Monday, April 12, 2010

What I'm Makin(g) Monday: Wall Vinyl Decal! {And Giveaway!}

I'm sucking at this meme thing already. I mentioned planning to start one this week, and here I am, finally posting it Monday afternoon...

In an effort to make myself more crafty, and also brag a little about some of my accomplishments, I thought it would be fun to make Monday my craft-related post day. It'll also hopefully be a fun way to see other crafts out there that I haven't heard of and that I'd like to maybe try (or buy) when others link up and share their skills.

Here's the idea: Share a post, a link, a photo, a tutorial, whatever of something you've made. It can be a craft, food, digital design, whatever!! Maybe later I'll get specific with some prompts but for now people can just share whatever they want. I'll also post something I've made which may or may not include a tutorial. For the first little while, everyone who participates will be entered for a giveaway, and I'll announce what the giveaway item is that week. Some may be big, and some may be small, some maybe even be nothing at all... We'll see how it goes. So if you know wannabe crafters or chefs out there, or people who already are, let them know there's another place to share!

This week will be a little different since it's short notice and it's the first week! But there's still a giveaway everyone can enter at the end.

So let's get this party started... As part 3 of my Operation Nursery Makeover, and my first ever installment of "What I'm Makin(g) Monday" I made a wall decal for Spawnie's Nursery.
Trading Phrases contacted me a couple of months ago about their beautiful wall vinyl designs. I checked out their nursery designs and found the perfect one for Spawnie's room!
It says "With a Butterfly Kiss and a Ladybug Hug, Sleep Tight Little One, Like a Bug in a Rug." I thought since her room is butterfly themed, and I call her my little bug it was PERFECT.
They were really nice and suggested I get color samples so I knew for sure it would match our room. I did as they suggested and narrowed it down to three greens and three pinks, they sent me a postcard with little stickers of the vinyl's color and I picked my two favorite.

Shortly after I got the vinyl in the mail all rolled up nicely in a tube, and was ready to get to work! But I had a dilemma... Our walls are a little lumpy, "textured" I guess is the correct term. The nice people at Trading Phrases told me it would still work, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized I didn't want to stick it directly on my wall. I remembered a project I did once for my living room and got an idea!
First, I bought some wood at Lowe's, I bought a big piece that was 4 feet long, by 2 feet wide, and got it cut down to 17in wide (the size of the vinyl). It wasn't thick... About 1/4 of an inch.
I got home and painted it with two coats of brown, and a coat of sealant. You can get sealant at any craft store, and it's not too expensive... about $5 for a bottle that should last awhile.
I made sure to get the sides and everything real good, and then I waited for it to dry.

Now it's time to get the vinyl! ... See where I'm going with this? One thing I like about Trading Phrases is they sent two pieces of "practice vinyl" with smaller phrases so I could get the hang of how to peel the papers and stuff before I did it for real... Good idea cause reading the instructions were a little confusing at first, but after I tried it a couple of times on the bottom of the my door for practice, I got the hang of it.
Now it was time to lay it out on the wood. Since mine came in two parts I took some time to mark where I wanted each piece to start and stop. Since the wood was practically the perfect size I had to make sure no words were falling off the edge.
I got it lined up and put down the first part.
Then the second part! And then covered both with another layer of sealant. I noticed there was some blank space in the bottom corner of the wood, and normally on the wall I think it would look fine, but since it was plain brown there I decided to spruce it up a little with some paper butterflies I had left over from the butterfly mobile I made. Then... TADA!!!!
What do you think? See, now the whole point of this meme thing is to get encouragement so don't let me down!

I'm really happy with how it all turned out, and the best part is I can take it with me when we move!

If you DO put it on the wall, it's way easy to take off just by peeling, or adding a little heat (with something like a blow dryer) and peeling.

Want to try this craft yourself? Trading Phrases has offered to donate this wall decal to one of my readers!! It'll come in black 24in X 11in, it's over a $39 value! And if you want to add it to a plaque, now you know how!! Want to get to know Trading Phrases better? They're @TradingPhrases on twitter and they have a Facebook Fan Page.

Visit Trading Phrases and tell me your favorite wall decal in the comments. That's all! See? Easy peasey!

-Be(come) a follower of my blog
-Link up to What I'm makin(g) Monday this Monday 4/12 or next Monday 4/19 or the last day of the giveaway 4/26, and leave a comment letting me know you did! (2 entries for each time you participate!)

Contest ends April 26th, at 11:59pm. will choose a winner! Good luck!

Did you make something? Please share! In your post, link back to "What I'm Makin(g) Monday" and link up!


  1. That wall hanging turned out absolutely gorgeous! Whenever we are aby to get Izzy her own room I think I may do something similar! What makes it even greater is the fact that if you guys were to move, it's something that's easily transferable!

    I posted the ladybug comforter I made for my daughter on your McLinky!

  2. Ok I soo love the look of your blog and the name. I love the personality that comes out in your writing. Have a great day.

  3. That sign is to die for! Did you get my email about dinner tonight?

  4. I LOVE "Be Your Own Kind Of Beautiful". It would be perfect in Tiny Dancer's room. :)

  5. You are SO crafty! I left a link to a pillow and lampshade I covered for my little girl's nursery.

  6. I love love love the "Because You Loved Me" one!

  7. I love Trading Phrases and my favorite right now is this one:

    I totally want it for my bedroom :)

  8. If I had a baby girl I would hang up the Chandelier decal from Trading Phrases above her crib!

  9. I love your crafty project! And the butterflies match the mobile!

    Oh and I love their Napolean phrase.

  10. I also follow your blog.

  11. I would choose the 1 Samuel 1:27 quote for my baby's nursery. I did wish they had one about teddy bears, though, because that would go with my theme.

  12. "Live Laugh Love" is my favorite!

  13. I can't help but love this quote!

    I think I need it above my door ;o)

  14. I really like the Family Tree Decal. Trees and nature are one of my favorite decorations!

  15. Already a follower, and my fave was the "family tree" decal :D


  16. I love, love, love this!!! I work with a company called uppercase living and it is basically the same thing. I have everything for Titan's nursery we are just about ready to move so I have yet to put the signs up yet. It look fabulous btw. Cant wait to see the final result of the whole room.

  17. You did a great job with the decal! I love the extra butterflies. I have done that with several wall sayings in my own home b/c we move a lot (military) and it's nice to add a personal touch to them :)

    I like the "let him sleep, for when he wakes he will move mountains" saying at Trading Phases. I have actually thought about getting it for my son's room.

    Oh and I already follow you!

  18. WOW!!! looks FANTASTIC!!! I also love the

    #FA033b Family Where Life Begins

  19. I follow your blog using google reader

  20. I must say, I love best the message of the "Home" one of the giveaway. If I must choose another one, it would be this "Laughter" one, so fun and so true
    Please enter my name.

  21. I am now following your blog, too!

  22. So so cute!! And pretty ironically, I came back to your blog today as I was writing a post about a craft I finally finished with some vinyl letters I won on your blog last July, so I was getting your url to link-up! I will be posting it tomorrow so I will come back and link up first thing in the morning. (oh and this isn't any of my entries, I will do all that tomorrow)

  23. I'm new at this thing, so here it goes. my things I make can be found here

    I do custom paintings specific to customers wants. I also have both of your buttons on my side bar.
    Thanks a lot for everything.
    Love from a California Momma,

  24. This is really gorgeous! Clever to avoid putting it right on the walls. Spawnie's going to love her room!

    I linked some of my current but small projects above.

  25. OH my goodness! I love that saying that you are putting in your babies room! So sweet I think it's perfect! Too cute!

  26. I love how yours turned out! I would've never thought to put it on wood but it turned out really nicely.

    My favorite from their website is: #WED802 Corinthians Love

    Thanks for the giveaway! comichelle51 at hotmail dot com

  27. I'm a current follower.

    comichelle51 at hotmail dot com

  28. gosh there are so many great ones on Trading Phrases but I think my fave is the Dr Seuss one :Today is your day.

  29. My "what I'm Makin Monday" doesn't have a tutorial. But I love what has been linked!
    Your board is amazing BTW!

  30. Love it! So cute! You should do etsy. Are you making hairbands and bows and tutus as well?

  31. I am now a FAN oF Trading Phrases!! My fav for TODAY ;-) is "Love is Friendship Set to Music!!

  32. The bugs and butterflies from their store is so cute! Love the little dashes and I totally know exactly where I would put it to finish off my daughter's room.

  33. I linked up with what I made Monday (entry #1)

  34. I linked up with what I made Monday (Entry #2)

  35. You are so crafty! I might have to hire you when I get pregnant for some nursery design =)

  36. My favorite trading phrase Is \
    #HUM902 Remember Family

    It is perfect for my family

  37. I linked up to what I am makin(g) monday and added my project!

  38. Good job Mommy! I have vinyl words in our wash room. I can't wait to see your nursery for Spawnie.

  39. That phrase is too darned cute. And what a fantastic idea to put it on a piece of wood... I would never have thought of that myself! My first comment "entry" is that OMG they have "May the Force be with you".... and I'm a HUGE Star Wars geek :) I also really like the swirl monogram and the monogram cursive initial cross. Also, "I'm everything I am because you love me"... that's awesome. "We may not have it together, but together we have it all". Okay, I'm not even halfway through them all.... so hard to choose! I really like the one they're giving away though, it would be perfect for my family photo wall!

  40. I'm a blog follower too :) Now, back to their catalog!

  41. Oh that turned out soooo cute!! I want to make one for our baby girl's room now too :)! Another decal that I also like is the "Read Me a Story" one (

    froggy_luver at hotmail dot com

  42. I really like:

  43. I like the animals and the I love you all the way to the moon and back!

    And I LOVE the what you did with yours! It makes it so you can use it over and over again! Great idea and I'll def have to use it!

  44. Wow, that turned out beautifully. I wish we had a room for our litlte on to decorate, or the time and money. For now, i will live through your art. lol. Great job mommy!!

  45. I like the "some people dream of angels, I hold one in my arms" :)

    meyer8907 at yahoo dot com

  46. I love the family tree decal.

    I wish I could follow your blog, but have no clue how to do that with wordpress. Instead I simply visit everyday in hopes of an update.

  47. I like the Troika Scrolls decal! courtneycopeland729 at gmail dot com

  48. I follow your blog. courtneycopeland729 at gmail dot com

  49. It turned out really beautiful. You are becoming so crafty. I will certainly be linking up because I am somewhat of an artsy crafty person myself. Spawnie is going to love her room.

  50. I LOVE "Home is where Love resides"!!
    And I can't wait to see your little one soon!!! Love ya girl!

  51. I love how you made it on a board instead of on the wall! I might try that someday. My favorite phrase is "Welcome to our Nest". Its so cute and perfect for our home since we will be newlyweds soon. I'm also a follower! :]

  52. I love love love how yours turned out. That is sooo stinking cute. I went on the site and like

  53. be your own beautiful is simple and sweet, I really like it!

  54. Stumbled across your blog. You are a doll and I am excited for you to become a mother.
    I REALLY love the "Family We Are" vinyl design.
    azfillmores at G mail dot com

  55. My favorite is:

    Family. Where life begins and love never ends


  56. Love the home decal - also love the friendship decal "Love is Friendship Set to Music"
    june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com

  57. I love the one that says...
    "A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous."

    Perfect :)

    And I am now a follower of your blog :)

  58. I love the Happiness is priceless decal
    Thank you for the giveaway :)

  59. I follow your blog!
    Thank you for the giveaway :)

  60. I like the life is not measured.

  61. I like the one that is the definition of Success. And I had been pondering using these decals, but have old plaster walls. LOVE your idea.

  62. I have been looking for a saying for my home and the "Where Home Resides" is soooo perfect. Love it!

  63. I love the Always Kiss Me Good Night. It would be perfect.

  64. As a librarian I loved all the library ones but for my home I would have to go with "Life is not measured by the breaths we take but by moments that take our breath away". Congrats on the baby girl. My son just turned one and it seems like only yesterday I was in your shoes...enjoy every second!

  65. I really like the Family Tree decal!

    ajcmeyer at go dot com

  66. LOVE the Birdcage with Curly Branch and Birds. cute!

    kimhigueria at gmail dot com

  67. The Family Tree Decal is my favorite!

  68. I really love the Butterfly & Cherry Blossom Branch Decal - thanks for the chance to win:)

  69. I like the one that says "Wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful is going to happen." Very cute!

  70. I love the Cherry Blossom Branch with Birds and the Laundry Loads of Fun decals. goodwitchglinda at gmail dot com

  71. I really like "Family-Where Life Begins and Love Never Ends."


  72. I follow via GFC.


  73. Live Laugh Love is my favorite saying.Thanks for the chance.

  74. My favorite wall decal is "Always Kiss Me Goodnight"
    Thank you so much for the chance to win.


  75. I am following via Google Friends Connect.


  76. I have 3 boys and I really liked the quote "To become a real boy, you must prove yourself brave, truthful & unselfish – Pinnochio".
    I love how you mounted your quote on wood- very cute!

  77. I follow your blog!

  78. I like "Life's a Beach"

  79. #KR807 Fairy Choice 1 is my favourite.

  80. I love the saying: Believe Play Hard! Perfect for my son's room for playing sports!

  81. I am now a blog follower!

  82. I would like the Live Every Moment decal.

  83. I love the Troika Scrolls decal, thanks!

  84. Beautiful! I love the "Life is not Measured" - I used that phrase on our son's birth announcement. Thanks for the chance to win!

  85. I think my favorite is Life is Beautiful.

  86. I like the I Choose To Be Happy decal

  87. I like this one :)

  88. follow your blog as jelaws5

  89. I love the #ART908 Troika Scrolls. This would be so beautiful behind my bed.

  90. Where the balloons go is my fave

    brdgcombs at aol dot com

  91. I like "Always Kiss me Goodnight"

    rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com

  92. Follow on GFC

    rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com

  93. I love the custom without you design thanks for the chance to win

  94. I love the chandelier vinyl.

  95. family where life begins

    at gmail: a midg rn

  96. How beautiful!!
    nice work!
    I heart the LIVE LAUGH LOVE!

  97. It turned out really beautiful. You are becoming so crafty. I will certainly be linking up because I am somewhat of an artsy crafty person myself. Spawnie is going to love her room.

  98. I follow your blog. courtneycopeland729 at gmail dot com

  99. follow your blog

    brdgcombs at aol dot com

  100. I linked up with what I made Monday (entry #1)

  101. I love it Jenn. Keep it up! :)

  102. This is really gorgeous! Clever to avoid putting it right on the walls. Spawnie's going to love her room!

    I linked some of my current but small projects above.

  103. Stumbled across your blog. You are a doll and I am excited for you to become a mother.
    I REALLY love the "Family We Are" vinyl design.
    azfillmores at G mail dot com

  104. I love your crafty project! And the butterflies match the mobile!

    Oh and I love their Napolean phrase.

  105. Ok I soo love the look of your blog and the name. I love the personality that comes out in your writing. Have a great day.


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)