Tuesday, April 5, 2011

What can I tell you that you don't already know?

My Little Journey,

You definitely have more letters than any other 9 month old I know. What are you going to do with all of these? You have over 95 daily letters from me this year so far, plus 8 letters for each month birthday, about 75 from when you were in my tummy, and another few from before you were even there. You are quite loved. I'm already worried about keeping this up for your future siblings. I'd better get started now so they can have as fun of a collection.
Ralph Lauren Polo Dress via Ebay; Headband c/o Elle Belle's Boutique

I'm already to the point where I am worried I'm going to tell you everything I know before you're a year old. Hopefully I'll keep learning and remember to tell you everything else I know. I'll keep this short to make sure I don't run out of things to say.

We went to your nine month checkup and you didn't need any shots. It was such a relief for me. I was panicking all day looking at your smiling face and worried about you having to be in pain, even though it's only momentary. You came in at 19 pounds 8 ounces, and 28 inches long. Your no longer in the 95th percentile, which makes me a little sad, but I knew this day would eventually come. You're still in the 70th.

You are such a happy, but serious child. You watch everyone so intently like you're figuring them out. Everyone notices that about you when you meet them. People often call you "serious." Once you warm up to them you show off your big beautiful smile though, and will usually try to start a conversation. None of it is in English of course. Well, noting besides "Mama" and "Dada". At least you've learned how to say my name now--Though it's much less commonly spoken.

How are you sleeping? Well, you've got us whipped, let's just say that. You can go down to sleep just fine when we put you in your bed, and sleep in your room by yourself, but when you wake us up in the middle of the night, somehow you end up  in our room. I know this won't last forever though so I'm taking it in strides.
Oilily Spring Dress c/o Jilly Bo Billy; Curled goose feather headband c/o Elle Belle's Boutique
You love to pull up on everything, and crawl everywhere. You're very courageous, and love hanging upside down and swinging high in swings.

It's funny how much I love you. I often wonder if this strong emotion near obsession will go away someday. I hope not. It's kinda fun.

I love you baby girl.


Everyone who comments on this post before the 16th will be entered to win a headband from Elle Belle's Boutique. You can "like" her on facebook and thank her for the giveaway for an extra entry. Can't wait to win? Use code "FACEBOOK10" to save 10%. One winner will be selected using Random.org and announced on my Facebook Page.


  1. I think that is a parents fear, what about the next. How will I love the next as much or more. Somehow it just happens, at least for most of us. I can't wait to get a glimpse of the actual scrapbook you must be putting together with those wonderful letters.

  2. My how far these letters have come! So sweet!!!!

    I can't say it enough...she is absolutely adorable!

  3. I think about the same things...I am about to be 32 and I feel like I am now just learning about life through BamBam. I can't wait to have another

  4. I love the notes. I too think that is a fear with most mom, will I be able to do all this with future children? I think we will always make sure we do special things for them bit not necessarily the same things.

  5. She is so beautiful!! My little girl will be 9 months old at the end of the month, and she's always been in the 90th percentile for height and weight too, and I love it!! It'll make me sad when she dips below that, so I totally understand.

  6. I wonder how it will be possible to love a second, or third, child as much as I love my son, too. Because I feel 'obsessed' with him, as well! Somehow, I think the love will just expand!

    I LOVE Lil' J's headbands..maybe my second will be a girl..

    We're in the same boat, sleepwise: goes down in his crib great, winds up in our bed..& I'm ok with it!!

  7. I love that top headband of Little J's...would be beautiful for Easter!!

    froggy_luver at hotmail dot com

  8. Oh man, we are working on the sleep thing too. I use to laugh at people who would say their two year old still gets up in the night...surely that won't be my child. We're on 6 months and last night she was up 3 times! O-well!

  9. Your letters are so special. I can only imagine how J will feel re-reading them throughout her life.

  10. I love that you have done this for her. She will love the letters when she is older. Also, love the headband. Thanks for the chance to win.

  11. I am sure you will always find new ideas to share with her. And also her siblings will have the same attention you are dedicating to Lil J.

  12. My child is almost two and still ends up sleeping in our bed most nights. Like you and your hubby, we put her in her own bed to fall asleep , and she normally graces us w/ her presence by 2 or 3 am. Oh well, I just figure the day will come down the road when she doesn't want to be around us at all, so I'll soak this time up!

    I liked Elle Belle's boutique on FB and said thanks for the giveaway :)

  13. OMG that first picture is to die for. She looks just like you in the 2nd picture and that headband is the bomb.
    (yes, i still say the bomb.)


  14. There will always be things to teach her. :D. And I LOVE that headband

  15. Love all your letters to sweet Lil J...I wish my mother had done that for me, what wonderful memories to share with her. Your a fab Mom Jennifer! Oh and I love the headbands! :)

  16. She will cherish those letter forever. She is growing so fast, so beautiful!

  17. I look forward to these letters and pictures all the time. She sure has grown so much and is so adorable!
    I remember when our kids were little they were always in our room or us in theirs. It increased when they were sick, which was often. They grow so fast and it was the best time of our lives. Luckily we have grandbabies now! Also incredible!
    spencer1953 at gmail dot com.

  18. Like Elle Belle's Boutique on FB and left a message-carol yerby lewis.

    spencer1953 at gmail dot com.

  19. Lil J is getting so big! She reminds me of my little Nia who will be 8 months next month - people also say the "serious" comment about her. Would love to win the headband ;-)

  20. I just love these letters. I need to start doing that.

  21. So cute and that second headband is really cool, I have never seen one like that for kids!

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. I love the purple feather. Such a lovely post.

  24. I love the headbands!!!! Love reading your letters too.

  25. I love your letters. I've also loved getting to watch Lil Join grow up. I laugh when I think back to when she was just born & you said you weren't sure how many pictures you were going to share of her. Now we get to see about 7 each week. Haha but how can you resist that face?!?

    I love her head bands & cute hair accessories. I keep thinking, I can't wait for my daughter to have as much hair as Lil J does so she'll look just a cute with hair accessories!

  26. Your letters truly are amazing. I bet we all wish we had something like that to look back on--I know I sure wish I do. But still, even the daily pictures are special..so maybe you can think of something else to do with pictures of Lil J's future siblings :) You're so creative so I have no doubt about that!

  27. I used to hate not being able to remember if Moo was suppose to get shots or not at her appointments or either when I showed up surprise surprise it was flu shot time. Why can't immunizations come in a swallowable liquid form?

    I am sure that you won't run out of things to tell her. As she gets older you'll learn new things about her, yourself & parenting & life in general to pass on to her. Now the second year might be a little difficult. LOL.

  28. Thanks to you, my baby girl now has monthly letters from her mommy. I appreciate that you've shared with us and your ideas are wonderful! I'm all about simplicity, and what could be more simple than using my blog to save the letters to my baby?

    And those headbands...adorable!

  29. Haha just realized my phone changed "Lil J" to "Lil Join"

  30. She is SUCH a doll!!! You most definitely have to make more babies because this one is just too beautiful...and the world needs more beauty :-)

  31. I love your blog, posts, pictures. I need to twist my hubby's arm to get me a new camera, maybe if I let him get his motorcycle then it won't seem so much? Love your blog, and everything about it!

  32. I'm not a girly girl and neither is my 2 year old, but I have to say I adore those headbands and will be getting me some pronto whether or not I win! :) Hopefully my daughter will keep them in her hair. We had a time just getting her used to the regular headbands and hair clips. hahah Hey, told you were weren't 'girly'.

    Anyway, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your letters and am in the process now of trying to mimic them for my four. Hope I can come up with some good lessons :)

  33. she gets cuter every day...off to look at the feather headbands...ADORABLE!

  34. I was just thinking "that's a very cool headband." Thanks for the giveaway!

  35. Has it been that long already! Wow, please tell time to slow down a little! I do love your little letters to her, they are the sweetest. Yikes at being able to keep the letter coming with your other kids. You better, or they will let you hear about it! LOL

  36. What a sweet letter :) I'm expecting my first this year and this just made me much more excited! Love the headbands, too!

    danielleaknapp at gmail dot com

  37. You are quite the talented working mom. Just knowing that you made the time to write all those letters to your baby girl will mean the world to her.She is quite blessed to have you for a mommy!

  38. And I liked her on FB.

    (Note: don't search Elle's Belle's on FB unless you want to know more about a burlesque show.)

  39. You didn't have the wrong link. I just did a FB search instead of clicking your link. :)

  40. Oh, Jennifer, your LO is SO cute!! And, I love the feather clip. I've been messaging with EBB, and she's truing to find me a particular shade of blue for a clip just like that. I also am planning to get one of the ones with a rosette, feather, and bit of netting. I love her stuff! Thank you so, so much for introducing her business to us!

  41. I "liked"her page on FB... And, that headband looks amazing in her sweet, curly hair.=)

  42. That is so sweet. I did the same while my kids were in the womb(and now) I started their notebook. I write to them as often as I can. However, yes baby #1 has tons of letters-- #2 not as much, and poor baby #3. However, he knows he is loved and I *Always* make sure to get a letter done on their b-days. Good Luck with the letters-- they are lovely : )


I more than welcome your comments! I love them and am always looking for advice, encouragement, and love to read about your personal experiences! Speak your mind! And feel free to leave a link to your blog so I can learn more about you! Remember, no comment is too long :)