Sunday, November 14, 2010

Show Me What You're Making Monday and Win $1000

So remember my toilet paper roll creativity? Well my idea was sorta lame. And after looking at the other entries for the White Cloud Imagination Unrolled Contest I've realized I don't have a CHANCE at winning. The positive side is even if your picture doesn't measure up to some of the others, the winner comes down to votes anyway. So if you rally all of your friends to vote for you, you can still beat someone who made something much cooler. I'm just keeping it real.
I, on the other hand don't think I could get my friends to vote for my napkin ring idea over some of these other entries, but I'm just letting you know that if you want to go for it, I'll root for you! If any of my readers entered this contest let me know too and I'll give you a shout out to help you get votes! Voting just started, but you can still upload your picture and start rallying for votes. The one with the most votes by December 3rd wins $1000. Second and third place each win $500.

Even if you're not going to enter you should head on over and just vote for your favorite. Encourage these creative minds.
I'm cheating a little on my What I'm Making Monday this week and showing you what others have made. But hey, it still fits the theme.

Did you make something this week? Link up! Share on What I'm Makin' Monday. It can be food, a craft, a tip, anything!
What I'm Making Monday

(highlight ctl+c)

I wasn't planning on doing a giveaway today since I didn't make anything super cool to give away (unless someone REALLY wants a TP napkin holder), but next week I'm planning to make something cute, and give another away as well! Winner of the lactation cookies I made last week will be announced on my facebook page.
*I'm a White Cloud blogger and compensated for my time in preparing this post. Opinions expresses are always my own.


  1. so do you have a link to vote directly for you?? i will totally do it!!

    oh, and my son is in a photo contest... wanna for for him?? (for parents mag)

    thank you!!!!!!

  2. I love that tree, that's awesome!!

  3. Wow, the boat is super cute and took a lot of work to make I'm sure. These entries are fierce.


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