Sunday, March 27, 2011

365 Love Letters Week 12

My daughter is (half) asleep in my arms as I type this one handed. I get a little lonely at night sometimes when I finish editing these photos. I stare at picture after picture of my daughter and get strangely excited for her 1 am feeding so I can see her squishy cheeks in person again, and kiss them.  She wouldn't let me put her back down so here I am, finishing this post one handed. But I can't get mad cause her smile in these photos are so sweet.

Another week of letters. I'm having more fun with these each day. Advice gets hard sometimes but something usually comes to me by the end of the day. Big thanks to Rachael for suggesting Day 84's advice! I love that quote. I'm am saving your other suggestions to give to Lil' J as I continue these.

Anne Geddes' people sent her new book to my job. I saw it up for grabs and snatched it up. It's inspired me to try to get more creative with my photos. I hope to have one funky/cute/creative photo to add to the mix next week.

My favorite photo this week is Day 81.I loved her expression, her cute hat, and the bright sky. The love letter is a bit cliche but oh so true!

Thanks again for letting me share these with you! As a thank you, everyone who comments on this post before April 11th will be entered to win an Easter onesie from Tutus by Gayle. There's a photo example at the end of this post!
Thanks for reading! Everyone who comments on this post before 4/10 will be entered to win a custom Easter onseies from Tutus by Gayle, between newborn and size 18-months. Use code "BABYMAKINGMAMA" to get free shipping. Friend her on facebook or twitter for an extra entry. Winner will be announced randomly drawn and announced on my facebook page.


  1. i asked my husband on our first date, too :-)

  2. She's so chubbzy! Love her fat lil feet and her cheeks squishing the stuffed toy!

  3. Day 82 is my favourite! You can see that smile even behind the bear! <3

  4. I love these pictures. So cute!

  5. I'm friends with Tutus ByGayle.

  6. Simply ADORABLE! I can't get enough!

  7. She is so stinking cute!!!


  8. Seriously??? She is so beautiful!!!! (And so is her Mommy!)

  9. She is so adorable and you are quite a creative mama!

  10. J just keeps getting more and more adorable.

  11. So cute! I'm glad you loved that quote as much as I did.

  12. I asked my husband out first too :)

  13. Although all the photos are wonderful, I like Day 83 the most. Perfect picture to go with such a wonderful quote!!!

  14. I so look forward to these every week. Please make sure that you keep these, not only for Lil' Miss J, but for her children and her children's children.

  15. I love these. I wish I had the motivation to do something similar

  16. I love Day 82 with Lil J's sweet grin peeking out from behind her bear! I also like Day 83's quote with my favorite candy :)

    froggy_luver at hotmail dot com

  17. 81 and 82 are my fav :)! I am sure lil J will be glad to read that you asked her daddy out, because thanks to that she is the daughter of J and B :)!

  18. I love looking at your pictures! She is so beautiful and you are very talented (in both your writing and your photography). I really wish I could take pictures like this of my baby (who is also asleep in my arms as I type one-handed!).

  19. I love these love letters. They are so tender. I don't have any children yet, but I'm already planning on making a something similar and having it bound. These pictures are beautiful and the thoughts are so tender. Plus, it helps that you have such a cute kid!

  20. You have no idea how I've come to look forward to these!! Thanks for the pick me ups!!

  21. So sweet. I love this idea and wish I was diligent enough to do it myself.

  22. just to let you know, you spelled "surround" wrong in the first letter! these are SO cute btw!

  23. Wow, thanks so much! Jeez, stupid photoshop doesn't spell check! I'm glad we caught it before it went to go in her book! :)

    And thanks everyone for your sweet comments! Good luck in the giveaway!

  24. I love day 80. I did that too. And initiated the first kiss. :)

  25. I love day 80. I did that too. And initiated the first kiss. :)

  26. As always, beautiful post Jennifer!!

  27. I really enjoy reading your love letters. Not only are they insightful bc of the messages but it really chronicles how Lil J is growing up. I see such a vast difference in her from Day 1 to now and it's only been 3 months. It's amazing how they grow so fast :)

  28. I saw a little girl (maybe 6)at the grocery store the other day and I said out loud "awwwe she is so cute, I think that is what Lil J will look like when she is older". My husband turned around and asked "who is Lil J?" LOL.

  29. Where did you get the headband in day 84? Love it!

  30. She's so adorable. And good for you for asking your hubby out first :)

  31. LOVE all of the photos, as per usual! :) Would love a tutu for my 11 month old so we can take fun 1 year photos with her all dressed up! I love Day 82...her eyes are so full of joy!

  32. I am expecting a baby girl in July after we lost a little girl 2 years ago to a chromosome disorder. This is such an amazing idea! Thanks for sharing.

  33. ok... mushy comment alert :)

    coming to your blog makes me oh so happy. Lil J is soo beautiful and getting more and more gorgeous with each post. Lucas and I look at her together and he laughs everytime. Your pictures make me mad, because you are soo talented with a camera.


  34. she's SOOO adorable! i heart day 82!

  35. Your photos are simply adorable, makes me want to squeeze my little one right now :)

  36. Her headbands are just to die for!!!

    And I also asked for the first date...though, it was more of a friend date that turned into something more... :)

  37. Day 81 is so true! Our little girls are the best way to brighten our days when they are gloomy!

  38. Day 84 has got to be my absolute favorite of all the days. It's so true! What a beautiful daughter of our Heavenly Father that you have been entrusted to lead here on the earth. You are quite blessed indeed =)

  39. Day 81 is so true! Our little girls are the best way to brighten our days when they are gloomy!

  40. I love day 80. I did that too. And initiated the first kiss. :)

  41. So sweet. I love this idea and wish I was diligent enough to do it myself.

  42. I love these love letters. They are so tender. I don't have any children yet, but I'm already planning on making a something similar and having it bound. These pictures are beautiful and the thoughts are so tender. Plus, it helps that you have such a cute kid!

  43. Seriously??? She is so beautiful!!!! (And so is her Mommy!)


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)