Thursday, April 7, 2011

My plan to shed pounds

This post brought to you by Delta Labs. All opinions are 100% mine.

Nine months and counting. That's how long I've been breastfeeding and with all of the raving about it helping to lose pregnancy weight I thought I'd be back to my pre-baby size by now. And last week I did something I never in a million years thought I'd do.

My husband and I were walking around the mall with our daughter. He was pushing her in the stroller as we passed Victoria's Secret. I looked at the huge poster hanging from the display window of a beautiful Victoria's Secret angel and said "I wish I was that skinny."

This is a stark contrast from the young girl who growing up hated being skinny. I got made fun of, called names, and hated when I was photographed. In middle school I was sent to the guidance counselor because someone accused me of having an eating disorder.

In high school boys didn't like me as much because I didn't have "enough meat on my bones."
When girls in college told me they were jealous of my size I told them not to be. That it was a curse more than a blessing, and that I would trade in a second if I could just gain some weight.
I had never looked at the models with envy and longed for their tooth pick figures, and wondered why anyone else would want that.

I can most definitely testify to the grass being greener on the other side. And now here I am on the other side. Gaining weight wasn't easy when I was skinny, and loosing it isn't any easier. But with determination, bit my bit I'm getting there, and I'm hoping to stay on top of it.

I've found myself uncomfortable in my own skin at times. I'm not wearing makeup as much, and I'm skipping buying clothes for myself so my daughter can have more. Meanwhile I'm stuck avoiding my stretched-out maternity clothes, and pre-baby clothes I can't quite squeeze into until I lose the baby weight.

I'm too scared to step on a scale. My fear stemmed from my husband buying a scale recently, and naturally, I wanted to weigh myself. I weighed only five pounds less than my highest pregnancy weight.

That can't be right. I thought. To this day I don't think it was because it also put my husband at ten or so pounds heavier, and it never seems to zero out (it's one of those arrow-spinning scales). But I'm still avoiding weighing myself. Weight is such an arbitrary number anyway right? Who cares how much I weigh?

More than weight I think I just want to be able to buy clothes in a size I'm comfortable wearing, and be able to just feel confidant again. I told my husband I don't feel attractive and he told me it's all about confidence. It wasn't exactly the reaction I was looking for but it was probably the one I needed to hear. When you feel good about yourself I think others can tell.
So what am I doing to feel more confidant?

1. Well, I'm still on the hunt for skinny jeans. I tried on a few pair at the mall (luckily before I walked past the skimpy lingerie store and got green with envy) and it was quite the work out! Getting them on and off my calf and ankle was seriously strenuous. So far I REALLY like the Old Navy brand, and the price is right, but I'm still wanting to try a designer brand to see if they fit or feel any better. I want to hit up Ross--One of my favorite stores and get some new tops that fit me, and don't hang like maternity shirts.

2. I want to keep cooking and eating better. I like to blame breastfeeding for me hanging on to extra baby fat like a reserve for my daughter, but I also had to blame myself. I was eating out way too much and my metabolism isn't what it used to be. I'm making at least three dinners a week now which is more than ever in my entire life. *Pats myself on the back*.

3. I signed up for another yoga class with my workout buddy (pictured below). Now that Lil' J is older she can crawl around and play with the other babies while i get more of a workout. We just registered for another eight week class.

My workout buddy
My workout buddy. Attire from Agoo.

I also will do cardio, either at home, running, or stroller strides--something I'd still like to try. I love spending time with my daughter and I'm trying to keep her with me as I cook and exercise--1. So I have company and 2. So she can see what it's like to live a healthy life starting at a young age.

3. I'm going to apply makeup, even if it's just lipstick and eyeliner outside of work. I want to look nice off-air too.

And finally, 4. It's a total shot in the dark but I'm trying a postpartum weight loss supplement. I figure what the heck, it couldn't hurt, it has fenugreek and other vitamins in it which help with milk production (I've noticed it working in that department) but it's also suppose to help with fat burning. I'm normally not a sucker for these types of things but I figured I'd try it and see how it goes. I'll let you know. But I imagine with a combination of a healthy diet and exercise routine, I should notice some improvements.

They also sell prenatal vitamins and other health-related goodies. If you comment on this post before April 15th you'll be entered to win a free bottle of prenatal vitamins. I'll draw a winner using and announce her on my facebook page. Good luck!

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  1. I'm not trying to criticize but it's sometimes hard for readers to take your posts seriously when you're always promoting a product.

    I do hope you reach your weight loss goals!

  2. Hey thanks for your comment! I don't see it that way. If I'm writing a post about scholarships and can add a related link in for some extra cash for the fam, it's a win/ win. If I'm writing a post about battling weight loss and can add in a few extra links to earn money during hard times, I'll do it. It's not like I made the whole post up, or wrote a commercial for a product. 

    As far as headbands/ clothes and what not... People always ask me where I buy her things so I do link to the stores in my posts to cut down on repeat emails and to give hardworking mamas some props ;) its not meant to be product-pushing. 

    I try to keep my posts as real as possible but I can't keep everyone happy. 

  3. Good luck to you on your fit journey. I've posted a few times about how I hate the scale and weighing myself. I hate it so much that I only do it when I have to (for ex on doctor's visits). Oh, lil J is a darling.

  4. I feel your frustration! I joined Weight Watchers a few weeks ago because I was desperate for anything that would work. So far so good, it's been amazing and breastfeeding safe! I hope you can find yourself in your postpardum world and learn how to love the 'new you'

  5. Oh wow you have to keep us updated on the supplements! Good luck and tell us! I am doing a 30 day challenge of intense cardio to see if it shocks me, ever since I weaned Sonny now all the wonderful weight I lost I seemed to have found it! Dog on it lol I wished it stayed lost!!!

  6. Good Luck with all of it, your plan sounds ideal. And before you step on that scale again(how ever long that is!) Try to set the zero. They usually have a wheel on the the front(up by the numbers) or back side and if you set something that you know the weight of like a 10lb bag of flour on it and set it to 10lbs, when you take the flour off it will be at an accurate zero. Again, Good Luck!!!

  7. Good Luck! I just managed to lose my weight from baby #6 - and he just turned three!

  8. Everyone says Breastfeeding burns calories.. and it's a lie!!! I lost all my baby weight 2 weeks after my daughter was born but, I still couldn't fit into my clothes. I nursed her until 8 1/2 month and it wasn't until then that not only did my clothes fit normal again... they were actually becoming too large. My daughter is almost 1 and walking.. so I know I'll shed more weight and inches just chasing her around.

    Sounds like you know exactly how to jump start your metabolism and I hope you stick to it.. especially the cooking at home... it makes a HUGE difference!

  9. I owned a natural foods store for 16 years and sold a lot of supplements. It sounds like you have a good balance figured out. It takes diet, exercise, and the supplement to give you a boost. As long as you don't expect a pill to be a "miracle" go for it! As for promoting a product on your blog, if you weren't using it I think it would be uncool. Since you are using the product and can educate people by sharing your journey you should go for it.

  10. Have you heard of Lindsay Brin? Check out She's a pregnancy, postnatal fitness expert, and I LOVE her workouts so much.

    ALthough I'm one of those you probably hate since I lost all my weight and then some by only a few months after having my baby, I completely understand that you want to look good. I'v made a goal to actually DO my hair, wash my face, and AT LEAST put on mascara everyday. Man, even that is hard sometimes. Good luck with losing the weight!! YOu can do it. Maybe sign up for a 5k and get a simple training plan!!

  11. I got made fun of when I was younger for being "too skinny" too! And now I'm in the same boat trying to lose baby weight. Nursing makes me very, VERY hungry... so it feels like a losing battle.

  12. I think your husband is onto something -- it's up to you to feel confident in yourself and your beauty. And kudos to you for taking steps to do it! But don't forget that you did an amazing thing. You nurtured a life inside you for nine months. And your body is still being used to nurture your baby. Your body may never go back to being like it was, but you have a little blessing to show for it. Next time you look at those Victoria Secret's models, remember that they probably haven't had kids, and certainly not one as cute as Lil J. :~) (I do understand being self-conscious about your new mommy figure, though. I tell myself the same thing I just told you. :~))

  13. I hope you reach your weight goal. Yoga is very good.

    But my eyes were for Lil J's lovely dark curls. E' un amore - she a love!

  14. I LOVE that you tell us about various products and resources. Your blog is like a treasure trove of best kept secrets!

    I too am still 15 pounds over pre pregnancy weight. I joined curves last month, I have been walking every day, and I even cut back on my guilty nursing pleasure (brownies)...... But with all that I actually gained 5 pounds!

    I totally understand how you feel as I was always the skinny, no booty girl who wanted I have my stomach lol! Still no booty...... In any case, I finally broke down and bought some new pants. Gap is having a sale and their dress pants are 30 to 35 dollars. I got a shirt on sale at old navy, then really splurged and got two blouses and a jacket at kohls. I did my hair and started back washing my face at night....I'm really trying to get myself together. I wanted to look like a hot mom at my babys first birthday party in June....but I will settle for just not looking run down. Keep us posted on your progress, you are not alone sis!

  15. I agree, I appreciate you sharing ahead of time what it is you use, I can't imagine how often you get asked about everything!

  16. Ohhh! I need to try some of that! I don't want to give up breast feeding but I need to shed some serious baby weight!

  17. I def bet it is easier to let us know about products and resources in your posts, as opposed to sending us all emails. I like to scour around and check out the places you've already tried, and I am even giving them to my friends who have girls! And they keep asking me where I find all this stuff. Miss Baby Making Machine I tell them. hehehe. Keep 'em coming lady!!!
    As for the weight loss, you're a determined gal with an eagle eye on the prize, so I KNOW you will get there. Just cut your self some slack.
    As for MY baby weight, this freaking belly just wants to hang around! And forget my boobs, they fit in none of my pre-pregnancy dresses!

  18. I have about 10 lbs of baby weight left to loose. I never realized how skinny I was before I had my baby. None of my clothes fit. The extra weight really doesn't bother me as much as the size of my huge breast feeding boobs. I have a pretty small frame and I feel like Dolly Parton. Do your boobs shrink back when you stop breast feeding? The thing that really gets me down is that you can always exercise your body. . .but how do you shrink your boobs?

  19. Sending you hugs!! And crossing my fingers that you succeed on not only your immediate weight loss but with journey to healthier living.

  20. I also felt "too skinny" growing up. I remember in high school, my best friend's mom made a comment that I needed to gain some weight. People just didn't understand how hard that was! haha. I worry it will be hard for me to lose baby weight (once I do get pregnant and have a baby) since I've never really needed to lose any before. I look forward to learning through your experience. =) Good luck with your goal!

  21. Our daughters are the same age, and I've yet to shed more than 2 pounds from the day I left the hospital until now. I had my husband get the Wii Fit as my Christmas gift and it sits and collects dust :/ I am so ready to get out of these maternity clothes and back into regular clothes. I exclusively pump and have been since day one which has been zero help in losing weight. Good luck on your journey and let us know how the postnatal pills work!

  22. About 3 months after my baby was born I registered on a site called

    It is basically an online food diary. I love it. I've lost 25 pounds (8 pounds from my goal!) and my husband started it with me and has lost 40 pounds. It is free. There is also an awesome app for the iphone. You plug in your weight, height, age, gender, how much you weigh and how much you want to weigh. It tells you how many calories you can eat per day and calculates your intake by what you put in your diary. It has a huge open-source type database. So, pretty much whatever you eat will already be in the database (fast food restaurants, pretty much anything from the gorcery store). And, if it's not there you can add it to their database. You can also plug in your recipes and it will tell you the nutrition information per serving.

    Can you tell I love it? Anyway, I found that 3 pregnancies and nursing got me to the point where I know longer knew how much I needed to eat and was overeating. Check it out. There is also the option to have "friends". Let me know if you join! It's great.

  23. I love reading your blog, but in the body department, I have to say that it's more important for you to love and respect your body. I remember telling my husband, "I hope Ellie is built like your sister so she doesn't have body image problems." His sister is 5'3" and weighs only 90 pounds. He got upset with me and said, "Just because my sister only weighs 90 pounds doesn't mean she doesn't have severe body issues. Even at that low a weight she still thinks she is too fat." I suggest really trying to love and appreciate your body and respect it rather than trying to get it to fit one of your ideals. We threw out our scale because I finally realized that my weight has no effect on my worth as a wife, mother, friend, and daughter of my Heavenly Father, and I have never been happier with my body, knowing NOT how much it weighs.

  24. I love reading your blog, but in the body department, I have to say that it's more important for you to love and respect your body. I remember telling my husband, "I hope Ellie is built like your sister so she doesn't have body image problems." His sister is 5'3" and weighs only 90 pounds. He got upset with me and said, "Just because my sister only weighs 90 pounds doesn't mean she doesn't have severe body issues. Even at that low a weight she still thinks she is too fat." I suggest really trying to love and appreciate your body and respect it rather than trying to get it to fit one of your ideals. We threw out our scale because I finally realized that my weight has no effect on my worth as a wife, mother, friend, and daughter of my Heavenly Father, and I have never been happier with my body, knowing NOT how much it weighs.

  25. Everyone says Breastfeeding burns calories.. and it's a lie!!! I lost all my baby weight 2 weeks after my daughter was born but, I still couldn't fit into my clothes. I nursed her until 8 1/2 month and it wasn't until then that not only did my clothes fit normal again... they were actually becoming too large. My daughter is almost 1 and walking.. so I know I'll shed more weight and inches just chasing her around.

    Sounds like you know exactly how to jump start your metabolism and I hope you stick to it.. especially the cooking at home... it makes a HUGE difference!

  26. I agree, I appreciate you sharing ahead of time what it is you use, I can't imagine how often you get asked about everything!

  27. I LOVE that you tell us about various products and resources. Your blog is like a treasure trove of best kept secrets!

    I too am still 15 pounds over pre pregnancy weight. I joined curves last month, I have been walking every day, and I even cut back on my guilty nursing pleasure (brownies)...... But with all that I actually gained 5 pounds!

    I totally understand how you feel as I was always the skinny, no booty girl who wanted I have my stomach lol! Still no booty...... In any case, I finally broke down and bought some new pants. Gap is having a sale and their dress pants are 30 to 35 dollars. I got a shirt on sale at old navy, then really splurged and got two blouses and a jacket at kohls. I did my hair and started back washing my face at night....I'm really trying to get myself together. I wanted to look like a hot mom at my babys first birthday party in June....but I will settle for just not looking run down. Keep us posted on your progress, you are not alone sis!


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)