Friday, August 13, 2010


No, I didn't die/get killed/lost forever in NYC. We had a blast! So much so that I'm still recuperating! So much so that I've had my longest no-blogging streak. I envy people who manage to have time and energy to whip those recap posts up right away... Granted I'm pretty sure I had the youngest baby there, so I have a good excuse. Lil' J was a GREAT Piggies and Paws model (and happy to be one), and we are SO glad they sent us! Check them out for affordable custom artwork using your kiddos hand and foot prints! They have great videos of examples on their Facebook Page. She's wearing an example of their new line soon to be announced!
piggies and paws model
I have LOTS to say about BlogHer, and other big big big BIG rants regarding controversial issues I'm already witnessing and experiencing in motherhood (yes, already!). But you know how you can't write about something until you write about the other stuff that happened first? I'm having that dilemma. I can't write about the other stuff until I recap BlogHer. As soon as I can get my thoughts together and put down I'll share it all.

Sadly I'm going back to work in less than six weeks. I cry every time I think about it, so I'm going to try not to dwell on that right now. Whoever said I'd be begging to go back to work once I spent some time at home was LYING!... Or just didn't know me. But it's ok, I didn't know me either. And I didn't know I'd be loving this so much.

Anyhoo... I'm trying to keep the computer out of reach, and my daughter in my arms as long as possible. So SORRY if you have sent me an email, or something and I haven't responded. I'll catch up soon! I'm NOT ignoring you. Even if you emailed me two months ago--I'm that far behind!!

I haven't uploaded my pictures from BlogHer yet so for now I'll leave you with this picture my friend from Grand Felicity Photography took during our mother-daughter shoot in Utah right before our trip to NYC. (Photography session giveaway coming soon!)
mother daughter


  1. That picture really is beautiful. And I am dying to know what the issues are that you are going to write about.

  2. ZOMG SO CUTE. It was so great meeting you and lil J. I love her!

  3. What great pics!

    Take your time on posting. I agree, cuddle Lil J as much as possible; family always comes first in my book. :)

  4. Okay, Miss Girl's perfect smile is killing me! I love, love, love it! She had a blast in NYC... just look at that grin?!!?

    That last photo of you two together? GORGEOUS!

  5. Look at that big gummy smile! Adorable! Can't wait to read about your wonderful time at BlogHER and your other issues.

  6. The last picture is beautiful! Why is it that we have to go back to work while they are still little babies? Why can't we go back to work when they start walking, no running, around everywhere and pulling out everything and terrorizing every living thing in the neighborhood? That's when going to work is a break and not a chore!

    Come by when you can...

  7. Ooh, can't wait for you to write about motherhood issues. There are plenty of them! Should get people talking for sure.

  8. You and your daughter are so cute together! :) I'm looking forward to hearing your rants. I have lots of them too.

  9. Wow, looking at that photo it's hard to believe that you just gave birth a little over a month ago. And Lil J looks cuter than ever in her Piggies & Paws outfit.

  10. Adorable!! Lil' J just gets cuter & cuter! I agree -- why answer emails when you can be cuddling this little cutie??!!

  11. Oh! Just look that that big smile! Such a doll. And gorgeous like her mama.

  12. I don't know how you did it. You have every right to be exhausted, goodness I'm getting exhausted thinking about attending a conference with a baby. I just love these photos. I can't find any outfits on the P&P site, still updating?

  13. Good, I'm glad you aren't bragging...err...I mean blogging abour BlogHer! I can't take it! I didn't get to go and I feel so left out! I know, my problem, but still, I keep reading everything your terrific ladies are putting out there. So give me time to recup before you tell us how fantastic it was!
    Beautiful baby by the not helping me get over my "I want another baby" phase!

  14. I go back tomorrow after 13 weeks...I'm really trying not to burst into tears constantly. I'm going to miss my little man and my girl so much. It is sooo hard.

    You are both gorgeous. I love her blessing dress.

  15. First off let me say "BEAUTIFUL PICTURE". You look soooo happy. Motherhood is truly an amazing experience. You are doing the right thing by spending as much time with your baby as you can and less time with us. You don't even owe us any apologies. I don't even know how you managed to do Blogher with a brand new baby and look so beautiful. I'm glad I got to see you in person and Baby J.

  16. Oh my goodness! That picture of the two of you is stunning!! it was so good to meet you in NYC!

  17. What a beautiful pic of the two of you.

  18. I'd love to hear more of your feelings about going back to work and what it's like when you actually go back. I'm due in April and already dreading the day I have to go back to work. Work is so inconvenient, isn't it?

  19. When I clicked your link from another BlogHer attendee, I had no idea YOU were The Future Mama! I've been out of touch, apparently. :)

    Your new bundle is absolutely precious. I am on #3, and currently only have 2 1/2 weeks left to go before I head back to work. I'm sooooooooooooooo not ready to return. I really, really, really want to figure out how to work at home and make sufficient funds roll in.

    I can't wait to scroll down and catch up with how you got to this point. :) Happy Monday!

  20. Baby girl is a doll and you guys are beautiful! :) Sorry to hear about your controversial issues in motherhood but looking forward to reading about them.


  21. I love your blog. I have a Monday blog hop. Stop in and link up. I look forward to getting to know you.

  22. I am stopping by because I saw your link on TBB and I love what I have been reading so far! will be adding you to my google reader!

  23. When I clicked your link from another BlogHer attendee, I had no idea YOU were The Future Mama! I've been out of touch, apparently. :)

    Your new bundle is absolutely precious. I am on #3, and currently only have 2 1/2 weeks left to go before I head back to work. I'm sooooooooooooooo not ready to return. I really, really, really want to figure out how to work at home and make sufficient funds roll in.

    I can't wait to scroll down and catch up with how you got to this point. :) Happy Monday!

  24. I'd love to hear more of your feelings about going back to work and what it's like when you actually go back. I'm due in April and already dreading the day I have to go back to work. Work is so inconvenient, isn't it?

  25. I don't know how you did it. You have every right to be exhausted, goodness I'm getting exhausted thinking about attending a conference with a baby. I just love these photos. I can't find any outfits on the P&P site, still updating?

  26. Oh! Just look that that big smile! Such a doll. And gorgeous like her mama.


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)