Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Thinking aloud

Have you ever had something come to you and you can't get it out of your head? Something you've really wanted to do? A goal you've had? In the past I guess graduating college, starting my career and having a baby were some of these things, but between all of that, there's been something else lingering in the back of my mind.

It started with a dream. I have very vivid dreams every single night. Most of the time I remember them. I've though of keeping a dream journal but haven't seen the point as when I wake up and tell my husband, mom--or whoever will listen about the dream I had, I usually end up feeling stupid about it, and wonder where the heck my slumber thoughts are coming from. The funny thing is they make so much sense to me when I'm in them, but when I wake up an explain it, I sound like a lunatic.

Well a few years ago I had a weird dream and told several people about it. I thought if I could build upon it, it could even make a good book. I sat down and wrote a few pages then gave up and started on new things. This blog being one of them.

But this dream and book idea has been in the back of my mind for years now. I've always thought it would be so neat to write a book someday. If only I had something good to write about. A good idea. I've thought of somehow transforming my blog into a book but I know so many people who do that--Or try to do that, and I honestly don't know why anyone would want to pay to read my blog in book form. Besides, right now I'm more interested in fiction.

I don't think I'm a great writer. I write for my job but it's so different than fictional writing and so more conversational and elementary. I don't have the skills to write something that could be published someday, but I still think trying (to write, not get published) would be fun to do.

Before having my daughter I dabbled with the idea of applying to graduate school for creative writing. My company has excellent benefits and would even pay for it. Now isn't the time to start a graduate degree, but I did find a creative literature class as a local community college and am considering signing up in the near future. I think it would be such a fun way to explore this passion that's been burning inside me for a while. Even if nothing big ever comes from it, I love to learn and I think the casual no-pressure experience of a class for fun could be good for me, and a good escape from my wife/mom duties. Some nice alone time.
I don't know.--I don't know if this is something I'll really do. I'm just thinking aloud.

"We do not need magic to change the world, we carry all the power we need inside ourselves already: we have the power to imagine better." -J.K. Rowling


  1. I totally know the feeling - I've been wanting to write a book for SO long....I think you're more than capable NOW! Unless of course you want to "learn" in that creative writing class. Pfft! LOL!

  2. I can't say that I remember my dreams. I think there may be a few. One that I remember is from last year when I was pregnant and I had a dream about my son and he told me his name (I knew I was having a boy before the sonogram, and where we got his name). Graduate school used to be my "need to to" thing, but to be honest I am too afraid I may fail out! LOL. If I was going to do a class, it would have to be something like photography or art, where it would distract me from the fact that there are grades. I hate failing.
    If creative writing is something that you like, go ahead and try a few classes. It may give you more ideas for a book.
    BTW I think you write well. :)

  3. What so you mean you're not a great writer?!? I think you're amazing! I always enjoy your posts & even those topics of some that you'd think, "How could a good story come out of this?" you've managed to make a great story out of. I love your writing & I know many others do to. I would buy your book! :) Definitely pursue this dream & good luck!

  4. I have no desire to write a book, but YOU are a good writer. My little guy is J's age and I work full time and am taking one class at a time towards my masters. Online classes work great, and I work on them when he goes to bed and on weekends. It is possible to do:)

  5. You and I are alike in that area for sure. I also looked up some community college courses earlier this year to consider jump starting my writing. I used to write and draw CONSTANTLY before the kiddos started consuming my time. Now I start and stop two books I've had ideas for since my grandfather passed four years ago. This year I've decided to make sure to 'get back to me' (more writing whether through blog, journal, starting and staying with the book concepts and drawing more). So far so good.

    I think sometimes we moms get too wrapped up in our families and kids and forget who we are or put our needs on the back burner, which is a mistake. I think once you act on the thought that keeps nagging at you in the back of your mind you will feel better. Besides, there is a reason it won't go away - because it's something you're meant to do.

    As far as 'non-fiction' goes, I think for sure, there is a strong possibility new moms would love to have a book version of your "365 Love Letters". Don't sell yourself short.

    Good luck to you with the writing!

  6. I rarely comment, but I had to tell you that you are an AMAZING writer!!! You think it, you do it! Right that book , girl!

  7. Jenn, I am certain that you can achieve this dream! You are a fabulous writer -- I love reading your posts. Keep praying about it, and I am sure God will reveal to you the next steps... I'll be praying for you too!

  8. You should totally write a book. The world is changing, I'm not sure you really have to get "published" like convince someone else to put your book in print. My brother wrote a book "Dark and Day" its a young adult science fiction. He worked for at least 5 years on it and he just published it himself on the amazon kindle selling for 99cents for the electronic and there is some way that you can get it in paperback too but i don't remember what he did for that. Now he's working on finishing the sequal.
    Anyway, all i'm trying to say is write your book and there will be a way to share it with the world

  9. I can totally relate.

    Writing a book has been a long {if not totally lost} goal of mine. Since starting my blog {just a few months ago}, this goal has reemerged along with my love for the literary art form. Anyway, I am commenting to share with you a quote that I think you'll love by Zora Neale Hurston:

    "There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside you."

    Those dreams want to come out! Write your book, chica!

  10. Ok, I've always loved the art of writing and reading and that's why I started my own blog this year. I don't always have time to comment and I've been meaning to ask you about your books. I thought you've written some already.

  11. Is that pic your author photo? lol
    i think it's perfect except you need to edit out the hair tie :)

  12. I say never give up on your dreams, persue them!!! I know I would read your book! And I think you may be surprised to see how many others would too...

  13. I have about 3 or 4 book on my laptop that I have started. I dream of becoming like Stephanie or J.K., but I have yet to finish them. Toni Morrison said,"If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it."
    I haven't read anything like my life and all the good and bad, so one day. Maybe just one day.. :)

  14. I think you are a pretty good writer, even if it is more conversational than what you would want your book to be. Everyone starts somewhere, right? What a great idea to take a class at a local community college! It'll give you a good idea of which direction you'd want to go. And yes, it'll be a good break from Wife/mommy duties.

  15. You should absolutely do it! Dreams forgotten are simply a tragedy and a waste. Good luck!

  16. I like your writing style and what you have to say is definitely interesting because it keeps us coming back. Writing a book although challenging sounds like a great idea. It's not my goal at all but I have other "reach for the stars" goals too, so go for it.

  17. You are great writer and I am sure you will get a deal very soon :), just believe in it.

  18. DO IT! Or at least try, because if you don't, you'll always wonder "what if?" I took a creative writing class in college and it was loads of fun. If nothing else, it would be a great way to get in some creative thought during a week full of mommy/wife duties.

    Also, don't know if you know this, but Stephanie Meyers (Twilight series author) started writing Twilight after a dream she had, and she'd never really written before. And look where she is now! You just never know.


  19. It's a great idea! You should look at www.motherwrite.blogspot.com. She is a writer, and she interviews book agents and stuff. It's worth at least taking a look at.

  20. Wow, I don't know how I missed this post. I think that most of the published writers today doubted their ability to write something that was worthy of being published. I think that if you truly want to give it a try then go for it. Now days you don't have go thru the big name publishing houses. More and more authors are turning to self publishing and building from there.

  21. I have about 3 or 4 book on my laptop that I have started. I dream of becoming like Stephanie or J.K., but I have yet to finish them. Toni Morrison said,"If there's a book that you want to read, but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it."
    I haven't read anything like my life and all the good and bad, so one day. Maybe just one day.. :)

  22. I can totally relate.

    Writing a book has been a long {if not totally lost} goal of mine. Since starting my blog {just a few months ago}, this goal has reemerged along with my love for the literary art form. Anyway, I am commenting to share with you a quote that I think you'll love by Zora Neale Hurston:

    "There is no agony like bearing an untold story inside you."

    Those dreams want to come out! Write your book, chica!

  23. You and I are alike in that area for sure. I also looked up some community college courses earlier this year to consider jump starting my writing. I used to write and draw CONSTANTLY before the kiddos started consuming my time. Now I start and stop two books I've had ideas for since my grandfather passed four years ago. This year I've decided to make sure to 'get back to me' (more writing whether through blog, journal, starting and staying with the book concepts and drawing more). So far so good.

    I think sometimes we moms get too wrapped up in our families and kids and forget who we are or put our needs on the back burner, which is a mistake. I think once you act on the thought that keeps nagging at you in the back of your mind you will feel better. Besides, there is a reason it won't go away - because it's something you're meant to do.

    As far as 'non-fiction' goes, I think for sure, there is a strong possibility new moms would love to have a book version of your "365 Love Letters". Don't sell yourself short.

    Good luck to you with the writing!


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