Friday, April 23, 2010

Little Girl, What Are You Doing in There?

Dear Daughter,

We are 31 weeks along today... That means there's just about 9 more weeks until you arrive! My mom had me a couple of weeks early, I wonder if that means you may be a little early. I had a long conversation with your grandma about all of her labors with your aunts. She had everyone pretty fast, she had me in about 12 hours with no epidural. 12 hours sounds like a long time but compared to other lengths I've heard it's not that bad.

I'm hoping you come on June 23rd. That's the day your daddy and I met, and it's exactly six months from our anniversary. I think it would be fun to celebrate your birthday on the anniversary from the day we met, and our half-year wedding anniversary! So try to plan for that ok?

I keep having dreams about you coming out WAY early, like now, and I was in a scramble cause we didn't get to take our Lamaze classes (they start on Tuesday!) and I didn't have my hospital bag packed, or my cute hospital gown. I know those aren't the important things, but I guess they're the things that show up in my dreams.

I also just had a dream you came out totally white with an alien-shaped head. I think it was a combination of writing about my "Aliens on Board" shirt and watching Independence Day last night.

We have your bed all set up, your bassinet, and your mattress in your crib, even your dresser has your night gowns already folded, and we have a bundle of diapers! I'm starting to feel MUCH more prepared! Now I can focus on the fun stuff and counting down until you arrive... OOH, maybe I'll make a paper chain, I LOVE paper chains!

Lately I've been wondering what the heck you're doing in my stomach. You are constantly moving, and I mean constantly! I'm suppose to do daily kick counts now and I have no problem counting you kick 10 times very quickly, even several times in a day! I wonder if you'll be this active when you get out. And I wonder what you're doing in there, dancing? Trying to get comfortable? You especially move a lot when I put the BabyPlus on. It's suppose to help you sleep better once you're born but with all the moving you do when you're listening to it I wonder if you'll actually just be wide awake and ready to play when you're born. I can't wait until you're big enough to play. I think at first you'll just want to eat and sleep a lot, which is great for pictures, but probably not the most entertaining. It's ok though, I'm sure I'll miss that stage as soon as you grow out of it, so I'll try to enjoy it.

Yesterday my friend Tara took some pictures of us. You were kicking then too of course, and spinning around. I've always been excited to take maternity photos. I can't wait to see more of the pictures she took. She's not only talented but she goes to our church, loves babies, blogs, AND photography! It was raining outside so we went to her house and made a fun little studio. I can't wait for you to meet her. She may even be at your birth! She takes great baby photos so you can bet you'll be growing up in front of a camera lens... Sorry. Notice the little line on my belly? It's called a Linea Negra. I didn't have one before I was pregnant but I hear some people develop it and it can go away. We debated editing it out but decided to keep it in the photos since it's a part of you!

I like taking pictures, mostly cause I like capturing the moment. Your dad... Not so much. I think it's a guy thing.

Last night I told him he'd better be all smiley and happy for our family photos cause those are very important to me! I'm hoping he'll be more excited to take pictures once you get here... We'll see.

You're about 3.3 pounds now (about the weight of four naval oranges), and about 16in long. You can turn your head from side to side, and you're plumping up with lots of fat now, yay!! And I guess it's normal that you move a lot at this time. If only I could catch you on camera... Hmm, That will be my mission this week!

Happy 31 weeks baby girl, keep growing for mommy, I can't wait to meet you!!



For more information about being 31 weeks pregnant check out Pregnancy Corner.

Want to get a BabyPlus for your little one on the way? Use coupon code "bpblogger1" to get $20 off!!- I was sent one to review after Spawnie is born.


  1. Reading your blog just makes me look so forward to having my little boy, especially since my due date is only a few days earlier than yours. You look beautiful. I can't wait to post my maternity photos as well. You look beautiful!

  2. The pictures look great, can't wait to see more if you choose to share. My son was crazy active and he is 9 months old and hasn't slowed down one bit! Visits to the beach were all that calmed him down ever lol.

  3. You are so adorable! My linea nigra went away a few months after the births of both of my children. I didn't remember it sticking around so long but my DH assured me it did the first time, LOL.

    I had awful recurring dreams like that until I got my bags paked & the car seat in. My dream was that I'd have this baby not being prepared at all, then have to try to get to the store to buy stuff. I'd somehow get there & be shopping and then the baby woudl turn into a shoe??? WTH?? LOL

  4. My little guy goes crazy too! I got the kick count letter, and I thought, hmm I could choose his calmest hour and still count 10 kicks in a hour.

    But I would rather have it that way then wondering if he is okay :)

    So excited for you.

  5. You are SUCH an adorable pregnant woman - my goodness (well, you were cute before, but you know what I And I'm so JEALOUS your belly button poked out!! Man, both of my pregnancies I was just waiting and waiting to have an outie and there's yours. (Is that the weirdest thing to be jealous of, or what? LOL)


  6. Awww, you look beautiful. Every week is definitely a milestone. I just learned today that a friend miscarried at 11 weeks. Your belly button poked out and looks so cute.

  7. yeah Tara is amazing. I love her. And I had that little dark line on my belly too. It is almost gone, but I can still see it a little bit. Hoping it disappears completely.

    You are a pretty pregnant lady!

  8. Honestly, Lamaze classes are really only for the experience I think. My son was 5 weeks early so we didn't make it to any birthing classes and I was just fine. The nurses helped to coach me through everything and after just 45 minutes of pushing, my little boy was out. Good luck and enjoy it as much as you can! :)

  9. Jen- I just want to say that I think you are so brave! I think you know what I mean... I'm sorry I missed your shower, I'll try to drop a gift off the first week in May, when I'm back in San Marcos! Maybe we can meet up this summer.

    Give Snoop a hug for me!


  10. You'd be surprised at how entertaining they are from day one. I don't think a day has gone by since my daughter was born that I didn't laugh at something she did, and later on said.

  11. Awww...the maternity pictures turned out great. And guys never like to take pictures unless they're on the other side of the camera. I'm sure that once the little lady bug gets here, you'll be able to capture lots of smiling moments of him and her. And yes, it was probably a combination of your writing about your shirt and watching Independence Day that brought on the dream about Spawnie coming out an alien. LOL. Enjoy these last few weeks. Time is going fly by faster than you think.

  12. Love the photos! What a cute bump :)

  13. That was delightful & you look lovely!

  14. What a perfect pregnant stomach!! You look wonderful!

  15. I love how you want the delivery date planned LOL
    your maternity photos look great too

  16. I just love your blog! I stopped by to tell you I have a silly award for you on my blog if you would like to come over and get it :)

  17. I just love your letters to Spawnie! I would have done this if I had only known...

    I wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Honest Scrap Award! Check here to see:

    Keep having fun with that belly! The only time in a girls life she loves being fat!

  18. You look Beautiful!!! Congratulations on your pregnancy and very active little one. sounds like your gonna need some roller skates to catch her when she comes out

  19. Oh my those pictures are so fabulous! I wish I had someone around here to take pictures, but instead I count on the bathroom mirror. lol. You look great.
    I had the LN with my first baby, from my chest all the way down, but it went away a couple weeks after birth and I havent had it since. (on third pregnancy now).
    Sounds like your little one is like mine. My little one is being a pain in the tooshy. Likes to play around starting at around 10pm. lol. Might be here alot sooner than should be too.

  20. You look so gorgeous in your maternity photos! Not too much longer to go!


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