Sunday, May 1, 2011

365 Love Letters Week 16

This may be my favorite week of photos so far. Once again I uploaded these on my Facebook Page each day and it really gave me motivation to get through the day... As strange as that sounds.

Someone asked me a few weeks ago if my husband helps me go out and do some of these photo shoots or if I carry everything myself. I do it all myself! The photo he's in this week I took with my remote and he did help me bring my stuff out for that one. Oh, and he does help me load up the car before Lil' J and I get out to our location, but usually it's just me and my girl doing our thang, and me carrying tons of equipment on my own, plus a baby. It's quite the sight I tell ya.

This is really turning into a HUGE hobby of mine. It's crazy seeing how my pictures are evolving from day 1 to now. I'm thinking of doing a DIY indoor studio. I'll post my progress if I get that going.

Anyway, each of these photos has a little story so I'll caption them all. My favorite is probably 117 or 119. It was the first real good sad photo I've caught of her and it breaks my heart every time I look at it. It almost makes me feel bad for taking it, but I want to remember every moment.
Bow and bubble dress (better photo coming soon) from Sumos Sweet Stuff
She wouldn't let go of my legs, and really wanted me to pick her up. 90% of the time when I'm at home and standing, if I look down I'll see this.

We were taking photos and she was so happy looking at the cows. But after a bit I think her teeth started bothering her again. The only way I could keep her happy was by singing "the grand old Duke of York" when I stopped she'd cry. I snapped this picture before I picked her up.

Piano from CSN Stores
Her new piano. She LOVES this thing. I'll post a video later this week. She was in bed when I snapped this or else you'd see her banging it.

Headband from Bella Fleur Boutique
We were doing a photoshoot for the headband but she wanted to be close to me, I turned the camera around and snapped this.

Up-cycled vintage dress from Wendy Miracle; Bow from Little Smash
She could catch flies with this mouth. She was so proud of climbing in and out of the front door.

Polo Dress via Ebay; Hat from Toile Tails
By this I don't mean "settle" but be grateful. Don't get jealous of what others have because you'll never have it all if you think that way.

Her dress: Burlington Coat Factory; My dress: DEB
Our family Easter photo. Smiling darling husband and all... Oh shoot, minus Snoop, ok I'll try to get all four of us in one next week! For the first time ever!

Which one is your favorite? And if you're doing a 365 let me know! I keep discovering new ones!


  1. Aw! I love all of them, though I can REALLY relate to the first one because my daughter, Britt, is ALWAYS hanging onto my legs. She always wants to be held! Unless I want to hold her. Lol. You are such a cute lil family!

  2. Just LOVE the last pic of your beautiful family. Def one for the wall. I know u have already done a post on which website u use to edit ur pics but could u tell us what atual changes u make to ur pics. I am just starting out and have a Canon 1000d SLR and could use some tips :)

  3. My fav is where she's holding on looking up at you:-)

  4. I know exactly what you mean on 118, I have always felt this way. I want my kids to be able to do everything I wanted to do but couldn't, or to do the things they want to do :) I can't wait until my little girl is old enough for dance classes, she loves to dance and I have a feeling she is going to be great at it!

  5. She is more beautiful every day! Gorgeous little sweetie. I love the way you dress her up!
    I love these pictures but so sad to see her cry.
    You have a lovely family.

  6. I love the family photo just because of what it is, but they are all really beautiful.

  7. Every week I look forward to your 365 post. Thank you.....and as she gets older, you will there to help her with her disappointments.

  8. Oh Jennifer they're all so great! Your images are always wonderful. Lil J looks precious even when crying. What a lamb!


  9. UGH!!! #119 ;( Breaks my heart! Poor baby just want to love her up. She's adorable great job on these pics they are fabulous!!

  10. I have one sad/crying pic of Moo and I keep it saved to a storage card because I can't stand to look at it. J is getting so big and too cute. The camera really loves her!!

  11. She is just so absolutely beautiful! May faves are 120 and 116, and your family pic is gorgeous! Love your outfit!

  12. She COULD catch flies in that sucker! :-)

    I told you on FB that my favorite is the one of her looking up your leg, but I think I lied. I love, LOVE the one of both of you. Such a really great shot! :-)

  13. Ya'll are such a sweet and adorable fam. And I cannot say enough about Lil J!!!! Girlfriend is seriously cute and it just keeps growing!!!! Wow. Her clothes, her headbands...just fabulous. I want it all for Layla. Oh right. Layla is 3.5 going on 35...hahahaha!!! And your 365 tickels me all the time. I enjoy them all so much.

  14. I love 120 but I I love the family pic a lot too. Can't wait to see the one with Snoop in it.

  15. Your daughter is absolutely cute! My husband and I (he's caucasian and I'm african), we're trying for a baby. I hope he/she wil have the cute, curly afro your baby has, lol =)

  16. Your family Easter photo is gorgeous! Great picture of everyone!!

  17. I just found your blog and I love love love it.. your pictures are amazing and your quotes are inspirational, thank you!


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