Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Breastfeeding... Oy!

Breastfeeding is such a huge, I mean HUMONGOUS part of my life right now. Sometimes I feel like that's all I do. I could say so much on this topic I could probably dedicate an entire blog to the it. In fact, I kinda do.

If you haven't yet, check out my blog on Bravado Designs Breastfeeding Diaries. I share my highs and lows on the subject. And look out, my next post over there is a BIG doozy!

It's about the worst nursing in public experience I've had to date, and all because of my husband. Ok, well I can't totally blame him... Actually, wait, yes I can. And I do. But I won't get into it here or now, but I will do want to tell you one key thing that makes nursing on the go (if you so please), modest (if you so desire) a cinch, and  that's nursing attire. Not just covers--those are great to-- but shirts that keep you covered.
I have one from Milan Maternity and I think I'm going to order another because this one is so comfortable and flattering (if I do say so myself).

I'm still trying to each my dearest that sometimes, quickness is more important than covers or anything else if it means she's going to be screaming her head off in a matter of seconds. But again... I won't get into it.

Instead, let's do a giveaway!

Everyone who comments on this post before December 8th at midnight will be entered to win this Analissa top from Milan Maternity, the online store aimed at providing expecting and new moms with flattering designer shirts at affordable prices. Your choice in color of either mocha or dark heather. If you follow them on Twitter or  Comment on my Bravado Post (any of them) you'll get an extra entry. Or you can like my photo just because, cause I really want to win!
*Thanks Milan Maternity for sponsoring this review/giveaway.


  1. I'm expecting my first in about a month, and only have a couple maternity/nursing tops. This one looks so comfy!

  2. I'm following @MilanMaternity on twitter as @keepingfeet!

  3. I hear you, girl. Just this weekend, we took our 7 month old to his first NFL game (we're big Vikings fans). There in the 40 degree weather, surrounded by half-drunk, screaming football fans, my child started to have meltdown... So, I busted out my boob and nursed my baby right there above the 40 yard line at FedEx Field.

  4. I've been in the market for stylish nursing wear! I'm so tired of the tanks w/no support. (the "like" link isn't working...)

  5. Love that shirt! Would live to try an actual nursing top after 4 months of lifting my shirts and hoping noone sees under the hooter hider! Lol


  6. Liked your photo! Hope you win!!


  7. I liked your picture, and honestly I did because it's the best in my opinion! Now having that top is a bit of an obsession, it looks so nice. The fact that I can nurse easier in it is like icing on the cake! I gave up on covers about two weeks ago, and all I have to say is "It's about time!". Also I followed them on Twitter!

  8. Such a cute top! It doesn't even look like a nursing top!!

  9. Having nursed 4 babies now, I don't have very many tops left that aren't nursing tops. They are an absolute must have!

  10. I would love to win! Just had a baby a month ago and my first and only attempt to feed in public was not successful. Would love a shirt that would help make it easier!

  11. Nursing is still big here (9 months!) I'm hoping to make it at least six more months.

  12. my first is due in 4 days and i don't have ONE nursing-specific shirt (other than a couple of tanks, but those don't count in the middle of winter). . .this would be oh, so timely =)

  13. Very cute! I've still got at least 4 months left of nursing, so I could use that cute top!

  14. Pretty shirt. My solution to "cover" is to always wear a nursingtank under my shirt. then I can just pull my shirt up and unclip, and then Everything is covered except where baby is, and I wear a cover over her to keep her from exposing me when she pops on and off. :D

  15. Right now I'm just trying to get pregnant, but that top looks like it would be amazingly comfy for when I do need it!

  16. I honestly feel that if someone is paying that much attention to me breast feeding my baby that makes them a little weird.
    And I love that baby's outfit!! You always have her dressed in the cutest things, makes me wish my fourth was a girl instead of ANOTHER boy. Thanks for the blog! We moms NEED it.

  17. Can you believe I've nursing baby number five and I've never owned a nursing top?! I just wear tank tops under everything... so the top shirt comes up and the tank top goes down. Know what I mean? This would be awesome though. I'd love to try it.

  18. Even with my little one due in just 12 days, I still don't have much nursing stuff. I have 1 bra from target, and 2 tank tops that I found at goodwill. That's it! This would be a nice addition.

  19. I was just writing a post about how I made breastfeeding in public fit in with my modesty w/o having to cover my baby's head. I could sure use this shirt.

  20. Hey, I'll enter! I have very few nice clothes, especially maternity/nursing stuff. I keep thinking of buying something, but then my practical side goes "you don't really need this!" and so I don't.

  21. Love this top! I clicked like on your photo last night:) it would be pretty cool to have a REAL nursing top for a change ( i ware tank tops they work and are cheap but annoying)even is i dont win good luck to all the nursing mommys and keep up the good work:) im on the 2 month nursing mark as of yesterday and super excited:)


  22. I have been nursing my son for 16 months and counting! He seems to have no intention of slowing down either! It is difficult to nurse a older child for sure because he likes to hop down and play without fully unlatching can we say OUCH?!

  23. I know what you mean. Being covered easily makes things so much better. I so still need a cover though :/

  24. I'm expecting #5 any day now(just over 40 weeks) and I could really use another nursing shirt since funds are limited. I love your pic!! Best of luck you in the contest:)


  25. would love one of those! I have never used nursing tops with either of my kids but would love to try one!

  26. I really love the look of the Analissa top. I am always struggling to find decent clothing options for nursing and this is just beautiful!


  27. I follow Milan Maternity on Twitter.


  28. I "liked" your photo in the Milan Maternity photo contest. I hope you win! :)


  29. Nursing for 7mths now....would love the top in Mocha

  30. That is a super cute shirt. I voted for y'all!

  31. I have heard of nursing tops, but have never looked into them -- now that I've been nursing for 5 months as a first time mom, I think I could use a couple!! Awesome tops!!

  32. I am in desperate need of more nursing shirts. Count me in!

  33. I love this picture of you and Lil' J!
    I would love to have a nursing top that is so pretty and flattering. I am currently stuck in a nursing tank-layering rut and desperately need help getting out! :)

  34. I love the top! I am pregnant and don't have any nursing tops, this would be great!!

  35. I voted on your picture in the contest...good luck!

  36. My son is 13 months old and still loves mommy's milk. I stopped using a cover a few months ago, because it's way easier to quick get him latched on than to fight with a cover and a squirmy toddler.

  37. Would love this top!


  38. I am at 31 weeks and this shirt sounds like a lifesaver!

  39. I love nursing tops! My babe is 8 months, and I just discovered them a few weeks ago. And I hate the dumb nursing covers because I feel like it's a giant neon sign saying "boobs exposed under here!!!" And my little one always pulls it up. :/

    so thanks for sharing!!

  40. I liked your photo in your photo contest.

  41. What a cute top! And can I just say, I can't believe people criticize your (or anyone's) personal decisions regarding sleep/schedules, etc. I think you're doing great! :)

  42. I liked your photo in the contest, BEFORE you made this post :) I hope you, or I win :)

    I love their shirts, I have two!

  43. I have a friend who is 4 weeks new to bf, and just asked me about nursing tops. I'll have to let her know about these!

    Also, I've read your recent posts about bf in public, pumping at work, etc. and I can so relate to it! I could never bf, so I pumped exclusively for a full year. Longest year of my life! I recently wrote about it Here.

  44. Oh, and I do really "Like" your picture. . . but made it official on FB. :)

  45. I love posts about these things because I'm planning on having a baby in the next year and I'm starting to make a list of clothes that are breastfeeding friendly and modest!

  46. I need pretty nursing tops so bad! This style looks great on you =)

  47. I follow Milan Maternity as quetee02

  48. I am all about tops that don't look like nursing tops. Most of the ones I find are not very stylish, so most times I opt to search for a top that has buttons or some kind of "easy" boob access.
    I have been known to pop out a boob in walmart, restaurants, or michaels to feed my son if the need arises, then I search in my bag for his cover up after he is latched on.
    My friend's husband mentioned that he notices that after giving birth, some women become less modest (his wife included). But what is a mother to do when she knows that in less than a minute there will be a hungry screaming baby? I say bust out those boobs and feed that baby. Those who don't like it can look else where.

  49. I LOVE MIlan Maternity! Your shirt is very pretty and of course you and your daughter are as well :)

  50. My worst nursing experience was on a plane, where I was stuck between two guys who were complete strangers, and my 18-month old daughter kept trying to RIP my shirt off, struggling and whimpering... I ended up caving, but I am determined not to go through that with this next one. Love the top!

  51. I would have "liked" your photo, but the subscription service means I didn't see this in time. Anyway, I follow Milan on Twitter~ @butterflyrouge

  52. I LOVE this top on you! I just made an order from Milan Maternity when I saw their Black Friday coupon and can't WAIT to get it. All of my shirts are getting too short and it's driving me crazy. What I got I can wear after the baby comes, too.

    kindredspiritreviews at gmail dot com

  53. I follow them on Twitter (@kindred_spirit) and voted for your photo, too. :)

  54. I agree with you on the choice of clothing being a big deal! Very cute top. I would love to win!

  55. I'm on a search for some great nursing shirts. Can't imagine wearing regular clothes and not somehow exposing myself.

    Milan Maternity has some nice shirts. Good to hear they are comfy. Hope to win.

    naturemanipulated AT hotmail DOT com

  56. I dont have any shirts designed for nursing, so modesty is hard without fumbling over covers still. hope to win something like this to help me feel more comfortable.

  57. I'm expecting next June and plan on breastfeeding, this would be a great addition to my wardrobe!

  58. I love the top! Its beautiful!

  59. I would love a nursing top. I'm breastfeeding my second baby whose four months and hope to continue until she's one. It would really come in handy, because she's starting to move the cover up.

  60. Well, I'm glad to have a break from breastfeeding until my new little bundle of joy gets here next summer. I kind of miss it, but alas my Moo has grown up and no longer requires it. Can't wait to check out your breastfeeding blog.

  61. That shirt is super cute! And I have definitely had my fair share of bad nursing in public experience so it would be so helpful! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  62. id love to win this!! i need it soo bad!


  63. i follow them on twitter


  64. That is a seriously cute top! Our second baby is due in 28 days (he may come sooner like his sister did, though!) and I really want to breastfeed. Thanks for the giveaway and great blog!

    shellbelle1229 at yahoo dot com

  65. Already follow Milan Maternity on Twitter :)


    shellbelle1229 at yahoo dot com

  66. Commented on your Nursing in Public Near My Husband post. Loved it!

    shellbelle1229 at yahoo dot com

  67. It's very hard to find a cover that works in all situation. Glad to see a practical nursing shirt can be so cute!
    cbeargie at yahoo dot com

  68. Following @MilanMaternity on twitter as @sunnymum.

  69. After about 5 months, my baby girl decided that privacy is not an option. She pushes back the nursing cover, pulls off the blanket, uncovers me no matter what I try. Maybe this nursing top will help!

  70. Love this top! Not only is breastfeeding a challenge, once you add in finding clothes that fit post-pregnancy and are functional to feeding your baby on the fly...that leaves just about nothing to wear! This shirt looks like a lifesaver. Besides, who doesn't love something that stretches?!

  71. What a great top, love to learn about new companies!

  72. that would be a great gift!

  73. I would love to own a shirt for nursing...I am so tired of trying to make my own to save money. They just aren't flattering at all!

  74. I love the look of this shirt. Beautiful picture of you and Lil' J! :)

  75. Beautiful shirt and adorable baby! I'd love to see a roundup of your favorite nursing tops.

  76. I would have "liked" your photo, but the subscription service means I didn't see this in time. Anyway, I follow Milan on Twitter~ @butterflyrouge

  77. I "liked" your photo in the Milan Maternity photo contest. I hope you win! :)


  78. Such a cute top! It doesn't even look like a nursing top!!

  79. I liked your picture, and honestly I did because it's the best in my opinion! Now having that top is a bit of an obsession, it looks so nice. The fact that I can nurse easier in it is like icing on the cake! I gave up on covers about two weeks ago, and all I have to say is "It's about time!". Also I followed them on Twitter!

  80. I've been in the market for stylish nursing wear! I'm so tired of the tanks w/no support. (the "like" link isn't working...)


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)