Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I'm Bringing My Baby to Blogher

I'm taking my baby, who just turned a month old to NYC Thursday [insert gasps]. Visiting NYC was on my baby bucket list, and I was a little sad when I realized I wasn't going to be able to cross it off. But crossing it off with my month-old baby while meeting friends I've been connecting with online seems even better, and like a great way to hit several birds with one stone.
ma and baby
Meanwhile, it's finally hitting my husband that I'm leaving, with our child, and flying to a big city with no real plan. He's starting to freak out a little--As usual, so I'm trying to calm him down, and calm myself down at the same time.

My ONE Blogher '10 Sponsor--Piggies and Paws is awesome. I'm actually having breakfast with the owner today! Luckily it won't be like last year where I'm trying to unload pounds and pounds of swag from several different sponsors, while also collecting some of my own to bring home. I'll still have some goodies to hand out, but it won't be a stress this year.

Having Little J with me, who will be wearing an ADORABLE new line from Piggies and Paws will be an easy conversation starter, and will make it a natural way to spread the word about their artwork, and bring up my blog at the same time. I can focus more on making real connections versus exchanging swag.
Piggies and Paws
Last year was overwhelming at times, and this year will be just as overwhelming I'm sure, but in a different way.

At first I was thinking I'd just wing it, and meet who I meet and stumble into classes, but the more I think about it the more I'm realizing I need to have a loose plan, and I'll make what I can make, and if I have to miss something I wanted to hit up, that's ok too.

I just got back in town Monday after visiting some family, and need to unpack and re-pack my bags. It's quite a turnaround for a trip, but I can do this!! We now have two flights with a baby down and she did wonderfully. I can take the training wheels off and fly alone with her now right? My knees are shaking.

I didn't even have a stroller after I got screwed by a woman who owes me one. But luckily, Kolcraft stepped in and it shipping me an umbrella stroller that works for newborns on up to my hotel! How freaking sweet is that?

My friend Baby Dickey is a self-proclaimed organizational freak, and while I am at times too I've kinda let that go in my first few weeks of motherhood. She wrote a post a week or so ago about getting ready for Blogher and it made my armpits sweat--Yea, I got pretty anxious. She made her own itinerary according to the Blogher program. Program? What program? Heck, I don't even know what time my flight leaves! It's time I pull myself together a little bit, and get a tad bit organized about this trip.

So thanks for the push Emily, here's my loose plan:

2:50: Fly first class to NYC. (I had to throw that in there cause I've never flown first class before)
8pm: Arrive in an airport I had never heard of until today and hopefully get my shuttle plans figured out so I can safely get to my hotel. While carrying my baby, her carseat, are bags, and no stroller. Suggestions?
9-10pm: The People's Party (maybe, probably not).

The butt crack of dawn: Pack up our things and walk with our bags, carseat, and selves a block down to the Hilton and ask if they can hold our bags and/or if our room is ready.
8-9am: Newbie breakfast
9-9:30am: BlogHer Welcome
10-10:30am: If I haven't already, check into my hotel room, feed Little J (probably for the 5th time), and get ready to go to our first workshop.
10:30-11:45am: Workshop it was hard to decide but I want to go to:

Passions: ROYO - Gen Y Passionistas: Making Your Passion “Work” For You
11:45-1:15pm: LUNCH!
1:15-2:30pm: Probably: Geek Lab: Fight Spam and Hackers! Plugging Security Holes in Your Social Media Life
Change Agents: Creating Tangible Social Change: How to Move People to Action
2:45-4pm: I've always wanted to take a photography class so this may be fun: Geek Lab: ROYO - How to Take Great Pictures, Whether You Have a DSLR or Point-and-Shoot
4-4:45: Afternoon break aka NAP TIME!
4:45-6pm: Keynote address (or keep napping)
6-7pm: Reception aka DINNER!
7-9pm: Babble Project Party [invite only] (if I can sneak Lil' J in).

9-9:30am: Nap?
9:30am-10:30am: Keynote, which looks WAY GOOD! Hopefully I won't let my nap go through it.
10:45-12pm: Session. Either: Geek Lab: ROYO - How to Edit Your Pictures and Make Them 10x Better
Writing Lab: How to Use Your Blogging to Make You a Better Writer
I'm not a photographer but I'd like to get better where as I've been writing so long. I may see which one is less crowded and go to that one.
12-1:20pm: LUNCH
1:30-2:45: Skip session: NAP TIME! (pick up a swag bag I RSVPd for)
3pm-4:15: Session. Writing Lab: Humor Writing
4:20-5pm: Break... Meet up with people or nap if I missed it earlier. Or hunt for swag (though I'm forbidden to bring home too much junk).
5-6pm: Closing Keynote
6pm-midnight: PARTIES: I'm registered for two parties (that came with my ticket) but I REALLY just want to visit the Blogalicious party and maybe get a cheeseburger from the CheeseburgHer party.

If I'm not feeling up to the parties there's always the BlogHer Chill Space we can hang out in that night.

BEFORE the but crack of dawn: Get my booty to the airport by 7am so we can get on our first class flight home!
1pm: Church--Yes, I'm going to try to make it. How's that for dedication?

Last year I didn't go to any parties and I still had a blast. I'm not a party-goer anyway, and I really enjoyed hanging out in friend's hotel rooms more, so I'm hoping I'll make friends and we can do that. I'm not sure I'll even bring fancy party clothing since the lighter I pack the better. Plus I don't really want to bring Lil' J to the parties... Although we'd be the life of it (of course).

The meals are in all caps cause I can't miss them... Like a college student, I'm all about free food, and have a phobia of overpriced food.

It may seem like I'm planning to sleep the whole time but really... With this little one sucking the life out of me (literally, is it just me or does breastfeeding make me sleepy?) I am looking forward to squeezing in a few naps... Yes, even in NYC. But if we're up to it, maybe we'll stroll around the Hilton and just see who we meet. Want to meet? Fill this out!

I'm more excited now that I've thought about this a little. I even ordered more business cards with a new picture from our mother daughter shoot!
new business card front
Last year I didn't plan this much, I just followed The Blogrollers around, met new friends, and really just made it up as I went. I think with a baby this year I need a loose plan so I can pick it up and see what's going on while I'm there, but I'm also not expecting to make everything.

Any tips for a mom traveling alone for the first time with a one month old? Any tips about being in NYC? Tips about conferences? I'm all ears!


  1. Just be patient. Don't panic and make friends with the flight attendants! Most important enjoy this important event with Lil' J. It'll be her trip to NYC and she'll be meeting new friends and playmates as well.

  2. You are so cute ( and Lil J is too- look at those eyes!!!!) You are brave and I admire that. I consider myself a pretty laid back momma-until now! ;-) have fun and I am sure this will be an experience you will never forget! It will bring you many great memories! I can't wait to her all about it.

  3. Bring your big stroller so you can put your car seat in it. They are free to check at the gate anyway.

  4. When you travel with a child, your fellow travelers help more than you would know. I once took a flight with my oldest on my own when he was 2. They offered him some of their own snacks when our flight was delayed (we kindly declined because we had our own) and they helped me carry our things off the plane. If your not planning to check anything, I'd suggest getting one of the airport carts, that way you have a freehand for carrying the baby without having to carry a million things in the other. You can push or pull the cart to make it easier on yourself. When you're getting on the plane, if you need help you can always ask someone at the gate for assistance, or you can ask a flight attendant once you board the plane.

  5. What is the big deal about traveling to New York City with a child? New York City isn't this big bad dangerous place people seem to make up in their heads. It is simply a city that many people call home and where thousands (if not millions) of parents raise their children. If you avoid the obnoxious tourist traps, you'll find that New York is really a great place to visit and raise a family.

  6. Good luck! I have traveled lots with my daughter, espeically when she was really little, like yours. From my experience, as long as you are flexible and have a good attitude about changing plans, it should be a blast for you. All I have to say is now that mine is 2, I would rather travel with a one month old. So far, it has just gotten harder as she has gotten older. This will be a breeze for you! NYC is awesome!

  7. @Bianca -- Well said! :) I'm a Brooklyn mom, have lived in NYC 5 years, and love it. Urban life with a baby is awesome.

    My best advice? Don't be intimidated by NYC. It's a great city and we're nice people :)

    If you do decide to brave the subway, use the MTA Trip Planner to soothe your nerves (, remember that Google Maps does public transit directions (particularly helpful if you have a smartphone), leave your stroller in the hotel unless it's a bazillion degrees and babywearing just ain't gonna work, don't sit next to anyone obviously crazy, and... enjoy yourself!

    My only advice, re: traveling and flying alone with a baby is to pack your carry-ons and diaper bag very thoughtfully. Make sure the essentials are easy to grab, your sling is accessible in case Lil' J wigs out on the plane (you can rock her in back by the bathrooms), and take your glasses off so you can't see the glares of the anti-baby jerks around you even if you wanted to ;)

  8. I think it's great that you're travelling with Little J this much this early! You're going to have a ball. Can't wait to hear about the trip when you get back!

  9. HAHA As a professional traveler with the little ones, Dont worry about plans. Keep to your loose plan and decide on the things you HAVE to attend! Keep snacks in your bag and carry Lil J! Ask for help!! Never be afraid to scream HELP!!! People will come help! Before you know it, you'll be pumping the fry sauce with Lil J in one hand! ;) Love ya girl!

  10. Oh man, those first class passengers are going to pee themselves when they see a newborn. They give kids in first class a death stare. Who cares, though! Have fun anyway!

    Secondly, I feel bad I haven't come to see you. This summer has been killing me. Don't take it personally. I go to Utah for two weeks on Friday so I promise to call when we get back into town. School will be starting then and I'll have my life back!

  11. Those outfits from your sponsor are SO CUTE!!!!

  12. You don't need to mess with a stroller through security--wear the baby. Almost all baby carriers can be worn THROUGH security, which is the absolute best/easiest way to travel with a small baby. Keep those hands free to deal with everything else, and keep the baby close to you.

  13. Have fun - sooo jealous about the first class flight!!

    BTW...did you realize that on your cards your blog url is spelled wrong? Missing the "G".

  14. I really love your blog, but as an IT specialist I really caution my friends and co-workers about how much info that they are putting out here on the internet. I'm just concerned because you are traveling alone with your baby and you have your entire itinerary on the internet. Just remember, anyone could be reading this. I don't even put it on Facebook when I leave the house to go to the movies bc I don't want anyone to go rob my house. Not trying to be a killjoy - just want you to be safe and sound:-)

  15. I recommend a baby wrap carrier for the airport! It leaves your hands free, baby will usually sleep in it and you are not required to take it off through the checkpoints (although some people who work for the TSA don't really know the rules so you never know...) She's such a cutie, your little pumpkin!

  16. You are a strong lady. I think I`d have multiple panic attacks if I tried to do the same.

  17. hey, I will be at BlogHer on Saturday and would love to meet you and Lil' J! Since she is so little, traveling with her should be "easy." Buy a Maya Wrap and she'll be so content that no one will know she's on the plane. Also nurse her or give her a bottle when the plane descents to make her ears pop. If you don't, you'll have one screaming baby on your hand. But not for long.

    Go with the flow and don't overdo it.

    See you on Saturday!

    Dagmar's momsense

  18. I second the baby wrap comment! have fun

  19. You are a strong lady. I think I`d have multiple panic attacks if I tried to do the same.

  20. I recommend a baby wrap carrier for the airport! It leaves your hands free, baby will usually sleep in it and you are not required to take it off through the checkpoints (although some people who work for the TSA don't really know the rules so you never know...) She's such a cutie, your little pumpkin!

  21. You don't need to mess with a stroller through security--wear the baby. Almost all baby carriers can be worn THROUGH security, which is the absolute best/easiest way to travel with a small baby. Keep those hands free to deal with everything else, and keep the baby close to you.

  22. @Bianca -- Well said! :) I'm a Brooklyn mom, have lived in NYC 5 years, and love it. Urban life with a baby is awesome.

    My best advice? Don't be intimidated by NYC. It's a great city and we're nice people :)

    If you do decide to brave the subway, use the MTA Trip Planner to soothe your nerves (, remember that Google Maps does public transit directions (particularly helpful if you have a smartphone), leave your stroller in the hotel unless it's a bazillion degrees and babywearing just ain't gonna work, don't sit next to anyone obviously crazy, and... enjoy yourself!

    My only advice, re: traveling and flying alone with a baby is to pack your carry-ons and diaper bag very thoughtfully. Make sure the essentials are easy to grab, your sling is accessible in case Lil' J wigs out on the plane (you can rock her in back by the bathrooms), and take your glasses off so you can't see the glares of the anti-baby jerks around you even if you wanted to ;)


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)