Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mommy and Me Yoga

Sometimes I feel like I'm loosing my mojo.

I used to be the girl who wanted more than anything, to be extremely successful in my career. Now more than anything I want to schedule play dates and plan little activities for Lil' J and myself.

Instead of scheduling after work meetings I'm scouring for emerging teeth. Instead of shopping for suits I'm on the hunt for the coolest new infant toy. 

I think it's important to have something as an escape. Especially being a woman, and a mom, and having so many duties to fulfill.

Funny enough, my ideal "getaways" tend to include my daughter instead of exclude her. What can I say, she's kinda a cool kid. Plus I already feel guilty for missing so much when I'm away from her at work.

I distinctly remember my mom waking up early to exercise when I was younger. My sister and I would put on our bathing suits (because they were our version of workout clothes, hello!) and exercise to a Mickey Mouse workout show while our mom walked on the treadmill.

I think that was my inspiration for wanting to experience something similar with my daughter.

When I was on maternity leave I researched things I could do with my baby. Lil' J loves to get out of the house. Having gone on seven flights in her first eight weeks of life, she was used to getting out, and I think she still craves it now because of that.

I don't really like being confined to my house for more than a couple of days either so I made a list of things in my community that we could go and do together. One of the things I didn't get to do during maternity leave was postnatal yoga. You bring your baby to class with you and exercise with them.

I was bummed we didn't get to do it during my leave, but luckily there's a class Tuesday mornings, on my day off, so we can still go.

We were running late our first week, but made it in time for introductions. Lil' J was the only baby with a bow and leg warmers--We were a little overdressed. But we still fit in. I think.

I was amazed at how full the class was. There was a mom with twins, and 15 other moms in the class!
Our yoga class on Halloween week

The first good half hour is dedicated to exercises just for mom, and your baby is below you watching you on their blanket. The second half is doing singing and exercises using them, then the last twenty minutes or so is for baby yoga, where you do stretches for them, and where you do a restoration walk, and pose with them.

There's some time to socialize at the beginning, middle, and end of class. I at first sometimes felt a twinge of jealousy while the stay at home moms planned a play group meet up during the time I'd be at work. But who knows, maybe one day I'll be able to join in.

I loved it so much my first week I bought an 8 week pass that same day. I'm surprised at how much of a workout I get, and how much of a bonding experience it is for my daughter and I. It's makes me a little sad at the same time though, because I doubt I'll get this experience with baby number two. ... Which isn't on the way, or anything, but you know how I plan ahead.
The place we go for yoga has a special class for moms with their new babies, then a class for moms with crawlers, and one with toddlers. If we can budget for it I hope to keep going. It's $17 a class, which is kinda steep, especially since we go once a week. But with the pass it goes down to about $13 a class. Which is still a lot when you consider my husband's gym pass is something like $25 a month. I tell myself I deserve it though, and take joy in the splurge.

So here I am. Gone are the days of using my Carmen Electric Striptease Workout DVDs, and welcome to the days of mommy & me fitness.

I'm not sure if my mojo is going, or coming. Or maybe it's just transforming. Either way, I think I like the way it's moving.

If you have a baby I'd highly recommend looking into postnatal or mommy and me yoga it's SO FUN! So fun in fact, that I just bought a mommy and me workout DVD called Infantastic Baby Reps, and I love it too! I also rented Infantastic's Dance Baby Dance from the library after reading the glowing reviews! It was $25 so I passed on buying it at the time.

I want to share my postnatal workout with you so I'm going to send an Infantastic Baby Reps DVD to a blog follower who comments on this post before next Thursday night! You've gotta be a follower cause I'm buying is for you! Somewhere with your comment, just let me know you'd like to be entered!


  1. I've been looking so hard for a mommy and me class in our area, but we live in a very small, very rural city. Actually, we aren't even considered a city we're so small. We're a village. It takes use 45 minutes to get to a big city, and they don't have any mommy and me groups either. Maybe someday.

  2. Okay, I'm taking your advice! I found a mommy and me class by my house and I'm calling to register!

  3. That looks fun.

    I am looking forward to that kind of bonding between mother and child.

  4. I'm always looking for fun, new ways to exercise!

  5. Mommy & Me Yoga sounds like a blast. I wonder if they offer those classes for pregnant moms too? Anyways, I'd love to be entered to win the DVD. At least Moo and I could try a little exercising in the privacy of our home first so that when we do try mommy & me classes we'll look somewhat like we know what we're doing. lol.

  6. That sounds like so much fun! I wonder when I'd find time to do it.

  7. Would love to try this out. I had baby number 2 in April and don't get to do as many fun things with just her as I did with my son.

  8. Oh how adorable she looks! : ) That sounds like a lot of fun and I've tried yoga, it's kinda hard so I bet you do get a great workout. And I just returned the Carmen striptease workout to Netflix, not too hard and lots of fun lol

    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'll try to reply to your comments soon = ]

  9. I'm a blog follower with a new lil boy (my 2nd) just 3 days younger than lil J and I'd love to try out that dvd!!

  10. I'm glad you finally posed this blog, i keep looking in your "coming soon" area and wondering when you'll post stuff. Now i'm just waiting for cloth diaper break up :) I really want to do mommy and me yoga but I can't find any classes like anywhere in utah so i'm really glad you suggested a spacific video. I just bought it on amazon haha. Anyway thanks, I love reading your blog.

  11. Just catching up on your blog (I've been a bit AWOL)..that Yoga class sounds great,though, for bonding. Not a yoga person myself, but it looks like fun. & loved the pic with all the babies in costume--awww! Hope you're having a great month!

  12. I am a huge yoga fan and 30 weeks pregnant. I am trying to keep going as much as possible and would love to be entered to win a DVD I can use after baby.

  13. Sounds awesome! I would love to be entered, and I am a follower. :D. I don't know if there is anything like that around here, but I plan to take a mommy and me dance class when mine is a little bigger

  14. I really wish that I could afford to do baby yoga, especially if I could find a way to incorporate my 5 year old. I would love to be entered to win the DVD. I am a follower.

  15. This sounds like a lot of fun. I used to do the DVD, but a class is great for interaction.


  16. How fun! I can't wait to do this with our little one! :) Our Y offers these classes, so come January when we get a membership, I'm going to be all over it.. (well maybe February after she comes ;)

    So glad you had fun- and I think Lil J is adorable. Go ahead and teach her you can still be fashionable when you work out! :)

  17. Awww, I SO wish we had something like that here! That sounds like so much fun!
    (and I follow ;))

  18. Well obviously it's working because you look skinny in the pictures. Looks like you lost the preggers weight. Great for you :)

  19. i found your blog last week and i love it! :) mommy and me yoga sounds fun. my little guy is 7 weeks old. for now we take walks together, but with the winter coming (if there is winter in az...?) i would love win that DVD for indoor activities.

  20. You look wicked and certainly don't look like you've lost your mojo. Loving that Lil J was kitted out with a bow and leg warmers ahahaha LOVE IT! Keep up this fab blog - it's brilliant! : )

  21. WOW that sounds like an amazing experience!! I too know what you mean about feeling brushed aside while the SAHM's plan play dates during the week. It's hard but you're smart to focus on enjoying this special time with your girl!!

    dropcqueen at yahoo dot com

  22. I would love to do mommy and me yoga. I've suggested it to clients but sadly I've never done it myself. I'd love that DVD because I'm long over due (baby is 13 months and I'm still rockin the "preggie plump") and this winter in Seattle is expected to be BAD! Weather-folks call it "snowmegeddon" and are already on snow warning for Sunday!

  23. I'd love to be entered and I'm a follower (duh!) I just had a baby 4 months ago so I could definitely use it!

  24. Love Lil J's outfit and curious about your tank top too! What's the message on it? (I'm a follower!)

  25. what a fun thing! i'm looking forward to going to swim lessons with the bug next summer - we working moms gotta do what we can!

    i'd love to be entered for the dvd. . . the older and heavier he gets, you know. plus, gotta get in shape if ever i'm going to plan for #2.

  26. My mojo has been lost. I am tired all the time, can't make it to any classes. I would love this DVD to help me, I also have a lot of young mommies in my friend group, so I would invite them over once a week to join us.


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)