Saturday, April 2, 2011

Oh Boy

The oldest trick in the book, blog style. Sadly those weren't my positive pregnancy tests. But I have decided if I do get pregnant between now and next April I'm definitely saving the announcement until April 1st, then not speaking a word of it again until delivery.

I got about 40 of yall, and only published the comments of those who forgot it was April Fools Day. The other 120  or so weren't fooled. I published those late last night. It was funny reading the range of responses from "AGAIN?!" to "Wow, you're on your way to having a true Mormon family..." to a few sad faces. Sorry if it offended anyone. Seriously. I know pregnancy is a touchy subject for some people and that wasn't the purpose, the purpose was to make you laugh, which I think most everyone totally got. Especially ones who forgot about the date for a moment or Googled "positive pregnancy tests."

Good news is one of my readers, someone who comments on almost every single one of my posts--Even the lame ones where no one comments found out SHE'S pregnant yesterday, after trying for 11 months! So congratulations to Toi! I didn't believe her at first, and she didn't get why. So show her some love when you get a chance!

One of my friends pretend-chopped off her finger and freaked her husband out. My husband and I changed our relationship status on Facebook to "open relationship," which got curious responses. Did you or your kids pull any pranks?


  1. So funny. I thought Toi was joking too. I'm SUPER glad she wasnt!!!

    I wanted to post on FB and on OK DANI that I was preggo yesterday, but hubby nixed it. He said it would be "bad juju" lol.

    I didn't agree but because he had a strong feeling on it, I didn't post it.

    I hope you do change your mind though, I'd like to read/see your thoughts on your 2nd pregnancy, just like you did with pregnancy #1.

    Have a great weekend girlie,


  2. Oh you totally got me! LOL I forgot. I think to make it up to those of us who fell for it and feel stupid you should really get pregnant...

  3. While I did not fall for your post, my own dear mother (who had her last child at 40 - 8 years ago!) send us this email:

    "Dear Girls,

    I'm writing to let you know that in spite all of our precautions, your father and I are expecting another child due September 10th. I didn't tell anyone (especially not your Nana) until we were safely through the first trimester. Dr. Reed says that it's another boy (yeah, right). The sonogram was fun; it really took me back to when I was expecting James.
    Please check the date of this email since I'm sure it will let you know that I am only pulling your leg. "

    She got her desired reaction- namely, me freaking out (at work) until I finished the email. My coworkers absolutely died laughing. So, the pregnancy gag is apparently still an extremely valid April Fools gag. :)

  4. Hahahah!!! You are too funny! I totally forgot it was April Fool's Day!

  5. yikes i was surprised at those reactions on your blog... i thought it was hilarious, because i really wasnt sure if it was true or not!

    good gag, I got a good laugh of it at least :)
    forget all those haters, I think youre stellar.

    good luck on the babymaking anyways !

  6. As I scrolled down to the bottom, I saw that no one had said anything about april fools, and I thought, "how can this possibly be? None of J's other readers thought about this being an april fools joke?" So I guess, in a way, you did get me :)

  7. Thanks for mentioning me in your post. You are adorable darling :)! Thank you.

  8. I pulled that stunt on my family a few years ago. It never fails to trip people up, at least momentarily.

    I changed my husband's Facebook profile picture to one of Kobe Bryant, since he hates him so much.

  9. You got me!! As for my kids, I teach and I got one of my colleagues. He asked me to cover his class so he could step out for a moment. I told the kids to hide. You should have seen them run around the room trying to find a good hiding place. It was cute to watch from my perspective. I still stand by my post....Babies are such a blessing.

  10. LOL good stuff. You weren't the only one that pulled that trick:) I was also so very excited for TOI. AT least one of them were real!;)

  11. See, I knew you were far too practical for that!

    I didn't do anything for April Fool's since I hate it when people get me, but my husband put up a status update saying our new sonogram showed we were having twins. He got a couple people with it, but my mom was too sharp for that ;)

  12. You would've fooled me if I hadn't seen this post first. :-) I definitely wasn't going to play that joke on my blog readers...especially it's almost impossible to get pg while not having intercourse. ROFL

  13. Hi there! I've been a follower of yours for some time but am just now leaving you a comment! I had to laugh when I read this post because, sadly, I was one of the many who forgot what day it was when I saw those BFP's! Now that I know the joke is on me, I laugh. :)

    I absolutely love your blog and LOVE your adorable baby girl! I'm a new mother to a 6-month-old baby girl myself, and it's the best feeling in the world. There's nothing more fun than dressing her in the girliest of colors and forming that oh-so-special mother/daughter bond!

    Feel free to stop by my blog sometime! I'd love to have you as a follower, too! And way to go with the awesome April Fool's joke--you definitely got me! ;)

  14. Hahaha I knew I was right :)


  15. Of course I completely forgot what date it was yesterday! Aw.

  16. Aww, what?? bummer!! i was so happy for you too!! x

  17. Yes, I am so excited for TOI also. I thought she was also joking and I'm glad to see that she is not. Such a blessing for her and her hubby. You didn't fool me. I remembered it was April Fool's Dy and remember you mentioning in a previous post that you would be more private next time. :)

  18. I told my parents I was pregnant. They didn't really believe me. I told them again on April 2. :-)

  19. I thought it was funny! No one should be offended.
    Your daughter ist such a cute Baby. I love all the photos of her! Kids are a real blessing! I have three. (Tried to work on my real Mormon

    Have a wondeful week!

  20. Hi there! I've been a follower of yours for some time but am just now leaving you a comment! I had to laugh when I read this post because, sadly, I was one of the many who forgot what day it was when I saw those BFP's! Now that I know the joke is on me, I laugh. :)

    I absolutely love your blog and LOVE your adorable baby girl! I'm a new mother to a 6-month-old baby girl myself, and it's the best feeling in the world. There's nothing more fun than dressing her in the girliest of colors and forming that oh-so-special mother/daughter bond!

    Feel free to stop by my blog sometime! I'd love to have you as a follower, too! And way to go with the awesome April Fool's joke--you definitely got me! ;)

  21. While I did not fall for your post, my own dear mother (who had her last child at 40 - 8 years ago!) send us this email:

    "Dear Girls,

    I'm writing to let you know that in spite all of our precautions, your father and I are expecting another child due September 10th. I didn't tell anyone (especially not your Nana) until we were safely through the first trimester. Dr. Reed says that it's another boy (yeah, right). The sonogram was fun; it really took me back to when I was expecting James.
    Please check the date of this email since I'm sure it will let you know that I am only pulling your leg. "

    She got her desired reaction- namely, me freaking out (at work) until I finished the email. My coworkers absolutely died laughing. So, the pregnancy gag is apparently still an extremely valid April Fools gag. :)


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)