Monday, September 13, 2010

Shopping Spree: The Best Way to Make Up for Shots

No one likes getting shots. Lord knows I didn't. Heck, I still don't. So when Lil' J had her first round last week I about lost it. Ok, actually I DID lose it. She freaked out too but had forgotten about it a couple minutes later. I on the other hand, couldn't get the memory out of my head. She was laughing and cooing one second, the next she was turning red and screaming her head off. And there I was holding her arms down. I felt like a jerk. I told myself I wouldn't, but I cried too.

I promised her I'd make up for it and I did. Right after the appointment with the mean nurse we went to Old Navy's baby sale and had a little shopping spree. We scored BIG!
old navy sale
Two jean skirts, a pair of pants, a sweater dress, two bohemian-style dresses, a pair of sparkly moccasins, a beautiful long sweater, and a jean jacket that she can wear with it all--All for $117!

At first I had put the pants back cause I thought the total was going to be closer to $200 but when the lady rang me up and the total only came to $107 I went back to get the adorable brown pants (and I think the FIRST pair of pants I've bought for her).

Everything I bought (minus the jacket) was on sale for $5-15!
old navy sale
Sadly, Lil' J slept through all the shopping, but she was happy to take part in a photoshoot when she was feeling herself again. I am so blessed to have this little angel in my life!
Old Navy sweater dress
She measured 95th percentile for height and 90th for weight so I got almost everything in 6-12 month size so she can wear it longer. The dresses I think she'll be able to wear as shirts even when she's older.
Old Navy pink bohem
If you ask me, she looks good in everything.
old navy skirt
Old Navy brown pants
What do you think? Like her fall wardrobe?

Oh, by the way, everyone who comments on this post before Sunday September 19th at 11:59pm is entered to win a $100 gift card to Old Navy. If you're a blog follower/subscriber (or become one) you get an extra entry. Also, go here to get a special coupon for 30-40% off. It's a fast one so good luck!

PS: I just took this video of her in her other bohemian dress. I just had to share! We had too much fun. The whole video coming for Wordless Wednesday!

*Thanks Old Navy, for sponsoring the shopping spree & giveaway*


  1. She is so adorable! I love all the pictures you put of her on your blog. I just got married in December, but baby fever is already kicking in!

  2. cute outfits! i esp. love the sweater on her!

    ~ marfmom

  3. I love the last two outfits- she looks so sharp!

  4. OMG! She is too cute!!!! I LOVE all her new clothes.

  5. Oh my! It's hard to believe that baby could get any cuter, but she does every time I see her! I love all her little fall outfits! And I LOVE those boots! Too cute! Awesome deals! I love great deals on clothes! They grow so fast that you have to get good deals!

  6. I love the white dress and the sweater...oh, so cute!! She is such a doll!

  7. we LOVE Old Navy baby sales! :)
    They always have the cutest little jeans!

  8. I'm a follower of your blog as well!

  9. I LOVE that sweater in the last picture! She's so adorable! Makes me want to go waddle out to an Old Navy right now :)

  10. wow, she DOES look adorable!! great finds!!!

  11. oh, and i am a blog follower.

    i'm pretty sure i love the sweater dress the most.

  12. She looks adorable in her new fall clothes! :)

  13. Oh, and I'm a follower :)

  14. Gotta Love that you are wearing your Bamboo Baby Wrap! Wooo hooo!!
    Love OldNavy! Just went maternity shopping there and got my daughter tons of clothes!

  15. aww i love the cream sweater in the last pic. i'd love to have a shopping spree for my girl!

  16. My baby girl will be 5 months old and so I love all of the clothes you bought! They look absolutely adorable on her and I love, love, love the sweater dress! Super cute!

  17. All of those clothes are adorable! But that sweater dress is the cutest :)

  18. OMG Lil J is soooo cute!! I envy her cute lil fall/winter wardrobe and so does our Lil J! In fact, would it be a bad thing if I put a dress on our Lil J - just for fun?! He'll never know haha. Old Navy has the best budget-friendly clothes for the lil ones and I absolutely die for deals like the ones you found.

    Congrats on the successful shopping trip mama!

  19. Very cute!!! I love Old Navy. :)

  20. She's adorable, as always! And hooray for scoring the sale!

  21. She is getting so big!! And she looks super adorable in EVERYTHING!


  22. Oh my she is so cute! I love her new clothes!!

  23. OMG that's the most stylish little girl I have ever seen!! Love the sweater dress too! And that pick up you two all snuggled up is sweet!

  24. oh my gosh, those clothes are so cute! I love fall weather and colors! You've inspired me to go shopping for Kendall now! :)

  25. She's absolutely adorable in all her outfits. I can't get over how much she looks like your husband, in my opinion. She's such a cutie!

  26. I was just at the Old Navy outlet near us and found five pairs of socks for my toddler daughter, two long sleeve t-shirts for my 11 month old son, and two long sleeve onesies for my son. I only spend $23! I LOVE their kids' clothes!

  27. She is soooo cute! You have the greatest photos of her. It's going to be so fun looking back at all of them when she's older.


  28. oh and side note... the sweater dress is my favorite! So freakin cute on your little model!

  29. I love Old Navy! The first outfit I bought for my baby boy was from there and it's still my favorite one. I absolutely love the little sweater dress you got for Lil J! So cute!

  30. So cute! I just had a baby shopping spree at old navy myself! Still lots I want to go back for too :)

  31. I love that last outfit - too cute. I took advantage of their sale as well, online. I bought a few maternity clothes - LOVED being able to splurge a little and get a lot!

  32. Oh, and I'm a blog follower too :)

  33. How adorable! Don't feel bad about crying. I cried to when my little one got her shots.

  34. I've been following your blog for awhile now and Little J just gets cuter with every picture. I love the sweater dress its just to cute.

  35. OMG that sweater dress is so cute! I totally wish I was having a girl! :( Boys are cute too but not as many clothes!

  36. She looks so sweet in that white sweater with the dark skirt! Those baby sales rock!

  37. And, oh yes! I am a blog follower. We just found out our baby is a girl and I'm looking forward to sweet little girl clothes again!!

  38. That cream dress is sooo cute! I think I need one for my baby girl!

  39. I love there jeans and polos for my husband.

  40. I LOVE that sweater dress!!!! I will definitely have to check that out. The Children's Place also has some great sales and adorable clothes. If you've never checked it out, I HIGHLY recommend it!

  41. She is so precious! I always love reading your posts so I can see how cute she is!! Old Navy is great for bargains!

    jennifercausby at hotmail dot com

  42. I follow your blog!

    jennifercausby at hotmail dot com

  43. OMG that sweater dress is TOO CUTE, I love this photo shoot!

  44. Oh my goodness, I love the wardrobe! That cream sweater dress with the belt is absolutely adorable! She'll definitely be able to wear that as a top when she get's older.
    I'm also a blog follower.

  45. I love Old Navy! They have such great clothes for the whole family.
    I really love that last pic of Lil J in the sweater... so perfect!

  46. OMG I love her rolls! She is such a chunk! So pretty :) Great steals too! I really want to go to Old Navy (it's across the street!) but I don't have the $$ to spend right now. Even if I just went in there and said "just spend $10" I know I couldn't resist EVERYTHING :'(

  47. I love the cute sweaters..she's darling!

  48. I am a blog follower.

  49. Super cute.

    michloves80s at gmail dot com

  50. I subscribe via google reader.

    michloves80s at gmail dot com

  51. Just had a shopping spree there myself for baby girl! Lil' J looks adorable.

  52. I'm also a blog follower.

  53. Absolutely adorable! Love the little sweater dress.

  54. Love all the clothes you got! Especially the cowboy boots!!

  55. That purple top is GORGEOUS!!! Your little girl is absolutely beautiful! Both my girls need new fall wardrobes and I now need to make a trip to Old Navy!!!

    wernertjd AT yahoo DOT com

  56. I am also a follower of your wonderful blog :)

    wernertjd AT yahoo DOT com

  57. I just stopped myself from going into the Old Navy sale 10 minutes ago...but if I had a gift card, I could go! :)

  58. So cute! The dress is my fave! I love old navy for litte ones, but I have found my older kids don't like their style.. lol darn children and their opionions lol

  59. I am in LOVE with that sweater dress and those shoesies!!! Your daughter is STUNNING!

  60. Adorable Outfits! You have an adorable model too!


    I'm a blog follower/subscriber, too!

  61. Great giveaway!! Lil' J looks so beautiful in all her new outfits!

  62. Adorable clothes! Would love a shopping spree!

  63. Adorable finds! Love baby clothes shopping, just did a mini shopping spree for my two girls' yesterday!

  64. Too cute. I also went to Old Navy this weekend and picked up a cute outfit for my daughter. Can't wait to see her in it when she arrives later this year.

    Little J is very cute!

  65. When my daughter was a baby I LOVED that sale! I always went a little overboard, but a girl can't have too many cute clothes!

  66. I'm a blog follower.

    staceymay36 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  67. I follow your blog!! Your blogs are so honest and beautiful, they really touch me! And her fall wardrobe is amazing!! The sweater dress and little boots are my favorite! Your are a good bargain hunter

  68. She is quite possibly the best dressed little baby I ever saw! :)

  69. I cried with each of my kids when they got their first set of shots. Their little faces all red and big fat tears rolling down their cheeks. It was awful.

    We never went on shopping sprees after, but we should have! Hubby isn't a fan of Old Navy, but I love them. They have some of the best clearance!

  70. Very cute wardrobe! I love the sweater dress the most!

  71. And I am a blog follower/subscriber!

  72. Old NAVY is now selling Onsies that say "Formula Powered" :[

  73. I LOVE Old Navy! And we could really use this for fall! I just realized he has almost no fall clothes! Ahhh! BTW I just ove that little sweater dress! So cute on her!

  74. I like the purple embroidered top. It looks like she cooperated nicely for the fashion show.

  75. You got some great outfits!! I love the ruffle dress.

  76. Love Old Navy! What cute clothes (and cute baby)!

  77. Oh gosh, I would LOVE to win this giveaway <3

    desireefawn at gmail dot com

  78. Love the cream sweaterdress. It looks fantastic photographed against the pink blanket!

  79. Forgot to do this comment earlier - I'm a blog follower! :o)

  80. I am a blog follower and facebook follower!

  81. I love Old Navy! Lucky you for finding such great deals for Lil J's fall wardrobe!

  82. Wow! I was just online looking at this sale today...need to go and check out the store :)
    aechika at hotmail dot com

  83. I subscribe via rss
    aechika at hotmail dot com

  84. Right now, I have a 1.01% chance of winning! Go me!

  85. Old Navy is the best for little kids clothes!

  86. I agree she does look beautiful in just about anything. I really like the sweater with the belt. She looks adorable in it!!

  87. My GOODNESS she is cute! I always find such cute little girls clothes at Old Navy!

  88. I love the bright colors! Why does everything for little girls have to be pink and pastel?!

  89. We also hit up old navy this weekend!

  90. what a cutie! how fun it would be to go on a shopping spree!!!

  91. I love Old Navy . . . and BMM! That's why I follow!

  92. I love it all! Especially how its all such girlie things, like skirts with a matching headband!

  93. Oh what damage I could do with $100 to Old Navy!!!!

  94. She is soooooo sweet! I am loving that lil sweater dress on her....ahhhh!!!!!

  95. Oh, yes! And I love her growing hair. Her hair just looks soft as a baby bunny....

  96. I'm having a baby girl due in December! Can't wait to dress her in all of the cute little outfits just like miss little j!

  97. I would love to win! I'm having a baby in December and this would be AWESOME!

  98. Oh the pictures are so great. My favorite is the last one (at the bottom). She is so precious and those outfits are great. I must say that a shopping spree can make up for almost anything :) By the way, I'm a follower.

  99. Awwww!!! She is sooo darn cute!!! Love the pics!!!

    Oh and I am a follower too:)

  100. She looks like she's enjoying all those fun new outfits!

  101. (I'm a blog follower) <3 the new outfits. WOW shes growing up so fast. Look at how big she is now. What a cute Miss J is.

  102. I love her adorable hair as well!

  103. And of course, I follow your blog!

  104. I absolutely love the clothes that you got. My not so little anymore daughter has the same cable dress that you have posted in the first picture of the photoshoot! Talk about ADORABLE! I'm now a follower of your blog and with expecting twins could sure use that GC! LOL! Have a great week!

  105. LOVE Old Navy! They're the only pants my skinny 15 month old can fit in these days. Sadly, he's still in that same size you bought for Lil' J... 6-12 months, although they're starting to get a little short. Would LOVE to win too, because that much at Old Navy sure buys a LOT of stuff!

  106. Oh, those outfits are *almost* enough to make me wish I was having a girl. . .but not really; I'm having a blast stockpiling little boy clothes so our man will look like his daddy =)

  107. She is SO adorable!!!!
    I particularly LOVE that sweater that she is wearing in the 1st pic.

    Also, what an awesome idea to think about the dresses fitting as shirts as she gets older!

  108. BTW...I'm a follower via Google Reader!! :-)

  109. she is growing so big and is looking so stylish in her new clothing! Don'tcha just love Old Navy!!

  110. While I'm displeased with Old Navy right now (formula T-shirts etc) I think your gal looks beautiful, in whatever she wears!

  111. Can I get that sweater dress in my size? LOVE Old Navy!!!

  112. Swear I was just swooning over the baby sale online. Such cute things and J is adorable as ever!

  113. oh my word, she is a super model in the making, sooo sweet! Great deals on the clothes!

  114. oh P.S. I am a follower!

  115. she is so cute! love the beautiful thing you got!!!

  116. follower here too :-) LOVE her new wardrobe :-)

  117. We love Old Navy!! Great prices for such cute clothes. You're right, lil' J does look good in everything!

  118. OMG that little button up white sweater is to die for! Cute!!! I'd love to win!

  119. She's so cute. I really like the sweater in the last picture.

    naturemanipulated AT hotmail DOT com

  120. I'm a blog follower.

    naturemanipulated AT hotmail DOT com

  121. OMG I love that white sweater dress on her!! She is so adorable!!

  122. There is nothing wrong with finding the littlest excuse to go shopping, and I think Lil J was definitely the best kind of excuse! The outfits are adorable shopping for little girls is always so rewarding. My daughter is 10 and I still shop so we can match!! (Even color coordinate with my baby boy too!) LOL

  123. I love old navy :) She is adorable in her little outfits!

  124. ADORABLE! That sweater is just too cute and I love the boots!

  125. I love them all! I think she looks freakin' adorable! And I LOVED the dancing (and mostly her smiling and giggling). hahah Thanks for sharing!

  126. Oh and I have been a follower of your blog for a while as well! :)

  127. I cried at my son's first shot appointment too. It was horrible! The nurse gave him the shot, he cried, then I cried. The poor nurse didn't know what to do! lol. Luckily I'd brought my Mom along so someone was still calm while we were both crying! It gets better I swear! The four month shots are sooooo much easier!

  128. Such a cute looking girl. The clothes are perfect for your little cutie!!

  129. OMGoodness! I need that sweater dress in my daughter's life asap! it's adorable.

  130. i also follow through google reader.

    I almost cried at my daughter's 1st shots appointmment. She's 3.5 months now and it's almost time for her 4 month shots; sigh...

  131. I love the white sweater with the buttons. They grow out of clothes so fast...but it is fun to play dress up:)
    angieshaler (at)

  132. Adorable clothes - and that video is TOO much!

  133. Precious outfits - she has such impeccable taste! I love Old Navy sales!

  134. What a cute baby, and such cute outfits too!

  135. dude I am dying over the video of lil J. I need to see you guys asap!

  136. She's beautiful and she looks like a very happy, very loved little girl.

  137. I love old navy. I never feel that I over pay. topgun34er(at)hotmail(dot)com

  138. What a great deal on those clothes! She looks adorable in all of them!

  139. please enter me!!!

    vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com

  140. Lil Ma seems to be getting so big so fast...and she's as cute as a ladybug.

  141. The full length sweater is too cute!! Great buys!

  142. She & all those clothes are too cute!

  143. I'm a GFC follower {& huge old navy fan} too!

  144. Omgosh, my heart is melting! Your daughter is absolutely darling!

    Great giveaway; hope I'm eligible (in Canada)


    nancyrobster at gmail dot com


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