Thursday, February 17, 2011

Fashionista Fail: Why I'm Not a Fashion Blogger

As I scroll through my reader and blogrolls of friends and friends of friends, I can't help but notice an influx of fashion and style blogs. I also can't help but notice my self esteem level plummeting by the time I finish scrolling through the photos of perfectly placed home decor, style combinations I can't afford, beautiful actresses and models--Oh, wait--You mean that was YOU? The person writing the blog modeling that gorgeous pair of boots? Ok well I hate you for being so cute.

No, I don't really hate you. I actually want to thank you for making me take a look at myself and realize I could use a makeover.

Now I don't have time to get my nails done and I don't have money to get a new wardrobe, but I do have a closet full of outfits ranging from middle school to now.

My current problem with dressing is I just grab whatever will be easy to take off. I'm nursing my daughter half the day so I don't want to wear my button down blouses, or anything too tight. Today I threw on a black t-shirt, non-matching yellow jacket thing (non matching cause there's a brown button, I think it should be black), jeans, loafer shoes and Christmas socks.
I didn't brush my hair or put on makeup. I actually look like I'm rocking borderline dreads, and if you zoom in you'll see my awesome heart-stamped socks.

I had my husband snap a couple photos of me to demonstrate. I did my best to pose like a real fashion blogger would.

Next, I dug in my closet and put on some things I never wear.

Thing #1: Heels. At 5 11" I HATE heels. You know how some people just don't know how to walk in heels? They walk forward on their feet like they're sneaking around... That's me. And when I get too cocky about standing straight I usually stumble. I put on a pair of boots and practiced strutting my stuff around the yard.
Thing #2: A belt as an accessory. Normally I wear belts to keep my pants up, not as a fashion statement. But I've had this one for over three years and had yet to wear it so I tried it on. I'm not sure I tied it right but it looked ok to me.

Thing #3: A necklace. I don't wear jewelry besides my rings. I buy cheap jewelry to wear for work but cheap jewelry makes me itch so I usually leave it in my desk drawer and put it on right before I go on air. I had this plastic-pearl necklace on my dresser so I threw it on. I also took one of Lil' J's headbands and wore it as a bracelet to match my belt, and put a pink flower in my hair. I still didn't brush it but I pinned it up a little to make it look like it was purposely messy.

I grabbed a pink purse and umbrella even thought it was sunny because they are pink and I don't know how else to spice up an outfit after two colors so here we go. And where was my daughter during this impromptu photoshoot? See for yourself.
She was actually sitting aside gawking and laughing at me. Probably because she knows she can do so much better. And I automatically look 10Xs better too when I'm with her. Maybe it's because my daughter is sucking the style out of me and using it for herself. She wouldn't be caught dead in a plain onesie. At least not without a matching hair bow, diaper and Trumpette socks. Me on the other hand--I'm lucky if my socks match.
Anyway, getting all dressed up to take pictures got me all inspired to shop. I can see now why these fashion bloggers go round and round with their shopping and sharing and shopping and sharing. I was feeling like a fashionista, and so ready to buy a new pair of knee-high boots on Amazon but in the midst of browsing these yoga pants caught my eye and stole me away.

So I'm back here blogging in my t-shirt and comfy basketball shorts, which is much more conducive for hanging out with my slobbery, poopy (when she's not constipated) baby. I suppose now is just not the season for me to be stylish.

We'll have to check back in a year from now. In the mean time, if any of you see me getting way out of hand, tell me. I hate to end up having hidden cameras around my house and a surprise visit from What Not to Wear.


  1. You are so funny! You look just ADORABLE! Your hot pink accessories completely made the outfit! And can I tell you? I want you socks with hearts so bad!!!
    As a Latina at 5'8" I'm a rare species. I used to think that about heels...and then I started dancing and now I wear them all the time making me look 5'11"...and like a giant next to all my friends (see pics in my blog)...but what can I say: I just LOVE the attention and specially looking at the world from up there instead of down there ;)

  2. you are too cute. Girl I love how proud you are in your own skin. I don't think of myself as a Fashonista either, I always have jeans, and a t or turtle neck on, but my son is always stylish. The funny thing is I worked fashion week and now I am more inspired to be more stylish too. lol

  3. First off i'm jealous that you're 5'11.

    I am kinda like you though. I don't have the fashionista gene so I don't even try. I'm not a slobby mess by any means, but I just don't do the makeup, heels, accessorized from head to toe thing. I'm just not that girl. Oh, look!

  4. Jenn, you are too funny! I think you look cute :) I don't wear heels or necklaces. I rarely (seriously, RARELY) shop for clothes. And I do almost all of my blogging in pajamas. :) But I will say that blogging about outfits is an ego boost! I don't lust over clothes other people have, but I do use their outfits to figure out how to stretch my small closet.

  5. Now is the season for you to be stylish. I used to feel like I didn't have to be stylish because I was just spending most of my day with Moo. However, as my family & the hubby was quick to point out I was starting to look a like a bum even when I went outside the house sometimes. Ouch!!! Yea, the truth hurt, but it made me really dig deep into my closet and pull out some nice things to wear even if I was just hanging out with Moo.

    As moms, I think it's important for us not to lose ourselves or our style because we all of a sudden have a baby to care for. So, my goal this year is to step my style game up even more. I used to be the most stylish girl on campus and now I want to be one of the stylish moms in my playgroup!!

  6. Don't feel bad Jen. I'm lucky if I get dressed at all most days, and then it's never anything other than jeans and a teeshirt. Makeup? What is THAT beast? ;)

  7. LOL great stuff. I used to be pregnancy obliterated that. I too feel cuter with Bam Bam in my arms, but oh how I miss heels!

  8. Y'all are too sweet! Glad to know I'm not alone! And I forgot a major fashion thing I'm suppose to disclose: pants from GAP, shirts from belly band and another maternity line I can't remember at the moment. It starts with an "M" I think. Belt and purse from some accessory party I went to. Boots are Nine West I believe.

  9. We are our worst critics. You look perfectly pretty :)

  10. A lil bit of effort went along way! But I say when you are as sweet and cute as you are...that is what you notice most! Love ya...

  11. Honestly i like the yellow jacket look, its playful fun, cute, modest, natural beauty.

  12. I think you did a lovely job with a fashion blog post ;). I have been working on my own style blog for just a bit I'm one of THOSE people! I'm not sure I always look great though.

    - Angela

  13. What makes fashion easy is not having the unfashionable stuff in your closet to begin with. Additionally, solids are always easier to work with than prints.

    And the biggest rule is, don't wear something that's not 'you.' It's a rookie mistake. If you don't like heels, but even more than that, if you don't know how to wear heels, DO NOT wear them! There are far too many cute flats out there to break the other big fashion rule: confidence will make ANY outfit look good.

    There is a cute way to wear anything, even a t-shirt and basketball shorts.

    I agree that being a mother shouldn't mean sacrificing your style, but you should always remain true to yourself. If you don't wear necklaces, don't wear them. If rings are your thing, spend a little more time and money picking out one or two timeless pieces rather than having a drawer full of cheapies that are totally obvious. Think 'statement' pieces over quantity of said pieces. One good thing is better than 20 so-so things.

    And hair can be your best accessory, so take care of it and you won't need anything but the simplest earrings. A girlfriend of mine rarely wears anything more than a small pair of diamond studs and you barely notice because she always has amazing hair.

    It's not hard to do - you can figure it out!

  14. I am no fashionista either and even if I had tons of money for a new wardrobe I still don't know the first thing about putting together a great fashionable outfit! And I was wondering, is that a cheerio stuck in your sleeve in the last two pics?? Lol! I find those all the time down my daughter's shirts, but I've never found one in mine! Too funny! Love your blog!

  15. If you're gorgeous you can get away with ugly clothes! So you lucked out!

  16. are u kidding me! im over here in awe of all your beautiful baby pics, boxs, paper art, and home made baby food! talk about feeling like i will have to step my game up when i become a mother! lol! by the way ur adorable!

  17. Yea, I'm not a fashionista either....I hate that my two sisters are (it takes me about 2 seasons to catch up to their looks). I love how lil' J is posing in her chair like a true super model!

  18. You totally pull off the "non-matchy" look! Lol.

    But I agree that lil J is such a natural in front of the camera! And you dress her WAY cuter than I dress myself!

  19. Y'all are so sweet!! Thanks!! Jen I was looking for that cheerio because I didn't remember noticing that and now I'm like "what the heck is that???!!!" Lil' J isn't eying cherrios yet so I have no idea where that came from or what the heck that is!! Haha. Once again a fashion #fail!!! Hehe.

  20. You both look great. I like pink outfit is and your flawless makeup.

  21. the yellow jacket outfit is cute sans the socks! slimming and stylish.

    the pink stuff- too teeny-bopper. i think you are too timeless for super trendy stuff. classic lines never go out of style :)

  22. i am so with you!! I'm the same exact way. We need to start the anti-fashion fashion blog. :)

  23. What makes fashion easy is not having the unfashionable stuff in your closet to begin with. Additionally, solids are always easier to work with than prints.

    And the biggest rule is, don't wear something that's not 'you.' It's a rookie mistake. If you don't like heels, but even more than that, if you don't know how to wear heels, DO NOT wear them! There are far too many cute flats out there to break the other big fashion rule: confidence will make ANY outfit look good.

    There is a cute way to wear anything, even a t-shirt and basketball shorts.

    I agree that being a mother shouldn't mean sacrificing your style, but you should always remain true to yourself. If you don't wear necklaces, don't wear them. If rings are your thing, spend a little more time and money picking out one or two timeless pieces rather than having a drawer full of cheapies that are totally obvious. Think 'statement' pieces over quantity of said pieces. One good thing is better than 20 so-so things.

    And hair can be your best accessory, so take care of it and you won't need anything but the simplest earrings. A girlfriend of mine rarely wears anything more than a small pair of diamond studs and you barely notice because she always has amazing hair.

    It's not hard to do - you can figure it out!

  24. I try to make an effort. I rock monochromatic a lot because sometimes I am too tired to think about coordinating! (I have a nine month old). People think that I do it to be chic though! :-) Whenever you doubt your fashion sense just look in the mirror and focus on how cute you are! Please check out by blog at Following you!


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