Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Operation Nursery Makeover Part 4: Things are Coming Together

Spawnie's room is FINALLY looking like an actual nursery now. If you compare it to the beginning you'd be impressed with my handy work. ESPECIALLY since I'm really not a good decorator. I think the biggest things making a difference are the curtains I made (without a sewing machine). I would show you but I'm trying to keep the full effect a secret for now so there's a big surprise at the end.

There are some thing I'm still working on putting together and more ideas I'm working on. CSN Stores has cribs and other fun things, and they're letting me pick an item from their store to review. Since Spawnie got so many books at our shower I REALLY want to get some bookshelves. I think I may get some of these in pink and/or white.The green would probably go well too but I'm paranoid the greens won't match in my room. It's hard to tell from a photo.

I mentioned before the crib is up! I also got my mattress from Kolcraft. I spent quite a bit of time researching which one would be best for one and I ended up choosing a Sealy Soybean foam mattress that's firmer on the baby side and more soft on the toddler side, so she can use it for awhile. I read a lot of reviews and people seem to love it. One of my friends got me a mattress pad at my shower so that'll be nice to have too! I'll have a full review once she gets here!

I found my perfect dresser last week, it's soo cute and I got it for $60 on Craigslist. Finding it is quite the story, I'll explain later. I still need a changing pad for the top but I'm in no rush.

Also, you can still vote on my bedding from Artistic Sensations on The Real Mom TV, though with my curtains and colors, Tickled Pink is my favorite and thankfully winning by a long shot! I'm getting the fabric custom made into a beautiful frilly bundle. I can't wait to get it!These are the fabrics and design I'm going for! Oooh I can't wait to see it on Baby Girl's crib. ...But I wonder if I tie the bumper and skirt on the outside for it to look like this? Do you know?

Now there are other things I'm debating on. With the bookshelves I'm getting I'll need some bookends to keep them up. I like these from Artistic Sensations, but I'm having so much fun painting things I may try to make my own. I like custom book boxes too, like this one from the same store.I may get a toy chest off Craigslist if I can find one, and repaint it myself to look cute in the nursery. I'm thinking white with some stencils! I haven't bought her any toys but she's already working up quite a collection from friends. I also am trying to finish some pillows with extra fabric I had from the curtains.

I LOVE these growth charts from Artistic Sensations. I know she won't be two feet tall for quite a while but I think something like this could be fun to place in a corner near her little chair or something.
And I'm not sure but can you have TOO MUCH personalized stuff in the room? I already made her name letters and they're hanging above her dresser, and a chair with her name on the cover, but I would LOVE to get some things with her monogram on it since (spoiler alert) our initials are the same. Of course I need to save some room on the walls for photographs, I think I'll get or paint a bunch of white picture frames and fill them with photos of her family and her. I can't wait!

I have some stuffed animals up on our high ledge in the room. I'm starting to feel like everything up there is SO HIGH though, so I'm not sure if I should maybe drape something from there too, or what... Any ideas?

I can't wait to show it all off! It's come a looong way from the beginning. I'm feeling AWESOME now because I feel like I have the big stuff together and figured out but now I get to work on the fun stuff. Oooooooh, just 9 more weeks and 6 days to go!!


  1. That crib doesn't have a side on it (which is normally not something you do until you have an older kid). You'll put the bumper on the inside of the crib. It's not as cute with the railings in the way, but it is a bumper to keep the baby from smashing her head up against the bars.

  2. The skirt goes under the mattress and flows out under the rails at the bottom of the crib. The front panel of the crib pictured was removed to show you the bumper without an obstructed view I'm guessing, but the bumper will go inside the rails. You can buy a book box like that at Michael's for a pretty cheap price and then paint it or mod podge it to your liking. I bet you would be awesome with mod podge. You should look up mod podge rocks. She does amazing things with mod podge.

  3.'s been so long since I got to decorate a nursery. It really is such a fun thing to do! So far yours looks great. I can't wait to see the finished product.

  4. it looks fantastic so far!!! you are soooo good at decorating! What are you talking about? :)

  5. Your daughter will be two feet tall (24 inches) before you know it, so the chart will come in handy! They grow so fast. My daughter was 20 inches long at birth and is 35 inches tall now at 19 months (almost three feet tall and not even two yet!)! Love the bedding...all your ideas sound cute. Can't wait to see the finished room!

  6. She is going to have the cutest room!

  7. Cute! You have it all under control!


  8. Wow, the nursery really is coming along. Like Chantel said, the company just took the front rail off so you can see what the bedding looks like, but no you don't put the bumper in front of the rail. The bumper helps to protect the baby from hitting their heads too hard against the railing.

    Great job on finding a lovely and inexpensive changing table on Craigslist. I shop on there as well. It's amazing the stuff you can get. I think the green shelf will look really cute in her room. It might help to tone down some of the pink a little bit. Not to mention, it'll bring out the green in her frog lamp and her Pottery Barn Chair and the green from her wall decal.

    Can't wait to see the final product. Spawnie is going to absolutely love her room.

  9. I'm excited to see how it all will look in the end! Love all the things you've picked out - and no, I don't think you can have too man personalized things!

  10. One of the things I am looking forward to when/if I ever get pregnant is decorating the nursery. The stuff you posted looks soooo cute. Another thing that I'm looking forward to: buying tiny, cute shoes.

  11. Can't wait to see the finished room! I'm lovin all your ideas! super cute!

    If you have a minute come vote for my family, we are one of 5 finalists for a giveaway and we NEED the votes!!

    Hoping to adopt again


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