Sunday, March 6, 2011

365 Love Letters Week 9

I'm beginning to notice a theme in my photos. I've gravitated to only photographing her. I want to get more of a variety this week. It's hard because she's my favorite subject. On Day 16 I told her how she loves the mirror. We started this week the same way.

I got tons of good photos on day 64, it was hard to choose one to edit. I posted the runner up on my facebook page.

My favorite photo this week if probably day 59. It's hardly edited and just a great shot of her in mid-action.

Oh, and a lot of people have been asking me what program I use. I use Photoshop but there's a great website called Pickic where you can edit your photos online for a small fraction of the price of expensive editing software. I believe there may also be a free version. Enjoy!


  1. I like pictures 61. 60. 59. And I love the message in pictures 64. 63. 62. 61. 60. 59. 58. Yes, I couldn't choose, because the message in each picture is beautiful and strong willed just like I like it :)!

    A big hello from Canada.

  2. wow I'm the first one to comment?!? awesome. I love these and I think there is NOTHING wrong with taking lots of pictures of HER...shes a total doll! You won't regret having all those lovely photographs of her. she really is the most beautiful little girl!! And her outfits are to die for :) I;m jealous. Wish I had that much fashion sense. great work, jen!

  3. As always, your messages are so inspirational. My favorite quote is by Henry Ford: "Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're absolutely right."

  4. Sharon that is a great one, now why can't I think of ones that good?! haha.

  5. These always make my week! I spent about 30 minutes the other day showing the girls I work with all of her pictures. There was a ridiculous amount of oohing and aahing over her. :-)

  6. I LOVE these!! she is gettting so big and is so beautiful!! You are so good with a camera :)

  7. Becca and Jen, yalls comments made my day! Thank you so much! :)

  8. Always love seeing your pictures. She is so beautiful. And you take great pictures of her...I wish I could take such beautiful pictures of my baby. And she is always dressed so cutely with her hair done so adorably!!

  9. My heart can't help but melt when I see these pix and read the statements. I'm so digging these weekly posts :)

  10. Thank you thank you! @ShakyMommy I bet you could! Practice makes perfect! :)

    Mrs. K, thank you!! I personally look forward to them every week. haha

  11. I really love this idea, I would love to do something lie this for both my girls. Such a beautiful loving gift to give them when they are older.

  12. oh, your photos are just gorgeous and your daughter... DARLING. love that you are capturing and creating these images. what an amazing "baby book" your little cherub will have.

  13. i looked up Blurb and it seems like that would be better for a photo book, like your 365 love letters. But for my blog with photos I like blog2 prints setup better, because they keep the photos together with the blogposts, blurb doesn't do that or maybe I just couldn't figure it out. I do like that with Blurb you can select which posts specifically to include, but I usually just do a date range, which is why I liked B2P better. And I used a promo code (you can usually just google them, this months is "readysetb2p") and saved 15% off, so my book was $55 and its all glossy with the pictures, so even though its a little pricey, I figure its worth is since I spend so much time putting it together! let me know what you end up doing!

  14. these are beautiful. love your shots.


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