Sunday, October 3, 2010

Still Happy and Chunky at Three Months

Dear Daughter,

You're three months old now. I can't believe it. I saw some other tiny babies this week at work and you're not seeming so small anymore. You're moving around more, and squirming a lot. You aren't crawling yet but I can tell you're wanting to get around. I'm going to keep holding you as long as I can because I know I'm going to miss that someday soon. Before I know it you'll be running around and I'll need to baby proof our fireplace, nesting tables, and everything else.

You are really developing quite the personality! You still laugh and talk a lot, but now I can tell when you recognize people or things. Especially your daddy. I guess it's good you've been able to spend a lot of one-on-one time with him because I can tell you two really love each other. When I hold you and he's near by and smiles at you you'll flail your arms around, kick and smile at him. You don't really do that for me much, but I know you still recognize me.

When I come home from work you don't smile and laugh until I feed you. Then you just stare at me and smile and it makes me so happy to be back home with you.

We took you out quite a bit together this month. Our first date out together as a family was to Red Robin, and you just sat on my lap and watched us eat. You still drool a lot when we're eating around you, and lately you've been hitting the food from my hands. I can't wait until you're four month birthday cause you'll get to try some yummy dried food cereal. I've already taste tested it for you and it's actually good!

Don't tell anyone but you've already tasted watermelon, yogurt, strawberries, oatmeal, celery, and ice cream. I don't give you spoonfuls or anything but when I'm eating this stuff I'll just put a dab on my finger and let you lick it off. I did hand you the celery and you kinda sucked on it. You seem to like it all. I can't wait to feed you for real, and see what you think of everything!

baby co anchor

You still like to play dress-up, but you and I don't get to do it as much. Your daddy does most of the dressing when I have to work. He's done a pretty good job so far. One day he brought you up to my job in your PJs thought but he said he had just given you a bath. I love when you come to visit me during my lunch breaks.

You found and love your hands now. You like to suck on them, but then sometimes I think maybe you stick it too far in your mouth or something cause you cry when you get your whole hand in there.

baby eating hand
I bought my first toy for you. I said I wasn't going to get you a bunch of toys but I already gave in and got you some car seat rattles that are black and white, so you like to stare at them. And some bath time alphabet letters. You've started to kick your rattles but I'm not sure if you mean to. I'm still waiting to see you reach for something. I've told daddy he needs to keep practicing shaking things in front of you. I'm not sure what I'm thinking though because one day I'll probably be kicking myself and wishing you would stop grabbing things.

We're in for an adventure this month. We're going to start using cloth diapers. I'm a little scared because I don't like doing anything with poop besides flushing or throwing it away, but I think we may end up liking these better. We'll see. I've been putting them on over your regular diapers to see how they'll look, but I haven't let you go to the bathroom in them yet.

sprout change cloth diaper
It's been a hard couple of weeks being away from you at work but it's so nice seeing you when I get home, and it's really fun seeing you and your daddy interact.

You're such a good baby, and we love you do much! I love watching you grow.

Love you with all my heart,


All of my blog followers or email subscribers who comment on this post before October 17th will be entered to win $75 to CSN stores, where you can buy anything from baby stuff, to home decor, clothes, and more! Good luck!
~Thanks CSN for sponsoring the giveaway.

Winner of $25 giftcard to Gift Zip: #42 Allisa. Congrats!
Winner of the coddlelife bottle: #26 Kristina.
You'll both have 48 hours to respond to claim your prize!


  1. She is too precious! Chunky, yes!!! We are planning on cloth diapering from day one. And we're using prefolds and diaper covers. I'm crossing my fingers that it's easy, because hubby and I just don't have the money for disposables. I hope you do a post about your cloth diapering adventures!

  2. What kind of cloth diaper is that? She looks super cute in one!

  3. Good for you for trying cloth diapers! That's something that I think I might try when that time comes around, so it'd be awesome to hear how they work out for you. :)

  4. We started cloth diapers a month ago on our youngest. My daughter is currently getting acquainted with the potty. So, my son got to be the cloth diapered guy. I'm actually surprised by how easy it is, but if you want some tips, my advice would be use liners. It makes dealing with poo much easier. You put the liners in the diaper against her skin. When my son poops, all I do is pick up the liner and throw it in the diaper pail and I'm done, after washing my hands of course. A diaper sprayer is also great to have on hand. We don't have one, and I wish we did. I also soak our diapers in hot water every 3 weeks to help with any stink issues we might have. None yet!

  5. She is so sweet! I used to put stuff on my fingers too for my's so fun when they start eating real food, the faces they make.:)

  6. She's definitely chunky! I hope you like cloth diapering

  7. The chubby cuteness is overwhelming. Good luck with cloth diapering! We are going to do it too, hopefully. It is just such a good thing for our budget, the baby, and the environment.

  8. Ahhhh so that's where the extra chubbiness came from - those little bites of adult food ;-) She's beautiful!

  9. We had baby #4 in February and he is our first that we have cloth diapered with! Hubby doesn't mind changing them....he just won't clean them but that's ok, I love diaper wash day. :)

  10. She's getting so big and still such a cutie! I just want to hold her and give her a hug.

  11. She's probably putting her fingers in her mouth because she's should check :)

    She is adorable though...and I applaud your husband on being Mr. Mommy. You have a great family!

  12. Happy 3 months! Every 3 months when they are that little is a new chapter! She is still beautiful & im excited you are doing cloth!

  13. i love that you write to her! i wanna do that someday too!

  14. I can't wait to read about how you like the cloth diapers. Lil J is just too cyooot!


  15. That is beautifully written, she is such a darling! I am so happy to be home with our daughter, but reading your posts in a way makes me envy that your husband and daughter get to be together more - my husband barely sees our munchkin! I guess you just can't have it all, someone's got to work! :) ecoblogz at gmail dot com

  16. I just did a 3 month post a few hours ago:) My little man loves to suck on his fingers too, and also gets them a little too far in him mouth once in a while. Kudos to you for trying cloth diapers. I don't think I could do it.

  17. awww She's so pretty. I am happy that you can have her visit you at work! I bet it makes going back to work easier. Myles sends kisses!

  18. jenn this is such a sweet entry! you can just feel how much you love your little chunk, and it's adorable. asher was quite a chunk too, and btw...i lover her little back rolls. you show those little rolls girl! if there's anytime you can be chunky and not care it's now!

  19. Happy 3 months! :) I can't believe it.

  20. She is a chunky thing, but very cute.

  21. Just an fyi, but toys are supposed to be dangerous in a car. My husband and I had our car seat inspected after our daughter was born to make sure everything was installed correctly. AAA politely informed us that the window shades and baby mirror had to go- all could become dangerous projectiles in an accident. Pretty annoying as I'd already torn them out of the packaging. They said only soft toys like stuffed animals were okay, so long as the child is able to hold them.

  22. Her chunky folds are absolutely adorable! I love the picture of her on her tummy in the cloth diaper. So cute.

    Do you think her skin is getting darker? I can't tell if it's just the photos or not.

  23. I've been reading your blog for awhile now and it's fun to see pictures of your baby as she grows up! I follow you on GFC, of course.
    digicat {AT} sbcglobal {DOT} net

  24. Awww! She is precious... Sounds like you two have gotten off to a great start as new parents. I can totally relate to the difficulty of being away from your baby initially but that's awesome that she is able to stay with daddy! :)

  25. I am soooo excited to hear that you are going to try cloth diapers. I have been using them for my daughter since she was about a month old and I LOVE THEM! I cannot say enough good things about them. Sure I don't always like doing the washing but at least I don't have to rinse them yet. I will once she starts having cereal but they are so worth it.

  26. Lil J is very photogenic. She loves the camera and when filmed she just focus so well, I guess she got that from her videogenic mum!

  27. Jenny dear, let me just say you look stunning and have you lost all your baby weight i dont think you gained much> and the lil girl is so cute. Glad you enjoying motherhood. All the best.

  28. She's so beautiful. I love her little chubbiness. :-) And I think going cloth diapers is a great idea. Great for the environment and great on the pocket. Honestly after a few changes you will get used to poo detail. ;-)

  29. We part time cloth nappy with our little one (daytime only), he's 4 weeks old, and we started around week one. I'd love to see a post on what you have decided to use. It's a bit of a minefield at first, but once you find what works it is fabulous!!

  30. I can't wait to see if you like cloth diapering or now. We're doing it with this one and my husband has some drawbacks but I'm totally excited to do it. We have a pretty good stash built up but I know I'm gonna need more.

  31. Love your blog! So wonderful to hear that your family is getting into a routine now that you are back to work. I know it must be difficult but your daughter appears to be so happy! Congrats on being a great mom! I follow via GFC and email.
    sully_debbie11 at msn dot com

  32. Aww, that little cutie is making me miss when my little girl was that tiny! Every stage is precious, even the grabbing stage- although I recommend being careful what jewelry you wear during that period. My mom never recovered her blue topaz stud my brother pulled out from her ear one day- she suspects it's lodged in his digestive tract to this day...

  33. I promise cloth diapering is so much easier than you think. I have been doing it now for over 2 months and I love it! Good Luck and she is a cutey!

  34. Lil J is absolutely precious! She is a very beautiful baby! You're doing an awesome job of documenting her development. Having these blog entries to look back on make scrap book journaling easier and some day I want to make our blog into some kinda of book as a keep sake for our family.

    dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

  35. You are going to LOVE cloth diapering. Once you get the hang of it, you'll wonder why you ever did 'sposies. Fluffy bums are the cutest (as evidenced by the shot above!). And seriously, very little grosses me out anymore a year into CD'ing. You'll get over it, promise :) Just wait until you get obsessed with it, because it WILL happen, and you start looking at all the CD stores online and entering contests just to get more fluff :)

    And I love that picture of Lil' J sitting on your newsdesk with you :)

  36. I love the curly hair! She's too cute! You'll love cloth diapering. I didn't think I could do it either. I started at 15 months with my youngest and am kicking myself for not doing it sooner. A little tip: a diaper sprayer will make it so much easier! Good luck :)

  37. She's so cute, you are a very lucky family.

  38. that lil girl is beautiful. beyond. love it. you look pretty gorgeous too mama.

  39. So stinkin' cute! Happy 3 month birthday baby girl!!

  40. What a beauty! We are hoping to cloth diaper our little one as well, I'm excited to hear what works for you, good luck! :)

  41. Enjoy your time with her--it goes by so fast, it's unreal!!

  42. She is just tooooo adorable!! And you look great!

  43. I wish I had written a letter to my little girl every month! What a great idea.

  44. So cute! I can't wait for the day that I'll be able to write posts like this.

  45. She is so adorable! That sure is sweet of your husband to bring her over on your breaks (even in her jammies)! :)

  46. Good luck with the cloth diapers. We use them and love them. The poop isn't so bad, at least until you start solids!

  47. She's soooo cute! And I think it's awesome that you're expanding her palette already :D

  48. You will love cloth diapers. I am so happy you are trying them out! If you have any questions, I'd be happy to help!

    Lil' J is gorgeous! You both look so happy :)

    Lucas just started solids a few days ago. It's exciting!

  49. That is a really cutep ic of you and your daughter. Glad things are going well for you!

  50. Ah, she is just a cutie pie. Good luck on the lcoth diapers...eeek!!!!!

  51. BTW, I loved the little PJ's she was wearing when she visited you at work :)

  52. So cute. Good luck w/ cloth diapers. What kind do you use? We have tried a few kinds. :d

  53. This is a really lovely post. I look forward to reading about your cloth diapering experience because that's one thing I'm still debating - I'm not a big fan of poopy stuff either

    My life, style and pregnancy Blog

  54. Cute! I'm curious to see how you like using cloth diapers, what kind you try, etc. so keep us updated! :-)

  55. She is getting so big...and more beautiful everyday! Starting solids is a fun time. :)

  56. Aw! I can't believe she's 3 months already! Can you?

    She's adorable. How are you doing-back at work now for .. almost 3 weeks?

  57. Aww, she's so cute visiting you at work. Good luck with the cloth diapers.

  58. She is so perfectly squishy! And her curly hair. Oh my.

  59. She is adoreable! Perfect little rolls. I cloth diapered for a few months with my little one and I really liked it.
    mrs. domestica @ yahoo. com

  60. She is such a dang cutie!! I just wanna pinch her little cheeks!

  61. She is perfect! Congrats and good luck with cloth diapering.

  62. Aww...she is so adorable and getting so big. I tell you they grow fast.

  63. I love her cheeks and her hair is just adorable, love the slight curls. :)

    Following your blog on GFC @Alisha L.

    bakergurl02 @

  64. So adorable!!! Once you get used to cloth diapering you'll become addicted. If you asked me years ago before I had my little ones I would have said no way. Now I currently cloth diaper a 2 year old and a 6 month old and I love it! I don't think I could ever have enough diapers lol.

  65. I'm switching to cloth as well. :) So far so good!

  66. She's adorable and she looking so happy.
    I think it's great that your going with cloth diapers. We switched back & forth, depending on if we were home or out.
    Thanks so much for this wonderful giveaway.

  67. She is precious!! We just started cloth diapering ourselves. (Like within the last 2 weeks!) I have a 9 month old and another on the way, so we really couldn't afford not to! It really isn't nearly as bad as you would think. I was grossed out and intimidated at first, but I was pleasantly surprised at how easy and NOT smelly it is! (Until it's wash time,lol) CD's actually stink less than sposies, believe it or not! Good luck! I think you'll quickly grow to love it!

  68. i'm a blog follower and your baby is adorable!:) thanks for the chance!

    vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com

  69. She is too cute! Enjoy every moment of this very special time in her life....

    abfantom at yahoo dot com

  70. She's getting so big! We let my son have little licks of food we were eating when he was tiny too (whipped cream, yogurt, chocolate sauce etc) I think its how he started his ice cream addiction LOL!
    kimhigueria at gmail dot com

  71. She is absolutely adorable and I'm glad you all are adjusting well to you being back to work!

  72. You have such a cute, adorable baby! I'm happy to hear you've started teaching her healthy eating habits by introducing her to all those new flavors and I find it sweet that she loves celery!

  73. Your little daughter is so precious and beautiful! Enjoy-they do grow up so fast!

    Elaine R

  74. She looks like a baby doll! How precious

  75. Such a cute little girl! -

  76. I'm never going to get tired of looking at all her super cute pictures!! The cloth diaper is so adorable when compared to a disposable, but I still can't wrap my mind around dealing with the poop!! :)

  77. Funny story: My friend's 20yo daughter was telling us about some people she knows who recently had a baby. And this came out of her mouth "And they have diapers that you have to REUSE. They are made out of CLOTH!" Her mother and I just looked at each other and burst out laughing. Explained that's all we used with our older kids (20yo was a "later life baby"). She was amazed.

  78. Great giveaway. Would love to win.

  79. Love reading your blog-your baby is so lucky to have this blog to read when she gets older about her life. Gfc follower-danaj

  80. Cloth diapers are very trendy right now but I'm just so happy with my disposables I'm not sure i can bear to give them up.

  81. I subscribe.

    What a beautiful baby!

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  82. She looks so cute! I'm glad cloth diapering is working for you, I did it for a while with my first.
    ajolly1456 at gmail dot com

  83. SO cute! I love her curious lil eyes in the photos and her chubby lil cheeks, too adorable!

  84. What a sweet and loving post! She is a cutie! :)

    4mymemories2 at gmail dot com

  85. How adorable!

    I follow on gfc and email in profile

  86. What a gorgeous baby! I'm in love. I'm not sure which is more gorgeous: the little rolls on her legs, her curly locks, or her great big eyes.

    Enjoy her!

  87. What a cutie! Absolutely adorable. Let us know how the cloth diapering goes.

    jas8929 at gmail dot com

  88. I haven't personally tried cloth diapers because I haven't wanted to commit however I have tried the product Gdiapers and I loved those. I like the idea of an alternative to landfill diapers. Thanks for this post

  89. Cloth diapers are great. What a sweet pudgy little face!
    Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com

  90. She is a cute little girl! My mother worked and my father took care of us. Well, my father worked the night shift and took care of us during the day, so just remember you are doing what you need to do so she can have a worry free childhood!

    rsmstahley @ adelphia dot net

  91. What a cutie. I can see why you are so proud. I gfc

  92. She's a sweetie! Yes, there are (many) days I wish my little ones didn't learn to grab for everything! But curiosity is a wonderful gift that children have.

  93. Awesome!! I have my eye on something from CSN already! Thanks for the chance! I subscribe via email and follow GFC

  94. She is so cute. My son was a chunky one also. He has never been on the height or weight charts since he was born. Good luck with the cloth diapers. You are a braver person than I.
    monster6236 at gmail dot com

  95. I tried cloth diapers with my first baby, but he got severe diaper rash with them. I hope they work better for you.

  96. Look at the Chunks!!! I love it! My kiddos are chunky too and i wouldn't have it any other way!

    knockedupandnursing at gmail dot com

  97. What a cutie! Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  98. She's adorable.

    Thanks for the giveaway >^..^<

    bloggyig at gmail dot com

  99. Pretty baby! My niece used cloth diapers and she swears by them. I follow and subscribe.cardshark42(at)hotmail(dot)com

  100. Congrats on the cloth diapers! You are teaching great things to your daughter!

  101. She's so precious! Good luck with those cloth diapers :)

    untenuredteacher at yahoo dot com

    (rss subscriber)

  102. Very touching.

    bbentry [at] aol [dot] com

  103. awwww she's so beautiful!!! just like her mommy!!! :)


  104. omgosh she looks like a DOLL in that first picture! So cute :)
    Do you notice any poop issues when you feed citrus stuff (strawberries)? I haven't looked up what the deal is with that, I just know you aren't supposed to before 1 year - and when I did with Ryan (before I knew), he got a rash - his first ever! And I'm wondering if it was coincidence or really from the food?!

    Emily @ Baby Dickey

  105. Follow your blog via GFC. Love CSN!

  106. GFC as dawns41.
    Your daughter is just adorable. You are blessed!

  107. Follow GFC
    You have an adorable baby girl.

  108. Your baby is so adorable...
    Thanks for the chance.

  109. GFC follower

    Ohhh cloth diapers!! Be sure and let us know how that goes. :)

  110. i've been trying and trying to win a giveaway from csn!

    autumn398 @

  111. Your daughter is absolutely gorgeous!! thanks for the great giveaway!

  112. What a beautiful baby. Hope to one day be as blessed as you.

    Also hosting a give-away at

  113. This is such a beautiful and personal journal. Your daughter will cherish these words when she is older.

  114. Keep writing the posts for your daughter. She will cherish them forever.


  115. How darling is she!!!! OMG such a doll face!!!

    Great giveaway

    Mallory1031 at gmail dot com

  116. Oh wow, your baby girl is so perfect! (I had to do a double-take on the first picture, for she looks like a doll!)
    CSN has so much, I wouldn't know where to start.


  117. Oh my goodness, what a DOLL.. literally thought you were holding a baby doll. So precious, you are so blessed!

    sweetmelbelle31 at yahoo dot com
    Google friend connect follower.

  118. I am glad you are doing cloth diapers,because I don't know anyone anymore who does it. Its really not that bad and I am trying to talk my niece into doing it. Thanks! jacquecurl1(at)gmail(dot)com

  119. I love how you post so many pictures :) I do too! LOL.

    I hope I win this because it would really help me get the things I need for my apartment!

    Thanks for the giveaway~

  120. I love that you are using cloth diapers and I think it's cute that you let your baby taste those food items! I did the same with my babies!

  121. She is a little beauty. Enjoy every minute of her as a baby, it flies by so fast.

  122. You were given good advice about using the liners in the diapers. Back in the Dark Ages, when my children were babies, they were as necessary to me as baby wipes are to so many parents today. They really helped in keeping stains out of the diapers in addition to making it much easier to deal with stools. I must admit, I have never been able to understand why so many feel that cloth diapers are so hard to use--and with the new models, they are even easier now than they used to be.

    cgclynsg0 @ gmail dot com

  123. It's photos like these - that make Mother's of "4" want more :) Adorable!

  124. Such a sweet post. I need to be better about documenting my kiddo's life. Thanks for the reminder!

  125. When I was a kid I was disgusted when someone would taste baby food. Now I think it's smart. If your baby hast to eat it, you should at least see what it tastes like.

    Good on ya for tasting the baby cereal. :)

    jessi at jessisbubble dot com

  126. I don't actually have kids yet, but it will be retty rad when I do, I suspect. hard though

    josephthesweeper at gmail dot com

  127. Three months is a great age. Their personalities are really starting to emerge!

    katfam95 at aim dot com

  128. She is just a doll! How could anyone resist buying her toys! Enjoy every minute of this age, it goes by fast but next you always get something different but wonderful. I'm a follower on gfc.

    nblexp at gmail dot com

  129. She is just the cutest! And kudos to you for trying cloth diapers!

  130. What a cute letter! I'm sure she loves seeing you just as much as her daddy!

  131. Awesome blog and thanks for the giveaway!
    Would love, love, LOVE to win this!

  132. I follow your blog via GFC
    I'm moving out of my parent's house in January and still need to buy a lot for my apartment. I would love to get some of the stuff I need at CSN.

  133. What a beautiful baby girl you have!

  134. So hard to believe you are 3 months old already! I follow via GFC (happi shopr). trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

  135. Aww shes such a cutie! Thanks for the great giveaway

  136. She is such a beautiful baby!

    txhottie_86 at yahoo dot com

  137. Following on Google Friends under ewalsh

    She is beautiful, and I'm completely envious that you look great, so soon after having her. It's now 16 years later for me and I still haven't taken off all of the "baby weight".


  138. She is so cute!! Congrats on the switch to Cloth diapers.. You will love it! We love cloth diapers and would never change.

    bwneyes100 AT hotmail DOT com

  139. What a beautiful letter to your beautiful daughter! Best of luck with the cloth diapering. It really is best for baby and the environment and most economical for mom and dad.

  140. She is adorable, you have a beautiful family!

  141. That baby is too, too cute. You are blessed.

    follow you via google reader as ewhatley

    ewhatley at embarqmail dot com

  142. GFC follower. You have such a pretty baby! Thanks for the chance :)
    mandalarctic at gmail dot com

  143. What a beautiful little girl! You did good!
    Thanks for having the CSN giveaway -- I see lots of kiddie stuff I would like to get!
    HobartsMama {AT} AOL.COM

  144. So adorable! The lavender diaper compliments her beautifully and I love her curls

  145. She is so precious. You are truly blessed. Congratulations to you.

    I follow you GFC.

  146. My son is no longer a baby, but I love reminiscing about the past. She's a really beautiful baby.

    charisscharity at yahoo dot com

  147. I'm following you on Google.


    charisscharity at yahoo dot com

  148. What a wonderful love note to your baby!
    jcottey at aol dot com

  149. Such a cutie :) Enjoy the baby stage it goes by too fast!!

  150. She is such an adorable baby. I love when you post "dress up" pictures of her.


  151. She is adorable!
    So fun to be a Mommy.

    I am an email subscriber.

    treehouse.queen18(atyahoo dot com)

  152. I love that you have such a great record of everything your beautiful baby does!

    mickeycoutts at yahoo dot com

  153. Alas, I recall the wonder of long ago... Enjoy it to the max it will provide you with warm sweet memories in years to come.

  154. What a cutie-pie! Red Robins is a great place for families to eat out.

  155. It's great you're introducing her to many tastes - it will strengthen her constitution and make her more amenable to more healthier foods later

    kimbly at g mail dot com

  156. Congratulations on the three month anniversary of your baby's birth. Sounds like you are all doing well.

  157. follower on gfc
    Congratulations --your baby is gorgeous!!
    Best wishes for a happy and healthy life for you and your baby!

  158. Oh you're having so much already sharing and growing together and with the rest of us. Svor every moment - the time never slows down it just seems to accelerate and go faster and faster!

    Public Follower - Salleefur/Jesslyn

  159. She's so dang precious you make me want one lol and I so am not going there and don't want my girls to yet either.
    I always let mine taste food (and life) before the experts said to and they grew up just fine with only nasal allergies. ;)

  160. Seeing sweet little babies brings on the baby blues for me. I'm a grandmother now but would love to do it all over again.

  161. I follow you and all the stores at CSN are just Grand, I also gave u a vote on top babay blogs.

  162. I'm a follower on GFC! (moreno.cassie) Dressing up little kids is so much fun, I'd love to get my daughter a new holiday dress with this GC!

  163. She is just adorable! Her face looks so kissable! Babies are the sweetest and best experience. When my kids were babies it was the best time of my life. I was so in love! Now I feel that way about my two grandbabies!

    spencer1953 at gmail dot com.

  164. Such a sweet post and a sweet baby :) I'm not sure I'll ever be able to handle cloth diapers, but good luck with it!

  165. I am a follower and i love dressing up my daughters it is so much fun. And your daughter is so pretty i love her eyes.

  166. i follow via GFC and you should be soo proud--how cute!! :)

    tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com

  167. What a cutie! I follow via GFC

    s2s2 at comcast dot net

  168. Gosh, she's so beautiful! Good job mama!

  169. What a cutie--I have been thinking about cloth diapering the next baby---can't wait to her how your experience turns out :)

  170. Oh she is getting so big. I miss having little babies at home. All of mine are adults now.

  171. You have a beautiful little girl.
    Shaunda.Eppes at gmail dot com

  172. That is such a cute note. I'm sure your daughter will love reading it someday.

  173. Congratulations, so is such an adorable little baby.


  174. Thanks for the giveaway...glad to see more parents like you go the cloth diaper route, it's really not that much more difficult in the long run !

    senorpiero [at] yahoo [dot] com

    GFC Follower: Brian E.

  175. I can tell you're a proud mommy and see why! You write beautifully by the way. Congrats to you! pamelashockley(AT)aol(DOT)com

  176. It's so much fun re-living the early baby months through your post. Thanks for sharing. And thanks for the contest.

  177. what a beautiful baby with such sparkling eyes..sooooooooo precious :)

  178. Now following GFC. I have my eye on Harmony Kids Toy Story 3 Piece Toddler Sofa Set for my twins :)


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