Sunday, April 4, 2010

What's Up Homies?!

WELL WELL WELL... I'm being featured today on the SITS Girls site and I'm suppose to tell you all about me, blah blah blah.... Truth me told, I've been waiting on this day for A YEAR AND A HALF... No lie my friends (Ok, more like a year and 3 months). Now, finally today is the day and I don't know what to say!!

First off, if you peek in say hi! I'm going to make an effort to visit EVERYONE who leaves a comment today!
I'm LDS, and I'm in an interracial marriage. Translation: I'm a black Mormon married to a whitie. That unique enough for ya? I'm very curious to see what flavor our baby will be.

My blogging life here has been my journey toward motherhood. And boy has it been quite a journey!... From contemplating motherhood, to reading up on fertility and trying to conceive to being PREGNANT... I'm 7 freaking months pregnant now!! My first baby (it's a girl) is due June 25th. My new favorite post is probably when I wrote about finding out I was pregnant.

Miss the back story? You can catch up quick by reading my Baby Makin' Story.

I've been going through a lot of changes, physically, emotionally and mentally, and my blog has too!

Every week I write a letter to Spawnie (that's what I'm calling my baby girl for now) and I'm doing a Full Term of Giveaways. I also have awoken a strange desire to CRAFT and COOK so Mondays will soon become "Look What I Made Mondays." I hope you'll show me what you made so I can try to make it too (and link back to you when I do of course!)

So browse around... Or if you're in a hurry, become a homie, click the little "follow" button to the side and come back later. Actually I made it easy for you, you can click the link there, or here.


  1. I have been reading for awhile but so glad to see you are featured. Happy SITS day.

  2. Well I posted on another comment as this wasn't up yet. Google reader told me this was up now.

    Happy SITS Day. You are too damn good looking. You're pregnant you are supposed to be miserable. Ok I am just jealous as I was miserable when I was pregnant.

    Enjoy your day. Can't wait to follow the last bit of the pregnancy. It is an amazing experience.

  3. I've been following your blog since for a bit now, I think it was a month before you found out you were pg. You're amazing! I love your energy, your creativity, and I love how genuine you are! Girl you look AMAZING! Your little girl is going to be beautiful! HUGZ & belly RUBZ to ya!


  4. so happy to have found your blog through SITS. first of all: women must hate you for how amazing you look pregnant. i know i do :). second of all: i'm also in an interracial (more like multiracial) marriage, and i lurve it. third of all: i am now your follower and am excited to see how your pregnancy unfolds!

  5. How exciting! Happy SITS day. Been following you for a while :o)

  6. Hey girlie! It's your SITS day! Go you! :-)

    I can't believe how far along you are already! I know I haven't commented in a while, but I have been blog and twitter stalking so I've been keeping up. :-)

    Enjoy your special day!!

  7. Well arnt you just the cutest thing! All Easter like in yellow and even an Egg in your basket! What a great blog...brings me back to the baby makin days (not sad to see them days over).
    Happy Sits day!!...I'm a new follower and look forward to reading more.
    Gods blessings on your family.

  8. Congrats on your SITS day. You are beautiful! What a cool thing to blog about, especially since you've been able to do it during the entire process. I'm looking forward to browsing around.

  9. your so dang cute..

    I commented over on facebook the other day when you asked about reading you blog and why..

    and then i told you how cute the leg warmers were and i saw some for like 12 bucks a lady made..

    ok just so we are on the same page here..

    post like this is exactly why i read your blog

    you are so cute.. ..

    My i did say that enough didn't i..


  10. Ive been following your blog since you "found out" and I've loved your journey! Just wanted to post to say hi and what a cute bump you have! Best wishes. Estee

  11. Wow! Congrats! You look great :-) Not miserable at all. I truly believe pregnancy in itself is a miracle. The whole process is mind boggling, then they grow up so fast! I only got to experience it once and she turns 16 next month! Lucky for me I have two future stepdaughters to do it all again with ages 3 & 5 - the being preggers! LOL.
    Motherhood is the best! HAPPY SITS DAY!

  12. Congrats on your day! All the best to you! :D

  13. I've been reading your blog for awhile now but haven't ever commented! My name is Coreena and I've thoroughly enjoyed your blog, from pre-conception to these last seven months of watching you experience pregnancy and feel like I'm experiencing it with you! My husband and I have been married for three years and I am on my second month of birth control, EVER. We have never successfully gotten pregnant and the reason for the birth control now is to help even out my hormones from PCOS and to give me some time to learn to live and work with my celiac disease and PCOS, both of which require special diets, in my case at least! My husband and I plan on going off birth control in September and plan on starting fertility treatments in March of 2011 if we don't successfully concieve before that!

    my personal (TTC) blog is feel free to stop by!

  14. Happy SITS day! I just became a follower, I'm looking forward to reading about the rest of your pregnancy and life to come. I kind of miss being pregnant, so I will live vicarously through you.

  15. congrats on your SITS day! Yellow is your color!

  16. Happy SITS day to you, that is so exciting. I first saw your blog through MormonMomswhoblog, and have stopped by a couple of times! You truly do look fabulous for being 7 months along. Hope you enjoy your day, AND this last part of your pregnancy before your life truly DOES change forever! Parenthood is really fun and wonderful, and hard. Good luck with everything.
    Oh, and by the way, wasn't Conference amazing? It seems like the whole thing was about parenting in some way.

  17. Congrats on being feautred i've stumbled across your blog from SITS blog hopping!

    So happy that you are featured today you have a lovely blog and hope the pregnancy goes well for you i cant wait to see what "flavour" your baby girl will be too LOL

    Mayya @ Sew Chic and Unique

  18. Hello from SITS! Congrats to you! I am so happy you were featured and hope to someday be featured too :) I love reading about your story, and am so ecited to read more!

  19. It's so fun to see the progress of your blog and your pregnancy. Love it!

  20. Stopping by from SITS! Congrats on being featured blogger today! First off, your picture is beautiful! I hope the last couple months of your pregnancy go by swiftly and comfortably. Seeing your belly picture brings me back. It doesn't seem possible that my baby is already 6 months old. Time flies so fast once the baby arrives. I can't wait to hear more from you! I'm now following!

  21. You look fabulous! I loved being pregnant but I did not look fabulous - I looked whale-abulous! You are living the the dream! Even now, you are living moments that are soooooo precious! I am so happy for you:)

  22. You just ROCK!
    First I find out that you are a MMB contributor, then I find out you are a SITS girl.
    You just rock, ya know.

    CONGRATS on your SITS day!!!

    i can't wait to see pics of that baby of yours!!!!

  23. Whoo hoo! Look at you Miss Today is my SITS day! :) Congrats on being featured! I have been reading your blog for a while, and I think your story is amazing. Can't wait to see your little one!

  24. Happy SITS day! Its been fun watching you go from wanting a baby to almost having one! I'm still at that "future mama" stage -- maybe I'll take over when you are no longer future, haha!

  25. Happy SITS day! I have a little girl who just turned 5 months and reading this post makes me all nostalgic. I will definitely be following I can relive it. I kinda miss being pregnant.

  26. Happy SITS day. We know each other through Danielle and I've been following your journey a while. I'm your Aussie connection! x

  27. Yay! Glad to see you're being featured - you have a fun blog and I'm glad to stop by again and see what's new. Hope you enjoy your SITS day!!

  28. Happy SITS day. I stumbled on your blog yesterday--just as interesting today as it was then!

  29. Happy SITS! So exciting! You're a cutie and I enjoy reading your blog. Hope you enjoyed conference - lots of focus on the family. What a great time to be starting yours :)


  30. Congratulations SITSta! What a pleasant surprise it was to see you as today's featured blog over at SITS. I've been enjoying your blog for the past few months and was so happy to see you there. Have a great day!

    Kristi, Live and Love...Out Loud

  31. Great blog! Congrats on your SITS Day and, even more importantly, congrats on the upcoming arrival of your little one! How exciting!!!


  32. congrats on the baby and on your SITS day!! I love your blog, it's so pretty and perfect for the topic! :)

  33. Wow! This is definitely one of the most unique mom-blogs I've seen! Congrats on little Spawnie (love your nickname choice)! I'm definitely going to have to take a look around- I think the journey aspect of your blog is brilliant. Happy SITS day!!

  34. Happy SITS Day! Congrats on your pregnancy....what a blessing! Your photo is gorgeous!!!

  35. Happy SITS Day! I am preggo too (35 weeks now) and have loved reading other pregnancy blogs! It's been so fun following your journey!

  36. I like the links to everything! It gives a good summary! Congrats on the upcoming baby!

  37. Happy SITS day! Wow..that was a long wait! I was waiting for a while, now I gave up..haha

  38. Happy SITS day! It was worth the wait I am sure!

  39. I lurk and laugh here often but had to speak up today and send hugs on your special day. Plus a tip: You really shouldn't post pics of yourself. You look so fabulous it makes it hard for me to like you! I'm just teasing! ;) But really I used to have to think your banner was an overexagerated fab cartoon of a pregnant woman but your even more adorable than your banner. I think you've inspired me to paint my toes and shave my ankles for the day. ;)

  40. Hi, happy SITS day! This is my first visit to your blog and I love it already! I can see me becoming a regular visitor...

    I'm off to poke around some more :D

  41. Happy SITS Day! You'll love being a mom. It's a lot of fun and a lot of stress, but totally worth it.

  42. Happy SITS day! This is my first visit to your blog. I'm new to SITS and am discovering tons of new blogs to read. Not sure when I'll find the time between working and my 5yr old but am enjoying the challenge. Something you will discover soon, how much time you really did have before a kid - but SOOO worth it!

  43. Congrats, Future mama! I have two boys (10 & 7), and a 17 month-old girl. Boy, is she hard on the pocketbook. ;)

    Love your blog -- too cute. Happy SITS day!

  44. What a cute blog you have! I can't wait to start following and to catch up on your favorite posts!

    Enjoy your SITS Day!

  45. Happy SITS day - you are totally adorable and I am interested to read all about your "first time" pregnancy since I haven't gotten started on the whole kid thing yet.

  46. Happy SITS Day!! I am so glad you finally got your day. You blog is awesome and I always enjoy reading! I know you will have soo many comments to go through, but check out what I made today if you get the chance!

  47. Hey,

    I <3 your blog!!

    I have recently started a blog for the same reason as you... so i'm so glad i found you!!

  48. Happy SITS day! AH so exciting to be in the third trimester!

  49. I bet your baby is going to be beautiful, just like you! Found you on SITS!

  50. Well Congratulations! Your first pregnancy is very exciting, emotional, scary at times...and I'm cracking up that you've started to cook and craft...I think the more babies you have the more you craft! I'm preggo with #3 and I swear I'm running a freakin' preschool in my house now! haha! Looking forward to reading more!

    Happy SITS Day!

  51. Happy SITS day! You look amazing for seven months!

    Good luck.

    Sadie at heyMamas

  52. Happy SITS Day! Isn't it so exciting? I waited forever, too - my day was last week. :)

    I follow you on Twitter and can't believe I've never been to your blog before! I look forward to checking it out!

  53. Congrats Gurl!!! Loving the blog, All the very best with your pregnancy. Enjoy the journey and always be prepared for any surprises.
    Much Love.

  54. Wow, I've been following here for ages but I somehow didn't realise you were so far along! Can't wait for your girl to arrive :)

  55. Happy SITS day..enjoy all the bloggy love.
    I just hooked up to follow so I can see how you are doing these last couple months. Good luck and many blessings...
    Come by to see me when you can..:)
    xo bj

  56. WOO-HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! congrats to you on your pregnancy AND your feature day!!!

  57. I recently started following your blog and I just wanted to drop in and say hello! I'm 23, and trying to conceive after a miscarriage. I hope I look as great as you once I get pregnant again! :-)

  58. Congratulations on your SITS day, and I love that you are writing Letters to Spawnie. I had my daughter last April (April 10th) and before she was born, I didn't know what she was, so I wrote Letters to the Blob. After she was born and we settled on a nickname, the Letters to the Bitlet were born. I LOVE writing those letters to her, and I think you will too. Enjoy your day!

  59. Happy SITS Day! Congrats on your baby!

  60. I lost touch with blogging for a while, so imagine my surprise hen I just found out you were pregnant this morning.
    I am so happy for you. Best of luck with everything.
    Happy SITS Day!

  61. Congratulations on your baby! Wishing you lots of peace and health in the coming months.

  62. What a super cool site. Love how fun it is and you make one gorgeous pregnant woman!!:)

    I am LDS, too. Love the Gospel!!!

    Happy SITS DAY!!! I will be back {and I'm now a follower}


  63. I have been following you blog since you were like 6 weeks prego I think. I love your blog! And I mean love!!!!

    Congrats on being the featured sits girl. You deserve it!

  64. Happy SITS day - I love your blog

  65. Happy SITS day! Congrats on the just totally sucked me into your blog and now I am late to get my kiddos to preschool! HA! love all you back history and love that you're taking pics in the same shirt each week. :) Following you now.

  66. WooHoo! You get double Congrats today.
    First for having your very own SITS Day and another for your upcoming Mommyhood!

  67. Happy SITS day! My first time here, but so glad I found you. Your blog looks great. I will definitely be back for "Look What I Made Mondays" :)

  68. I've been following you around for a while, and my blog can be found @

  69. I've been a follower since you were still TTC! So glad to see you featured on SITS, though ... I recently had my SITS day and it was A-MAZING.

    You look exponentially more adorable than I ever did on my BEST pregnant day ... through three pregnancies! :)

  70. Holy rock that belly! Beautiful!

  71. Congrats on being the FB today!! June is also a beautiful month to have a baby girl--that's when my daughter was born :D

  72. So excited to see you are the Featured Blogger today! I love your blog!! Congrats and Enjoy!

  73. Happy SITS day. Spawnie will be beautiful.


  74. Happy SITS day! I'm a working mom in Texas, too! Your blog is awesome!

  75. Congrats! Enjoy your SITS day Mama!

  76. Happy SITS day! This marks my first visit to your blog, somehow I don't think it will be the last!

    Enjoy the last weeks before your daughter arrives. Its such an exciting time!

  77. Happy SITS day!! Your baby will be absolutely beautiful!!! :)

  78. Congrats on your SITS day! AND the baby! HOPE all goes well and that your dreams are fulfilled!

  79. You probably don't feel like it, because no pregnant woman does, but you are adorable!

    Happy SITS day!

  80. you are adorable! :-)
    happy SITS day!

  81. I'm a long time reader. Originally started when you tried out (and won) a trip with the Blog Rollers. I heart those ladies! Your blog is fun and interesting. I've really enjoyed reading your journey to motherhood.

    Congratulations on your SITSday SISTah (and the new baby of course)!

    Andrea S.

  82. I loooove you blog! I can't believe you haven't been the FB before now! Enjoy it lady! You deserve it!

  83.'re so cute!! Congrats on your SITS day! And the new bundle of joy!!!

  84. I love your blog! Congratulations on your SITS day! :)

  85. hi....happy sits day. and look at you! you are so cute pregnant and skinny! enjoy your special day! if you stop by my blog, enter my giveaway by clicking on the button on my sidebar!

  86. Happy SITS day! And congrats on your first baby! Yay! I am due in August!

  87. Congratulations on your SITS day! Best of luck with the little one!

  88. Your blog is SOOOO fun! Happy SITS day, and congratulations on the baby! I am looking forward to following along!

  89. Happy SITS Monday and congratulations on your special day as Queen! Good luck with the baby - make the most of the next few months and go out to dinner, to the movies, anything and everything you love to do now! I never thought going out to dinner to a non-family restaurant would constitute a luxury in life but now it does!!

    Have a wonderful day

  90. congrats on your sits day and spawnie!

  91. Happy SITS Day! I love your blog, it's so funny! :-) Congrats. :-)

  92. Happy SITS day! What a beautiful, interesting blog! Congratilations on your pregnancy:) I wish you a healthy baby at the end and fast, easy labour :) I'll browse around a little bit, it looks like you have a lot of interesting posts:)

  93. Happy SITS Day! I will be starting on a similar adventure at the end of this year, so it will be interesting to read your story.

  94. You have a great blog!!!

    Happy SITS day!

  95. Apparently I haven't been over here in a long time! Sorry about that!

    CONGRATS on the impending birth of your little Princess and double CONGRATS on your SITS Day! :)

  96. Happy SITS day!! After a year and a half I hope it's all you hoped for :)

  97. Happy SITS Day! And if you spend all day getting back to each commenter, you won't have time to buy cute baby furniture (buy the comfy rocker, not that simple glider! I'm still using mine and my baby is 6 years old!) or cute baby girl clothes (boy clothes just don't have as many cute choices).

    I love that you've been blogging about your journey to mamahood. How long did it take you to get pregnant? I was on my (in)fertility journey for 8 YEARS! Yes, it took 8 long blessed years to finally give birth to my son Jack. He was worth every single day I had to wait.

    And I can't wait to see that first picture of your cutie.

  98. It's been almost exactly a year since I found your blog (I found it while I was on bed rest). Congrats on your feature! :) Hope you had a Happy Easter as well!

  99. Congratulations!! You look great!! Happy SITS day-enjoy!!

  100. Congrats on your SITS day. Really, it's at over a year wait?? Oh no. I think I signed up around November or something last year. Yikes.

    Your blog design is super cute and that picture of you with your baby bump? SO CUTE.

  101. Happy SITS day to ya! I found your blog a few months back and thought it was super cute - then I couldn't find you again. This time, I'm a follower!

    P.S. I LOVE mixed babies. They're always gorgeous. Can't wait to see your little bundle of joy! =]

  102. Well hello again! :)
    I think SITS should make an exception and feature you again right after you have your baby. It's so exciting!
    Happy SITS Day!

    Lamb’s Most Recent Post: Beware of (CUTE) Identity Theft this Easter

  103. Happy Day! Must spend some time looking around...great site!

  104. You are everything I wish I could be! Hahahaha, only imagine it in my best Bette Midler voice. Seriously, do you contribute to like every hip blog in the world and you're pregnant, and you've had an awesome pregnancy, and you have a great job, AND yeah, you rock :). Lucky!

  105. I love your writing style - hope to read more!

  106. You look SO CUTE! Love the preggo clothes =) You're so tiny despite the baby bump!

    Oh yeah - looks like someone forgot to change the toilet paper roll!! :P Don't get stranded in the lieu!

  107. Happy SITS Day^^

  108. Congratulations on your special SITS day! Enjoy it!!

  109. Love your adorable blog! ;0) Congrats on your special day and your other REALLY special day that will be here before you know it! You are so wise to savor every moment of this time. It truly is such a sweet time.

    Following you now!

  110. You are the stinkin' cutest preggers gal!! Congrats on being saucy today...enjoy the love!

  111. Happy SITS day and congratulations!

  112. Congrats on your SITS day!!!!
    enjoy your day! and Yayyy for babies :)

  113. Dropping by from Italy, best wishes on your SITS day and for your impending motherhood.

  114. congrats on the pregnancy and motherhood! :) This is such a fun blog!

  115. Happy SITS Day! I know you've been waiting for this moment for a long time...congrats!

  116. Congrats on your SITS day! It is a long wait! I'm waiting for my day too! :) I have been following your journey and I am so happy for you! Enjoy your day!!

  117. Happy SITS day, love your blog, good luck with the baby!! anne

  118. Enjoy your SITS day! Love your blog!

  119. Congrats on your SITS day! I just LOVE babies (I've had 5, so it should be obvious lol) and am looking forward to reading your story. Congratulations on your upcoming arrival- my daughter was born in June and it's a great time of year to have a baby.

  120. Congrats on your SITS day and on your baby! Enjoy BOTH! :-)

    I read your "I'm pregnant" post - too cute! I, too, have that special scenario planned in my head for when I tell my husband, but I'm not so good with waiting when I'm excited about something, so who knows?

  121. I'm not all that new to your blog but missed all the backstory so I'm glad you posted it in one place!

  122. Happy SITS day!!! I can't believe I haven't seen your blog before...I am your newest follower!

  123. Congrats on your SITS day and on the new baby!

  124. Happy SITS Day! I've visited you before you were ever pregnant. You look wonderful - congrats and good luck!

  125. I have to say you may be the most beautiful pregnant woman I've seen. You have SUCH a glow and the "bump" looks good on you!!!

    A year and three months, huh? I've been wondering how long it takes. I think I'm coming up on a year here in a few months, so it's good to know patience pays off. But I'm getting so much out of being in SITS anyway...I've met so many great people!

  126. Happy SITS Day! Love your story toward motherhood... I remember those days myself. :-) It's a wild ride!!!! Enjoy being cute & pregnant & getting to cut to the front of bathroom lines! Check us out at to find out what is in store next ... Ahh... the world minivans & sticky fingers! There's nothin' better than a little guilt-free mommy time! Congrats on YOUR day!

  127. Congrats on being the FB today and congrats on Spawnie! I hope you have a healthy, safe and easy delivery! :D

  128. Congrats on your SITS Day! I am due April 22nd with a little girl....she is my second though. I look forward to your "Look What I Made Mondays"

  129. Happy SITS day lady :) I am excited for you. And BOY are you the most beautiful pregnant lady I have ever seen! Lovely!

  130. Congrats on being featured on SITS! I know what it's like to wait and wait to get pregnant and the the joy you get from finally having your dream. Just an FYI, the 2nd one came a lot easier and as much more of a surprise for us! We're still pretty early on in the preganancy and still adjusting to the shock!

  131. "I'm a black Mormon married to a whitie." Hahaha!

    Hapyp SITS Day! I always love it when blogs I already read are featured. When's it going to be my day? It's taking forever.

  132. Happy SITS Day to you!!

    Congrats on the pregnancy :)

  133. Happy SITS Day! Your blog is so cool and a lot of fun. You look fabulous and it's difficult to believe that you'll be having a baby soon! Good luck and enjoy.

  134. Oh, my heck! You are the most beautiful woman with a baby bump that I have ever seen. I cannot wait to snoop around your blog and get your story. There has to be a story to "a black mormon married to a whitie", I cannot wait to read about it. Happy SITS day!

  135. happy sits day! glad to find your blog... make sure you are getting lots of sleep.. and taking lots of naps - even 7 years later i miss those days!!

  136. Congrats lady! I've been following you forever - am so happy today is your SITS day!!!

  137. Happy SITS Day! You look fantastic. I can't wait to keep reading your stories...

  138. Happy SITS Day!! You are one beautiful pregnant lady!


  139. Happy SITS Day!!! You are positively glowing in that picture . . . such a cute baby bump!!

  140. Happy SITS day. As a doula, I am looking forward to following until the blessed event.

  141. Congrats on your pregnancy and your SITS day!!
    Amber :)

  142. What a great blog! You are SUPER cute pregnant!! I'm a new follower as of today! Happy SITS day!

  143. What a cute belly! Can't wait to look around your blog. We are interracial as well but I'm the white girl. We have 2 kiddos 17 and 6. Together for 20 years. :)

  144. oh baby! you look amazing!
    We have 5 little pumpkins age 6-15, they do grow up! Enjoy every minute!
    Paper Mom

  145. Happy SITS Day and congrats on your pregnancy!!

  146. Happy SITS day!! I hope you enjoy it!!
    I'm new here so I've only gone through a few pages but your blog is lovely and so are you. You absolutely have to tell us how you look so gorgeous at 7 months pregnant!!! I'm serious, in a few years I'm going to need to know, need to start preparing now, lol! Good luck and good health for the rest of your pregnancy, can't wait to meet Spawnie!
    P.S. I LOVE that you are trying to avoid pregnancy pants. I'm always telling people that I'm going to do my very best to avoid all pregnancy clothing possible, I hate the idea of not being able to wear something for the long term. And I also still have clothes from middle school, though t-shirts not skirts, the hips got a leeeeeeeetle bit bigger!

  147. Congratulations on being the featured blogger and congrats on Spawnie (how cute is that??). Off to read the backstory.

  148. Happy SITS Day! :) Best wishes!

  149. Happy SITS day! I loved your comment on 'what flavor' the baby will be! Too cute! Have a great day!

  150. Happy Happy SITS Day!!! You are just so adorable!!! I am off to read lots more :)

  151. Hi lady! Wow it's been awhile since I've checked in on your blog. You look AMAZING, by the way. I'll bet you're so excited.

    Hope everything is amazing with you. Stopping by from SITS.

  152. Congrats on your SITS feature! Hope you have a great week!

  153. Congratulations on your SITS day, but more importantly on your baby! I wish you lots of blessings and sweet baby kisses!

  154. Congrats on your SITS day! You are adorable. I look froward to delving into your blog!

  155. You must be one of the cutest lookin' pregnant ladies I've ever seen! Not fair. I did NOT look that good either time. So you get props for that. We called our first "Sprout" while she was cookin. I like Spawnie. You have an interesting blog for sure. I'm off to check out more of it now.
    p.s. Happy SITS Day!

  156. Hey SITSta so great to meet you and happy Feature Day! You look amazing and your blog is fantastic. Hope you have a wonderful day full of tons of bloggy lovin :)

  157. Just saw you on SITS and Im so glad I did. You are beautiful, and I love your sweet baby belly. I was there not to long ago. Its good for me to see other strong LDS women out there loving their lives and their families. Cant wait to see how your story unfolds :)

  158. i've heard a lot about your blog so i'm psyched you're the featured blogger! my daughter's birthday is june 25th so you know it HAS to be a special day :) here's to taking it easy the rest of your pregnancy! and congratulations to you and your husband!

  159. Cute! Cute! Cute! And did I say CUTE? Blessings to your growing family :)

  160. What a sweet idea to write letters to baby! And you look great at 7 months. Congrats on your SITS day. Look forward to reading more.

  161. Happy SITS day! What an exciting time for you as your prepare to welcome your baby girl!

  162. Happy SITS day.

    And you are the cutest pregnant mama!

  163. Congratulations on your SITS day! And good luck with your lil one. :) I love your blog design, it's so cute!
    I think your baby's flavor will be... cafe mocha. Mmmn, delicious. ;)

  164. Stopping in from SITS! I'm looking forward to reading thru your blog and reading about your pregnancy. I'm due May 22nd with my first and have been on bed rest and a no salt diet for over 4 weeks now due to high blood pressure. It's not fun at all, I'm just counting down until this baby gets here!

  165. Happy SITS day!! And Congrats on your little one! I'm due with baby #2 June 4th so I'm right there with you! :) Enjoy your day & enjoy being pregnant- it'll be over before you know it!

  166. Happy SITS day! Congrats on your little one.

  167. Yea! Your SITS day! I've commented before and have you on my side bar on as a spiritual site to follow.

  168. Congrats on your baby!
    Happy SITS DAY !
    How exciting!

  169. Love your tude and tone! Spawn, gotta love that too (my was 'boy') Enjoy your big day! Happy STIS Day.

  170. Awww, the bump is coming along nicely and you look awesome!
    Congrats to you on your SITS day!

  171. Congrats on your SITS day!! You have such an adorable little bump!

    Toni @ Hemp & High Heels

  172. Hello from SITS!!! Congratulations on "Spawnie" (how cute is that?!) Your blog is so full of energy and so lovely! By the way, you are a STUNNING Mama!

  173. Congratulations on Your SITS DAY!!! You are gorgeous & I love your style :) Your baby bucket list is adorable too! Have a great one!

  174. Welcome to SITS. I love your blog, and as someone thinking about pregnancy myself I find your blog all the more appealing! Followed!

  175. Happy SITS day! I love your blog and am definitely sticking around to read more! I'm not Mormon, but I'm a biracial woman married to a white man in the middle of the very, ahem, country south where such things are frowned on by many. I'm expecting my third child, and my due date isn't far from yours(July 7th!) Good luck for the rest of your pregnancy!

  176. Wow! you look fabulous.
    Congrats on your Sits day.
    If you want the truth about what's to come - stop by!

  177. I'm so glad it is FINALLY your SITS day!!!! You continue to be a beautiful pregnant lady with just a tiny little tummy...yes, it is tiny and you still look amazing. Most of all, you always look so happy. So, CONGRATS on the SITS day and would you hurry up and have this baby? It seems like you have been pregnant forever LOL ♥

  178. Cute blog! Congrats to you! You really do look like the adorable cartoon girl in your header!

  179. Happy SITS day!!! Isn't pregnancy wonderful! That's when I seemed to 'bloom' the most. You can sit all day and still be creating -- hey! that counts for work... This is a fun blog, so I'm off to check you out. Come visit when you can.

  180. Happy SITS DAY!! wishing you a wonderful last part of pregnancy! It is such a wonderful experience!!

    Devan @ Accustomed Chaos

  181. Congrats on your SITS day!! :) Hope you enjoy it!

  182. Congrats on your SITS day!

    I love your weekly belly pics - I can't wait until I can start to do the same thing. :)

  183. Happy SITS Day! Oh and interracial babies are the cutest ever. I love them, there is something so unique about their beauty. Congrats on the pregnancy!!! check out if you are ever in need of baby product reviews.

  184. Love your site. I am in the no more baby zone but that doesn't mean I can't enjoy your happiness.

  185. congrats on the pregnancy! Happy SITS day!

  186. Happy SITs day! I cried when I read the post about you finding out about your pregnancy! I remember that feeling with my first one! :)

    Congrats! Hope you have an awesome day - LOVE the blog!

  187. You're a beautiful pregnant lady!! You look so happy :)

    Congrats on your SITS day -so glad I found your blog!

  188. Happy SITS day! I've seen your button on so many blogs, but I've never made it over here! I'm going to follow now!!

  189. Happy SITS Day! What a fun blog! Good luck with your last month!! I can't wait to read your blogs during labor!

    I saw that you asked for labor stories. Please check out mine:
    It will make yours seem way too long! Good luck and best wishes!

  190. Happy SITS Day to you! Hope your day is awesome!

  191. OMY! I'm a LDS mama too (new convert) married to a white guy. Happy blogging. Come visit me sometime at or if your a braveheart, come visit my personal blog at

    God Bless

  192. I have hoovering for quite some time. Your blog is so cute! I am pushing for number 3! We will see how it works out ;) Happy SITS day!

  193. Congrats on your SITS Day and more importantly congrats on your pregnancy. 6/25 is a good day (my sons b'day. Enjoy your day and your pregnancy.
    504 Main


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