Sunday, February 13, 2011

365 Love Letters Week 6

This week I made an effort to take more pictures of her. I can already see her growing from day 1 this year. I'm trying to do a better job of catching a variety of her expressions because I want to remember them all.

Day 41 was so cold, we had a fire going and I was dying to take photos of her in a new hat I ordered from a sweet lady named Mary Sue (only $10).

I bought a new toy for my camera. Which made it easier for me to take photos indoors, so I'm not rushing to have a photo shoot outside before the sun goes down. I only used one photo from my iPhone this week. I also made a special effort to think of a variety of special things I want her to know. From scriptures I love to advice I could use myself. My favorite is hard to choose this week but I'd probably say it's day 37.
First time I captured her two teeth on camera


  1. Thumps up!

    I've always said that Lil J's smile is so, so beautiful. It's contagious even through only pictures. Do never ever hide it - mummy is right ;)!

  2. I'm having yet another sleepless night. I don't regret it though, I get to have the joy of viewing such darling pictures! And you are right, her smile is contagious!

  3. Day 43 is my favorite. Love the advice!

  4. love love love 38! Is this gonna become a book?

  5. Thank you! I like 43 and 38 too. I think this is my new favorite week so far! :)

    I'm going to print a copy for her and for me. I'm not sure if anyone else would want a book of my daughter's face. Haha.

  6. These are absolutely adorable, inspiring, awesome and too cute. I love forward to them every week! As much as you say you aren' are SO creative!

  7. By the all are giving Anne Geddes a run for her money ;-) *haha*

  8. She has such, big bright eyes! And day 37 is awesome. Smiles like that make it all worth it.

  9. I'm so in love with these pictures! Her hair on day 43 is so cute!!

  10. Your photos are beautiful! She cracks me up. Such a ham. :-)

  11. I love this series, what a great idea. You should definitely publish it in a book for her.

  12. Thank you!! And yes, she is a ham! I can't wait to print all of these for her, but mostly for ME! haha. I like showing these off!

  13. Can you borrow my three month old, take a bunch of pics and then give him back? I love your pictures...I'm sure having a gorgeous model helps, too!

  14. What did u do to get lil' J to smile like that I'm #37?

  15. Haha, Hez, sure!

    And funny you ask Camjay. I was actually panting like a dog. She loves that.

  16. Hi!
    I think day 37 is my favorite as well. I have a question that may be a bit personal so I hope I don't offend. I'm truly seeking your advice or thoughts if you don't mind....
    I read you rblog every time you post and i love this whole letter thing. The lvoe and caring you have for your beautiful daughter is undeniable. i too will give birth to a baby girl in 10 weeks or less. My only other child is a son who is 9.
    My daighter will be biracial and I'm beginning to have these fears that she will not look like me or no one will believe she is mine and various other things like will i know how to care for her hair and how will i teach her about her culture. I know thses things are crazy, but I still can't help worrying. You can email me if you wouldn't mind....

  17. These posts you are doing are some of my favorites of everything I read all week. Some of them are so beautiful they should be on greeting cards or posters or something.

  18. She is beautiful! Her expression on Day 43 is truly adorable.


  19. Looking at her makes me want to have another one :)

    So, so cute. 37 is my favorite.

    Dagmar's momsense

  20. I LOVE LOVE LOVE These!!! Such a great projects and your photography has improved leaps and bounds in like 2.2 seconds! Go girl!!


  21. Day 37 ah-mazing!! I dont think there is a person on earth that could look at that picture and not smile.

  22. OMG!!! I love all of these! LOL. As I scrolled down, I thought, "this one is my favorite... no, this one is my favorite.... no, THIS one is my favorite." LOL. She is too precious. Look at her in her little tu-tu skirt. So so cute I love that you're doing this!

  23. i love these! omg they brought tears to my eyes~i cant wait to have a little girl~

  24. sooooo adorable! she is absolutely gorgeous! :)
    I want to start a 365 again, I started last year.... failed by mid-february! lol
    I love how you are adding a caption to them though, it's more meaningful that way and I am sure they always take you back to that very moment everytime you read them!

  25. i love these! omg they brought tears to my eyes~i cant wait to have a little girl~

  26. She is beautiful! Her expression on Day 43 is truly adorable.


  27. She has such, big bright eyes! And day 37 is awesome. Smiles like that make it all worth it.


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)