Monday, April 19, 2010

What I'm Makin Monday: Baby Hair Bows

Woohoo! It's my 2nd "What I'm Makin' Monday" I'm keeping the streak alive so far, and I have another fun giveaway this week too.

Before I was even TRYING to get pregnant I was obsessed with cute little baby hair bows. Specifically the humongous flower ones with the netting headbands. I was obsessed. But I couldn't believe the prices for some of these things... $7, $10 some even $20! There must be a way to make them for less!!

I discovered these Petaloo flowers at Hobby Lobby for $5.99. They were PERFECT for my new craft. The large box contained 20 assorted flowers in varying sizes. I also bought a couple of big tubs of silk flowers from Lakeside Collection for less than $5 a tub for 400 flowers.It was an easy way to mix and match the flowers to make adorable headbands. But recently, my friend and soon-to-be maternity, birth, and full-time personal photographer Tara showed me a trick with flowers from the dollar store... yes the dollartree!! Which is nice because sometimes the other bundles are lacking these larger flowers.I bought a couple boquets there for well... a dollar, and decided to give it a try this week. I had A LOT I mean, like over 100 of bows to finish for people who donated to March of Dimes during my fundraiser and I finally finished them! I still have to take out a loan to be able to mail them all but anyway... Here's how I did it:

Besides the flowers you'll need:

-Some grosgrain ribbon
-A hot glue gun
-Metal brads
-Double prong metal hair clips
-Headbands (optional)

1. Take the petals out of the boxes/tubs/ pull them off the silk flowers from the dollar store. They come completely apart, and you can sort them by color and decide how you want to match up the flowers in layers.

2. Organize the flowers by placing them how you'd like to see them when they're done. I usually made mine with 3-4 layers, obviously with the bigger ones in the back, but sometimes I'd get creative.

3. Stick the brad through to hold the flowers together.

4. Take your ribbon and glue it around the double prong metal hair clip. I burned the edges of the ribbon after I glued it with a lighter so it wouldn't fray.

5. Stick the brad through the middle of the ribbon and between the two metal prongs of the hair clippy, open the brad accross the other side to keep it in place.


If you want you can add the clippy to a crocheted headband. I use to make them but when I realized I had to make like 100 of these things I ordered some on eBay for a great deal! I prefer to pay less than $0.50/ headband, and there's a shop I buy them from for about $0.41 each with free shipping!
You can also make a headband if you have extra pantie hose around, just cut it off at the right length and sew the two ends together. Stick the clippy flower where it's stitched together and TADA!!!

Check out my models:

I probably spent about $45 to make about 60 flower headbands (more than that in clippes) and I still have lots of leftover flowers, but that's because I bought some of the more expensive Petaloo flowers at first, and didn't buy as many from the dollar store. That's about $0.75/ headband! Granted, buying the supplies in bulk helps.

Sadly Spawnie won't have all 60 to herself, she actually has about 2, but I'm hoping once these are all mailed off I'll get to making more just for her... I'm thinking, one for every day/outfit and who knows, maybe one day I'll sell these.

I ended up having a few extra flower hair clippies and I'll give two of them to of you!

**To enter**
Be(come) a follower of my blog or link up to my "What I'm Makin(g) Monday" with a post of your own! Just add your link to the Mr. Linky below but make sure your post has a link back to this post. Eventually I'll have a cute button you can share but for now... Just boring old text links.

If you are a follower AND link up, leave two comments, you double your entries! I'm loving visiting your sites and seeing what you're making, whether it's food or a craft, it's inspiring me to try more things!


  1. So does this mean that you're sending me the rest of the bows?? :-)

  2. so cute!!! I'm gonna have to try this, I always look at those flowers but never had a use for them - until now! (have a crafts blog too -

  3. To cute. I bought a hair clip and band like that and did end up paying like 3 bucks for it. That was defiantly the cheapest I found them be a long shot. You could start selling those and make some extra money! Anyway I am a follower. I wish I could say I am crafty but being 38 weeks pregnant I don't feel much like being crafty at this point.

  4. I think these hair bows are really cute, but I would be VERY wary about using a metal hair clip on my baby's tender head. *ouch*

  5. I love this idea thanks for sharing!

  6. I love these! They look pretty easy, too! I've been looking for a hair bow or flower for my daughter to wear with her Padres Baseball onesie so people don't think she's a boy! Now I'm going to try to make one!

  7. These turned out very cute! I too am obsessed with baby hairbows and headbands :)!!!

    froggy_luver at hotmail dot com

  8. i have seen these around and been wanting to try to make them. thanks for the tutorial. i linked up!

  9. I'm a follower! I haven't made any of these buy I have a friend who does, so I buy them from her cheap. I might need to start making some though...

  10. thanks for the tutorial! you should open an etsy shop~ I'm a follower~
    bro2ice at yahoo dot com

  11. Very cute. I've been wanting some for myself. I never thought about mixing and matching the flower petals. Looks like I'm going back to the dollar tree for more flowers.

  12. I love these flower headbands too. I think baby girls in them are so precious! Cant wait to see your baby wearing them :)

  13. Thank you so much for sharing. I love these big flower clips and headbands but being the frugal chick refuse to pay high dollar for them. Your tutorial is awesome and i think i may give it a go! Thanks!

  14. I think I will try my hand at some of the mean time. I will be excited to see Layla' year. Hehehe. I kid, I kid. I am getting anxious to meet your little bundle of love.

  15. I'm a loyal follower!! These are way too cute.

    shellbelle1229 at yahoo dot com

  16. I'm a follower. I'm about 27 weeks pregnant so it has been fun to follow your blog. Cute bows! However, I'm having a boy but I've made some flower clips in the past and love doing it. I mainly knit christmas stockings so if you want, I could do a giveaway. Let me know. Thanks.

  17. Awww..the bows are so cute. You have to make Spawnie at least ten. A girl has to have options.

  18. The little one will be perfectly accessorized.

  19. I am a current follower! Thanks for the giveaway. These are adorable and I can't wait to see my MOD's one. It will look so cute!

  20. I am so glad I stumbled upon your post about making these super cute headbands & bows. I love these and I have a very trendy daughter that loves these as well and I was trying to figure out a cheaper way to make them. Thank you thank you thank you!! Ps. Good luck with the little one!! ♥

  21. They're beautiful! I can't wait our March of Dimes ones whenever they arrive. I love the ones I you made I won from Jess's Halloween giveaway. Too bad my girls are starting to not like wearing them anymore! Boo! Maybe I'll just have to convince hubby we need to try for another girl after baby boy is born. lol!

  22. I follow...and I'm going to make some for my little girl!

  23. Super cute! I want to try this now.

  24. i went to hobby lobby the other day looking for the petaloo flowers and for the life of me couldnt find them, i was wondering what section you found them in? could you please email me because im horrible at finding the responses? my email is (

  25. Got my bows in the mail Friday. I looooooove them so much!!! Thanks for including the directions - although it seems like a LOT of work, and I'm at that lazy point in my pregnancy.

    Anyway, I'm entering the contest as a Follower - unfortunately, Im not making anything for Monday. :-)


  26. ok, i linked up this a couple linkys but you have like 5 different things going on. i'm so confused.

  27. Got my bows in the mail Friday. I looooooove them so much!!! Thanks for including the directions - although it seems like a LOT of work, and I'm at that lazy point in my pregnancy.

    Anyway, I'm entering the contest as a Follower - unfortunately, Im not making anything for Monday. :-)


  28. ok, i linked up this a couple linkys but you have like 5 different things going on. i'm so confused.

  29. i went to hobby lobby the other day looking for the petaloo flowers and for the life of me couldnt find them, i was wondering what section you found them in? could you please email me because im horrible at finding the responses? my email is (

  30. I follow...and I'm going to make some for my little girl!

  31. I am so glad I stumbled upon your post about making these super cute headbands & bows. I love these and I have a very trendy daughter that loves these as well and I was trying to figure out a cheaper way to make them. Thank you thank you thank you!! Ps. Good luck with the little one!! ♥

  32. The little one will be perfectly accessorized.

  33. Thank you so much for sharing. I love these big flower clips and headbands but being the frugal chick refuse to pay high dollar for them. Your tutorial is awesome and i think i may give it a go! Thanks!

  34. thanks for the tutorial! you should open an etsy shop~ I'm a follower~
    bro2ice at yahoo dot com

  35. It is always a pleasure to come across a great blog and to find mum's who have a real talent and love for making pretty little things for babies. I am a stay at home mum across the water in Ireland and I am blessed to be able to make baby headbands and baby hair clips for a living. Thanks for the additional inspiration! :)


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)