Sunday, February 20, 2011

365 Love Letters Week 7

If there's one thing I want to teach my daughter it's to make goals. I'm a big goal setter and not always a goal achiever, but writing it down does help. Making a goal to take 365 photos, and write 365 love letters to my daughter has been just as fun to keep as it was to make. I've made it to day 50 and am happy to say I haven't missed a day. This week my goal was to include her in every photo, and to use my camera versus my camera phone for all of the photos.

Usually throughout the week I'm thinking of things I want to tell her and jot them down so I don't forget, and can use them in the future. But this week I made a point to think of specific things I learned the day of to share with her. Some of these are things that may become "inside jokes" or specific events only I'll remember, but the caption below lets you in on a little explanation for the photos.

It's really hard to choose a favorite this week because I really put my heart into all of these. It's probably a tie between day 44 and 47.
When we were at dinner people kept telling her how cute she was. It made me wonder when this will go to her head. This advice came to mind.
Busy day at work today. I tried not to get distracted so I could get home sooner. This advice came to mind.

I forgot extra bottles at work today and had to improvise. This advice seemed fitting.
We were folding diaper laundry and this advice came to mind. I snapped a picture and wrote this.

I bought her first "just because" toy today-- Blocks. She loves them!
The teddy was gifted to me from the hubs in 2005. Now I'll share it with her.
Yep, he's whipped.


  1. Oh my gosh! Can I have her pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease? Just for a little while? I'll give her back, I promise. **fingers crossed**

  2. I dunno, Jen. I see a lot of your husband in Baby J. A lot! They're so adorable together.

    (P.S. Digital cameras weren't even invented when I had my first couple of kids. I seriously have no pictures of them in focus. SO sad.)

  3. I could never pick a favorite. Her pursed little lips melt my heart in every picture and then she smiles and I'm weak for the cheeks. Thankfully I'm not her mother. She's too powerful for me and I'd make a monster out of her. ;-)

  4. Awwww I love #50! The best advice so far ;)

  5. Day 44 has saved me from making alot of mistakes. having a good father is so key for our daughters today. Love the pics!

  6. Love as usual. Beautiful captions!

  7. What you are creating is a beautiful gift and calendar. Your photos are amazing and the captions are inspirational. Have you thought of publishing this afterward? If so, I would like to buy a copy. This would make a great daily calendar.

  8. Gosh, I love these! I try not to look at them on your facebook so I can see them all at once here. =]

    I can't wait to have a baby and steal your idea!

  9. She is just so absolutely precious!! I never get tired of seeing these pictures!! I also want to add that I know why God never gave me a girl. He knew I could never afford to accessorize! You are so good at that!

  10. Lil J is sooo adorable. Since I can't hug her and squeeze her cute little cheeks I figure I'd start working on having my own kid. LOL. She definitely look like a daddy's girl. I love it!

  11. Day 44 is my fav. The look on her face is so adorable. It says that she has her daddy and she's in love! so cute! and the advice is excellent

  12. PLEASE tell me that the pic of lil J with her daddy WILL be framed, if it isn't already!? ADORABLE!!!

  13. awwww...that last one about her father makes me cry. so poignant.

  14. I seriously look forward to these every week! Day 50 and 45...her headbands are so fab- where did you get them? My little lady is practically bald, so girly accessories are a must! :)

  15. My most favorite pictures are my boys with my husband.. sooo cute!


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