iPad, packed with games she normally has limited play time for, and I'm going to buy a couple episodes of Sesame Street and Yo Gabba Gabba. That will surely get us through the trip there and back right? (I pray).

So if I'm not around the next couple of days it's cause I'm taking a hometown hiatus. Having fun with family and making an attempt at building my brand. Then when I get back it'll be about time to start cookin' the next Spawnie. So much excitement packed in a week. I may implode from the thrill.

Big thanks to Coca-Cola for making my flight, hotel and conference experience possible!


  1. Congrats to your sister on her pregnancy! Hope you had a good Mother's Day. Can't wait to hear about the next Spawnie adventures!! We still have 4 years before start on that adventure again.

  2. I have just started following your blog! Your daughter is adorable! Congrats to your sister! I would leave a link to my blog, but I am a little morbid!

  3. Hope you had a great time! Happy belated mother's day, and best wishes for a safe trip there and back!

  4. I'm glad your from Atlanta! a dear friend lives in there. anyway happy mother's day!

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